
Something in the Air

"Ahh!" Waking up in cold sweat is not a great feeling, especially on a night after a good feeling. "Right when I thought I was relieved. What's stressing me out so much?"

I decided to walk down stairs to get some water. I thought that it would have possibly helped me. However, the feeling was still strange.

"Why do I feel so weird?"

I then decided to go outside for some fresh air. I took deep breaths. It seemed to have soothed the feeling down a bit more.

"That's better."

It must have been that I wasn't used to not having my brother around. Usually Levi was up every night reading. I would come out of bed and he would talk with me for a bit before I went back to bed. Now, I can't do that anymore.

I then took in another deep breath. "The air smells weird."

I took another whiff. The air didn't smell normal. It kind of smelt a little like exhaust. Was there someone driving around here?

I continued to walk around the neighborhood, checking each of my neighbors cars. Each one was off. However, there was a car that I have never seen before parked on the curbside.

I walked over to it and looked through the window. Inside, there was a woman with her head laid on the steering wheel, and her mouth was open. She could be asleep, but I should make sure.

I began to knock on the window to see if the woman would wake up, but she didn't. Please don't let her be dead. I then looked at the back of the car. I smelled exhaust. 80% out of 100, she's dead.

I took out my phone and called Mr. Bianchi. He took a while before answering, but then he picked up. "Hello?" He answered in a tired voice.

"Mr. Bianchi. I think someone is dead."


"You attract dead people, don't you?" Mr. Bianchi told me sarcastically.

"It's just two times. I'm just happy I'm the one who found her."


"My other neighbors would have freaked out."

"That's true. Do you know who this lady is?"

"Nope. Never seen her before." I answered truthfully.

"Really?" Mr. Bianchi began to rub his chin. "Is that so..."

"What's wrong, Mr. Bianchi?"

"Nothing, just that it seems to be a car that hasn't been moved."

"What? But the car was on." I answered.

"But checking with the other neighbors, the car has seemed to be here for a few days when you were at the detention center."

"Ah..." That's true. I haven't been here, so I wouldn't know. "So do you think the cause was carbon monoxide poisoning?"

"Possibly, but the neighbors haven't seen this women before. It would be awfully strange for her to have died because of that reason."

"Is there any signs of struggle? Like bruises on the neck or wrists?"

"Bot that the police saw. We will have to see what the autopsy report announces." Mr. Bianchi informed me.

"Oh, ok."

"For now," Mr. Bianchi landed his hand on my shoulder, "Please rest."

I nodded my head in agreement, but I couldn't stop thinking about how odd this murder was. Not that the other murder was odd, it's just that I have a weird gut feeling. Who is this woman, and why was she in my neighborhood?

I decided that I shouldn't stress myself out about the case any longer for the night, so I went back to my home. I trust Mr. Bianchi knkws what he is doing. He did help me with the last case after all.