Chapter 3: CHEESE FRIES!!

Jason towered over Hiroshi, his six-foot-nine frame casting an ominous shadow. He was the school's wrestling all-star, a man whose appearance suggested he wrestled bears as a pastime. He had jet black hair that was evenly trimmed and all combed back, with a face that seemed aggressive yet somber. His short temper was infamous, and his passion for wrestling seemed born out of the need to productively channel his aggression. However, he discovered an unfortunate delight in sending opponents to the stretcher with his quote on quote "technique," that was the only time you would see him smile.

Shun and Tia, trailing behind Hiroshi, arrived at the alleyway just in time to witness Hiroshi dangling in the air, a testament to Jason's wrath. Jason was venting his frustration on Hiroshi, who was bearing the brunt of his wrath. "So, are we in agreeance yet? You'll be buying my after-school snacks for a month," demanded Jason, glaring at the battered Hiroshi.

Shun, taking in the sight of his friend held aloft by Jason, felt his blood run a degree colder. The alleyway was silent except for the distant laughter of children and the low growl of Jason's voice. "So, Hiroshi, have we reached an understanding? You're buying my snacks for a month for wasting my food today. And if you still feel like playing hardball, we can repeat this scene until I get my fill," Jason declared, his voice dripping with menace.

Hiroshi, dazed and hurting, could only nod weakly. Shun, however, was not about to let this pass. He stepped forward, his tone firm but measured, "Jason, that's enough. You've made your point, and Hiroshi has apologized. There's no need for this to continue."

Jason turned his gaze towards Shun, his eyes glinting dangerously. "And who's going to make me, Shun? You?" he sneered. Shun met his gaze evenly, "If that's what it takes, yes."

The tension in the alleyway was palpable. Shun stood his ground, his hands clenched into fists, his stance mirroring his resolve. He was a mixed martial artist, skilled in the art of patience and precision. Jason was a formidable opponent, a wrestling star who thrived on raw power. But Shun was not intimidated.

Jason, amused by Shun's audacity, let out a harsh laugh. "So, you want to play hero, Shun? Fine by me. Let's see what you've got."

The fight began in earnest. Jason, big and powerful, charged at Shun with the force of a runaway freight train. But Shun was quick, he sidestepped the brunt of Jason's attack and retaliated with a swift roundhouse kick. "A roundhouse should be fast enough, it's not the best I can do, known for its speed and power," Shun thought to himself.

But Jason was no ordinary opponent. He caught Shun's leg mid-air and attempted a takedown, a classic wrestling move. But Shun, experienced in the art of grappling, twisted his body, narrowly avoiding a slam to the concrete. "Nice try, Jason. But it's going to take more than that," Shun said, his voice calm but firm. The fight was far from over.

"Alright then, let's see how you handle this," Jason retorted, his muscular frame heaving with exertion. He lunged for Shun again, aiming to land a double leg takedown this time, another popular wrestling move.

Shun, however, had other plans. He swiftly switched his stance, adopting a more defensive posture. As Jason lunged, Shun sidestepped and delivered a powerful elbow strike to Jason's exposed side. "It's time to show you what a real fighter is Jason. It's all about using one's whole body as a weapon," Shun explained, his tone casual, as if he wasn't in the middle of a brawl.

Unfazed, Jason roared and came at Shun again, this time with a flurry of wild punches. Shun, relying on his training, deftly dodged and parried, using Jason's momentum against him. He delivered a swift knee strike to Jason's midsection, leaving him gasping for air.

"Ever heard of a clinch knee strike, Jason?" Shun taunted, his confidence growing with each successful move. "It's a Muay Thai technique, great for people like you."

Jason, winded and feeling the sting of Shun's strikes, was far from defeated. He gathered his remaining strength and lunged at Shun one last time.

But Shun was prepared. He swiftly sidestepped, letting Jason's momentum carry him forward. Then, with a swift and precise move, he applied a rear naked choke, a quick submission technique he picked up from Brazilian jiu jitsu, effectively cutting off Jason's air supply.

"Wrestling isn't the only martial art with some great submission techniques, Jason," Shun said, his voice steady but firm. Jason struggled, but it was futile. He tapped out, signaling his surrender.

Shun released him and stepped back, breathing heavily but victorious. He had won, not by brute strength, but by skill, endurance, and a superior understanding of various martial arts techniques. The alley was quiet once again, save for the heavy breathing of the two fighters and the distant hum of the city.

Jason, defeated and gasping for breath, slowly pushed himself off the ground. His eyes, filled with a mix of disbelief and respect, met Shun's. "Damn you, Shun," he growled, his voice a rough whisper.

Shun, still catching his breath, smiled thinly. "What's the matter big guy, was I too hard on you. It's about skill not just size Jason. " he replied, his voice calm and composed. He extended a hand to help Jason up, a clear offer of peace after their intense brawl.

Jason, after a moment's hesitation, smacked Shun's hand and picked himself up. He wiped the sweat off his forehead and let out a gruff sigh. "You've got guts, Shun. I'll give you that," he admitted, his tone begrudgingly respectful.

Shun nodded, maintaining his composed demeanor. "And you too man, I hope we can spar on a different day with better conditions." Leaving that out as a open request, hoping his words would maybe earn him a friend.

With the tension diffused, Shun walked over to Hiroshi, who was still recovering from the earlier confrontation. "You okay, Hiro?" he asked, his tone filled with concern.

"Yeah, I think so," Hiroshi replied, rubbing his bruised arm. He looked at Shun with newfound respect. "That was... incredible, Shun."

Shun smiled lightly at his friend. "Let's just get to the arcade, okay? Today's been eventful enough."

As they left the alleyway, the sun began to set, casting a warm glow over the city.