The transparent sea monster is stupid

It felt very annoying as the invader thought that the transparent sea monster was messing with it.

Still, Running while fighting, the same action was being repeated by both of them.

The invader wanted again thought that then it probably waiting for the other white balls of light to appear in the vicinity. After that, they will finish it off with ease as it now was barely hanging on due to the breaks on its body and faint white lights are repeatedly being withered from its body.

As the time flew by, the invader became quite fluent in using its tentacle wrapped with orange gas striking the transparent tentacle with its vibration and its shake like a fluttering fish as before. That wasn't just the change in this exchange the transparent sea monster also increased its speed in stretching its single tentacle toward the invader. Yeah, the actions were the same just the speed has increased.

The invader didn't want to continue this meaningless fight. But what can it do if somehow that transparent tentacle touches it will surely bring a great disaster to it. Previously when the transparent monster appeared first it was able to neutralize the gases it produce for a long time even before touching it, just the aura of the sea was enough. Luckily it escaped from there, then what about now? What would happen if the tentacle touched it?

The invader was quite exhausted and it wanted to end the battle as fast as possible. Then it thought of some new battle strategy while fighting against the transparent sea monster.

The invader formed a lot of tentacles then those tentacles headed toward the approaching the other orange-colored tentacle what he was most afraid of happening, it happened again. Its tentacle that was stretched toward the orange-colored gas just shattered into many pieces it floated back in its body.

It again stretched some tentacle the same thing happened again.

It then stopped stretching any new white light tentacle from itself. Then with its smooth control, it started arranged the orange-colored tentacle in a certain pattern. It formed a circular pattern leaving behind a large space in between them.

Then formed the thin tentacle made of light. Those thin tentacles wrapped around each other forming a thick tentacle.

The thick tentacle stretched itself at the center of the orange-colored tentacles that has stretched itself in a circular pattern. It started to manifest the green-colored gas on its tentacle.

Though it has already formed the green-colored gas still it felt threatened by this green-colored gas. As extra precaution management meant it started to produce the purple-colored gas on its few tentacles that were also placed behind the green-colored gas surrounding it.

It didn't stir them yet. But when these new purple and green colored gas was formed it along with the orange-colored gas that was already present there. It formed a beautiful circular pattern of three colors.

It still didn't stir them yet. The hesitation can be easily felt from its body. When the three colors circular pattern was formed the transparent monster below it stretched two more transparent tentacles toward it.

It felt elated when it saw that three tentacles were heading toward it. It felt elated because it felt that finally the transparent was also going to attack it like a true opponent no messing with it. It felt like being recognized by this transparent sea monster. It made it proud and happy.

When the three tentacles were about to reach it. it didn't hesitate anymore as it stirred the green gas which was releasing a cool, fresh feeling toward its tentacles, it knew when it stirred the green gas more and more it won't be enjoyable like right now but a hellish chilling feeling will spread from it.

The vibration from the orange-colored tentacle was able to destroy the three transparent tentacles but because the focus of the vibration was focused on three tentacles instead of one its power diminished by a lot. the three tentacles were only destroyed halfway when it regenerated the tentacles from the broken parts the shattered water splashed into the sea.

The invader stirred the green-colored gas more and more finally it turned into its liquid form. When the liquid form was formed. The invader wrapped the other parts of that tentacle with dark violet-colored gas. It knew if it didn't warp itself with its mighty dark violet-colored gas it will surely get frozen before it can freeze the enemy.

When the green liquid was formed the same chilling effect spread from it but it stopped when it came toward the dark violet-colored gas. As expected the invader was quite happy with this result but there was another problem the effect of the green liquid seemed to be wearing off as the liquid upon the touch of the dark violet-colored gas it was turning into its gaseous form again.

It stirred the green gas more and more to keep it in its liquid form then it retracted the yellow-colored gas from those tentacles slowly, slowly. The reacted parts started to freeze themselves and the freezing power of the green liquid grew stronger and stronger.

te invader started to swing the tentacles holding the green liquid on them.

A few of the vibrations from the orange-colored gas were directed toward the tentacles that were holding the green liquid. It stuck on those tentacles then it split apart from there.

The green liquid along with the frozen tentacles and there were few tentacles where there was little dark violet-colored gas were present flew toward the advancing tentacles of the transparent sea monster. Then it struck at those three advancing tentacles.

As expected those three tentacles froze mid-air not advancing anymore. The green liquid disappeared immediately upon contact with the transparent tentacle but did its work by freezing them .

The invader felt elated and started to sway in happiness due to the succession of its little scheme.

And it stopped running and stood there like it didn't want to run anymore and wanted just to enjoy the misfortune of the transparent sea monster. If it wanted to run it can run as the tentacles of the sea monster got stuck in the space how can it advance from there if it wanted to compete with it. There was no threat from it anymore.

The transparent sea monster started to stretch another three tentacles from its body then it started to advance toward the invader. The invader grinned with its non-existence face and it repeated the same action as before the three advancing tentacles froze again in mid-air. There were six frozen transparent tentacles in front of the invader hanging in the space not going up or down fixed in the same position.

The transparent sea monster stretched another three tentacles from its transparent body. Then it again advanced toward the invader just like before. Then one of the tentacles struck the frozen tentacle other two passing by the side advancing toward the invader.

As usual, the invader froze these two before they can advance from there. The third tentacle took a turn from there and advanced toward the invader. As expected this tentacle also got frozen before it can advance now there were three more frozen tentacles making them nine frozen tentacles.

The sea monster stretched another three transparent tentacles. Those tentacles struck behind those nine frozen tentacle than it took a leeway and advanced toward the invader. The tentacles got frozen by the invader's attack again.

The invader felt like it was a stupid monster and it didn't want to play with it anymore so. That's for today, that's it. It wanted to leave this place as soon as possible and start to heal its body and wanted leave this damned place.

While it was thinking about leaving this place. The transparent sea monster started to stretch another three tentacles from its body. Looking at this action of the transparent sea monster. It became angry and waited for these tentacles to arrive so that it can freeze these tentacles again.

It got angry because it felt that how dare this stupid monster stretch its damned tentacle didn't it freeze them enough the stupid transparent sea monster was asking for a beating.

Just like before the tentacles were stretched behind the frozen tentacles after stumbling on them it took a leeway and started to creep toward the invader. As usual, the invader froze those tentacles mid-air.

The transparent sea monster repeated its action again and again. The same thing happened again and again. The transparent sea monster kept stretching its tentacle and the invader kept on freezing them. Who knows how many of those transparent tentacles were frozen by the invader because there were uncountable frozen tentacles in front of it.

In this exchange, the invader also became quite proficient in using the green, orange, and dark violet-colored gas. It wasn't afraid of using the green-colored gas anymore.

There were still three transparent tentacles squirming behind the frozen tentacle hoping to find a space to advance toward the invader. The invader sneered at the stupid transparent sea monster.