The bizarre condition of the invader

The invader pierced its own body again. On his mark was able to pierce the light blue-colored gas.

But there was no reaction. The miracle it waited for didn't happen at all.

Then the invader started to ponder why didn't was there no reaction at all. Then it felt that the light blue-colored gas that it has pierced was slowly moving away from that tentacle.

With a slight hesitation, the invader pulled the red hot crystal out of its body. Because the wound was quite deep when it took out the crystal from its body red hot liquid flowed from it.

It had understood because there were many parts on the blue-colored gas where it was semi-solid and semi-liquid form. He needs to stick the red crystals in one of those structures or all the structures.

There was not much time in the hand of the invader. He needed to be quick and decisive, if it were a second bit late it will be a goner.

Having these thoughts the invader gambled on its last and most decisive action.

The invader took out a lot of thin thread-like tentacles and quickly wrapped them with the red hot crystal. There were a lot of red crystals that appeared in its non-existent vision.

It targeted the light blue-colored gas that was still laying on its body without any movement that was in its three semi-forms. It all decided to strike all these three kinds of elements structure of the gas.

The invader took the action and pierced toward the light blue-colored gas with great speed.

All the red hot crystals managed to pierce the light blue gas in its semi gas, liquid, and solid form.

Because the speed and force of these red hot crystals that were made from the purple gas have pieced deep into the body of the invader even the pink-colored gas that was in its semi-solid form was completely pierced in many places and deep to that point where it was just a nail away from the inner side of its body beneath the ping colored gas.

There were also many tentacles holding the red crystal wasn't able to pierce the light blue gas and those red crystals were also pierced deep inside it.

When the invader took those tentacles out from its body it released the same wave of frequency that it released while being pierced by the red crystals for the first time.

A lot of hot red liquid came out from those holes. Currently, its color has changed from being white to pink and now to red. It didn't look like it was made of red color instead it's looked like someone has thrown paints over its body dying it red. A better example would be that a person got hit by bullets all over his body.

Because there were no gravitational forces present in this world. The red hot liquid gushed out from its body then it stuck on its body. It didn't slide down from its body.

Then, as expected a miraculous thing happened. The invader itself didn't understand what had happened.

However, the tentacle that was stretched toward its way suddenly stopped then it retreated back to the huge transparent sea monster.

The sea monster was so high in size that the invader wasn't even able to see the top of its body and its width seems to cover the whole sea.

The humongous body of the transparent sea monster was receding into the clear sea beneath. The invader was even able to see how fast the sea monster was receding into the sea. The top position was shrinking rapidly, the water level of the sea was also reducing slowly, slowly.

The invader saw all this with its non-existent eyes and finally, it rejoiced with swaying its body upon discovering that there was no danger to it.

Then it thought what kind of miraculous effect did the four colored gas together had that it was able to make the mighty transparent sea monster to recede into the sea.

It's focused on its body saw its own miserable conditions. But it took these miserable conditions to be its pride as it somehow, safeguarded its life becoming the final hope, a miracle to came true as it wished.

Further focusing into its body it saw the red crystals were embedded into the three other colored gases. Respectively the green, yellow and pink colored gas.

These three gases have been great pain in its non-existent ass. Finally, it all together became a driving force that was able to fend off the huge transparent monster.

It felt its non-existent heart reaching as the yellow-colored gas is in its liquid form hurting it. It didn't feel it before as all of its focus was on running. At this time when its focus was on itself, it felt the pain.

And the red crystals embedded in its body were like cherry topping on a cake a great duo. This duo tightened the amount of pain it was feeling to another level.

The invader knew had thought of taking out the embedded red crystals from its body and turn the yellow-colored gas from its liquid form to its inactive gaseous form.

It just wanted to relieve itself for a moment from this intense pain.

It removed the thought of removing the red crystals and turning the yellow-colored gas to its gaseous form.

Because once it thought of the gigantic and huge transparent sea monster it knew it was no match for it. If he removed the red crystals and yellow-colored gas to its gaseous form. The effect it produced also might dissipate.

Then it can only wait for its doom. Currently, it didn't even have any choice other than to endure this unbearable pain.

It kept quiet for some time then it started to produce weird vibrations from its body. Simply the invader was screaming in pain.

It produced this weird vibration from its body for a long time staying at that same position. Who knew how much time has passed. Whatever, it was a very long time.

At last, it stopped producing these weird vibrations from its body. It was all calm and silence all over the place.

The invader looked at itself. When it was producing these weird vibrations from its body. It was still aware of its surrounding.

Lots of time it had seen few little white balls of light moving from here and there swaying happily as it moved. These actions angered the invader who was screaming in pain. Sometimes it also had the thought of killing these little balls of light.

But it was busy enduring the pain. It felt like just wait when I am finished enduring these pains. Why did it think so? Simple as time passed on the pain it felt started to reduce along with it.

Finally when all the pains ended. It felt elated and proud of itself. As it finally endured all the pain and conquered it.

The same yellow liquid that was glistening in its light and had formed from the yellow-colored gas. It didn't hurt it anymore. Also, the red hot crystal embedded in its body also didn't hurt it like before.

Simply the invader got used to the pain. As it endured it for a long time.

Now, after a long time, it wanted to move its body.

Just as it tried to move its body. It felt that it wasn't able to move its body at all. Its body was stiff all over the place. Then the invader started to think, why did its body suddenly get stiff that it wasn't able to move it?

Then it felt that it was perfectly able to move the light inside its body the pinkish fleshly part filled with red hot liquid all over inside it was stiff that it didn't want to move at all.

Currently, the invader looked like a big lump of flesh. With weird purple-colored gas on the tentacle joined with it whose end was red in color. The light blue-colored gas was lying still with its body being pierced by the red crystals, it was still wrapped around its body like before with no movement at all. The yellow liquid was also connected by the red crystals.

the yellow liquid was flowing through the red crystals to the purple-colored gas and it flowed to the pinkish fleshly body where another red crystal was embedded in it. It looked like shining yellow bright pus was coming out of the pinkish flesh.

The purple-colored gas acted like a net joining the four colored gases together with the red crystal as a hook or plug.

The brightness of its body didn't diminish at all it was as bright as before also the color of the light it shone in was white like before. The four colored gases didn't affect its color over the white-colored light that it produced.

This bright light covered the sight of a bizarre mixture of flesh connected to a purple net and yellow pus coming out of it. And many places were had many scratches from where a little bit of red liquid can been seen to be coming out of it.