Caution To This Suspicious Magician!!

Webnovel once again deleted my chapter and I have no idea what to do... Send help...


"Look...I am sorry...I really am... Once we find civilization, I will buy you some alcohol, how about it?"

Aqua's eyes lit up when she heard he was talking about alcohol and she slowly came out from behind the trees.

She was hiding from Yumi because she was scared of what he was going to ask for next.

Yumi smiled and said, "Good...Just like that. Don't hide. I have a small favor to ask."

Aqua stopped in her tracks and her eyes turned hollow.

'Goodbye, purity I've been protecting for so long... It's about to be taken away by this disgusting human.' Aqua sighed and gloomily walked over to him, expecting the worst.

" don't need to be so down. From what the angel told me, you like wine a lot, right? I promise you that once we get to some kind of city, I will buy it for you."


"Hm? What was that?"

"I said...five bottles...and I will forget about the shawl incident..."

"Sure, whatever... Once I have money, I will even buy you ten bottles of wine, we just need to find our way out of here before the sun completely sets. Do you have some kind of map or something?"

Aqua shook her head and replied,

"I don't have much on me...I was dragged into this world without any warning, remember? All I have is my pitiful shawl, some of my powers and goddess wand which I can summon to amplify my powers, but that's about it. I don't have any items, nor offensive ability to defeat the Demon King...It's really screwed...What are we going to do?!"

"It's fine. We will get there someday, but the first thing we have to do is to level up. I am dying to kn- *Growl*" He looked at his stomach and continued, "Nevermind, scrap that...We need to find some kind of food as soon as we can. How about this, I will go search this way and you go the other way. Remember, don't go too far or else you might get lost. Try to search for something edible or for some signs of civilization, okay? Once you find something or give up, return to this place. This will be our base."

Aqua felt slightly hungry as well, so she immediately agreed with his idea.

"Good luck on your hunt!"

"Good luck!"

Both of them shook their hands and went on their adventure, it didn't take long for Yumi to find the old location with the cave. He looked towards the menacing cave and thought, 'Well...I still can't explore it. I need some light. Although Aqua is supposed to be a goddess of water, maybe she knows some kind of Fire Magic? That would be useful to light this place up. From what I can see, the cave isn't that deep but it's too reckless to enter without a light source. Not to mention, there might be beasts inside and although I have a weapon, I don't think that the butterfly knife would be able to take on a dragon or a bear.'

As he was contemplating the situation, he heard a female voice, calling him from behind.

"Um...excuse me? Can I ask you something?"

The moment he turned around, he couldn't help but open his eyes wide. In front of him, stood a black-haired girl with crimson red eyes. Her smooth black hair reached down her shoulders, and her big chest swayed with every small movement.

Yumi gazed at her possessions for a moment before his gaze turned into Budha.

'Dear Yumi...Remember...Real girls always have ulterior motives, they will always betray you...They are either after your money or after some kind of item you hold. Do not get tempted...Even if she looks like an innocent girl.'

He took a deep breath and grinned, "Sure. Ask what you want but make it quick, I need to find some kind of food or else I will starve to death."

It was really weird for him to find a girl, deep in the woods. Yumi was immediately suspicious.

"Kyaa!" The moment he grinned at her, the girl shrieked

"I-I am sorry... I am sorry...I am so sorry for bothering you...B-But have you by any chance seen another girl who looks just like me, she is a bit shorter though. S-She said she was going to the beginner's town of Axel. I-I planned on surprising her but I couldn't find her anywhere in that town, so I am just looking around to see if someone saw her."

Yumi was weirded out by her reaction.

'Why is she acting all scared for? It's not like I was the one who started this conversation.'

He shook his head and replied, "Honestly, I never saw her, but you said something interesting. I am kinda lost, can you please point me towards the Axel town you mentioned?" He tried to act friendly but in reality, his face was that of a villain.

"E-Ehm... Y-You really don't know where the town of Axel is?"

"Do I look like I know?! I am new here... let's say I came from a faraway country."

"Eeeek... I-I am so sorry!"

She hurriedly pointed to her left and said, "If you go that way, you should be able to see the city gates in about thirty minutes."

Yumi smiled but didn't let his guard down. It was a woman after all. No matter how cute and kind and busty she was. It was a woman.

"Thank you for showing me the way. I am really grateful."

"'s fine...however...can you do me a favor?" The black-haired girl fidgeted. She obviously wanted something from him.

Yumi sharpened his gaze. He knew that something like this would eventually happen. It was fishy from the start.

'Well... she helped me with the directions. Even though I am not sure whether she lied to me or not, I should still return the favor.'

"Okay, I am listening.

The black-haired girl nervously played with her fingers and stepped forward.

"Um...I've been traveling for three weeks already and I have no one to talk with...C-Can you talk with me for a few minutes? I know that I am asking much...but I've been so bored lately and I was so glad I was finally able to communicate with someone..."

The request wasn't as bad as Yumi thought it would be, but nevertheless, it was still freaking weird.

"Okay. I don't mind."

Hearing that, a smile bloomed on the girl's face as she nervously picked up her staff, flung aside her cloak and announced.

"M-My name is Yunyun! M-My calling is...that...of an Archwizard, one who controls advanced magic. I-I am also a daught-" She stopped midsentence, just to see the baffled look on Yumi's face.

"I-I am sorry...My village is special and I-I need to say those things every time I meet someone...I-It's really embarrassing..."

"Are you shitting me? What the hell is a Yunyun?"

"N-No! I swear! T-That's my name! T-That's how my village works!"

Seeing the distressed look on her face, Yumi decided to believe her for now. "Fine, may I ask what are the names of your parents then?"

"My father is called Hiropon and my mother is called Yumyum."

"Hiropon and Yumyum? Seriously?" Yumi asked in disbelief.

Yunyun turned red and replied, "Y-Yes...I am village is a bit...weird..."

'Oh, I definitely agree with her, as Hiropon means heroin and Yumyum means delicious. I don't think they have heroin in this world, but still...Just the thought of her parents being called a Delicious Heroin isn't that appealing to me.'

Yumi smiled wryly and replied, "It's...fine...My name is Yumi Yudai. I've come from a faraway place, I am sorry, but I don't wish to tell you more about me, as we are pretty much two strangers."

"You me...You die?"

Yunyun looked troubled.

"No... it's Yumi, Y-U-M-I and for my last name, it's Yudai, Y-U-D-A-I."

Yunyun took a few steps back from him in fear and said, "P-Please don't shout...Yudai-san... But still... I-If you had black hair and red eyes, I would have thought that you were from my clan with that name. It really belongs in there."

Yumi frowned at the thought,

'If I was in their clan, I would have to announce myself to everyone in a similar style she did...right? God that is so embarrassing. It feels as if someone had a stroke of bad chuunibyou syndrome in that village.'

Yumi used to be like that in his younger days as well. Having a cursed seal he was afraid to unleash in his right hand. He could only use it to satisfy his cursed weapon which was sealed inside of his pants.

'Putting that aside, now that I grew up, it feels really cringy for me to think about stuff I did in my early days. Well, it was partially the fault of those three girls I turned out like that, but I did what I did.'

"Um... By the way, I've been meaning to ask, you look like you wanted to enter that cave right?" Yunyun asked.

Yumi strongly nodded and said, "Yes, I feel some kind of strange energy in the air, enveloping us. It's as if... It was calling me inside..." After saying those lines, Yumi felt that they sounded cool, but embarrassing at the same time.

"Um... Yudai-san...are you sure you aren't from my village?"

"I am not! Please stop asking about it! Anyway, I need your help. Do you have some kind of torch or Fire Magic? I am really curious about that cave."

Yunyun nodded and said, "Yes I can use fire magic!" she pulled a torch out of her small bag and chanted, "Oh, beautiful crimson fire, I am calling you upon this la--Yudai-san...please stop staring at me like that. I know it's embarrassing to say things like this out loud, but it's in my blood..."

"No no, you, misunderstood me, this is my second time witnessing magic, so I am sorry if I stared too much..."

Yunyun was shocked and couldn't help but ask, "The second time you see magic? Is magic not used in your country?"

"Something like that, so please continue chanting, okay?"

Yunyun nodded and shouted, "Tinder!"

A small flame at the size of a palm, shot towards the torch, igniting it.

'I wonder what would have happened if she missed her shot. Would she have to start chanting from the beginning?'

Yunyun took out a second torch from her bag and chanted, "Tinder!" following which another torch was set ablaze.

"Oi... Why didn't you chant that whole monologue again?"

"That's because those chants are only... Something like a ritual to us, Crimson demons and once our daily quota is finished, you are allowed to chant magic normally, well... Most Crimson demons chant magic spells like that all the time... They never use a short version. That's also why I can't make any friends. Because they think I am weird."

'Poor Yunyun... NO! It's a female! You can't show weakness in front of a girl, or else you might be trapped by her! Get a grip, Yumi...'

"Here you go, let's see what's inside!" Yunyun gave him the second torch and marched inside.

"You know... You don't really need to follow me inside." Yumi said.

"B-But you agreed to my request so I thought I could... I-I am sorry if I offended you somehow..." Saying that tears formed at the corner of her eyes and she couldn't resist crying.

Seeing the look on her face Yumi frowned.

'Wait, what?! What is she talking about? Why is she crying?! Did I do something wrong? Are all women in this world crying because of the smallest thing?!'

"O-Of course... You can go inside with me... I just didn't want to drag you in. I didn't think you would want to go."

Yumi was trying to smooth out the situation and thankfully, it worked.

Color returned to her face as she happily replied, "Yes! Of course, I want to go explore the cave with my new friend!"

Yumi stopped moving and looked at her weirdly. "New friend? I barely know you. I don't think that's how it works."

Yunyun's face darkened and the atmosphere about her changed.

"Is... that so..."

Yumi flinched as he felt that something dangerous was coming.

He prepared his butterfly knife in case she attacked but he was worried for nothing, as she only started crying... Again...

"A-Ah...*Sniff* I-I am sorry... I-I-I never had a friend before... *Sniff*... so I don't know how to make friends... I've been trying so hard... *Sniff* But it's just impossible to make a friend!"

Looking at her state, Yumi seriously wondered how girls could break into tears this fast.

'Haaah... This is gonna be my whole day, isn't it? Crying girls.'