Establishing A Party To This Cursed World!!

Not much was changed in this chapter as I had backup on this one. I just added a few sentences and I hope that webnovel won't delete my chapters again.


After Yumi woke Aqua up, she quickly apologized to him. It appears that after they separated, she looked around for a few seconds and couldn't find anything so she returned to their base and rested till Yumi returned.

"You've been away for so long that I thought you left me here! And who is that?" Aqua pointed at Yunyun, specifically at her breasts.

Yumi could feel the jealousy and hostility from Aqua, so he cracked his knuckles as a warning. She immediately calmed down and asked again.

"Hello... Who might you be, esteemed black-haired lady?"

Hearing her words, Yumi's face turned into that of disgust.

'It's bizarre how she can change the way she acts so quickly.'

Yunyun shyly showed herself from behind of Yumi and walked up.

"M-My name is Yunyun! My calling is that of an Archwizard... I-I am a wielder of advanced magic!"

Yumi looked at her suspiciously and thought, 'I feel like her introduction got shorter. Might be just me though.'

Aqua pretended as if she cared about this introduction and started,

"Hello there, mortal. I am a goddess of wat- Ouch!" before she could finish her sentence, Yumi lightly hit her head on the head. He smiled at Yunyun and said.

"Give us a second... We will be right back"

Yunyun nodded and watched as Yumi dragged Aqua to a nearby tree.

'They look like they are really close. It seems like Yudai-san is a master at making friends... I wonder if I can be like that too someday...'

As Yunyun entered her imaginary world again, Aqua had a heated argument with Yumi behind one of the trees.

"Why did you hit me! I am a goddess! Not only did you use my shawl as a toilet paper, now you are hitting me as well! You are a Brute! How can you hit a woman?!"

"Are you dumb?! How can you just tell a new person who will be joining our party that you are a goddess?! Do you think that she will believe you?! She will think you are crazy! Me included!"

"But I am a goddess! What else should I tell her?! I am suffering at your hands so at least let me do as I say this time!"

Yumi revealed an evil grin and replied, "Fine. Do what you want to. But I am warning you. Something bad might happen."


Aqua puffed her cheeks and both of them returned.

"Once again, hello! My name is Aqua! Goddess of this world! How is that? Feeling like worshipping me yet?"

After her introduction, Yunyun froze up and her eyes quickly lost their light. Something inside of her broke.

She crouched on the ground, hugged her knees and kept on mumbling. "Aqua... Axis cult...Goddess... Crazy person... Aqua... Axis cult... Goddess... Crazy person..."

"Eh... Yunyun... Are you okay?" Yumi tapped her on the shoulder yet she showed no reaction.

"What is up with you? Don't take her seriously, Aqua just likes to make stuff up."

Yunyun lifted her head and looked at Yumi.

"I won't have to... Sign my name on any... Axis cult application, right? You won't force me to sign it, right? You are my friend, right?"

"Of course not...I am not sure what application you are talking about, and yes, we are friends."

The way Yunyun was acting, seriously scared him.

"Yudai-san... When did you meet Aqua if I may ask..."

"Um...not too long ago. Why are you asking?"

"Did she... Force you to sign any paper form... Did you put your name on... Any suspicious paper? If yes, then I have someone who could save you... She also saved me... Her name is Wiz...It will be alright, Yudai-san, you still have time..."

"Again... What are you talking about, I didn't sign anything!"

"That's even better... In that case, we need to leave as soon as possible, since she might sign us up into her cult...from what I've seen... She acts like those fanatics who impersonate the goddess Aqua, they dress like her, paint their head blue, and then force you to sign up in Axis cult...Axis cult... It's full of weirdos."

Yunyun was shivering. Yumi wasn't sure if it was because of fear or disdain.

He was also wondering why Aqua didn't say anything to defend her followers all this time.

He looked at her and her face was puffed up to the maximum.

' it comes...'

"How can you say something like that about my followers! They are good kids! Apologize! Hey! Apologize!" She dove towards Yunyun and tried to force her to apologize. She grabbed her boobs and pulled on them.

"Yu-Yudai-san! R-Run while you can! I will try to hold her your precious friend..."

The two of them were in a pushing match.

Feeling tired of dealing with the bizarre goddess, Yumi grabbed Aqua by the back of her neck like a kitten and separated the two girls.

"Aqua... I told you something, didn't I? I knew that something bad might happen."

"But...But...*Sniff* She verbally abused my children! *Sniff* She deserves a beating, so why are you defending her?!"

In the middle of her speech, Aqua started crying. The concerned Yunyun walked up to her and put her in her embrace.

"It's...going to be fine...I-I didn't really mean it like that...those followers are...weird, but that doesn't mean they are bad...I am so sorry...please don't cry..."

While she certainly didn't like the Axis cult, she couldn't watch and do nothing if someone cried in front of her. Especially not if she was the one who caused her to cry. It was in her nature.

Aqua wailed and grabbed Yunyun's breasts as if to check whether they were actually real or not. Yunyun had a troubled look on her face but let her do what she wanted, as they were both women, it didn't bother her all that much.

After a few seconds, both of them separated and Yumi restarted the introduction.

" One last time... this is Yunyun, she will be a member of our party once we sign up in the guild."

Aqua nodded and asked, "I accept your apology, by the way, those red eyes, you are a Crimson Demon, aren't you?"

Yunyun nodded and replied, "Yes! I am surprised you figured it out by just looking at my appearance, Aqua-san."

"Crimson Demon, what does it mean?" Yumi asked Aqua.

" are truly hopeless, Yu-- ehm... what was it again?"

"It's Yumi Yudai! Remember it! Will you?!"

"Ah, yeah. So... Crimson Demons are essentially highly intelligent individuals with a great talent for magic. Almost every Crimson Demon who reaches adulthood is as strong as an archmage, or higher. They are well known for their black hair, red eyes, and chuunibyou names."

Yumi was surprised how knowledgable Aqua was.

'If she knows that much about Crimson Demons, why doesn't she know anything basic about this world...'

"I-I know that people have their own opinions and even our names are a bit...special...But even so...our village is open for strangers to visit and I, as the future chief, will gladly welcome you at any time!" Yunyun declared.

"Oh? So you are like a princess? You are waiting till you are older to rule your clan as a queen? Is that basically it?" Yumi commented.

"I-I wouldn't call myself a princess! T-That's just inconceivable...but I will have to take up the position of a chief later on in the future. Unless someone who fits the role more than me shows up."

"Hmm. Well, I would like to talk with you girls a bit longer, but I am starting to get really hungry...Do you girls know how to prepare a boar?"

He looked at Aqua but then remembered how lazy she was and that she was most likely just a couch potato, incapable of doing anything so he turned his gaze towards Yunyun with hope in his eyes.

Yunyun nodded and replied, "Leave it to me! you have a dagger by any chance? I will have to skin it first."

Yumi pulled out his butterfly knife and handed it to her, "Here you go..."

"What a peculiar knife...I've never seen anything like this. Where did you buy it?"

"I bought it in...a market, you could say...It's my only memory from it's precious to me." Hearing that, Yunyun grabbed the knife tightly and thought, 'Something so precious...and he is letting me use it...He is counting on me... I will do my best!'

Yunyun got a boost of energy and skinned the boar relatively quickly.

As they didn't have a place where they could cook the boar, both Aqua and Yumi went to collect some dry branches from nearby vicinity. Once they set up the 'grill', Yunyun used Tinder to light it up. After that, all of them sat down and feasted on the boar.

"It's amazing...good job Yunyun."

Aqua ate a mouthful of boar meat and tried to speak but couldn't really do it. "I agbhe! winally a folthy bmeal!"

"Swallow! Swallow before you speak! It's extremely rude and incredibly unbefitting of a self-proclaimed goddess!"

Aqua swallowed the meat and continued, "I said that I agree! Finally a worthy meal for this beautiful goddess. If only some wine was around..."

"What a narcissist...Yunyun, did you hear what she said?"

"Um...If only some wine was around? I am sorry, but I can't help you with that...Sorry..."

"No! You silly! She praised your food! It's really good! So cheer up and be proud!"


Yunyun was pleased and a little bit shy after receiving their praises. As her parents didn't have time for her, she usually cooked for herself. She enjoyed cooking and she was glad that it came in handy.

"I-I am glad you liked it. I-I also used some seasoning on it, from my village."

"Now that you say that, I was wondering where that salty flavor came from. Give regards to whoever made this ingredient! They are simply the best." While Yumi's praises could be seen as overboard, when someone is hungry, they would praise even a grain of rice, much less a delicious meal.

Yunyun nervously fidgeted and replied, "Um...That is... me..."


"I... made that...seasoning..."

Yumi gave her thumbs up and said, "It's great! It's really tasty! Please cook for us again, will ya?"

Yunyun happily nodded and got into a discussion with Aqua. At first, Yumi was afraid that there would be problems with how she reacted to Aqua, but everything seemed to be fine as both of them were hitting it off pretty well.

After they ate their dinner, the sun finally set and a dark sky greeted them.

"So...I guess we are sleeping outside, huh? This is the first time I am sleeping in a different place other than my house. It's also the first time I will be sleeping under the naked sky."

Yumi just hopes that there wouldn't be any bugs around, or else he would have a heart attack.

"Really? I am used to sleeping outside. It calms me down. Looking at the dark sky, filled with shiny stars." Yunyun smiled and raised her hand towards the sky. "Just like this...Every night, I used to pray."

"Pray to a goddess? Was it Aqua or Eris?" Aqua jumped in.

"No no...I am not a believer. I just meet finally meet good comrades I will enjoy spending time with. Comrades that will accept me as their friend." Yunyun looked at both Aqua and Yumi and said, "I guess dreams do come true sometimes."

Aqua didn't know what to say out of embarrassment, so she just laid on the ground and covered herself with her shawl.

Yumi, on the other hand, just smiled and replied, "How can you even know that we will be good comrades? You just met us, maybe we are criminals that will attack you in your sleep. Just by looking at my scary face, people would most likely say that I am not a good person."

Yunyun shook her head and replied, "Today, I learned that I can't judge people by their appearance. I can feel it. You two are definitely good people."

Yumi was once again surprised by Yunyun's sincerity.

"You are really interesting, Yunyun. I don't think I've ever met someone like you before haha."

"That's confusing, Yudai-san...Is that a good or a bad thing?" Yunyun said with a small frown on her face.




First day in another world was coming to an end, and Yumi has already experienced so many new things.

Just as he was about to go to sleep to meet the next day, Aqua interrupted him.

"Yudai...are you still up?"

"I am glad you finally remembered my name but you are still not using honorifics. What's up?"

Aqua gave him a prideful smirk and replied, "I am older than you! Be grateful! I don't usually remember names! Anyway... Are you... Happy?

"Hm? What do you mean?"

Aqua looked into his eyes and asked, "Are you not sad, that you left your old world?"

"Oi! Shut it, will you?!"

He looked towards Yunyun and noticed that she was already sleeping

"Luckily, she is sleeping! You can't just blurt stuff like this at random! But to answer your question, then... I am not sad. At least not as much as I think I would be. I suffered too much in that world, although I do feel sad for my parents, I really needed this new start."

"I see. What will you do once we defeat the Demon King? You will be given a special wish... Would you want to be reborn in Japan again?"

Yumi looked at her weirdly and said, "Listen... How am I supposed to know that?! I am not even level one and you are already talking about defeating the demon king..."

"So... Would you go back?"

"I don't know, probably not... I don't see the point. A magical world is much better anyway. Now let me sleep already..." he turned to other side and contemplated about the possibilities he could do with his wish.

'What could I even wish for once I defeat the Demon King? There are still 49 Demon Kings to go anyway... And even If I defeated one demon king... By the time I defeated him... I am pretty sure I will already have a big fortune so I wouldn't know what to ask for anyway.'