Messed Up

"I see," I had already opened back my blue eye, comfortable in feeling blood flow with both eyes open. I tried to take a few drops of blood to shape it into a thread like he instructed, but it was challenging. If I made it thin like thread, it wasn't sharp enough or hard enough to cut anything. "Ahh, how do I make it sharp?!" I shouted, frustrated.

'It's impossible to grasp that technique now, hurry and end this though, both yours and the wolf's strength is deteriorating so like I said before imagine the blood flow but project it onto the wolf, once you gain control of it try bursting all the blood out of its veins or pulling its heart out.'

"Huh? So you just wasted my time making me try something impossible!!"

'...' Realizing he would not reply I did as he said trying to feel the blood flow of the wolf. Unlike mine, which felt warm and comforting, his felt a bit murky and goo-like. I imagining the blood exploding out of its veins. Splat! My vision was clouded, and I felt a warm goo-like substance dripping from my body. I wiped my eyes with my hand and opened my eyes. Sure enough, there I stood with the carcass of the wolf before me, all of his organs flung around and his blood engulfed the entire area painting the scene red including my entire body. The air was filled with the sour stench of blood that I had grown accustomed to.

I stood there blankly, my wet hair dripping with blood. 'Now I understand why I always woke up after being possessed covered in blood head to toe. "Al, can I use this blood manipulation thing to clean this place up?" I asked or rather begged, hoping the answer was yes.

'You can and you can sell the blood, fangs and claws' I sighed in relief and just as I was about to gather the blood I thought of another problem.

"Al? What do I-"

'Solidify a small portion of the blood to make a gourd that contains the rest of it' he didn't let me finish my sentence, probably guessing what I would ask.

"Solidify? How?"

'It can't be explained just do it, blood manipulation is what it is. Just like a water mage can freeze water, you can solidify blood, water magic and blood manipulation run more on emotion than logistics'

"But blood has water in it, right? Can water mages use blood manipulation?" I tilted my head.

'To a certain extent but it would pale in comparison and their control over it would not be absolute since blood isn't just made of pure water, at most they could increase or decrease blood flow'

"I see," I replied. Just as I was going to collect the blood, claws and fangs, happy to have a way to pay off my debt, I thought of something else.

"Al, there's a problem. This carcass looks like what happened to the Weather Clan and the people at the brothel. People might suspect me?" I looked down at the mangled corpse with a complicated expression.

I stood there for a while pondering on how to deal with this situation when an idea popped in my head. "Ah, why don't I play the damsel in distress?"