
By nightfall I made it back to the entrance of the forest, I stretched my arms and back and yawned, while walking home I had come up with a plan of action to cover up my tracks. "I guess it's time to play the girl in distress," I sighed, cracking my knuckles

I pulled my cheeks a bit practicing a terrified expression once I finished I released a loud scream. "SOMEBODY, HELP ME!!" I dashed off with staggering steps to the main gates. When I nearly approached them I fell to the ground further dirtying my bloodied clothes. Crystal clear tears streamed down my face as I sobbed. A few guards rushed out, all arguing with each other about what to do. One guard who probably recognized me from this morning squatted down next to me.

"Little lady, what's wrong? Can you tell us what happened?" He asked with a smile on his face. He had dusty blonde hair and large brown eyes, making his slightly chubby face look even more childish. I stopped sobbing and looked up at him blankly. My eyes widened in fear and my mouth fell agape as I tried to utter words but nothing came out. I placed my face in my hands, sobbing even louder. Secretly I was impressed by my fantastic acting skills and I couldn't help letting the side of my lips curve up in a smile. If not for my face being hidden, the guards would definitely think I was mad.

'... Two-faced' Al said in such an accusing tone that it almost made me feel guilty, almost.

"Little lady, why don't we take you to have some milk to calm you down and then you can explain what happened?" The handsome guard stretched out a hand to me, which I took shakily after hesitating for a few moments.

'His face isn't bad,' I admired his handsomeness secretly while he led me away to the guard huts.

'You think he's handsome? How so?'

'Huh? Is that Al? How do you know what I'm thinking?'

'Because we can communicate through our minds, it's just you never used it to talk to me before, you must have used it unconsciously then' he stated as if it was common knowledge

'It would have been nice to know this beforehand'

'You never asked'

'How would I know if you never told me!!' I grit my teeth. This man really knew how to infuriate people.

Once we reached the guard hut, they covered me in a large furry blanket and sat close to a fireplace. I quietly listened to the crackling of the fire, shuddering every once in a while, my eyes blank. They had given me warm milk, but I didn't drink any, only staring blankly into the crackling fire.

Shortly after, a burly man walked out accompanied by the handsome man from before they sat on the chair opposite me but after my initial glance I didn't look at them again, still shuddering even though the room was hot.

"Little lady my name is Will, and this is Ashton, if you don't mind I would like for you to tell us why it is you're so spooked." The burly man spoke up and introduced himself and the handsome man.

Seconds ticked by, then minutes, about half an hour in I finally said in a withered voice, "Um...."

"Take your time," the burly man said

"My.... my name is Indigo, and um... I went out this morning to get some plants for a quest I took on. Once I had them, I was going to leave, but then in the distance I heard a loud roar and people running towards me," I narrated my story in a shaky voice. "Before I knew it, I began running away in a different direction but who knew they followed me, wanting to survive, I grabbed a vine and swung myself in another direction but after a while I felt bad so I went back. There was this enormous wolf, and it was about to eat a girl, I panicked and my body moved before I knew it and I threw a branch at it piercing its eye. I don't know what came over me, but I faked bravery and arrogance and allowed the girl to run away. But then.... but.... then.... just as I thought I would die," I burst into tears again, I felt a warm hand tap my shoulder, I looked up to see Ashton give me a reassuring smile, I gulped and continued again.

"Then this person showed up in black, it looked like a tall well-built man, he came and saved me but..... but..... the scene looked just like the rumours, the wolf's guts exploded everywhere and before I knew it blood buried me and I just barely made it back here," I sniffled wiping my nose with the back of my hand.

"Did you see the man's face, what weapon was he carrying?" Will looked at me seriously.

I shook my head, " I didn't see his face, but he was carrying a short sword,"

I finally got released after a few more questions and made my way to the inn. After this event I definitely had to leave the city and fast, which means I had to finish up my business; Dealing with those pests, tomorrow.