Revenge Best Served Cold (7)

Once inside Rick slammed the door shut, Dave tossed me lightly onto the hard bed and immediately stripped off their clothes. I laid there yawing while glancing at them disinterestedly. Once they finished stripping until they only had only a pair of pants they climbed onto the bed on either side of me.

"Indigo I'm excited to try you, ever since I met you. I just didn't know I could get a taste so soon," Dave licked his large lips, staring at my body with carnal desire whirling in his eyes.

I reached out to stroke his chest running my fingers along his prominent muscles throwing him a dull smile " I couldn't wait any longer," I ran my finger down his chest trailing to his hip as I was about to travel down to his V-line a voice rang in my mind.

'Indigo' Al's slightly angered monotone voice rang 'Don't go further' I stopped my hand from its path. Al's recent anger towards these situations constantly confused me, but I listened to him and retracted my fingers. "I want to be on top," I smiled lightly and threw a mischievous wink to the two brothers. I watched as they both gulped loudly, their Adam apples bobbing up and down. I pushed Dave down to the bed and climbed on his chest. Rick sat beside us, his hands laying on his knees, which reminded me of a dog waiting for a treat.

I chuckled softly and leaned down to Dave, approaching his thick red lips slowly. His eyes closed in anticipation, his lips slightly parting just as we were about to touch lips. I felt for both their blood flows once I felt it out I immediately slowed Rick's blood flow at an alarming rate.

Rick who's breathing was originally heavy immediately slowed and soon after a loud crash sounded as he fell to the ground. Dave snapped his eyes open in alarm and tried to sit up to see the issue but my grip on his shoulders only increased pinning him to the bed. "Indigo, get up! What's going on?" He glanced at me and to the ground frantically, my smile widened seeing his reaction.

"Davey boy don't I'll deal with your brother later for now it's just you and me," an unreadable expression spread across my face, I licked my lips coating my full pink lips in a clear sheen. Dave's eyes widened as he turned his gaze back to me, "YOU WHAT DID YOU DO!!?? BOYSS COME IN HERE AT ONCE!!" he screamed frantically, his heart pumping furiously in his chest.

My smile widened even more at his naïve words, two dimples forming on my rosy cheeks. "It's pointless they're dead," I whispered into his ear from the time they closed the door I had already mercilessly exploded all their blood vessels and now that room was probably long dyed in blood and devoid of life. Dave threw me a confused, unbelieving glance.

"You know, you and that Barnes hurt my heart." I scoffed sarcastically.

"You already forgot the girl you sold ruthlessly, breaking her heart into pieces and making her life a living hell, while you reaped the benefits she sat drowning in pain," I laughed

"That wasn't the end you even came and had a 'taste' of that girl!" I ran my hand along his neck before holding his thick neck in my small hands, my eyes were dead as memories of that day flooded my brain, the pictures flashing behind my eyes. "Did you ever stop once to think just how much you would have hurt that girl, was it worth it selling that girl for a few coins, was alcohol more important than that girl." I choked on my saliva as I spilt my feelings of those times, my heart thrashing in my chest as if trying to jump from its cage. My hands tightened around his neck, his skin turning blue beneath me.

"Do you know how much it killed me, how badly you killed that innocent girl!! She just wanted to live an innocent life without worries, without pain yet..... yet, you killed her just like that took it all away. Now, there's just me.... me, dead to the world do you know what that feels like?!" If it was me from before I would have long been in tears but no tears filled my eyes. My eyes only filled with cold-blooded hatred.

"She could have been alive, she's dead though consumed by me or maybe she's alive and just hiding away where she can be safe, safe from a world of sins, a world of pain." Dave groaned struggling to breathe as he weakly pulled at my hands but to no avail, my hands, like an iron grip stayed pinned to his neck as his breath grew weaker and weaker and his eyes slowly lost their glimmer.

"You're probably confused, but I came here to get revenge, revenge for the girl you killed, she was me, she is me..... but... I'm not her," I laughed dryly still no tears pooling in my eyes, Dave slowly lost his strength as his body went limp beneath me, I slowly relaxed my grip staring numbly at his lifeless eyes and limp tongue that dangled loosely from his mouth.

I stayed there for a few moments, feeling the heat from his body slowly leaving. I slowly got up walking over to Rick who was on the ground still, his limbs probably too numb to move from the slowing of his blood. I knelt beside him and stared at him, his eyes visibly filled with dread. I gripped his jaw in my hand with so much strength that I heard low creaking before his jaw snapped out of place and he cried in agony.

I stared at him emotionless and began talking to him my voice filled with bitterness "You know Rick the one thing I envied about you was the way you could smile and laugh so happily, I haven't done that in years I can't remember the feeling. It must be nice, right? How does it feel to still have an array of emotions?" A wry smile covered my face.