The Results

"Death Scythe..." A smile spread across my face as I spoke "Come slice for your master," A tornado of blood rose and finally settled weaving around like an intricate puzzle forming my scythe. It's black surface shining even in the night, coated with a sheen of silver from the moon's glow. Red inscriptions ran along its blade and a black wisp twirled around it even darker than the coal sky.

"I hope you like my little surprise," I repeated his words, "Let's stop playing now," I slashed towards his leg without a single thought. He jumped back, successfully evading. I didn't let him rest, trailing after him, thrusting the end of my scythe in every opening. Ralph manoeuvred his sword, blocking my attacks. I twirled my scythe in my hand, slashing his chest. He blocked with his sword, but I twisted my scythe, hitting his side with the end.

"Argh!" He groaned in pain. Blood gushed from his fresh wound like a river. I didn't give him time to recover twirling my scythe again hitting him behind his knees with the handle. His knees buckled, and he dropped but almost as soon as he fell he leapt back up leaping forward drawing a wide arc towards me. I caught his sword with my handle. I took one hand off, chucking a sickle through his guard to his thigh. The sickle pierced his thigh, lodging itself deep within his flesh, his pants now soiled in his blood. With both of his thighs injured, his movements slowed.

"Shit!" He fell to the ground and retreated. I gave chase sliding my hand down the long handle whipping the curved blade in front of him blocking his escape. I yanked him towards me, but he jumped, avoiding the gleaming blade.

I pulled my scythe back, drawing a straight arc into him. He waved his sword around, blocking my strike. I pulled back my scythe again slipping my hands down the pole latching the curved blade on his sword's large cupped guard. I yanked his sword towards me, crushing my foot in the ground. He pulled back with equal strength. If both of his thighs and his hand weren't injured he might have been able to pull me towards him with ease.

"That's one tremendous weapon. It is quite the beauty," He smiled.

"Thank you, I'm quite fond of it," I smiled back. Neither of us budged, the brittle, cracked ground beneath us crumbling under the pressure. I smashed my foot into the ground with more force and pulled out a sickle, launching it to his leg. He lifted his leg to evade it, and in that exact moment when his balance shifted, I dragged his sword from him. I jumped toward him, thrusting the pike of my scythe at his head. He tilted his head, narrowly avoiding it.

"Indigo, were you trying to kill me? Even though you already won?" He laughed even in the grim situation.

"No, though if you died that would be a cause for celebration," I leaned my scythe on my shoulder.

"You're so cruel," He lamented wiping the sweat off his forehead.

"You burned my hands because of your petty tricks, that was simply a little remuneration,"

"That is true, how about I buy you some ointment for it?" He wrapped his hand over my shoulder. I flung his arm off me and glared at him with annoyance.

"Worry about your wounds first," I said and walked away.

"Why don't I treat you to some food," He offered while following close behind me.

"No, I need to get home to my pet," I declined, remembering I told White Bun to stay in the inn.

"What a pity," He said. I looked up at the sky, the white moon still hanging high.