
It was a normal day for Nihan. But the same day, something happened that turned her life upside down. There was no way, a normal girl like her would have expected something like this during her lifetime.

Even small rivers that have been calm for a long time can be withdrawn by floods one day. So is life. There is no certainty about what will be ahead of us on the journey. Who knows what awaits them in everyone's destiny?

The time is nearly six o'clock.The sound of the mobile alarm suddenly seemed to irritate her sleep, but then she slowly opened her eyes.Her pale brown eyes widened and suddenly she had a small smile on her lips.

Although she is twenty-five years old, she looks much younger than that.The deep dimples on her white face gave her a peculiar look.

She moved her blanket to one side and got up from the bed.The blue night dress she wore fit her well. She fetched up from there and put on  a black jacket over her pajamas. Then she slowly walked towards the window which was completely closed.

She wrapped her hands in her jacket pockets and looked out over the city of Mumbai for a while.But the thin smoke created by the evaporation in the glass window obscured the view of outside.

Using her hands ,She wiped a small part of the glass in front of her eyes.There was nothing to see in particular . Just endless stretches of roads and countless huge buildings. The red rays of the morning sun have begun to blend in the white sky. Mumbai is still half asleep. She breathed vigorously into the wall and wrote something with her finger.

"Good morning Mumbai"

She read it herself.Her lips twitched again, a thin smile. She had built a large birdcage in a small, empty space in the apartment.She started the day by feeding the colourful varieties of Lovebirds that were raised in it.

She changed her earlier dress with a black tracksuit, white sleeveless T-shirt and a black overcoat on top of it.She walked out of the front door without making a noise, taking extra caution not to disturb her roommate Felice's sleep.

standing in the street, she closed her eyes and inhaled the pure air of the cold sunrise. A moment after , She slowly opened her eyes and looked around.

The panchasar building looked really different from other buildings.It is named after one of the most celebrated shrines in Patan.Each of its flat owners is Jains who settled here from Patan.They will not sell flats in this building to anyone except those in Pattan.

She lives in the third story of this building.Her flat was bought by Felice's Uncle Bhalan.He moved from Patan to Mumbai years ago.The man handed the flat to Feliz before he left for the United States of America.

She met Felice in medical school for the first time. Later, Felice left the medical field half way and chose Fashion World. And in a short span of time, she has proved her talent and has become a well known fashion designer in Mumbai.

After nine long years of medical studies, she was forced to leave the college hostel. At that time Felice invited her to stay with her. 

In other words, Felice was forced to do so.Because Felice's mother, 'Jhansu Agarwal' was very fond of Nihan. Her culture and clean nature impressed Jhansu. As a mother, she longed for Felice to be like her. But Felice was not. Her uncontrolled life in Mumbai has made her more lonely and selfish.

It's been a year since jhansu agarwal immigrated to the United States. But Felice refused to accompany her. She did not want to throw up her accomplishments and night party life.

Jansu insisted that she would accept her decision only if she was with Nihan. The fact that her mother gives more importance to someone else may have caused Feliz to become angry and indirectly displeased with Nihan.

She diverted from her thoughts and started to run through the long-winded Netaji Subhash Chandra bose road. It was ended near the beach of marine drive. She sat on the empty bench  and looked into the mysterious ocean .

The sun's rays are fighting the water particles which is shining like diamonds.The thoughts inside her began to wander again.

Nothing new is going to happen in her life anymore. Or maybe it just doesn't have the ability to surprise her anymore.As the days go by, life becomes more and more boring.It is like the waves in this sea. As the waves crawling back and forth over the solid land despite the complete conviction that no one is waiting for him.

At the age of five, after the death of her parents, she traveled alone for twenty years.Despite being a familyless orphan, she grew up learning and succeeding. Today,She is a cardiothoracic surgeon at India's most famous 'Seven Hertz' Hospital. She is practicing under Dr. Barish Khan, country's number one expert.

He's super talented. In his fourty-year career, he has never faced defeat in whatever case he has attended. Of his sixty students, she was dearest to him. Because, she is equally talented and intelligent as he is.

What struck him most was her ability to grasp everything as soon as possible. Her dream is to become a world-renowned, talented doctor like him.

As a result, her world was concentrated into the apartment and  hospital. Bit by bit, everything else in her eyes became less significant.

Her spirit was moving automatically. Granting  the time, People's thoughts and stories were changing.., except her. And she was never worried about it.

She was a dreamer, lost somewhere among the human beings who travel with the time. She was a serious charactor to others, but few who knew her, knew how innocent she was.

Mira was one of them. Mira was the only friend she had with her for over nine years.

She met Mira at the Medical University where she studied after leaving her orphanage.

Mira was a white slim girl with curly hairstyle.

She was born and nurtured in a middle-class family. To marry a rich man and having a comfortable life for the rest of her life was her one and only dream. She was able to find work in the same hospital without much difficulty because she was smart enough to study like Nihan.

A few moments has been passed that stretched the thoughts. Suddenly the alarm erupted from the sports watch she wore on her wrist, and she felt the surroundings. She got up from the bench and headed back toward the apartment.

eventhough she had the spare key of the room, she rang the bell. After waiting for a while she continued to bell until Felice got up and opened the door. Within seconds, opening the door with a loud voice, Felice asked.

"Nihan. How many times have I told you not to come and bother me like this.Don't you know how to open that door yourself? "

Her eyes were red with anger. Her silky thin hair raised like needles in many directions Without obedience. She is still wearing the red tight t-shirt and blue shorts she wore last day. She was beautiful enough to outperform any professional model. But since she forgot to clean it the other day, the rest of her makeup has gotten mixed up and her face has gotten distorted.

Nihan could not keep back her laughter.She pushed Felice out of the way and walked inside. Felice closed the door with so much force that it almost sounded like a scream. It created no shock in Nihan. She is experiencing it for months now and it has become a habit at once.

"It's seven o'clock, Felice. Get up and cook breakfast." She sounded off about seeing Felice crawl back into bed like a lizard.

Feliz covered herself with a blanket and hid her head. Nihan was slightly irritated by this..

"So , like every day, you are decided to run away from your duties. Do you really have any plans for doing even one job in this flat? " She asked as she pulled the blanket off from her for a minute.

"If you're convinced of that, let me sleep a little longer." She murmured while half asleep.

"No, No, girlly! Just get up now. If not, I will come with some nice cold water."

She threatened with seriousness on her face. Felice, still unconscious, curled up in her bed like a bent snake opened her eyes wide with trepidation and looked at Nihan.

"I know. You'll never do that." Her facial expression was filled with confidence.

"It's up to me to decide.If i said yes, i would. First, look at your face in the mirror. You haven't changed your clothes. You haven't even washed your face. You look like a witch"

As soon as Feliz heard it, she jumped up from the bed and pulled out the mirror over the small table attached to one side of the bed. She looked her face in it.

"Oh no. Is that me?" She shouted at no one. Then asked slowly to Nihan.

"Did I drink a lot yesterday?" She looked at Nihan while raising her eyebrows as she wiped her face.

"As usual. Do you have any idea about the time you got here yesterday? It was two o'clock at mid night." Nihan reacted angrily, but Felice wasn't affected by it.

"Uh oh will you please stop complaining. Why are you treating me like my mother all the time? Hence how many days have you been up all night? And did I ever complain about it? "

"Aunt knows my reason. As a doctor, I have to go when an emergency situation comes. But if I tell your truth to aunt, what will happen Feliz?."

"Aunt, aunt, aunt." She yelled. "She is my mom before she becomes your aunt. And I know you won't accept such a risk by telling her. " Felice laughed mockingly.

Nihan had no answer for that. She judged herself in her heart. It matters to a greater extent than what she supposes. The moment aunt realize Felice's truth, she will take her back to America. And Nihan will lose this residence. There was merely a half  hour drive between the apartment and the hospital.

she started to love here a lot. The selfishness that poured into her from the fear of losing it stopped Me to act so.

"Hello" Felice shouted, snapping her fingers. Nihan stood there like a loser, with concerns. Felice's face twisted with a laughter. She put the mirror aside.

"Leave it. Let me advise you instead. You can come with me leaving this boring life behind. Let's beat down this life.." she said excitedly. Nihan was not interested in her chat and instead started to worry

"Feliz, you are not doing good in this life.. I know that and I can't pretend to not see it, because as long as I'm living with you, you're my Responsibility. Then, what do you mean by 'beat down life'? you are continuously lying to your fiancee and cheating on him? Is that what you call a cool life? " She angrily ended up demanding for an answer.

"You are such a fool Nihan, this is golden age. There is a vast world out there waiting for you to enjoy" Felice smiled as she answered.

"Your fiance, Do you really love him? "An unexpected question from Nihan left Felice stunned for  a while. She got up from her bed and walked towards Nihan.

"Of course not. He is the 'one' my mother chose for me. That's it. And we've known each other since we were little. And he is good looking , well settled. And about love.. it can happen at anytime. Maybe i can love him tomorrow. It's all just a matter of time"

"So you're going to hook up with a man you don't love with your heart ?" Nihan asked in a tone of frustration and surprise.

"Yes" The response was quick from her. "And Of course, you are the young women who is sentimental about this True Love cliche. For me, we are from the same Class and Wealthy Families. There is no need for love to live" She finished and looked at Nihan. Nihan is still dazed. Felice laughed out loud and walked two steps toward her.

"Look at you? With Whom I am reciting the wisdom of love? All you are doing is your So good job or stay in this home. The truth is, you and my fiance are like the two faces of the same coin. Workaholic, Out of Real Duniya (world) and Most of All Very Boring. "

"if it's so tedious, then why are you still doing it ?" Nihan asked.

"Because We Have to Expand our Business.. Baby."

There is no way Nihan could have heard it. She was still thinking about what Felice had said a while ago. Felice was right.

To this day, she has not dared to think of anything other than her job. She made a world of her own during the race to fulfill her parents's last wish. Only she and her dreams are there.

Her parents were outstanding doctors. Their biggest ambition was to build their own multi-specialty hospital. Unfortunately, they both died in an accident at their workplace. She does not know much about their death. It was too old story to realize anything more.

But she remembers some things very clearly. She remembers her mother's words to her with a cold smile while she was playing with her mother's stethoscope.

'A true doctor is half of God. Because God has given doctors the ability to heal people who are helpless.'

Likewise, she remembers advice of her father too. Her father told her to be kind always to her friends and to have courage in any situation. And the moment she asked him about becoming a doctor like them, He said that she would be a better doctor when she will be able to think like any crisis would pass soon and will hope for a better tomorrow.'

Some memories still lives in heart like a pearl hidden in the Mussel. She hasn't thought of anything else since then. A handful of dreams left behind by her parents are her goal now.

"What's wrong? Don't you have anything to say?" Felice was still staring at her expecting an answer.

"No. I love living like this. I'm not like you. I don't want to be. I'm happy this way." she laughed a faint laugh.

"Good. I'm going to get ready now. And you will make breakfast, won't you?"

Before Nihan could say anything, she went into the bathroom and closed the door. Even amidst cooking breakfast, Nihan's thoughts were moving in different directions.

In other words, She partially agrees with Felice's words. A feeling that everything has been achieved, as if there is nothing left.

Her heart now feels like a flock of sheep wandering aimlessly. As if someone was whispering that someone would come from somewhere and surprise her.

The girl in her mind was also grew up hearing and believing the stories of helpless princesses waiting for the prince of love. But she is not a weak and helpless princess. She has experienced the sweetness and bitterness of life alike.

She faced many difficulties. She struggled with the colorlessness of life. So is it not a challenge to be a weak princess to hurt her guts? She hated it so much.

In her words, the princess must be a symbol of courage and confidence. Like her. she must be courageous enough to sacrifice the things we consider our own, and the confidence to fight for our own dignity under any circumstances.

So, one day, the prince will appear from a completely unfamiliar world and silently observe her.

Slowly he will walk into her boring life and her heart will be completely surrendered.  Perhaps she will believe in the concept of eternal love. Who knows what is waiting for her, in her destiny?