The surgery

Nihan sterilized her hands for the surgery and wore gloves and a surgical gown. Dr Harshad and Mira were already prepared. Moments passed and they realized that the condition of the old man was getting worse. They waited for Dr. Barish khan after starting preliminary preparations.

Dr. Barish khan walked through the verandah, aiming for the Operation Theater. At the same time he heard his phone ringing. He had to take it because it was an international number.

"Hello, Dr. Barish khan?"

"Yes" He answered the voice.

" This is from FBI. Sorry to inform you this. Your son is busted in charge of drunk and drive and murder"

He heard it clearly. It was about his son, who is studying for a second year of medical science in the U.S. He forgot everything else. Only his son was clearly visible in his eyes and the moments spent with him and good memories. And the scary words that infiltrate into it.

He dropped the phone from his hand and it hit the ground with a loud voice. he stumbled like a man whose hopes have ended.

Wearing her surgical gown, Nihan came out of the O.T and ran through the verantha to find doctor barish khan. She saw him as she went three or four steps ahead. Nihan slowed and touched his arm who was standing still.

"Are you alright doctor?" She asked.

But he didn't respond nor raise his eyes. he was looking down like looking for something that was lost in the white frozen marble.

Nihan observed him closely. There is no accountability or efficiency which was seen earlier in him. Instead, she felt that something was bothering him.

"Doctor, O.T is ready.. are you alright?" She asked again. He was shocked and regained himself. And he started walking to the O . T with firm footsteps. Nihan followed him.

Five minutes after the operation started, Nihan was surprised to see Dr. Barish, thinking of his sudden change. As hard as it is to believe that he is the same man who was disturbed a while ago. He does everything with such perfection.

First, they started with varun. its been one month since his brain was dead. Destiny ended his journey before he knew the taste of youth. The doctors wrote that he would never be able to return to life.

When the beating heart was taken away from his pale hot body, For a moment Nihan remembered the women who was crying this morning for her lost son. She remembered the depression and complaints that continued to speak in her eyes as a mother. She felt guilty while covering his cold body with white. She felt like she did something wrong.

Dr. Mira gave anesthesia to Dev raj khanna. Now, the old man is sleeping like a baby.

She inserted the breathing tube into his mouth and connected it to his lungs. It was to avoid having any breathing troubles throughout the surgery. She confirmed that the old man's heart rate, blood pressure and oxygen level were normal.

Dr. Barish khan started the surgery. Suddenly his focus shifted. The voice of a stranger heard a while ago began to shout like a nightmare on his head. His eyes glowed and hands trembled in front of the surgical table. Dr Barish's focus was elsewhere, even when he cleaned the part of Dev Raj khanna's chest with an antiseptic solution.

Nihan noticed it because She is familiar with Dr Barish Khan's every move at the OT. But it was the first time, she see him like this with teary eyes and trembling hands.

"Doctor, are you all right?" Nihan asked touching his shaking hands.

"Yes.. let's start" He said, taking the scalpel from Nihan's hand. With a firm hand, he cut the old man's chest from the top to the abdomen. They wiped blood flowing to both sides.

The surgeon then cut the man's sternum in half and separated the two halves of the sternum and spreaded them apart to reach his heart.

Nihan carefully watched his every move. While performing the surgery, she felt some pain in his eyes , like he was uncomfortable. But he tried to hide it well.

He then inserted the tubes into the chest of Dev Raj Khanna. The heart should be removed within seconds. During that time, these tubes will help the flow of blood to the organs.

Blood started pumping through the bypass machine. Nihan realized that it was the time to remove the old man's heart. She observed surgeon more closely.

At the same time, Dr.Barish khan began to feel an uncomfortable pain in his chest. Surgeons around him including Nihan, supported him and

began to ask many things. But he was not able to see or hear anything, As the view fades away, As the sounds move away , It is as if the body is paralyzed.

All he sees is his son's smiling face. His eyes that dreamed like his father and his voice. Gradually it changed into the voice of a stranger telling about his son's misbehaviour. In a moment, dreams are broken into pieces.

The pain became unbearable and the body, more paralyzed. Slowly he collapsed to the frozen floor. Nihan and harshad hold Dr.Barish khan sitting nearby. They tried to wake him up. Harshad gestured her to move back and started cpr on him. After repeating it several times, He checked barish Khan's pulse with a heavy heart. Nihan looked at him with fear. Despair swallowed his eyes like a black smoke.

"He is no more" He uttered. His voice ran inside Nihan like a scream.

What happened? she could not grasp anything for a while about what happpened. She felt a kind of freezing in her heart.

Why should the death of this man affect me so much? Nihan asked herself, looking at Dr. Barish Khan's cold dead body.

This man was once her strength for her weak mind. He was the spirit that gave life to her dreams. He was a teacher who taught her to recover from destitution. Losses that wish to never be lost. It gives realization. It hurts the heart.

Mira's scream penetrating the horrific silence awoke her ears. "Doctor, his pressure is dropping"

As a doctor, it didn't take long for her to regain consciousness. she got up in a moment and looked at Dev raj khanna's half-opened body. She turned to look at Dr. Harshad and Meera, with a question mark on her face.