I have an order for you

"What did you say?" Abhay turned to face her and asked.

"Yes.. you must say sorry to me." Her words sounded like a challenge.

"No.." said Abhay, rejecting her idea without even thinking once.

"It's your choice and it's up to you.." She nodded and turned to sakshi, who was still shooting them.

"sakshi, Did you get it?" She asked the little girl.

"Yes.. Big sister.. i got it.." Sakshi lowered her phone and smiled up at her. Nihan nodded cheerfully, eyeing him expectantly.

"Do whatever you want.. But Abhay khanna will never say sorry to you.." Abhay said, glancing angrily at her. Uday interrupted and pulled him out of there.

"Abhay listen to me" He said. "Think a bit more mature. This is not about your ego.. This is business. This is the business empire that our Grandpa has built over years. It's not about me, nor you.. it's about our grand pa. If grandpa hears such news when he get conscious, it will be hard for him and we can't handle him.."

"Oh really uday.. you are afraid of her? a girl like her who isn't worth a penny, what can she do to us?" Abhay asked pointing her.

"This time She can..Abhay..! you know that this project is so important to our company. It's your dream. If they can find my number and send such an anonymous message, they can send it to our partners too." There was a serious note in his voice that made him silent.

"I know Abhay.." he added. "A woman like her can't attack our business world alone. Some one is helping her. The most important thing now is to say sorry. We can find better place and property than this. But if we lose our best partners and partnership from USA, we will have a huge lose.. Think about it.." Uday patted him on the shoulder and gave him some time to think.

Thoughts ran through his head like a derailed train. As a result, his Grandfather, his dream, and his ego, made a huge commotion one by one. He remained silent for a long time and finally walked toward Nihan. stood in front of her, his gaze strolling over her face absently.

"Sorry.." He said quickly without any expression on his face. Nihan nodded, still regarding him in disbelief. she was feeling like a queen who fought a battle alone and won. She remembered the words he had said the previous day. 'The word sorry is not in my dictionary and never will be..'

She felt great about herself. So she did not want to waste this opportunity so easily. She looked again at him, and pretended not to hear him despite standing less than two feet away from him.

"Pardon, I could not heart it.." She said, staring at him with an eyebrow raised. Abhay closed his eyes and controlled himself and slowly repeated the word one more time. "Sorrry.."

Her eyes twinkled with happiness and the dimple appeared. She wanted to hear it again from his mouth. But before she could make an excuse he got into his car and commanded the driver to go.

Uday, who was standing there whole time, cleared his throat and turned to Nihan.

"Well, You are the only person who made him violent and silent at the same time... Anyways nice to meet you.. Miss...?" He said and stood to shake her hand.

"Nihan.." she shook it with a gentle smile on her face. Soon then, the car horn honked in a loud voice and Uday ran to him.

"Uday.." Abhay called out from his car and demanded. "This problem must be solved here.

I don't want to see this girl's face again, Got it?"

"Yes Abhay.. Don't worry" Uday reassured him of that and returned to his car. and he left in a hurry.

Nihan stood still until Abhay's car went through the company gate. Suddenly the kids, led by Raj Veer, came running and started cheering around her.

"I am proud of you fighter.. well done..." Said raj veer cheerfully. Raj Veer and Nihan gave each other a high five. Their atmosphere was filled with joy and excitement.

"Stop the car.." Abhay who was watching Nihan through the rearview mirror, barked at the driver. His eyes widened with disbelief.

"Raj veer Mehta.." he lips whispered in silence. After looking at the sight for a while, he instructed the driver to go ahead.


"Mom, You really missed it.. Our Nihan was awesome. She defeated the powerful entrepreneur, Abhay khanna.." Raj veer told eagerly to Gangamma, while sitting on a bench in the orphanage.

"Don't brag raj.. I just showed him the truth. That's all.. " Nihan took the packet of nuts from his hand and sat beside him.

"Why did you go and do something that is not needed..? And who knows what he will do to avenge it?" Gangamma asked, concerned gaze on her face.

"Oh my dear... He has one extra bone. Arrogant, rude..A stupid royal monster.." She muttered bitterly.

"Royal monster? I have heard it before" Raj veer searched her face suspiciously. Nihan sighed for a long time and finally spoke to him. "Yes Raj, I was really shocked to see him there. Didn't I told you about the royal monster who was behind my suspension order? It's him. Abhay khanna." She said.

"Oh.. that's right.. that's why you made him say sorry to you.. That make sense.." He laughed.

"It was not necessary kids, we could approach everything legally and there would be no hostility. Now, do you think, they will forgive you just like that?" Gangamma was still worried, unable to gulp the happiness.

"I will support Nihan this time, Mom.. " Raj veer opined. "About going legal, we don't even have the success rate for atleast One Percentage. He is too powerful to fight against" Nihan nodded yes with him. And he continued, looking at Gangamma. "And also, He is a king in his business world. And our law, will be sure to lean over him. Now, he will no longer look back for our orphanage. And even if he does, we have proof against him."

"Nihan, Do not listen to him. After encouraging you he will disappear to America soon or later. You are the one in trouble. Whatever you say, you are a girl living alone.." The concern changed into fear in her voice. Nihan smiled at her concern.

"There is nothing to fear about Gangamma.. And I'm not living depending on anyone, especially this monkey.. I can handle everything personally.. " Nihan replied coolly hitting hard on raj veer's head.

"Heyy.. " He roared pretending to be angry. But she got up before he could catch her.

"Do you want to see something funny Gangamma? I have a video of this raj, shivering in fear in front of that royal monster.. Do you want me to show her, raj?" She asked teasing him.

"You will definitely die with my hands today, Nihaan..." Nihan ran very fast outside from his eyesight after giving a goodbye wave. Soon he got up to follow her. But Gangamma stopped him. "Raj.."

"I am worried about her.." She said. "She is constantly jumping into troubles.. What if something happen to her?"

"Mom..., Relax..I am not going back for a while leaving her alone. I also think that Abhay khanna will do something odd.. let's wait and see.. " She breathed a sigh of relief as she found some solace in his words.


"Yes Andrea..." Abhay replied in his phone, sitting on the rotating chair in his office room.

"Yes sir, Mr. Mehta doesn't know that Raj vir is in India."

"What's his relationship with Ganga charitable trust?" He asked.

"He is the son of Ganga Das.. Ex wife of Mr. Mehta. Who is currently in charge of the trust."

"Oh.. really..?" Abhay grinned and clutched his coffee cup.

"And one more thing sir.." said Andrea.

"Say it.."

"Mr. Mehta never agrees to meet Raj veer with his biological mother. Raj veer visit India everytime without his knowledge.."

"Well done Andrea" He appreciated her happily. After turning off the phone, he spent sometime thinking about his next plan. He drummed his fingers on the table impatiently. And finally, he took his phone and dialled a number.

"Hello, This is Abhay khanna.. I have an order for you.."