Summer break is finally over. So many things happened during this break. Just when I started to feel that life was becoming easier, I received another hard blow.

"Are you thinking about him?" said Sophie, my best friend in high school. "You know he's not worth it. You deserve better."

"It's not him I'm thinking about" I could not resist myself from admitting it.

"Then are you thinking about your dad? That asshat does not deserve a daughter like you. I can't believe he deceived you and tried to sell you. That trafficker deserves a harsh and cruel death."

Remembering the incident again pricked me. "I know. I'm not thinking about that bastard either. I'm just worried about my mom and sister. I don't know how they are coping up with it."

Eight years ago my father cheated on us for another woman. Since that day our lives were never normal. I tried to fool myself, assuring myself that I don't love him, but in vain. I have always had that void in my heart , a void which only he was able to fill. We moved in to our mother's villa, where we were constantly abused by our uncles. They went on tormenting us for no reason.

Years of abuse had made us stronger. Eventually, we countered their abuses and made them realize that we were no less than men. Thereafter, we had very less interactions with them. I also had a caring boyfriend who looked after me. We were leading normal lives , until three weeks ago.

"You all gotta forget about it and move on. Life will gradually get easier as time passes" assured Sophie. She was a tough girl, who also had her own problems.

"Will it?" I asked with a distressed smile.

We drove to high school in Sophie's car. St Mary's High School was a reputed high school in the town, with many elite students. I entered into this high school through a scholarship. I had many admirers as well as haters in school.

"There comes our golden girl. We accord a warm welcome to you ma'am" said Edward with his usual sense of humour.

"Cut the crap, Ed. Where's Emma?"

"In the canteen, waiting for you. And by the way, I warn you not to enter the canteen" said Ed.

"Why , what's wrong?"

"You will see" he said with an evil grin.

As I entered the canteen, I saw a huge group of students gathered there. When they saw me, they vigorously rushed towards me to greet me.

"Hello, Hayley. Wassup?"

"How was your summer break, gorgeous?"

"If you have nothing to do this afternoon, shall we hang out?"

"Back off, moron. You are not qualified to go on a date with her."

"You have become prettier after this break."

I came to know what Ed was talking about. I'm very popular in my high school due to my grades and excellence in sports. And for my looks, according to them.

I was starting to get irritated looking at this infuriating group of people, when I suddenly caught sight of Emma.

"Hey, Em. Help me."

We finally got rid of them and went our way towards the library to chat peacefully. Emma was also one of my best friends. Her ability of quickly understanding people always impressed me.

" Are you really alright? We can skip classes and go to the park, you know, for peace" said Emma, her words full of concern.

" I'm alright, dummy" I lied. "So how was your break?"

"Don't ask. My mother's gonna marry a jackass and I'm gonna get a fucking half brother. Can you believe it?"

"Holy shit. How did you face them?" Emma always hated the idea of her mother marrying another man.

"Spilled wine on their fucking faces on our first meeting" said Emma with a chuckle. Both of us burst into laughter.

"You really are something" I said, imagining the whole situation.

"Well that's how I react when life gives me a hard time."

"Tell me about it. I was nearly gonna kill my father the instant he revealed his true intentions. He was so injured that he spitted blood."

"Well, that's our aggressive Hayley" said Emma. "How did the bastard react?"

"He panicked and fled. As expected of him" I said, remembering the whole scene.

"Then what did you do to Ja..." she paused, wondering whether to mention his name.

My boyfriend Jason used to look after me well, until three weeks ago, when he revealed his true face. I confronted him sleeping with another girl when I had gone to visit him to check up on his illness. Turned out that he was cheating on me for a long time.

"Well, that asshole received my special treatment."

"What did you do to him?" she asked eagerly.

"I clicked their photo and beat their asses till they begged me to show mercy", I grinned.

Listening to this, she gave a great bellow of laughter.

"But do you really feel nothing after witnessing... that?" she asked, expressing concern again. I was always surprised at the fact that she could read my face like a book.

Even I didn't know the answer to this question. Jason was the first person I met in school. We became great friends , and then a couple. He helped me a great deal in sports and took care of me. To the other students in school, we were a great campus couple whom they worshipped. He was always gentle, this change in attitude on his part was truly unbelievable to my own eyes.

I felt pain and loneliness after I broke up with him, which gradually faded with time. But whether I really loved him, I didn't know.

"I don't know, Em. Besides, all that has already happened and we can't do anything about it, can we?"

"Nope. Screw those jerks", she blurted.

I smiled. "Screw them."