"Fell off the bed? That was really a lame reason, Ver", I burst out laughing, despite my efforts to hold it in, as I sat down. "You really didn't think that she was gonna believe you, did you?"

"Screw you, Hayley. What about you? Scared of horror movies? When did you start having nightmares of ghosts?", she replied irritably.

"Ah! you got me. But admit it, my reason was better than yours", I giggled as I saw her annoyed face. "Did you really think that mom was gonna buy your lame acting?", I teased her.

She rose all of a sudden in anger. I was taken aback. So stupid of me to touch her nerve, I thought.

"You think it's funny? Well, you really don't have any idea about what I saw in my dream", she erupted.

"Shhhh! Mom's gonna hear us, you idiot", I said, looking sideways to see whether mom noticed us quarrelling. When I turned my gaze on her, her face had fallen. I held her hand to comfort her. "I had the same dream, Ver. That bastard pisses me off in my sleep. I'm damn bored of beating him up in my dream every time", I chuckled. "Stay strong, Ver. You have me and mom."

She looked surprised. "It's not him I dreamt about."

"What? Then whom did you dream about? Mom said you looked pretty frustrated."

"I dreamed about you."

I erupted in laughter again. "Wait, don't tell me that I hit you in your dream. Are you really that used to my kicks that you start dreaming about it?" I giggled.

She banged on the table. "I DREAMED ABOUT YOUR DEATH, YOU FUCKING IDIOT!" she yelled. "In the dream, you were in a pathetic state, unrecognisable, waiting for death. You... you were disfigured, hardly able to move. I..It was.. so scary", she whispered with a blank expression.

Veronica had scary dreams sometimes, which she claimed became true. Even I had witnessed some. She had once dreamt about her friend having a car accident. She immediately warned him the moment she woke up. What surprised us all was that on the same day, he was on a trip to some place, and he would have met an accident, had he not listened to her and been careful. She had also dreamt about our father cheating on our mom. According to me and mom, these were pure coincidences, but she believed that she was a psychic. She also claimed that she had minor sleep paralysis often. I understood why she felt nervous right now.

"Okay, okay, calm down. I know some of your so-called scary precognitions were true, but this time it ain't gonna be, okay?", I assured her, handing her a glass of water. "I'm not gonna leave you all. ''Don't worry, you won't lose your toughest fight companion", I joked and hurried to go to school.

"Wait", she called out to me when I was at the door.

"What now, Ver? I'm late already."

"Be careful, Hayley. You know my precognitions are real", she said, looking concerned.

"Aww! So concerned. Don't worry, I'll be safe", I replied and went out.


\* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \*


Fortunately, I was just in time for school. All the students were in high spirits, yelling and acting like brainless morons. Some were so excited that they were busting moves. They were asking for partners with everyone. I wondered what in the world was going on. I walked into my classroom and found Emma and Sophie.

"What's up with everyone?" I inquired. "I was startled by the noise in the corridor."

They looked at me surprisingly, as if I was out of my mind. "Are you for real?" both of them asked me simultaneously.

"What? Oh come on, just tell me straight out what's going on", I said annoyed.

"Don't you remember that our school is hosting prom for the seniors? It's gonna be on Thursday this week. I'm super excited. Whom did you partner with Em?", Sophie asked with enthusiasm.

"Err... umm.. I haven't decided yet. What about you?"

"Do you really need to ask? Of course it's Tyler, our super hot senior", she said dreamily.

"Gosh! Did he even agree?" Emma asked sarcastically.

"Of course, he will. Who will reject this hot beauty?", Soph replied, pointing herself.

Emma raised her eyebrow. "Tsk, you are nuts. What about you, Hayley? Who are you gonna partner with?" She asked me.

"Is it really necessary to attend this prom?", I asked lazily.

I was taken aback by their reaction. "YES, IT IS", they said, banging on the bench. "Are you crazy? All the students in the school are damn too excited to attend the prom and here you are, sulking", said Sophie, looking at me as if I were a fool.

"Jeez, both of you overreact. By the way, is it really necessary to have a partner?" I asked, wearing an innocent expression to avoid their sudden reaction.

To this question, both of them went back to their seats. "She is really crazy", they muttered to themselves.

I took my seat and started thinking about whom to ask to be my partner, when a guy came towards me with a nervous look.

"Err.. Hayley. Do you wanna go with me to the prom?" he said. It was Paul Trevor , who was formerly known as "The hunk of our class", before Liam joined our class. He is admired by many girls in our school for his looks. He also had angular and sharp jawline like Liam, but his hair and teeth weren't as perfect as Liam's. Also, he had a lean body, whereas Liam was quite muscular.

"Do you?" he asked me again, his eyes filled with hope.

"Hayley, don't be a dumbass. Accept it", said Sophie, looking at me with frustration.

"Umm.. I'm sorry, Paul. Someone already asked me. Maybe, next time?", I said politely. I silently cursed myself for lying to him.

His face wore an impatient look now, and he stared at me questioningly. "Who asked you?" he asked with hoarse voice.

I'm busted, I thought. I didn't want to hurt him, but I didn't want to go with him either. Although I haven't decided whom to go with, I didn't feel like accepting his invitation. My mind was searching for excuses, when I heard a familiar voice behind me.

"She's going with me."

I turned around and was stupefied to see the person. It was Liam. With that sparkling eyes and charming smile of his, he was looking captivating as ever. I silently thanked him in my mind for coming to my rescue.

But Paul didn't look calm now. He looked as if he was insulted. "Why is it you every time? Tell me, Hayley, what's so good about him?" he asked me in exasperation.

I didn't know how to reply to him. Were they quarrelling over me? I brought this on myself, I thought.

"You know what's good about me? I accept rejection like a man and don't get overwhelmed about it", Liam replied coolly.

I stared at him with eyes wide. What the hell was he talking about! It all sounded like a love war. I wanted to clear up the misunderstanding.

"Hey, Paul. I'll go with you next time. Don't be upset, it was him who asked me first. Okay, get back to your seat now."

He nodded and went back to his seat, before throwing an angry glance at Liam. I sighed in relief. When I turned sideways, I saw Liam smiling at me.

"What?" I asked. He smiled again. "You and I need to talk about this "partner" thing. I can't recall you asking me to be your partner", I whispered to him.

He leaned in closer and replied , "Well, I asked now."

"But I didn't agree", I argued.

"You told Paul that you are going with me. Unless you want him to know that you were lying to him, go ahead and reject me", he smirked and leaned backwards.

I scoffed. This guy is really something.