In Search of Hope

Syman was sitting on his luxurious chair on the top of a pedestal in his meeting hall. Beside him was a slim and spectacled man who was reading the newspaper. He said, "Seeing the situation that we are in, we should probably find a way for retaining our empire." Syman opened his eyes and said, "Solutions are quite scarce nowadays, Albert. No one is ready to help me nor anyone does give a shit about my position. What can I do? That day, I sent a proposal to the Mexicans that if they give us a good amount of support, we can easily wipe our mutual enemy forever, but they haven't sent a reply till now." Albert replied, "The Mexicans have nothing to say, as they themselves are quite weak to make a move on the Russians and moreover they had bitter relations with Jimmy for years. I personally suggest that we should try to find people in the country of increasing crime, India. I heard that many small gangs are trying to submerge themselves with big crime families and we should surely grab this opportunity. It will be quite beneficial for us as they know less and won't ask for much money." Syman looked at him and said, "Your plan is quite overwhelming but the thing is that Indian people aren't so dumb as you think. They too read newspapers and moreover they will help us only if we promise them a position equal to us, which unfortunately we can't afford as in this business, allies turns into enemies pretty quick." Albert said, "We can't just leave this opportunity on the basis of misconception and if you permit, I can personally go and seek recruits to help us." Syman said, "Okay, if you really have this much confidence, I will go with you too. I think there is still a person who can help us to a great extent in this tough situation, but he quite rude and ill mannered." Albert smiled, "I have made many people like him my lackeys. Don't worry, he will be dancing on our command in no time." Syman patted his shoulder and laughed, "We will see who dances on whose command." Albert asked, "What's his name, by the way?" Syman replied, "His real name is unknown, but many of his friends call him 'Nana Bhaiya'." Albert smiled, "Nana Bhai. Quite interesting. Do you think this weird name guy can help us?" Syman replied, "He helped me sell drugs in areas near police stations and other non accessible places. He knows every nook and corner of India and can help us to contact any gang who is ready to join us. But, the thing is that he is quite irritating and most of the time stays drunk and between woman's legs." Albert said, "His personal life is none of our business. He gives us good results, we give him good money. Okay. I will go and make the arrangements." Albert rose and went outside the hall. Syman mumbled, "I hope they have forgotten me. After Alphonso's incident, it's quite hard to land a foot in that country, especially without JK's security."

I was getting a power nap on my sofa, when Captain shaked me and said, "Wake up, buddy. It's time to go." I asked sleepily, "Where?" He replied, "I got information that some local gangs are trying to join hands with big crime families and one of them is the Nayak Gang led by Birju Nayak who has been in jail for ten years on the charge of various crimes. We have to elimate them before they make your birthplace infectious with crime." I smiled, "Okay, boss. As you command." We quickly changed our clothes and tucked a gun beneath our socks and went outside. The outside was quite hot, with the violent sunrays penetrating our skin like knives. Captain whispered in my ear, "Look. This is your first mission as an agent of UCID, so I should get you familiar with the rules. So, the first rule is that you can't shoot somebody unless extremely neccessary. The second one is that you have to obediently follow the orders of your supervisor, that is me, at all the time. The third and probably the most unfollowed, anyone, no matter innocent or not, is liable to get shot if he or she becomes a threat to our secrecy or our mission. So, be careful with your steps and tongue, young boy. I myself killed two people due to this rule." I asked, "Who were the two?" He replied sadly, "A potential girlfriend and her brother." I asked, "Potential girlfriend?" He blushed, "Don't give me that face. I too have a heart." I smiled, "Not the kind one, it seems." He said, "Enough of personal talk for today. Let's get back to business. They must be somewhere here only." We split and started looking for any suspicious person in the crowd. The thing was that the U.C.I.D has just told us about the people and their motives, but their way of doing it is still unknown. Though, it wasn't an impossible task, but nabbing a member of their gang in their area is quite risky and also we can't bring the local police to it. I looked around and saw a man who was standing near a wall, smoking a beedi. He looked kind of a ruffian to me, as he had a scar on his right cheek, a small and thin gold chain around his neck and a small revolver tucked in his jeans. I called Captain and minutes later, he arrived and looked at his direction. The man was quite thin and looking at his stance, it was sure that he was high as a kite. After sometime, he finished his beedi and threw it on the ground. He looked at a young girl passing nearby and started following her. I and Captain kept our distance and also started following him. Sometime later, the girl entered a shady alley and the man quickly caught her by her neck and started strangling her with her dupatta. We quickly launched on him and slammed him on the ground, but he didn't let the dupatta go. I quickly searched for my knife and started cutting the dupatta, while Captain was holding him pinned to the ground. I cut the dupatta and then took the girl away from the man. The man then started biting Captain's hand and Captain started crying in pain, when the man threw him over him and started to take out his revolver. I had no choice, but to shoot three bullets in his neck and he felled on the ground dead. Captain's hand was not that badly hurt, but his hand was bleeding lightly, I picked up a piece of the dupatta and tied it around the wound. The girl looked at us and said, "Thanks a lot, brother. If you two weren't here, this demon would have killed me." She went near the man's body and spitted on it. Her neck was still red and she was struggling to take a full breath. I asked, "What is your name?" She replied, "Naina. Naina Sathe." Captain asked, "Why was he trying to kill you?" She replied, "I don't know." He checked the man's pockets and found a photo of Naina with a bundle of sixty 500 rupees notes." Captain threw the bundle towards me and said, "We shouldn't waste the money. Naina, it looks like he was paid to kill you and most probably was a part of a local gang as he has a revolver." She asked horrified, "Why would someone from the gang would kill me? Wait a minute, I think I know the reason. Guru Nayak, a sleazy and scoundrelous man is after me and wants to marry me. I had frequently rejected his proposals and now that I had told him that I'm not a virgin anymore, he is after my life. He says that after killing me, he will commit suicide and we will unite in the next life."

Captain and I bursted out laughing. Naina asked, "What's so funny about it? I am suffering from stress and anxiety and you two are laughing." I looked at her and said, "You can stay with us if you want." She asked, "Excuse me?" I replied, "Don't get me wrong. I was just saying that if this Guru Nayak guy is so mad and you fear for your life, you can stay with us till we manage to nab Guru Nayak." She said, "I can't stay with strangers and moreover, Guru Nayak is a gangster. How are you gonna nab him?" I replied, "Don't worry, it's our job to nab people like Guru and staying around you would make our task a little easier." She smiled, "In that case, I do have a room for rent above my house. You two can stay there for as long as you want, but beware of my father and don't mention anything about Guru to him as he is a retired Army General." I looked at Captain and he nodded in approval. I turned and said, "Okay. Give us your number and address and we will try to move in the next two days." We exchanged numbers and she went on her way.

We packed our bags and cleaned the room. Captain brought a small car from somewhere and we loaded our bags and professional equipments in the back and started the car. The address was moderately away from our current location and the usual traffic on the roads made our journey much longer than estimated. We managed to reach there by almost 4 pm and Naina was standing there in front of the gate. She was wearing a burgundy colored dress and her hair was tied in a ponytail. Captain was the first to greet her as I was made the luggage carrier and after moving our stuff upstairs in our room, Captain thanked her and went outside for some neccessary work. Naina came inside the room and start examining the heavy boxes and suitcases. I smiled, "Don't worry. We don't anything illegal with us." She looked at me and said in a low voice, "Illegal or legal, you have to show me because in sometime, my father will come here to see his new tenants and I'm damn sure that these heavy boxes will give him suspicious thoughts. So, it's better for me to see it." I readily opened all the boxes and suitcases and she carefully examined each one, disarranging the clothes and other stuff, she found nothing suspicious, but a medium sized can with nothing written on it. She looked at me and I shrugged. She put the can down and said, "Since you two came so late and tired, I will make the food tonight. But, you have to cook or order your own food from tomorrow." I nodded in approval. She started to go outside, when I asked, "Did Guru Nayak contact you?" She replied, "No. In fact, he messaged a strange message to me." I asked, "Can I see it?" She took out her phone and showed me the message. It read, "Extremely sorry for the inconvenience caused by that lowlife. I will personally meet you after I return from the place of God, we will walk together on his path." I said, "Okay. We will see about it, you don't need to worry; I personally assure you that I will protect you, no matter what it takes." She laughed and said, "You are really a good talker. Anyway, I will go and make food for all of us." She went downstairs and I started arranging the disarranged stuff.

Captain came two hours later, with a heavy bag full of gun parts, magazines filled with bullets and a long receipt in his hand. I asked, "You brought all this for one small gang?" Captain patted my head and laughed, "You are just looking at the tip, my boy. Once we shake the beehive all the bees will come rushing to bite us. All of this is for that day." I took the receipt and said, "Looks like it cost you quite smooth for such large amount of ammunition." Captain smiled, "This is the cost of the bullets. The guns and armor vest are still unpaid. Anyway, U.C.I.D will look after the cost as they are financing it." I asked, "They are financing us?" Captain replied, "Only the guns and vehicle fuel, the bullets and other costs are on us to pay." I sighed, "My two months salary will go by paying bills." Captain smiled, "Don't worry. Once you become a superior like Antonio or a trained soldier like Sir Lorenzo, U.C.I.D will finance all your mission costs and moreover, you get an imported car and a house from them as well." I asked, "What does a Supervisor gets?" He replied, "Newbies like you." I smiled, "No, I mean the benefits?" He came near and said, "The answer is still the same. Training someone is a very respectful and pleasurable job in U.C.I.D as you have a reliable position to work. Both Lorenzo and Antonio may be transferred, killed or suspended, but the Supervisor, he stays alive till life is in him. No risky missions, no headaches and no fear of death." I smiled, "So, that means you have an easier life than them." He curled his lips, "Easier and more boring." I smiled, "But safe." He replied, "Actually no. My one is quite risky as I'm your supervisor." I asked, "What do you mean?" He replied, "I'm appointed, not prescribed. I was an agent like you, but Cathy used her power and made me your supervisor. I'm still an active agent and therefore I have to be with you on the mission." I asked, "So you are my partner?" He replied, "A supervising partner to be accurate."

Naina came inside the room and said, "The dinner is ready. Come and eat. Father has went to sleep and told that he will meet you at sharp 5 in the morning." I said, "Okay. We are coming." Naina went downstairs and we followed her and after finishing our dinner, we went straight to bed as we don't want to disturb Naina's father. After sometime, I closed my eyes and fell asleep as the night deepen....