Unknown Faces Of The Known

Francis was lying on his bed, drinking vodka and watching porn, when Kasper came inside and turned off the TV and said, "We have to act first. Dmitry and General sir is already digging up evidence about that night. I am telling you if anything happens to me, the first name coming out from my mouth will be yours." Francis looked at him and said, "Don't be a fool, Kasper. We have already erased all the evidence and moreover, they are pumped with revenge and anger. It will be wise to remain silent and watch the show." Kasper sighed, "Okay, if you are so sure; then there is nothing to argue more about." Francis said, "Go then. Do your work and let me do mine." Kasper immediately closed the door behind him and went to the kitchen to prepare food for the members. Francis closed his eyes and mumbled, "Even I'm feeling a little anxious. Dmitry is a little emotional man, but he will understand it in the course of time but General Zhukov will quite furious and he should be as he lost his brother. Again, I have full confidence that all went as planned, but still I have to hammer the final nail on this matter and I think I know who will be the final nail."

Igor looked at Francis with horror as he disclosed his plan before him. Igor asked, "Are you sure it will be a good plan to do such risky work at such dreaded times?" Francis replied, "If we don't do it now, far more dreaded times will follow and it will be harmful for us, especially now that you have a girlfriend." Igor curled his lips and said, "Okay. As you command, sir." Francis patted his shoulder and said lovingly, "I know you are afraid, but one day when you will look back and reminisce about it, you will only feel proud to have taken this choice." Igor smiled and went away. Francis looked at Igor's back and sighed, "Love is also a strange thing; on one hand it makes one fight even his greatest fears and on other hand, it makes him insecure of his own decisions." He smiled and went on his way.

Dmitry was standing near the window, smoking and looking at a father teaching his son to cycle. Francis came near him and asked, "What are you looking at so attentively?" Dmitry got startled and looked behind and gave a weak smile. He replied lightly, "See for yourself." Francis went near the window and saw the scene. He asked softly, "Missing your dad?" Dmitry asked, "Don't you miss yours?" Francis took a long breath and replied sadly, "I never saw him enough to attach feelings with him. I killed my mother while entering this cruel world and father never gave me enough attention and seldomly came home as far as I can recall. The only time, I saw him fully was when he was in the casket, lying still and rotting slowly. He got most of his body damaged and your father told me that he couldn't use the bathroom in his last days and died as a helpless and miserable patient rather than a feared man as he was in his youth. My father never wanted me to be like him or my uncles. He would often say that the cowardice and lack of management had destroyed what could have been a vital part of Malaysia's history, the Dortmund name. As per his words, he was almost at the brink of killing Jimmy and bringing the revolution to an end, but my eldest uncle didn't supported him and said that they have lost all that they had in Malaysia and now it is wise to return to their homeland. All his life in Germany, he spent drunk and cursing my uncle for his decisions and when my uncle passed away, he said in the eulogy that he was gifted with the opportunity to become one of the greatest, but he choosed to remain a defeated king and died as a bowed king. My father never got time for me; that is the only sorrow I will always have in my life."

"No, my son. Your father had time for you. In fact, he had all the time in the world for you, but he decided to give you a life of a rich orphan." Francis and Dmitry turned and saw General Zhukov standing near the door, smoking cigar. Francis asked, "What do you mean, sir?" General Zhukov came near Francis and patted his shoulder. He said, "You remind me of your father. Same eyes, same moustache and even the same aura. One thing that is distinct is your nature, you are quite polite whereas I never saw Draco without a bottle in his hand and a woman on his dick. The lust and aggression that he had in him was abnormal. He would go on for hours and even sometimes killing the partner. Your eldest uncle was quite an able man and also had quite knowledge about the wordly affairs. The only reason the Dortmunds could go to Malaysia was his clever and swift decisions, but your father ruined it all. I many a times, advised your father to get a life and have limits on his lust, but he would say that I'm just being jealous and never listened to me. Draco never interacted with any allies nor had any interest in the business; all he would do everyday was raping some innocent female. You said that he was almost at Jimmy's neck, but in reality he was almost miles away from him. After, your birth both your uncle and I advised him to quit and look after you, but he said that he doesn't want you to say in future that his father left nothing for him. He deserted you and kept trying in vain till your uncle died. After that, he stopped and sacrificed his life to alcohol and whores and soon got infected with gonorrhea and with time both alcohol and gonorrhea took him to an early grave."

Francis said sadly, "Sometimes, I feel quite low hearing about all my father's actions." General hugged him and said, "Anyone, who knew Draco on a personal basis will surely say that he was reckless and absurd. He never believed in patience and had always ran after ephemeral pleasures and this quality of his brought him to his downfall. Frankly speaking, many people were quite jealous of him as he had all he always wanted. You won't believe me, but at one time Draco had lines of girls waiting to marry him or atleast have a baby with him, but he never accepted anyone's proposals. One of the girls, was Dmitry's mother, Sansa. She was so beautiful that went, she came to Draco, most of the girls started to leave and Dmitry's father was the happiest man when Draco turned down her proposal. Weeks later, my brother married Sansa and they moved to the castle, while your father continued his actions and after some years, he brought a woman in her late twenties to Germany. That woman was Francis's mother. A timid, less speaking and average looking woman, she never interacted much with anyone and lived her life like that. Draco would seldomly come to met her and would spend the whole night and leave in the morning. Eventually, she got pregnant and died while giving birth to you. Draco never felt any grieve for her and was even absent on her funeral. Your father always made wrong choices himself and would blame others for his failures, so every blame on him is valid." Francis smiled sadly and said, "There is no point talking about him anymore. He lived his life and went away, there is nothing to argue about now." Dmitry said, "Let's go and have lunch. I have a meeting to attend after an hour." All went downstairs to have lunch.

Kasper came and put a boil of warm potato soup alongwith a bowl of roasted chicken meat before Francis. Francis looked at the food and said, "I actually don't eat such heavy food. Can I have something lighter?" General laughed, "This is the lightest meal on our menu. If you want anything more lighter, than you have to consume air." Dmitry looked at Kasper and said, "Bring a hamburger for Francis. He will like that." Kasper nodded and went inside the kitchen. Francis asked, "So, far your preparations went?" Dmitry asked, "Preparations? Preparations for what?" Francis replied, "Attack on Syman." Dmitry gave a curl smile, "There is no need to burn lamps for that. Syman is already in a poor condition. No one is ready to help him, especially now that he is on our radar. I won't be surprised if I hear the news of Syman committing suicide, most probably that will be his last option." Francis said, "Okay. It's good that our enemy is in agony." Dmitry gave a smile and continued eating. General looked at Francis and asked, "Is it true that Syman fled from Italy to save his life?" Francis replied, "Hundred percent." General asked, "But why?" Dmitry smiled, "Because he is a rat and that's what rats do. They flee." General still looked unsatisfied. Francis said, "Some say that some unknown guys intervened in Syman's business and even killed JK and Lucas. Syman escaped to save his life and whatever was left of his shitty business." General asked, "Who were those 'unknown guys'?" Francis replied, "I can't say their what there name were, but one of them was connected with the Sultanate." General said, "Sultanate and its Sultan. Both has been a nuisance for years to us. Anyway, if you get any information about them, tell me. I want to meet them and see if they agrees to be on our side." Dmitry waved his hand and said, "I don't trust any outsider. Remember, what your brother said. 'An unknown friend is far more dangerous than a known enemy.' And of course, I don't need any more problems in my empire." General said angrily, "This known and unknown theory is useless in the battlefield. My brother liked to talk much and this is a part of his lengthy nonsense talks." General rose and went away. Dmitry looked at Francis and said, "Enjoy your hamburger. I will meet you after the meeting." Dmitry stood up and soon went outside the compound in his car.

Francis looked at the hamburger and smiled, "This is still a heavy meal." He finished the hamburger and rose from his chair. He went to the kitchen and put the plates near the sink and then went upstairs in his room. He picked up his phone and saw three missed call notifications flashing on his lock screen. He unlocked the phone and looked at the number. It was a German number and it seemed familiar to Francis. Francis clicked on the number and made a call. After several rings, the call went unattended and Francis thrusted the phone in his pocket and went downstairs. He looked at the key hanger board and took a key from the board. He went outside and pressed the key button and a blue Chevrolet Camaro's headlights beeped. Francis went inside the car and started the engine and went outside the compound. After a drive of half an hour, he stopped near an abandoned gas station and went outside his car. He looked around and took out his phone and typed a message 'Come soon. I'm waiting.' He kept the phone in his pocket and took out a cigarette and pressed between his lips and lit it. He sucked a long drag and exhaled a long stream of smoke and mumbled, "Once this man does my work successfully, no one can stop me from taking back Malaysia and killing that son of a bitch." A tap startled him and looked behind. A muscular man with his face hidden behind a black mask asked, "Did you bring the money?" Francis nodded and took out a fat bundle of cash and put on his hand. He said, "This is the half amount and the other half will be yours, once you complete the job." The man said grimly, "Okay. As you wish. Meet me tomorrow at this very place and don't go missing or else, you know my nature." The man quickly sprinted and jumped over the fence and disappeared in the dense of the bushes. Francis took a long breath and threw the cigarette on the ground and crushed it. He went towards the bathroom and had a pee. He came and sat inside his car and rushed towards the direction of Dmitry's house.

Dmitry has already returned from the meeting and saw Francis coming inside. He asked, "Where did you go?" Francis smiled, "Went to buy a packet of fine cigarettes." Dmitry asked, "Won't you share it with me?" Francis replied, "Of course, buddy." He gave a cigarette to him and said, "Okay. I'm feeling a little tired and a little sleep would be beneficial." Dmitry said, "Okay. But, wake up before 5. Some guests are coming home to pay respects to my father. I don't want to alone in front of them." Francis asked, "Who is coming?" Dmitry replied, "Alexander Kross." Francis said, "Can't recognize." Dmitry replied, "Actually, you don't. He is an old friend of my father and was a great companion to him in his youth." Francis asked, "If he is that friendly, why don't you want to be alone with him?" Dmitry replied, "You will know, once you meet him." Francis smiled and went upstairs. Dmitry lit his cigarette and closed his eyes to take a short nap as the sun started hiding behind the horizon...