New Connections

Charan was sitting on the sofa, drinking coffee and munching cookies; Vivek came inside the room and said, "I have a bad news, brother. That scum Alphonso has now joined hands with Francis." Charan sipped his coffee and said, "That Francis has stooped so low that he joined hands with a treacherous person like Alphonso, who was like a week ago his worst enemy. Is this the reaction you was expecting from me? Actually, I'm not quite surprised as I knew he would do something like this." Vivek said grimly, "I received a letter this morning from Ali. He said that he has firmed himself in the Sultanate, but unlike Sultan he has decided to keep his kingdom a democratic one and also started diplomatic relations with the neighbouring countries. Can they be some help to us? Now?" Charan replied, "No, they have already tied themselves in the holy spirit of democracy. We need someone who is ready to break some rules and wage a war." Vivek asked, "Who is he?" Charan replied, "General Zhukov." Vivek asked, "Why will he help us?" Charan replied, "Because we have a common enemy. Let's go and meet him." Vivek and Charan wore their jackets and went to the airport. They boarded their private jet and soon went in the air.

After eight hours of tiring air travel, they landed on the Russian soil. A black limousine was already waiting for them and they boarded it. Vivek asked, "So, you have talked with General Zhukov already?" Charan replied, "Actually, he called last night and said that he wants to meet us and he will finance our travel and stay in Russia. As, a nice and noble person, how can I deny a wish from a old fucker?" Vivek smiled, "I hope he is not as scary as people describes him." Charan laughed, "You are scared of that old fucker." Vivek said grimly, "You can't fight a bull in his arena." Charan smiled, "I have no intention of fighting him either. I just want to tame him." Vivek smiled, "Then beware of his horns." They started laughing and soon reached the palace of the Russian Mafia.

The guards opened the door and said, "You are late, sir. General Zhukov has just left to see his army which is stationed at the north end of the palace." Charan smiled, "The flight was late and also we wanted to brought a present for him." The guard said, "Okay. Please go and have a seat." Charan said, "Actually we want to see the army." The guard smiled, "Very well, then. Please follow me." They followed the guard and reached near a large field where almost twenty tents were standing there. A platoon of soldiers wearing olive green uniforms were listening to General Zhukov, while a gang of ladies were standing near the fence, slicing meat from dead reindeers and preparing food for the soldiers. Charan's eyes fell on a young lady in her twenties cutting vegetables near the stove. Her long hair were constantly disturbing her and she tugged them behind her ear. Charan controlled his body and mumbled, "Alia, Alia and only Alia. You love her, remember only her." Vivek asked, "You, okay? Brother." Charan smiled, "Nothing. Just got a little nostalgic." Vivek said, "Anyway, General Zhukov is marching towards us." Charan said, "It's nice to meet you, sir." General Zhukov looked at them and said, "I was expecting a more bulkier version. Anyway, I have some work to finish before I can have a chat with you. Feel free to roam around."

He went away and Charan mumbled, "A more bulkier version? What are we? Bodybuilders?" Charan said, "Vivek, go and interact with the soldiers. Know if they are pumped enough or not?" Charan went near the stove and asked, "Can you give me a glass of water, please?" The lady looked up and said, "Don't you see that I'm busy. Take it yourself." Charan smiled, "Okay. But, atleast show me the way." She rose and pointed her finger to a shabby hand pump near the river. She said, "Be careful. The river is deep and also full of piranhas." Charan said, "I am new here and could use a helping hand." She said, "But these hands are busy somewhere else." Charan smiled, "A few minutes of leisure won't hurt anyone." She smiled, "But, I have no time to spare for leisure." She went away and Charan kept looking at her. Charan looked at the sky and mumbled, "I think I have found love again, Alia. If you agree, please send a signal." A bird poop fell on his face and Charan jumped in joy, "I know you have let me die lonely. But, to be honest, you will always be my first love." Vivek looked at his brother's antics and smiled, "Even the coldest have a warm, beating heart."

Vivek was standing near the platoon and watching them eating their food. He suddenly felt his stomach growling and he took a plate and took some rice and potato soup and went to the table. He looked around and saw there was a seat empty and went there. He asked, "Is this seat available, sir?" The soldier looked at him and said, "Yes." Vivek sat down and started eating his food. He looked at the soldier and found out that he looks quite similar to Arman and from his accent, he can be easily recognized as a Middle Eastern boy. Vivek asked, "How did you end up here?" The soldier looked at him and asked, "Excuse me?" Vivek said, "I mean to say, how did a Middle Eastern boy came to fight in Russian Mafia?" The soldier said grimly, "Money, my brother. Things ain't working out at home and me being the only brother left had to join the army to feed my family." Vivek asked, "What is your name?" He replied, "Omar bin Laden." Vivek laughed, "It's quite a terrorizing name." Omar smiled, "Yeah. I hear it all the time." Vivek asked, "So, which country do you have your home?" Omar replied, "Azerbaijan." Vivek asked, "So, you are a mercenary?" Omar asked, "What's that?" Vivek replied, "A person who fights war for other country to earn money is a mercenary. Anyway, you don't look like quite a person who like to be a mercenary. Let me guess you were forced to be in the army due to your muscular stature." Omar smiled, "Correct. Our family was a traditional family of jewelers, but time wiped everything away from us. Home, money, possessions and somewhat dignity. My own brothers became muggers and one of my sister had to go into prostitution to feed her family. I have seen both rich and poor in one lifetime and now I just want to end it as soon as possible."

Omar started crying and Vivek patted his shoulder, "Don't say like that. You are quite young and have an entire life ahead of you. Learn to be brave and make sure you are in a good place where you get respect and love. That's all one need to live his life successfully." Omar asked, "Who areyou?" Vivek replied, "Well, all the people call me Vivek Khatri. But, if you like, you can call be V or Mr. Khatri." Omar smiled, "No, I mean who are you as in profession?" Vivek smiled, "Businessman. I trade in arms and other illegal things." Omar said, "So, you have come to trade weapons. I don't see any truck or any you know, vessel." Vivek smiled, "Actually, I am here to get a contract from your reputed General. If he agrees, you will be touching imported guns by the next Tuesday." Omar smiled, "Anyway, my meal is over. See you soon." Vivek rose and said, "Actually, I have a task for you, if you don't mind." Omar smiled, "No problem." Vivek said, "Here, take my number." Omar replied, "We are not allowed to have a phone here." Vivek said, "Okay. Here, take my card. Give me a call whenever you have access to a telephone. Remember, this task may change your life forever." Omar asked worrying, "What is the task? Is it dangerous?" Vivek replied, "Everything is dangerous in our line of business. But, you will get atleast one million dollars from my boss." Omar smiled, "Okay. Count me in." Vivek said, "Remember to call me." Vivek went away and Omar looked at the card. He mumbled, "How much dangerous can it be for one million dollars anyway?" He kept the card in his pocket and went back to his tent.

Charan was sitting in the living room, talking on his phone when Vivek came inside and sat beside him. Charan gave him a glimpse and continued speaking, "I don't know how you got so desperate to be a democratic man when you well know the political games of those hypocritical bastards. They will only use you to fulfill their motives and then throw you away saying that you were never a part of them anyway. Okay, I got it that you can't reverse what you have done, but be extra careful now. I am sensing some heavy plotting against you. Okay, now cut the call. General will arrive at any moment now." Vivek asked, "Who was it?" Charan replied grimly, "Your newly democrat friend, Ali. He is now repenting his decision and wants General's help to recapture his land. I plainly told him that General's help in this matter will be totally bogus and advised him to be careful with his decisions from now on." Vivek said sadly, "Arman's absence has drastically affected all of us. We lost our friend and they lost their prince." Charan smiled, "Don't worry, brother. I am damn sure that he is partying with Liam up in the heaven." Vivek said, "Oh, I totally forgot about Christopher. How is he doing?"

Charan sighed, "Yes, I was going to tell you anyway. Christopher is in prison. He was found guilty of possessing illegal drugs and ammunition and also an old case of murder of a teenage couple had also resurfaced which had Christopher and Liam as the primary suspects." Vivek said, "So, London is closed for us." Charan said, "Not completely. We still have some of our old boys there and if we get help here, soon we all will be marching to kill that motherfucker." Vivek said, "Amen to that."

General came inside the room and sat in front of them. Charan extended his hand to him and said, "It's a pleasure meeting you." General said, "As you know, the French Mafia is now in chaos and is on the verge of destruction with both police and other criminal families bent on extermining them. I don't want someone other than me to do the first attack." Vivek said, "You have a large and strong army on your back. I don't see where we will be involved." General said, "I know my power and also how to use it, but the thing is that I want it to be as secret as possible. I want you to go and kill Antonio in the French prison." Charan asked, "What will we get in return?" General replied, "Your sworn enemy, Alphonso Rubisco. I know you have grudges with him and I'm sure you won't let this opportunity go in vain." Charan said, "He is not some baby who you can pick up from the cradle. I want you to show me some solidity to your statement." General said, "Okay. If you have any doubts on my words, you can stay here and your brother can go and do the job." Charan said, "No, we will go together or not at all." Vivek said, "No. I will go and make sure Antonio dies. Charan can stay here and see if your words are indeed true or not."

Charan smiled, "Okay. If that is what the majority wants, then let it be." General said smiling, "Very well then. Enjoy the stay here and meet me at the dinner table in the night." Charan said, "Okay, I have to go and make some arrangements for you. You really want to go alone?" Vivek smiled, "Not alone. I have someone who would like to go with me." Charan asked, "Who?" Vivek smiled, "You go and make the arrangements. I will meet you at the dinner table." Vivek ran away outside and Charan shrugged.

Omar was lying on his blanket when he saw someone's silhouette walking around. He took out his gun and tiptoed behind the silhouette and grabbed him and threw him on the ground. He pointed his gun on his head and asked angrily, "Who are you?" The silhouette revealed his face and said, "Relax, Omar. It's me, Vivek." Omar relaxed and asked, "Why are you walking around in the dark?" Vivek replied, "Actually, I was searching for your tent. Anyway, have you decided if you want to do my task or not?" Omar replied, "Yes. But, what is the work?" Vivek replied slowly, "I want you to accompany me to France. General has instructed us to kill Antonio Fabrio Blanchet." Omar asked, "Weren't you an arms dealer? Who is Antonio Fabrio Blanchet anyway?" Vivek replied, "There is no time to go in deep details. In brief, if you accompany me to this mission, you will get money both from me and General. A sum of total two million dollars." Omar smiled, "Okay. When will we leave?" Vivek replied, "On Saturday. Pack anything neccessary and remember one thing, don't let anyone know about this, not even your commanding officer, Alex." Omar smiled, "Done." Vivek hugged him and went away. Omar felt something in his pocket and found a bundle of ten 100 dollars notes. He kept it in his pocket and went inside his tent.

Charan was watching all of the conversation from a distance and smiled, "Looks like my brother has finally grown up." He turned and started going back to the palace as the moon started hiding behind some racing clouds...