The Final Strike: Part Two

Charan and Karim were standing in front of the prison and waiting for Antonio's van to come outside. Karim said, "I won't tell you that it will be an easy job. But, if we can do it in a proper way and within the time, half of our problems will be vanished." Charan said, "I needed the money badly. Alphonso must be already lurking around my ancestral property looking to steal something very valuable to our family. I have to end his tale before it gets too late." Karim smiled, "Violence is never a solution to anything that's what my mother used to tell me. Yet, I am here to kill someone who helped me in my times of need." Charan smiled, "No. You are doing the right thing. If he stays alive, our plans won't fruit. Anyway, in this line of business, no one can be loyal to anyone." Karim looked at him and said, "I can't agree more." Charan and Karim saw that the gate was slowly opening and two policemen came outside on bikes. After them, a van came outside and behind it was another van which was tightly packed with policemen and Antonio was inside it.

Charan said, "They are giving the loser way more security than he deserves." Karim smiled, "He may be a "loser", but he still a very dangerous criminal in the eyes of the police." Charan smiled, "Let's call others." Karim and Charan quickly went on their bike and rode towards the van's direction. Charan said, "We will have only five minutes to kill Antonio after Anna takes down the bikes." Karim smiled, "That's more than enough." Charan pulled the accelerator and they soon outrun the van and bikes. After coming a little far, Karim threw a grenade on the road. The blast made a distraction and the vehicles stopped immediately. Anna shot a bullet in the chest of a policeman and then Charan and Karim started firing at them. The policemen came outside of the van and started firing at them. Charan and Karim quickly hid behind a car on the road. Charan threw smoke grenades on the road and the whole place quickly got covered with smoke.

The policemen quickly turned back and got inside the van. They started the engine and quickly went speeding past them. Karim cried out loud, "We have to catch the van before it reaches it's destination." Charan quickly ran towards his bike, but a bullet pierced his arm. He dodged the another bullet and killed the policeman. Anna said on the microphone, "You go, Charan. I will try to distract the police." Anna threw a grenade near one bike and a huge blast killed the police crouching near them. They diverted their guns towards Anna and Charan got the opportunity to ran towards his bike. He quickly wore his helmet and ran towards Karim. Karim quickly mounted the bike and they speeded towards the direction of the van. Anna took another grenade out of her bag to throw at the police but one policeman shot at her wrist and the grenade fell near Anna. Anna closed her eyes and and the blast threw her high up in the air and she fell on the ground dead.

Charan and Karim were following the van for a long time and couldn't damage it due to the heavy metal structure. Karim said, "We won't be able to kill him if we go like this. We need a change of plans." Charan said, "Okay. Hold the handle." Karim turned and came in front and handled the handle. Charan took out a Uzi and said, "Take it front of the van." Karim went front of the van and Charan started shooting at the engine of the van. After a round of shooting, the engine caught fire and blasted. The van rolled on the ground before getting hit on the barrier of the road. Charan and Karim quickly went near the van and opened the door. There were many dead policemen, but Antonio was not there. Karim said, "We blasted the wrong van. Shit, Shit.....Shit."

Charan took out his phone and called Anna, but no reply came from her side. Charan said grimly, "Looks our friends died for nothing will you." Karim smiled, "So, that's means that you knew the whole plan from the beginning." Charan punched Karim in the face and said, "The guy who is ready to betray and kill the man who gave him an identity and reputation, cannot be trusted." Karim took out his gun and said, "I won't trust that guy either." Karim pulled the trigger, but nothing happened. Charan smiled, "Looks like luck is not in your favor today." Karim jumped on Charan and started punching him rapidly. Charan threw him over the ground and stomped him in the chest. Charan caught his leg and pulled him and threw him over the burning van. Karim rose and took out a baton lying on the ground. He ran towards Charan and stretched the baton on him. Charan gently moved and backfisted Karim on the face. Karim tripped a little but managed to hit Charan's face with his elbow. Charan left cheek turned a little red with the hit and Karim took the opportunity to tackle him on the ground. He then started hitting rapidly Charan with the baton. Charan endured some hits and then rolled over and caught Karim on the leg and Karim fell on the ground. Charan took the opportunity and hit him in the crotch. Karim started crying in pain and Charan stomped his head on the road. The heavy boot and the concrete road gave Karim a major injury and he fell unconscious on the ground. Charan pulled him by his leg and took him near the burning van and threw him on the pile of dead policemen. Charan looked at Karim and then went away. Minutes later, police reinforcements arrived and saw that Karim was lying there with the dead bodies. They checked his pulse and said, "Take him to the hospital." Soon, dozens of ambulances arrived and the scene was evacuated.

Charan came near a pier and lowered his head in the water. After a few seconds, he took his head out and blinked his eyes. "What took you so long?" A voice came out behind and Charan looked around and asked, "Who the fuck are you, lady?" She smiled, "Think and try to recognize me." Charan said shocked, "Natasha. You...Girl, you sure have gained a lot of weight in these years." Natasha said angrily, "Shut up. I am not here to have a friendly chit chat with you. I always knew that you are a disgraceful and rotten person, but I didn't know that you will leave my sister to die, when she needed you the most." Charan said, "I left her? Are you nuts, Natasha? I loved her like crazy. I fought your father for her and even killed three of the suitors who came to marry her." Natasha said, "Lies, lies and only lies. If you had cared for her so much then you would have already killed her killer." Charan said, "You really don't know anything about anything. I lost my moms, sisters, good friends and my dear brother, Vivek trying to kill the killer of Alia. You think I don't feel hollow whenever I think of how much lonely I'm. There is no one to support me or revive me when I feel defeated. I have no one. You know what, just kill me and end this pain." Natasha lowered her gun and said, "I don't know how much truth is there in your words. But, you shall have a chance to prove it. Tell me, who killed my sister?" Charan replied grimly, "Same person who killed my brother, that demon Alphonso Rubisco."

Natasha said, "The way you mentioned his name, clearly shows how much he troubled you in the past. I am pretty sure that you want my help in this situation." Charan said, "If you want to help me, then fine. But, it's not like I won't be able to kill him without your help. Alia always complained about your bad decisions and arrogant nature." Natasha smiled, "I'm pretty much sure that she said that. After all she always envied me. I defeated her in every game we played. She is the one who always got the scolding from father and she is the one who ended up with loser like herself." Charan sighed, "And the rain of taunts starts." Charan smiled and said, "I will need a partner for the mission and I cannot find anyone better than you, my dear. So, please show me some pity and help me." Natasha laughed, "You can't sugar coat me like that. I am not like other girls who gets easily flattered by sweet words. I am unique." Charan said, "And that uniqueness makes you a good partner." Natasha smiled, "Okay. I can atleast do that for my sister's sake." Charan smiled, "Yes. Alia will be grateful for your tiny help." Natasha said, "Okay. We should move now before the sun sets. We don't have enough time to rest." Charan said, "Same here." They went inside Natasha's car and soon they speeded towards the airport.

Natasha said, "Look I know you like to call the shots and boss around. But, in my case if I ever feel that you are being arrogant or rude towards me, I will shoot two bullets in your testicles." Charan smiled, "Don't worry, Natty. My days of bossing around are gone and now I just want to finish that bastard and then I will maybe retire and go to live in some calm and safe place." Natasha smiled, "Alia would have slapped you right now. You are giving up your dream to rule the Underworld when you are just little steps away from it. You sure are not the Charan that I heard of." Charan said grimly, "Yeah, that Charan is gone. Probably dead. I wanted to rule the Underworld but not alone. I have no one behind me right now. Even if I fulfill my dream, it won't be for a long time. I still remember what your father said once to me, "Don't get too tangled with the glamour of the business. It maybe making your road shining and smooth, but in the end of the road, there will be only darkness." Natasha smiled, "Yeah. Father was a drunk philosopher. I still remember the days when we would sit around the small bonfire and share stories. Alia was never too talkative but I would talk all about my daily affairs that would be hunting squirrels and practicing archery." Charan smiled, "I never that experience. My father didn't liked spending time with his kids. He considered it as a sign of time waste. He but once took me to one of his meetings in Scotland. That was the only time I saw father alive. I didn't cried but it felt very painful to see his burned corpse."

Charan's eyes became moist. Natasha said, "Cheer up. You are not that bad of a son. You atleast made a name of yourself and became quite successful. I didn't really achieved much. An assassin who never got any clients and eventually had to kill people for stealing their money. I always felt ashamed but my love for killing kept me motivated." Charan smiled, "You are not that horrible as Alia described to me." Natasha smiled, "And you are not that disgusting as I imagined." Charan said, "You are a lot like Alia." Natasha smiled, "I know what you are trying to say. But, I'm a lesbian." Charan burst out laughing, "Hey. I won't date you. You are far below my standards." Natasha said angrily, "So, you mean that dumb Anna was worth your time? She is same as my sister?" Charan replied, "You won't understand even if I explain, so there's no point arguing with you." Natasha said, "Anyway, she's dead too. So, loving you is death sentence for all of your close ones." Charan didn't say anything and looked outside the window.

Natasha looked at him and said, "Okay. Forgive me. I think I have talked too much. But it's true. You always end up killing the people who trust you and try their best to protect you." Charan said sadly, "I don't know what to say. It is both a truth and a lie. Yes, I have failed to protect the people who needed me the most and it is also true that I never want to do harm to anyone. Life always brings me to a situation where I couldn't help anyone even if I try my best." Natasha said, "I can understand. Even I failed to save my father when he needed me the most. I still repent the day when I sneaked out for a late night party for which Father didn't gave me the permission. I came home that night and saw my father was lying on the ground dead. A pool of thick blood was coming out from his body. I don't know if I had ever cried so much as that day I lost my father. Charan smiled grimly, "That's life. No matter how much you do, you always remains one step backward." Natasha and Charan went to the airport and soon they were inside the flight departing for India. Soon, the plane took off and got hidden behind the thick black clouds. ...