Quarrelsome Lovers

He leans forward with a smirk, comments, "Seeing you confused and troubled is fun to watch," and starts walking away. Xue Er is stunned by his words, "HEY, I'm not finished yet." He didn't say anything or turned around, but only gave her a wave.

At that same time, Yi Ping was hiding behind one of the pillars, "What's with their vibes?" As he was keeping an eye on Xue Er, one of his friends noticed him, "What are you doing here? Are you cutting again?!" Yi Ping looks at his friend stupidly, "Can't you see I'm busy?" His friend goes and glances over at what Yi Ping was staring at, "Kid if a girl is with "Zhi Chen senior" it's too late to make a move. You hear me." pat his back trying to comfort him. Yi Ping moved his hands away and scolded, "What are you thinking?? I only see her as my sister. And why are you here?" "To bring you to class. I haven't finished my assignment and knowing you, you didn't too." slapping his back gave him a flirting look.

"You're disgusting, let's go."

After school was over, Wei Wei, as usual, was waiting for Xue Er. She lowered the window and shouted, "Did he eat it?" From afar, Xue Er lifted the empty lunch boxes.

Xue Er got in the car and closed the door behind her. "So, what did he say about it?" as Wei Wei begins driving. "He said good." "Really?" Xue Er gave a look to her sister, "If you don't believe me, you can ask him. He's coming over later."

<> Wei Wei suddenly stops the car.

"Sis, what are you doing? We could've died." "If we died, it's your fault anyway." Xue Er looks at her confusingly, "He always comes over to our house. Why are you acting like this?" Wei Wei flustered and regained her posture. "Nothing.." and continues driving again. "There must be something," as Xue Er thinks to herself while looking at her sister.

"MOMMM, we're home. What is there to eat? I'm hungryyy." Xue Er dropped her backpack and went straight to the kitchen. "Wowww, cupcakes?!!! Perfect, I was just craving some sweet before," and when she was about to reach for one, her mom slaps her hand. "Go wash your hand first and wait till everyone is here then eat." "Everyone? Who else is coming? I don't remember telling you that Yi Ping is coming over." "I invited the boy from next door. The one from your school right? I thought it would be nice to have him over since they just moved in." Xue Er looks at her mom and awkwardly laughs. "You really like to do these things, don't you?" as she wonders to herself.


"Go get the door," as she cleans the dishes. Xue Er didn't want to, knowing it might be him. Once she opened the door, she saw two guys in front of her. "Uhh, come in," and Yi Ping who always comes over just walks in without even looking at Xue Er. "AUNTIE, I'm here..," "Why is he always like that? Always come over and pretend like it's his place," as she mutters to herself. She looked up and saw Zhi Chen standing there, "Zhi Chen senior, you're here…" words couldn't come out her mouth and they just awkwardly stood there. Her mom suddenly comes over, "Why didn't you invite Zhi Chen in? Don't just stand there. Come in, I made some cupcakes for you guys to eat."

Xue Er looks at him, "Please come in," guiding him to the dining room. He looks at the cupcakes, "Auntie, these cupcakes look nice," as he went to reach for one. Xue Er stopped him, "Ah wait!" Her mom turns around confused. "You have to wash your hands. Right, Mom?" Her mom smiled and mumbles, "You little cheeky girl..." "Can I eat now?" after washing her hands with Zhi Chen. "Go. Zhi Chen, what would you like?" Xue Er answered for him, "He doesn't like sweet food." Her mom comes over with the fresh-baked ones," And how do you know?" putting her hands on her hip. "I… Umm… I don't know."

Zhi Chen smirk, "I'll take the chocolate one." Looking at the plate, there's only one chocolate cupcake. Xue Er watches him pick it up as he was about to put it in his mouth, he notices her staring, "You want?" She gulped. "No, it's fine I just ask mom to make more chocolates." He stopped her and stuffed the cupcake in her mouth, "Is it good?" "IT'S ….SO DELICIOUS!" as she slowly begins to melt with the taste.


"Can you two get a room?" Wei Wei rolled her eyes at Xue Er. "WhAT aRe you TAlking about??" with her mouth still full. "Hey, HEy stop spitting!!" Yi Ping went over and passed her a tissue.

At the same time, Wei Wei snatched the tissue from his hand, "Thank you." "Can't you see that it's not for you?" as Yi Ping protested. Xue Er looks at both of them as they start to argue. "Here they go again," as she said it silently. "Here," Xue Er turned around and saw Zhi Chen holding a tissue in front of her. "Ooo, thank you." "Do they always fight like this?" Xue Er nods, "yup, that's why I can never find peace when they're around."

"Why are you always like this? Don't think you're the oldest and could oppress the young ones." Wei Wei puts down her cupcake and stares at him coldly. Suddenly, Yi Ping felt a chill behind his back, knowing that he must've said something wrong. "Y-you can't scare me," as he shifted more back. Both Xue Er and Zhi Chen just stare at them like they're watching a show.

Wei Wei stepped forward, and closed the small distance between her and Yi Ping. "m,m,master xue… help please," as he tried to call for help, but Xue Er just stepped out of the dining room with Zhi Chen. "Good luck," as she whispers to him. Yi Ping looks back at Wei Wei who was only a few inches from him. "What are you going to do? I'm gonna call if you come any closer." Wei Wei looks at him and reflects what he said was right. "I should've poisoned you instead," and she walked away.

"PO-POISONED!" choking on his saliva, "AUNTIEE" **cough** "SAVE ME!! Wei Wei-" as he points at her. "I, What?" sending a bloody aura. He quickly hid behind her mom, "...nothing. Are there more cupcakes?"

"That's enough kids. I invited you guys to spend quality time together," as she said, shaking her head. All of a sudden her phone rang, "Hello? Oh Hello… yes it's nice hearing their voice too. ...Really? An event… Of course, we will come ... " after ending her call, she questioned, "Where's Xue Er?"

"I'm here," peeking in the dining room. "I just got a call from one of my old friends, she is hosting an event, I need you two to find a partner to go with." "EHH? Why? Wei Wei and I can be partners? We always do that." Xue Er whined. "You're at the age to find a boyfriend," trying so hard to explain.

Haven't seen Xue Er back yet, Zhi Chen peeks in to see what is happening. "OH MY GOODNESS!" Mom shouted and made everyone jump. She claps her hands, "Zhi Chen dear, are you busy this Friday evening?" "No, I'm not?" he wary answered. "PERFECT! "Yi Ping I'll be borrowing you too." "Mom, what are you doing?" "It's positive that she is trying to find a wife for her son at the event. Her son is so not it for you girls." The sister looks at each other, dumbfound.