Confused? Beginning.

Jin's consciousness gradually awakened.

This ... where am I? How am I not dead?

Opening his eyes slowly and he found himself floating in a dark space.

-It is so strange. What happened to my body. I ... I don't feel anything, what does that mean? I should be dead frozen somewhere ... This place, where am I?

"Boy, are you finally awake?"

Hearing a voice in a strange language that he could still understand, Jin tried to find the source.

"Don't waste your time, you can't see me."

Amazed, Jin asked:

"You are God?"

Jin was an ordinary boy in almost every way and lived in a small town called the New Revolution with his adoptive parents.

Jin was adopted at the age of 5 after his biological parents abandoned him because they could not support him, his new parents were a couple of teachers who taught at the only school in the city where, later, Jin would come to study.

In his childhood, Jin showed great talent in his studies, being very dedicated from a young age until he entered high school, when he began to lose interest in most subjects because of his considered "distorted" philosophy.

Despite suffering some problems in high school because of his "distorted" way of thinking, Jin had no difficulties in making friends with his colleagues and even dated for a while with a girl in his class.

But, due to bad luck, on his last day of school Jin managed to be kidnapped because he was curious and heard what he shouldn't have.

After being kidnapped, Jin was taken to underground facilities where, after a few days, the kidnappers seemed to have found some use for him.

Unfortunately for Jin, he had just entered a den of scientists, mysterious and dangerous beings. And it ended up being frozen alive in a cryogenic experiment.

But so far everything seems normal, so what could have done that Jin didn't just die?


Without an answer, Jin started to get a little nervous until a laugh started to echo through space.

"Why are you laughing?"

"Because you asked a funny question."

-Funny? But wait a minute, I was supposed to be dead but suddenly I find myself in a dark space, floating and naked without feeling anything from my body, and with a voice from the beyond asking me. What is it for me to think if not for those fictional stories I read and watched?

"Who are you then?"

"I don't want to say. But, does it really matter to you?"

Taken by surprise by the answer, Jin thinks for a while and says

"No ... What really matters is why I am here."

"Exactly, and that I can explain."

"I must say that you are the luckiest or unlucky guy that me and that conscience have ever encountered."


"I mean, you seem to have died in a very, very important moment."

"The Great Transition, is a phenomenon where a universe begins to create its own method of operation, leaving the previous 'programmed' form."

Perceiving the doubts on the young man's face, the voice started to explain ..

The universe that humanity knows is nothing more than one of the existing infinities, each universe has a relatively similar beginning, however, at a certain point a universe acquires its own consciousness and some time later begins to follow its own method of operation, in search of the temporal balance of its existence, that is, eternity.

If a universe is unsuccessful it dies coldly or is reborn hotly with its consciousness being erased in the process. The mission of a universe's consciousness is to find a way to achieve a way to balance the expansion and contraction of the universe, and also its matter and energy, to achieve a perfect cycle of eternity.

This moment of change is called the Great Transition, and Jin, with his great luck or not, seems to have died at the very moment of the beginning of the mutation.

His soul, for some reason, mutated because of it and then, somehow, became solid and could no longer follow the normal cycle of a soul.

Even so, it is not possible to know exactly how this mutation was possible to occur, since it is very likely that other beings died at that moment somewhere in the universe.

"..." After hearing all of this, Jin just couldn't immediately accept it and was silent.

"It must really be difficult to suddenly find out that almost everything you believed was wrong. But you can only accept it."

Closing his eyes, Jin thought about his past.

-Although I didn't have many loved ones when I was alive, I loved my adoptive parents very much and I really liked the few friends I made. Although I cannot accept what I just heard right away, I have no choice but to try to move on, that is, if I have a way to go.

-All that happened to me was because of my own curiosity and carelessness. Where was I with my head when I tried to listen to the conversation of two armed people to the teeth?

"Hey, is there any way I can come back to life, I mean, my body?"

Seeming a little surprised by Jin's quick reaction, the voice replied "Yes".


"Why should I tell you?"

"Why waste time with me if you don't want something from me? Unless, of course, you just want to laugh at others' misfortunes." Jin replied in a calm voice.

"HAHAHAHA, interesting. You are right about that, I just have no reason to waste time with such a fragile and lost soul. But boy, as I said before, I don't know what kind of shit you stepped on and now you something interests me"

Despite getting a little flustered, Jin controled himself and said

"I believe I need to know what it is to help you."

"Instead of a 'thing', you have a capacity for which I have a use"

The voice then started to explain.

An ordinary soul has three phases in its life cycle, Creation, maturation, harvest.

Creation is the phase where the soul is born within a living being.

Ripening is the phase where the soul develops with the growth of the living being and its experiences.

Harvest is the phase where the living being dies and the soul is then expelled from the universe and absorbed by the astral dimension.

"What is the astral dimension?" Jin asked.

"... You don't need to know that. Let me finish my explanation."

The ability of jin that the owner of the voice was interested in is the fact that, because it is solid, your soul can no longer go through the harvest phase.

And that means a lot more than Jin now has a theoretically eternal body.

[Correction: he is a soul-type body, since his soul is solid.]

This means that Jin's soul can take possession of other living beings again, and continue forever in the stage of maturity.

With a suspicious look, Jin then asks

"You don't want me to possess someone, right?"

"... Boy, didn't your parents teach you to remain silent?"

"... I won't interrupt you anymore, if you tell me what I should call you." Jin said while rolling his eyes.

"Call me ... God" The voice said while laughing.

"I don't think that suits such a childish being"

Shortly after saying this, Jin started for the first time since he died feeling something, fear.

"What did you say?" The voice asked in a soft voice.

"I said that 'God' is a childish word for a being as superior as your excellence." Jin replied in a reverent voice.

After sighing slightly, the voice continued to explain

After a great transition, usually, the living beings in the universe tend to evolve rapidly towards the astral dimension.

After the final step of evolution, a living being ceases to be 'mortal' and has its original body destroyed, with the individual's soul inheriting its power and characteristics, becoming solid and its new body, called the astral body.

At that point, the individual is then expelled from his universe, having to remain in the astral dimension.

A great feature of this process is that a soul that becomes solid, or astral body, has no limit on its useful life, becoming then 'immortal'.

Another characteristic is that, theoretically, an astral body can possess other living beings or reincarnate with its memories intact. However, as no one with an astral body can return to their original universe, this has never been proven.

An astral body cannot have living beings from other universes due to the fact that it has incorporated the principles of its own universe, causing great incompatibilities. Even entering another universe is not an easy thing, as approval from the universe consciousness is required.

Jin's case, however, is different.

Even though he has a solid soul, Jin has not incorporated the principles of his post-GT universe, having only the standard principles of any universe at the beginning of his life.

This means that Jin can theoretically own any living being in any universe that does not have a stronger soul than his.

And as he did not go through the normal process of evolution, he may even return to his original universe.

"That's why I stopped to look at someone as fragile as you. In my entire life, and it's been a long time, I've never heard of anything like that. And it turns out that something like you is just what I was in need of."

When he finished speaking, the owner / owner of the voice noticed jin enter into contemplation and was silent

After a few seconds of silence Jin then speaks

"I think I am beginning to understand what you want from me ... Anyway, could you tell me what I can call you? Although I doubt you will ever give me your name."

"Does it really make a difference? (Sigh) Whatever, call me ... Corin."

"My name is Jin. [note:{The last of the silver knights} Lol]. Nice to meet you, Corin." Jin says while bowing slightly, in a gesture of etiquette.

"Whatever. Why are you bending your body?"

"In my homeland, this is a gesture of etiquette."

Before the voice could speak jin then ask

"I think that I know what you want from me, and I'm willing to help. As long as you help me get back to my original body. I suppose I am in this 'astral dimension' right now, correct? "

"Correct, right now you are in the astral dimension, although it doesn't matter whether you know it or not. Your soul is too weak after all, not even being able to see what's around you."

"As for helping you get back to your original body ... difficult, very difficult. But! If you do everything I say, I can send you back to him as a reward."

Although something inside him is saying that something is wrong, Jin cannot say exactly where.

"You said you can, not that you will. And that I have to do whatever you say. Isn't that the same as being a slave?" Jin then understood, he is dealing with a swindler.

"Different, different. I am, after all, a person who is recognized by a large part of the astral dimension as" Big Hit ", I do things honestly. If I want I can make a contract between us, what do you think?"

-Great nickname! This only means that you apply blows superbly !! Contract? Does she really think I'm too stupid to think that in a place like this, having a contract means anything?

Perhaps noticing Jin's darkened face, Corin then said

"The contract I'm referring to is a special type of contract, and it can only be broken if both parties accept it. It links our souls so that if a person breaks the contract he suffers a corresponding penalty."

-It just means that you can force someone to accept breaking the contract! Besides, I doubt that she will suffer anything since my soul is probably much weaker than hers.

Seeing that Jin's face darkened even more, Corin seemed to get irritated and said

"Anyway you have no choice, do you want to spend all eternity wandering in a place that you can't even see? Besides, you must have realized that there are other beings in this dimension besides me, and they may not be so nice How much me."

After hearing this, Jin sighed. How could he not know that? But simply no one would like to sign a bondage contract with such a powerful being.

After a minute of silence, Jin then asked

"What exactly do you want me to do?"

"Finally admitting defeat huh? Well then, let me explain"

Corin ends up having a certain close relationship with the universe of Jin, sometimes being able to communicate with his conscience.

Corin discovered through this awareness that there is a resonance between this universe and several others. Although this is not uncommon in the astral dimension, the key is that this particular resonance is simply so strong that certain connections are formed between them (universes), and this turns out to be a great opportunity for the universes to merge, and this it is extremely beneficial for them, since its principles are merged, allowing the merged universe to reach temporal balance more easily.

Even so, the fusion between universes is far from simple, requiring several delicate steps in the process. And the main one is the fusion between the main sources of the universes, which is where consciences reside. These sources have no definite shape and are extremely difficult to find, and impossible without help from the inhabitants of the universes, since although their consciences may change their own principles, they cannot control objects separately within themselves.

Despite this, there is a risk if a living being finds the source of its universe, and that is ... the consciousness of that living being replacing the original consciousness of the universe. And since a living being cannot maintain a stable universe, there is only one destination for the universe in question, death.

So, despite having detected this connection, consciences simply do not dare to risk it.

After all, who guarantees that the living being can withstand the seduction of being the 'lord' of the universe?

With Jin however, things become different. As a solid and 'pure' soul, Jin could go from universe to universe collecting these sources for the fusion process.

So Corin was simply astonished when saw Jin floating near the connecting gate of the universe as if it were trash, it was simply what the consciousness of the universe of jin needed.

The connecting Gate is the only entrance and exit between a universe and the astral dimension. After obtaining confirmation from Jin's universe consciousness that he belonged to that universe, Corin and the consciousness quickly made a conjuncture of what had happened to him.

And, of course, they made plans for him.

One of Corin's goals is to get even closer to that awareness and gain it's approval to become a true 'lord'. If Corin succeeds in helping to fuse the various universes through Jin and gain the approval of the universe that is fruit of the mergers would simply be a dream, since this universe would be infinitely superior to a common universe.

Corin then plans to sign a contract with Jin, he must gather all the necessary sources for the merger and as a reward he may have the chance to return to his frozen body, that is, if Jin's body is still frozen when he finishes his mission and still be able to defrost his body without major damage.

Although it is not clear whether Corin plans to fulfill his(or her) share of the contract.

"And how am I supposed to find these 'sources'? I don't know if you noticed, but I used to be a pretty normal person before." jin speaks with a look of defeat

"You needn't worry, how could I not tell by the level of your soul's power? While you were unconscious I thought of some ways to help you, and the awareness of your universe also gave me some ideas."

"Consciousness ... Is there a better name to call no? This is kind of weird, to be calling conscience this and that. Isn't it better to call it just the universe?" Jin speaks with a strange expression.

"Do as you like, boy, it doesn't matter," Corin says angrily.

Suddenly Jin started to feel a force pulling his soul and asked:

"Where are you taking me?"

"We will meet with your" universe "."

With the corners of his mouth contorted, Jin sighed.

-Calling 'Universe' is also strange, I must remember to ask this 'conscience' what should I call it afterwards.

Thinking unimportant things, Jin was silent until Corin told him they were coming.

Suddenly, Jin's vision began to clear and what appeared to be his home universe came into view.

"It's so beautiful ..." Jin murmured to himself

What he was seeing was simply something he never imagined he could ever see, something like a bubble with clusters of galaxy clusters scattered across its surface and inside.

It just isn't something that can be described well in words, it was just beautiful and perfect.

"You can be a little disoriented, get ready" Corin said suddenly

Before he could react, Jin began to notice the space distorting as that bubble grew closer and closer, until, in a few seconds, that bubble looked like a huge wall in front of him. Jin was now just a few feet away from it, and everything was within seconds.

Feeling a little dizzy, Jin thought:

-As I thought, this being is at a level that many would consider divine, to cross such a distance in such a simple way is simply unimaginable.

Even with his vision back, Jin could only see a shadow next to him, failing to discern whether Corin is male or female, or even if it's a human being.

-Maybe Corin is more like a monster than a human.

"Requirement that the formal lord, innate consciousness, and regulator of the universe be allowed to enter his domain." Corin spoke out loud and reverent.

Again, the surrounding space began to distort abruptly.

Trying to endure the dizziness, Jin started to lose consciousness, but before he erased the distortion he was gone, and he and Corin were now in what appeared to be a white room.

"...Where are we?" Jin asked while trying to recover.

"This is a special space, where consciousness usually communicates with foreign beings" Corin replied while thinking:

-Despite I don't need to be here, since I managed to form a small connection with her,

Suddenly, a ball of light emerged in the center of the room.

"Welcome, Corin and Jin." The light spoke in the same language as Corin

Pausing to think, Jin had never heard this type of language before, yet he was able to fully understand what was being said.

Dispelling the distractions, Jin shook his head and asked:

"Are you ... the consciousness of my universe?"

"Exactly, Jin ... I think you can call me Karth." The light said as it seemed to understand Jin's thoughts.

"She can be considered the omniscient being in your universe, Jin. Don't be surprised if she can read your thoughts." Corin said in a low voice as she(or he) saw the amazement on Jin's face.

"Right ..." Jin nodded with a strange expression.

"You seem to have a really strange luck, boy. Even I can't understand how you became like this." Karth said calmly

"Even I never heard of anything like this before." Corin said in an excited voice

With the corners of his mouth contorted Jin asked:

"Anyway, Karth. Corin told me that you have plans to help me on my 'mission'." Jin said in a voice clearly out of heart

"... We thought of some ways to help you. Although it most likely won't make your mission even close to easy, I believe you will at least have a chance"