Ten thousand years

"So ... how do you plan to teach me?"

While being taken by Karth to somewhere, Jin asked.

"I created a suitable space while you were being ... trained by Corin. There will be everything needed to continue with the training there." Karth replied.

"? I thought that 'consciences' could not directly interfere with matter in the universe, and could only act as a regulator of its principles."

"This is really the case, but in this space where we find ourselves things are different. This is a space within the source of this universe, here I have the power to change or create what I want. It can be considered a special and unique space that each source has. "

Just nodding in understanding, Jin then fell silent.

Soon, Jin was then taken by Karth to what appeared to be a large building in the middle of space.

Jin was startled by the building's proportions for a brief moment, but shook his head and thought it was only natural that Karth could do something like that.

The building seemed to have no limits on its height, it was gray in color and had an aura of grandeur around it.

Upon entering the building, Jin saw three large spiral staircases leading to the upper floors and a single elevator in the center.

But instead of going to the elevator, Karth guided Jin to one of the stairs, and spoke.

"Each of these stairs leads to the path of knowledge of one of the three basic principles of a universe. Whenever you go up one floor, a library appears, with its contents varying according to which stair you chose."

"There were study materials in these libraries that will help you. Whenever you want to go up another floor, a test should be done to see if your level of knowledge is sufficient."

"The first part of this preparation phase will end when you go up to the end of the three stairs. With the other part going up the elevator where each floor will have a different type of library, but in this case you choose which subjects you want to study."

"There is no test in that last part, with preparation being completed the moment you decide to be prepared."

"Got it ... Anyway, what kind of tests will I have to face?" Nodding, Jin asked.

"Something like your high school tests." Karth replied

Jin pursed his mouth, but remained silent.

"When you're ready, you can start climbing."

Swallowing his own saliva, Jin started up the steps, until he finally reached the first floor.

"Be patient, boy." Karth said as he disappeared from the place.

Upon reaching the second floor, Jin then came across a huge library.

"Heavens ... And I don't even know how many floors this building has."

Suddenly, in front of Jin, four objects appeared.

A notebook, a pencil, an eraser and a book.

Taking the book, Jin was surprised to see that on its cover there was a writing he knew, English.

"Guide" was what was written on its cover.

-This will be very useful, given the size of the libraries.

Jin thought as he took a deep breath and closed his eyes

Upon reading a few pages of the book, Jin was surprised to realize that such 'principles' are, in a way, almost the same as laws of physics and chemistry in a way. Although these principles are obviously more complex than human civilization has ever imagined.

After a moment, Jin opened his eyes with determination and said:

"Let's start!"


Jin no longer knows how much time has passed since he entered this building, not that he really paid any attention to it.

He was already going up the third and last staircase.

Sometimes, while he was studying, Corin and Karth paid him a visit.

Probably because of his previous training, Jin's memory is simply far superior to that of an ordinary mortal.

Although he cannot fully absorb all knowledge, he can at least absorb the largest and most important part of it.

Despite Jin knowing that his body just doesn't last that long, after some studying on the first floor of the first stairway, Jin simply started to lose the desire to return.

Jin, since he was a kid, was considered a good talent for studies and that hasn't changed in high school, despite his 'unique' philosophy.

Karth did not seem surprised by Jin's behavior.

However, Corin seemed to be looking for an aberration.

"Are you finally crazy?"

Corin always asked.

Jin simply had such a fragile soul when Corin found him, and seeing Jin transform into so little ... I mean, seeing Jin change so much made Corin feel a little bit of shock.

Not even Corin knows how much time has passed in that space, not that she cared.

"KARTH !!! KARTH !!" Jin suddenly started screaming in the middle of books.

After a short time, a ball of light appeared in front of him and asked:

"What is it? Jin"

"I think I understand something, and I want to ask you something" Jin said excitedly and then was silent.

Remember that Karth, as the omniscient being in this universe, could read Jin's thoughts easily.

Jin found it simpler and more efficient to show his thoughts than to try to explain with words.

After a few minutes, Karth said:

"You are correct, and that is indeed the case with this space ... Although it does not change the fact that at least 50 years have passed in your homeland ..."

Jin did not look disappointed and said:

"Even so, it is much better than having spent millennia, right?"

"I really don't believe that something like this is possible."

"I don't think I can understand that. Even partially."

Karth seemed to understand the boy and asked despite knowing the answer:

"You still want to go back, right? You better do your best then, because besides you haven't even started taking the elevator. You still need to complete your mission, and I guarantee that in the other universes you won't have such a big time difference. . "

Jin then became tense, and began to return to studies in full swing.

"Why does he still want to return to the mortal body?" Corin, who appeared suddenly, asked.

Karth was silent for a moment and replied:

"He has no reason, yet he needs to wish for something to overcome these trials. He has simply created an illusion for himself, where he must at all costs return to his homeland."

Corin looked surprised and murmured:

"This is really extraordinary. To think that a being with such a strange destiny could exist."

Karth ignored Corin's murmur, and simply disappeared, with Corin disappearing soon after.

They also have things to do.

"Energy and / or matter, change. Three fundamental elements of the 'whole' ..." Jin read as he wrote something down in his notebook.

Jin continued to read ... For a long time.

1 year, 5 years ... this time Jin told how much time was passing.

When ten years have passed since that conversation with Karth, Jin has finally reached the top of the last ladder.

Being taken by Karth to the ground floor soon after.

Corin was there too, and when he saw Jin, he was surprised.

The boy's aura was different from before, in a somewhat extreme way.

If Jin once carried the aura of determination, now he carried the aura of pure indifference.

"Congratulations on finishing the first part of this training phase, Jin." Corin spoke

Jin then nodded, with a slight smile.

Before Corin or Karth could say anything else, Jin walked towards the elevator.

"See you later ..." Jin said as he disappeared from sight of the two.

After Jin entered the elevator, Corin looked at Karth and said:

"It seems that this has really yielded good results, that aura is not something that an ordinary being can have."

"This is just normal, not every being has the opportunity to touch these principles in this way." Karth said slowly.

Corin nodded and disappeared.

Karth also disappeared soon after.

Meanwhile, Jin, who reached the first floor, was almost spitting blood after seeing the size of the library.

-Heavens, it is at least five times higher than the previous one. I think I understand now, the reason this part has no tests.

Soon, 4 objects appeared in front of Jin.

A notebook, a pencil, an eraser and the guide.

Every time he advances a floor or the material is used up, he wins this kit again.

After taking a deep breath, Jin started reading the Guide.

"I must finish this ... in the no time!"

Time passed, sometimes Karth or Corin would visit him to see if he is still 'well'.

And once, on one of the intermediate floors, Jin simply decided to simply read every book he saw ahead.

It turns out that Jin had already counted how many floors the building had, and they counted an incredible 300.

Having spent some hundreds of years in this last part of the training, Jin began to lose hope of returning to his homeland.

He then decided to live only.

Without desires, until you find one.

Without emotions, until there is a need.

In no hurry, Jin decided to read all the books on the remaining floors, as opposed to reading only what he considered important as he had done previously.

It didn't take long, however, for Karth to intervene and convince him to continue as before.

Jin's soul just barely manages to absorb the most fundamental knowledge, if other things enter his mind, he just won't have good results in the end.

Jin then asked for the contract to be canceled, much to Corin's surprise.

Jin said there was no longer any meaning in continuing just because of a mere contract, and that he was willing to help with nothing in return.

"Well, since you insist, I see no reason to deny it," Corin said as he read one of the books in the library.

Jin then felt something being taken from his soul. However he didn't seem surprised and just said:

"I don't think you deserve the big nickname 'Big Hit', instead, something like Loki suits you more" Jin retired before Corin could ask what "Loki" means.

Karth who was present only let out an artificial sigh and spoke before disappearing:

"Forget Corin, that's a compliment"

"... Praise? But it didn't seem to be the case." Corin murmured in amazement.

"Never mind, it's not like that mattered" Corin said before disappearing.

Meanwhile, Jin walked between the bookshelves in the library in search of a book.

Stopping in front of one of the bookshelves, Jin picked up a book called "Applications of understanding."

"According to the guide, this is what I need."

Jin then sat on the floor, leaned his back on the bookcase and started reading.

"... Before going to the universes, I have to complete my own" theory of everything ". Having to remember so much is just a pain, if I have a solid model as a foundation, my future applications to the principles will be much more efficient and simple. "

Jin returned to his own world, unaware that Karth and Corin were watching him.

"... I think he can no longer be considered a simple lucky soul, right?" Corin asked.

"... Maybe he never was, Corin" Leaving a bewildered Corin behind, Karth disappeared.

([Is Karth actually the master of the magicians?])

Looking at Jin, Corin murmured:

"I never imagined that simply watching someone study could be so peaceful."

For a while, Corin just watched Jin, until he also disappeared.

([Two masters of the magicians !?])

After Jin finally reached the top of the building and spent a few years in his library, Karth said it had been almost ten thousand years, in earthly terms(a year, 365 days.), since Jin was found.

According to Karth, unbelievably, most of that time, Jin was being beaten by Corin.

Jin didn't seem to care that much, though.

Corin and Karth however, decided to have some kind of celebration, since in Jin's birthplace important dates are celebrated.

After ten thousand years, even the most evil beings can form bonds. Why not then, these three?

"Hey Jin, I heard Karth say that, in your homeland, people get gifts for their birthdays, what would you like to get? A shower? A dinner? Or M-E?" Corin spoke as he approached Jin, who was reading a book.

"It seems that Karth spoke to you more than just traditions." Jin said as he looked at Corin nonchalantly.

"Hehe, I want to see if you can keep this mask on when you see my big present for you" Corin spoke slyly.

Jin frowned, but said nothing.

He noticed that Corin has gradually been acting more friendly to him since he was on the middle floors on the elevator route.

Although he doesn't know exactly what may have caused it, he thinks it is simply the effect of time passing.

-I just hope Corin doesn't wrap himself up and give himself to me. I don't even know if this is a man or a woman, nor am I absolutely sure if it's human.

Just thinking about it, Jin felt chills.

Jin's memory, despite the enormous stress, is only getting better and better. And just to remember what happened to the protagonists of the fantasy stories, he has some envy.

-Those bastards just needed to look at someone naked to gain another member in their harem. There is nothing more ridiculous!

Jin suddenly then saw that a ball of light began to materialize in front of him and quickly suppressed his thoughts.

Jin has been trying to avoid reading Karth's minds for some time, without success despite the effort.

"hmm?" Karth suddenly looked deeply at Jin, without saying a word.

Cold sweat started running on Jin's forehead.

"What is it, why are you silent, Karth? Did you just come to admire my beauty?" Corin said, despite being covered in shadows.

"... I came to say that the place to celebrate Jin's birthday is ready"

In an excited voice, Corin said:

"What are we waiting for? Let's go."

Karth took another deep look at Jin, who was bathed in his own sweat, and said:

"I will take you there"

In an instant, the three disappeared from their place. Appearing in a place that Jin knew well, very well.

"My home ..." Jin murmured

Despite knowing that this is a mere copy, Jin can't help but be moved.

"Don't say 'Thanks' yet, there is much more to come." Corin said softly.

Nodding, Jin walks towards the house.

-Maybe it's not a bad idea after all, celebrate ten thousand years of effort.