Chapter Four

[Mike POV]

[Daily Task 1: Survive the Night(0/1)(Reward: 5 Tokens)]

[Daily Task 2: Build a House(0/1)(Reward: 1 Token)]

[Daily Task 3: Make a Cow Farm(0/1)(Reward: 1 Token)]

[Daily Task 4: Shear Leaves and Gain a stack of leaves(0/64)(Reward: 1 Token)]

[Daily Task 5: Kill 25 Monsters(0/25)(Reward: 10 Tokens)]

Survive a Night? Build a house? Make a cow farm?

These daily tasks can help me earn tokens to buy such goldy items from the shop owner?

I looked around myself and the tutorial continued to help me.

[Procede to walk over to a tree and begin punching it]

...punch it?

I looked at a nearby tree in doubt before I hesitatingly started punching it.


[Damian POV]

Soon an hour passed and my customer managed to get stone tools and a small wooden house built.

One of the things different about Minecraft now was that a Minecraft Day last's an hour while the night's last an hour as well.

Hunger and thirst go down slower which is great compared to the old Minecraft.

His computer screen showed me his Point of view in the Minecraft world and I found that the night fell upon him.

It appears that he will soon find out why nights are so bad...


[Mike POV]

After a little bit of time, I found that I managed to craft stone tools and build a small wooden hut.

I still haven't found any 'Monsters' as of yet and I found that it was becoming dark outside.

I walked outside and froze by what I saw...

It was a walking human skeleton holding a bow with a quiver on its back...

Before I could react the skeleton dashed toward me and knocked an arrow on its bow before shooting at me.


The arrow flew through the arrow and pierced my leg.

"AHHH!" I screamed as my senses were overloaded by pain.

"Quiet down." I heard the shop owner tell me from outside the game.

I clenched my teeth from the pain before rushing to the Skeleton with my stone sword and started slashing at it...

Before the skeleton could fire another arrow I beat its skull in with the stone sword.

Once I crushed its skull it suddenly collapsed into a mist and left behind a damaged bow, arrows, a bone, and weird green orbs...

Upon nearing all of the items it was absorbed into my inventory and to my surprise when I absorbed the green balls into my body I felt a small amount of Qi flow into my real body!

I also noticed that my 5th Task changed it became (1/25), so that was a monster?

But to think killing monsters and getting those green orbs will give Qi!

I soon found that my health was naturally regenerating but it was at the cost of hunger...

I have been eating only apples and bread for the last hour since I haven't found any kind of animal to hunt, but through the tutorial, I was able to set up a wheat farm to make myself some bread.

I soon found that dozens if not more monsters appeared around my wooden hut!

"Can I die?" I asked the Shop Owner.

[A/N: Do note that they feel everything in the Minecraft world while they can hear and feel with their real bodies, so if he wished he could speak with Damian, that is also how Damian heard him scream and told him to quiet down]

"Yes, you can die in Minecraft, but you will respawn." the shop owner explained to me.

"Respawn?" I asked.

"Yes, respawn. Upon dying you will drop everything in your inventory and appear at your spawn point or the world spawn point, but don't worry, you can retrieve all of the items you dropped." the Shop Owner told me.

Upon hearing this my confidence rose and I charged at the monsters that surrounded my wooden hut.

I killed 2 more skeletons, 6 zombies, and then I saw some kind of weird green creature without any arms...

And when I neared the Monster and tried to slay it, it let out a hiss as it expanded and exploded!

I felt massive pain go through my body as I found that my vision turned red with three lines of words that appeared in front of me.

[You have died!]


[Return to Menu]

"What kind of creature was that?" I asked the Shop Owner.

"That was a Creeper, the nasty things explode upon neaing a player." the Shop Owner told me.

[Damian POV]

I soon found my customer was killed and respawned.

Soon a few hours passed and my customer played for a total of 6 hours and only three days passed in the Minecraft world.

Suddenly a line of words appeared on the customer's screen as it shut off.

The Screen read: You have used all of your playtime, signing you out now.

The customer looked shocked and asked "Used all of my playing time? I can offer double the price! Just let me continue playing!"

"Listen, I am a man of my word, and in the rules, it clearly states that every customer gets a max of 6 hours of playtime!" I told the customer.

He merely nodded at me before sighing and giving me 7 E Crystals.

"My name is Mike Shrotiger, what is your name?" the customer asked me.

"You can call me Damian or Boss," I told Mike, the customer.

He nodded at me and asked, "Can I bring friends tomorrow?"

"Of course, as long as they can pay anyone is welcome," I told Mike.

He nodded before exiting the cafe.

"Why was he so eager to play Minecraft?" I asked myself before returning to my Minecraft world.

[Mike POV]

Upon saying goodbye to Boss Damian I started heading back to the compound I live in with all of my subordinates.

I was shocked that by killing those 'Monsters' I could gain Qi!

And the amount I received over the course of these 6 hours was so much that I was already 10% further in my cultivation rank...!


[Author Note]

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