Chapter Twelve

Soon a few hours passed and a few academy students were walking around the market district.

It was a school day out today so all the students of the Royal Academy had some free time on their hands.

A small group of girls was walking around the Market and found themselves standing before a weird store on the outer edge of the market district they haven't seen before with a sign labeled with "The Extraordinary Internet Gaming Cafe".

"Gaming Cafe?" one of the three girls asked out loud.

"Want to check it out?" another girl asked.

"Sure, let's check it out." the last girl responded.

The three girls walked into the store through the tinted glass doors and found themselves in a large dark room with 2 dozen computers on the left and right side of the room and over half of the desks were occupied.

At the very back of the room was a counter with a computer.

Behind that computer sat a young man.

[A/N: I don't remember if I ever described how the MC Looked, so I felt like this was a good opportunity]

The man was around 20 years of age and he was 6ft tall. He was physically fit, had black hair and black eyes.

He looked quite handsome but had a cold and unexcited expression on his face.

On his head was a weird metal headband.

[A/N: The VR Helmet is the Metal Headband on his head]

The man took off the metal headband and said: "Welcome to my Cafe, before you do anything please read the rule board behind me."

We walked up to the counter and started reading the board.

1) Work Hours are from 8:00 AM to Midnight.

2) It costs 1 E Crystal for every hour played.

3) Each Customer can only play for 6 hours.

4) No causing trouble and no cursing towards the owner of the shop, those who do not abide by these rules will be asked to never return.

5) Play in a reckless and immoral manner at your own risk.

6) You can only buy the items in the shop with the tokens earned from the games.

7) The owner has the right to change the rules above however and whenever he sees fit.




The three girls stood in front of the counter stunned by the rules on the board.

In their minds, they all had one thought..."Scam."

"Hey...look." one of the girls pointed towards Alex.

"Isn't that..." one girl asked.

"...Great General Alex, yea." another girl replied in surprise.

"Isn't that his son, Mike, over there?" one of the girls asked.

"Yea that is! can this place be a scam if both the Great General and his son are here as customers?" one of the three girls asked the others.


[Damian's POV]

Upon hearing some people enter the Cafe I took of the VR Helmet and found that 3 women were looking around the cafe.

Each of the women are beautiful with long black hair and they were each wearing a school uniform.

They walked up to me and before they started asking me any questions I told them to read through the rule board.

After reading through the rules they stood there in silence for a few seconds before one of the three girls started looking around and noticed Alex and his son, Mike.

They got the attention of their friends and they all started whispering to each other.

Soon they stepped forward and paid me 3 E Crystals.

"If you wish to play a game then I recommend you pay me another 3 E Crystals," I told them before they could leave the counter.

They frowned but still gave me another 3 E Crystals.

They walked over to 3 free computers next to each other.

Mike walked over and asked the 3 young women "Are y'all new to the Cafe?"

"Yes we are...what exactly is the place?" one of the three girls asked.

"This is a Cafe, a place where you can train, entertain yourself, and redeem extraordinary prizes," Mike informed the women.

"From the Royal Academy Uniforms, you are all wearing I assume you are all students of the Royal Academy?" Mike asked before they nodded in confirmation.

"Well, this Cafe will be quite useful to each of you, especially if you all are training to become cultivators," Mike told the 3 Students of the Royal Academy.

"My name is Mike Shrotiger, what are your names?" Mike asked as he introduced himself.

One of the girls stepped forward and introduced themself.

"My name is April Roy of the Roy Family and these two are my younger sisters, Eve and Sofia." the eldest one introduced.

"Your sisters?" Mike asked.

"That's right," April confirmed.

Upon looking at the girls they all looked incredibly similar with only small differences, the main difference being height.

April, the eldest, was the tallest while Eve was the second tallest and Sofia was the shortest.

Since they were in the Royal Academy they all must have been around 16 years of age.

To enter the Royal Academy you had to be either a Noble or have talent in cultivation.

Most students within the Royal Academy are 15-20 Years Old.

One of the many positive things about cultivating was that one's lifespan would increase which means that some students in the Royal Academy could look to be 20 years old but had a lifespan of 200 Years.

A mortal could live up to 100 Years while a First Stage cultivator could live 200 Years and so on.

For every increase in stage for a cultivator their lifespan would increase by a hundred years!

This means a 10th Stage Cultivator would have a lifespan of over a thousand years!


[Author Note]

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