Dystopian society

'The future would be beautiful, scientifically advanced, humanity's most beautiful utopia, a life of perfection.'

'imagination is more important than knowledge'-Albert Einstein. It was these men. No- these failures of humanity that brought about the destruction of perfection and simplicity. It was these people that I sought to bear the wrath of anguish and terror when I breathed in nothing. The world had stopped turning from aeons ago. I stared at my hands. When had they become so heavy? The callouses and scars etched on the layers of my skin buried deeper than the core of the earth. The scarring images ripped and burnt into my brain. When was it that I had last looked at myself in the mirror? The rapid sweeping wind gushed around me as if it could smother me into nothing. As if it could keep me trapped in a cage inside of the thin layers that covered the skin of a traitor- a murderer.

I see the sky and I feel nothing. I see the walls that surround me and I see nothing. Nothing. There were no colours. No vibrant lights that struck your eyes and made people gawp in wonder. Above me was spirals of metal flashing past and often enough the sounds of crashes . I see what the world has done to the mother. I hear her cries growing weak. Growing silence that filled the air. And then. There was no sound. I flick past the last page and there it was. The foolishness of humanity. 'The future will be our paradise, technology will know bounds and it will cure this world of its disease. It will be no more-' and indeed humanity has lived up to that. Here there was everything yet the world has nothing. So I will avenge that nothingness. Using my bloodied hands I will send the disease to rest alongside our mother. Together this world will perish will the blood soaked tunnels that lead to the surface. Where blackened sky fills the air with choked smoke and the corpses of the diseases filled the surface with its deathly smell. The stench so vile and poisonous that humanity has turned away. That they have left, never to be seen and be ignorant and blissful while our mother suffers from her children's heartless needs for perfection that had long been destroyed by their own hands. The perfection of their own desires and warped thoughts.

I could smelled the vile stench polluting the air and I stood up. Our mother had long been without company and it was time for me to send her more of her children. I saw the reflection of my face in their eyes, tilting my head as I touched my face a cruel and twisted smile formed on a face forged through fire, torture and pain. Their pitiful eyes as they stared at me in horror only to see me reach for their heart to tear the wires that gather in their skin, that light fading until they lose all of mankind's help and to be given to the sacred grounds above us. Hearing the cries from our mother turning from sadness to joy as she toys with her children that had re-joined the land above humanity's mechanical grove. The rejoicing music of screams filling the nothingness with, although short, pleasant melody before disappearing. The mangled corpses piled up again could only be the evidence of anything that had once existed there.

It was a monster that had created this nightmare and it took a monster to fix it. Burning and destroying to allow the perfection and simplicity to return. Kill the disease and restore the balance of the world, only this time- without humanity.