Choices Shmoices

I woke up.

Well, I say woke up.

It was more like...became aware.

I stood in front of chains coming from the

sides and the floor and the ceiling. They were

taut and joined in the centre.

The chains were made of gold.

The centre had a seal on it with a symbol

of.....was that a sunflower? No, it was.... it was

a diagram of the sun. It resembled a lotus.

I touched it and asked it to part for me.

The lines were traced with light and the

chains shot back into the wall.

The seal dissolved into motes of golden


Torches on the walls lit up with red fire.

It felt...good.

I liked the aesthetic.

I walked the corridor until I reached three


The one on the left was made of oak.

It looked medieval. With an arch and all that.

The one in the middle looked like it was made

of oil. It looked scary and ominous.

It was black and had a brass handle like the

previous door. The handle was covered in...cloth? I shied away from it.

The third door was plain. It was made of

smooth wood and seemed to be polished to

the point where it shone.

It had a brass knob instead of the handle.

This door looked far more dangerous than

the middle one for some reason.

It was so unassuming and yet I thought that

I would not like what lied behind...

I chose the one on the left.

I appeared on a mountain peak.

It looked familiar.

I saw a black wall that looked fancily evil

on the cliff.

High Hrothgar? The Throat of the world.

Where is Paarthurnax?

Why am I here?

I heard a sound behind me and turned around.

There was a red dragon with golden eyes

staring at me with its head rotated almost

fully to the side.

"You come here at last."

It rumbled in....appreciation?


It gave a few short dragon-chuckles and

rose up from where it was crouched.

"Greetings Dovahkiin"


"You are within your soulscape, Dragonborn. I

am the Dragon soul within you."

"Really?" I could not believe it.


There was a long pause in the air when I

worked my jaw around in shock.

"So...I have the Thu'um?"

"You do not. Not until you prove to me that

you are worthy."

"Prove that I am worthy?"

"You have the body of a human and the soul

of a Dovah. I know things about myself from

your.. my...memories. I decided that I needed

to know if you would use the Voice in the

right way."

"And how will you do that?"

"With a test of your spirit."

"My spirit?"


"What test will you put me through"

"You will know in time."

The world melted and I woke up in a cell. The walls were made of rough stone and there were 3 others with me.

"Hey, you. You're finally awake."

S#!t, really?

"What are you in for?"

"Amnesia." Perhaps I was being a bit too salty about it. I didn't care.

"Huh, didn't know that was a crime."

"Neither did I, sir"

"Awfully polite, aren't you, lad?"

"I'm sorry, may I know where I am?"

"In the Holding Cells."

"The Holding Cells?"

"Yeah, the Uchiha Police ninja arrested us for a drunken brawl last night"


"Damn you Kiyo. The party was fine until you came along. The bar was nice and lazy."

I had enough.

"Let me stop you right there! My head is hurting, I probably have a concussion and I don't know my own godsdamned name! So if you two don't mind, I'm going to bed, before either of you come up with another clever idea to get us executed or worse...banished."


"He needs to sort out his priorities"