The Betrayal

A/N: Other Character POVs are a pain. Back to Ryu cos I can't write Kiba without writing something stupid, inappropriate and pathetic...


A few spells should turn the tides to my favour.....there. All set.

Oooohhh! I can't wait for their date!

This is so funny. Maybe I'll do that as well....done!

Kiba is going to get his arse handed to him.

I must do something more. My inner prankster has come out, I guess.

I teleported from a safe place to where I sensed Naruto.

A few more spells later, he was ready for what would happen....Bwahahahaha!

That should be a good start to my plans.

I found this to be worthy of some real attention-to-detail.

This could make or break the plans I have for turning the world into one worthy of a Dovah's rule.

"Someone seems to be having a lot of fun."

"You're back."

"I am."

"Is it done then?"

The 'real' Ryu didn't reply with words.


"Oh. That is a good plan....Now onto preparations."

1 hour later....

Kiba and Hinata have entered the park on their 'date'.

Kiba looks happy. Hinata, under the effect of the many spells, is completely different from what she was a few hours earlier.

Naruto is hiding amidst the tree leaves, hidden under spells to keep the annoyingly sharp senses of Kiba from detecting his presence, with a camera in his hands.

I stand in the middle of the park invisible to the eyes of all beings.

Watching. Not interfering. The stage has been set. The lights are ready and the clapboard has been clapped.

The scene has begun.

"Hinata-chan. Thank you for coming out with me."

"You are most welcome, Kiba-kun." Hinata said with a smile that gave Kiba a shiver of delight.

"Hinata-chan, would you accept these flowers? I bought them myself."

Language of Flowers was one of the things I had 'learnt' in my pursuits within this world.

Kiba, being the ignorant mutt that he was, did not realize the meaning of those flowers.

Striped and Yellow Carnations paired with a few orange lilies should be enough "proof" for the people that might call bullshit on the happenings.

Gahehahabukh! Teehee....alright, that's enough.

Now....1....2..."Kiba...put those away..."


"Kiba-kun, I've been wanting to do this for a long time..."


I sneaked behind Kiba and Akamaru and wove a few more spells.

If this does not start a war...I don't know what will.


I am the mostest powerfulest evilest of all!*

And...they started it.

*Snap* *Snap* *Snap*

Awesome, Naruto! I might even grace you with ten extra punches to the face.

But being the gracious God that I am, I will give you fifteen more to the gut and five kicks to the leg as well.

I can't wait for tomorrow!

They quickly stopped with what they were doing.

It is at times like this that I love the fact that Inuzuka are rather animalistic in their ways.

It helps sell the idea easily.

Let's get this game started now, shall we?


* 100 points for the first person that gets it.