Hail Sithis!

Like all young teenagers, even ones that are actually Trans-dimensional dragon-soul having evil ones, World-Domination was a constant thing in our minds.

Discussing that with a genius shadow-bending sloth-extraordinaire Shikamaru Nara while he is not aware of the questioning is a thrilling experience.

Say what you want, there is an unexpectedly-awesome feeling you get from controlling someone's mind.

"And what stratagem do you propose to achieve said outcome?"

A pause.

"Get the people on your side. As long as you have more funds, better weapons and more manpower than your enemies, you can easily expect a marginal increase in chances for victory. Propaganda and forced indoctrination won't be a problem. We already do it."

"Well that is the problem, Shika. Konoha IS the enemy."

"Oh....what a drag."


"Then get your "operatives" to influence every other village to attack Konoha at the same time."

"Well.....That will happen regardless of my influence. I'm not the only person playing this game, you see? There's Nagato and his group of murder-maniacs, which includes Madara Uchiha, Obito Uchiha and other dangerous people in Ame. Then there's Pedochimaru, who was once a member of the former. And the Kazekage is already getting antsy and will invade if he were to be given a chance. Shorty-kage, 'nuff said. Kiri is in a civil war and will end in about 2 or 3 years tops and then they will not be agreeable to a war once again, now that their forces have been bled out. Kumo-nin will jump at the chance to attack regardless of the treaty. The smaller villages other than Rain will side with one of the other villages once they see that Konoha will fall."

"Then why are you bothering with all this troublesome work? Just sleep or something."

"The thing is.....Konoha will win anyway."

"What? How?"


"Who's that?"

"God, basically."


"Yes. Now back to the topic at hand, I want to win. Give me a game-plan."

"Sigh...so troublesome."

"I thought I had you under Mind-Control."

"Me too, bro! Gimme a five!"

I facepalmed.


"Now if you want to be a part of our group, you should prove yourself to us that you are worthy."

"I am ready."

"WE will be the judges of that, you will not decide for yourself."

"Alright. What should I do?"

"Come to this place exactly at 9:00 tonight. Do NOT mention this to anyone else. We will know if you do. Come empty-handed. What you will require for your trials will be given to you."

"My trials?"

"Yes. Don't ask questions!"

"Okay, okay! But my parents will not allow me to leave the house at night!"

"That sounds like a 'you' problem, mate. Don't forget that this is your last chance. Should you come again, seeking to join The Brotherhood...you will find that the consequences will be....severe"



"Rise. Report."

"Honorable Dovahkiin-dono. I am eternally gratefu-"

"I said report."

"I apologize. We have two new recruits."


"Both males. Yamada Arikatsu and Rokkaku Michiyasu. Civilians."



"Don't call me that, boy!"

"Yes. I apologize once again. I wished to ask you if it is to your liking."

"I commend you for your actions, Courier. You may collect your reward from the Silencer. Leave."

"Yes. Indeed Dovahkiin-sama! Right away!'

What a bunch of inbred idiots do I have to deal with. Frickin' Danzo. Stealing all the geniuses. THEY ARE MINE!!


It was rather easy to reward them when you have alteration and run an underground operation that has solid, obedient clones of yourself doing literal felonies across the Elemental Nations to earn your income.

The Dark Brotherhood, 'cause let's face it, there's no better name, currently had about 12 members. 14 now, I suppose.

One Listener, Two Speakers, Two Silencers, a Chronicler, a Courier, a Leader and Two Executioners and Two Eliminators.

Not bad, considering that the other thirty were just transformed clones that were more efficient than most veteran Genin and were atleast on Chuunin level if you squint hard.

They were more than enough for 10 teams that are more suited for the dirty work.

Divines know I have my hands full with all the magic I have to cast to keep Root and ANBU out.

Like...I have never had to use seals to keep unwanted attention from me and my activities.

I had to summon Minato again to help me with the brand new 'Repello Muggletem' seal that kept away anyone that wasn't "marked".

I wasn't stupid to draw a seal on my agents' tongues. I gave them rings enchanted with Invisibility and a 'Security Passkey' spell and also a Self-Destruct mechanism when the wielder is under any mental or physical duress. A few nifty little tricks can be used when possessing the ring. Like having "visions" of Sithis, "The Real God", when you are asleep and other brainwashing and counter-brainwashing techniques to clear that infernal Konoha-Loyalty-First mindset that was drilled into most of them. One among them was a true gem. Koga Motokuni. He didn't even need to be brainwashed! Total loyalty just because! It wasn't even faked!

He was my 'Listener'

The others....

They didn't even know my real name let alone my face.

They also had a lot of information shoved into their heads and were asked to train to that capacity.

In a few years, I would have Jonin serving The Brotherhood.

I couldn't help the smile that crawled onto my gorgeous visage.

Maybe just this once....

