Chapter One hundred eight: A glimpse of David

~~~Some people live their dreams. Some people close their eyes. Some people's destiny passes by. There are no guarantees, there are no alibis. That's how our love must be, don't ask why. It takes some time, God knows how long. I know that I can forget you as soon as my heart stops breakin', anticipating. As soon as forever is through, I'll be over you~~



Everyone who gathered around us to gossip nodded their head as a sign of agreement.

"He just agreed to marry you because you seduced him and you got pregnant!"

"Of course, not," I said confidently with a shrug. "Where did you get that false information? I didn't seduce him. I would never do such a thing." I uttered in a 'duh' tone which just added to her irritation. I can see the flare starting to blow up from her nose.

"You're such a liar!"