Chapter One hundred thirty-six: Is she your girlfriend?

~~~You sheltered me from harm, kept me warm, kept me warm. You gave my life to me, set me free, set me free. The finest years I ever knew were all the years I had with you. And I would give anything I own, I'd give my life, my heart, my home. I would give everything I own, just to have you back again... just to touch you once again~~~




I was currently reading the reports that my team submitted to me when I noticed my two employees whispering something in their seats.

"Eherm!" I cleared my throat that made everyone look at me. "Is there anything else you want to share in this meeting, Salonga, Montes?" I asked in a deep, serious voice and put down the papers I was reading.


"Sir?" They uttered at the same time, surprise was evident in their expression.

"I am asking you if there is anything else that you want to share in this discussion?"