Chapter One hundred eighty-two: So you're just here!

"Haist! Who would that be? Do you expect any guests today?" I asked in dismay but still let him nibble my neck.

"No, I don't," he replied in a whisper and stopped but then I grabbed his face.

"Then just pretend you're not here and let them ring that bell until they get tired!" I said before pulling and kissing him again.

But it wasn't a few seconds passed when that annoying guest or guests on the other side of the door pressed the bell again.

"Argh!" I complained, annoyed.

"Let's just ignore them," he said with a chuckle.

But here's the bell again.

"Haist! Jesus Christ! Fine, go and find who they are. I'll wait for you here!" I patted him on the shoulder, mentioning him to get up.

"Are you sure?"

"Hmhm," I hummed as I nodded.

"Okay, I'll shoo them away so I can get back immediately."

"Alright, aren't you going to put your shirt back?" I asked as he was about to go to the door... topless.