Chapter One hundred eighty-seven: No secrets, No lies

"Congratulations, Mom," I greeted my mother as soon as I reached my parents' table while holding Cali's hand.

"Thanks, sweetie," Mom replied as she kissed me back on the cheek.

"Daddy, congratulations, and thank you for always taking care of Mom," I said hugging my father.

"Because it's my job as her husband and as a man," he replied, smiling and pulling me into his arms. "So, I hope this time you find someone who will truly love you --- oh wait, you've found him already! I'm sorry, I forgot." he chuckled. "I hope you can finally experience the love you have been waiting for so long and this time it's forever." He then kissed me on the forehead.

"Huh?" All I could do was frown as I stared at him in confusion. "What are you talking about, Dad? What do you mean by those words? Because if I'm not mistaken, this is your wedding anniversary and not mine or my wedding so, what are those words for?"