Chapter Two hundred three: Did I hit something?

"Are you ready?"

David asked me the moment his car pulled over in front of the building where his friend's free medical mission and feeding program was taking place.

"Yup," I replied with a nod, smiling as I unfastened my seatbelt.

"I'm sure he would be surprised to see you,"

"Do you think so?"

"Yeah, he told me he wanted to introduce you to his wife,"

"Whoa! Wait--- he's married?"


"How are they getting along?" Even though I was shocked, I still asked it jokingly, which caused me to earn a hearty laugh from him. "Oops! Just kidding!"

"Don't worry; I have that same question, though!" He said, still laughing.

"But seriously, I'm happy to know that he's already settled down. At least he won't grow old alone like we used to tease him about before."