Chapter Two hundred eleven: A fish wouldn't get caught if he kept his mouth shut

"Whoa! You guys came together! I can't believe it!"

"Tss!" I huffed, shooting a death glare at both my best friend and my brother a death glare the moment David and I entered the cottage. "Drop the act, Jack, will you?"" I rolled my eyes.

"Hey! You came with a handsome doctor next to you so, why do you have that long face?" She asked, pretending to be oblivious of what was going on.

"Come on, Jackeline Augustine, don't pretend to be surprised because I know you're not --- you and your boyfriend are not! As if I didn't know you planned all this!"

"Huh! Planned what--- what are you talking about?" I wanted to smack that fake shocked reaction on her face especially when she placed her hand over her chest, but God---- she's my best friend!