Chapter Two hundred fourteen: Bar hopping

I didn't really enjoy the beach that day... not because I wasn't happy with Dale and Jack's company but because my mind was too occupied and always drifting back to what Jack had told me earlier.

My heart really wanted to believe what she told me, but my brain... it kept screaming at me not to believe any of it. Yeah, because who would believe something like that, right? If he really doesn't love her, then why stay in that relationship? Why give his girlfriend a false hope?

-'Why don't you ask him?'- My mind screamed.

-'No way! Why would I do that?'- I screamed at her too.

-'So you would know the truth and not ask so many questions to yourself!'-

-'Nope, I'm fine! I can still handle this feelings. Whatever his reasons are for doing this, well, it's up to him.'-

And throughout the day ...