Thomas The Pervert

Myrilla came early in the morning, before breakfast. One look at Sherry was enough to tell her that she had accepted her offer. "Get ready," she told her. "We'll depart after breakfast."

Sherry then came out with a bag filled with her clothes from her room, putting it in the corner of the room as she had her breakfast.

Mother had given up trying to convince her not to go. And now, like a worried parent, she nervously checked and rechecked and rechecked again Sherry's bag, making absolutely sure that she already got everything she would need. And before that, she demanded Sherry to sleep with her for the last few nights, kicking poor Father out of their bedroom in the process. I can just imagine her being smothered by Mother's big boobs as she hugged her in her sleep. Ever since she became her adopted daughter, she kinda took her as a replacement to Marina who's away for most of the year.

Speaking of Father, he gave another speech to Sherry, though this time around, it was just a string of advice relating to adventuring. But just like before, what's most important was for her to obey Myrilla.

I of course had sent a letter to Marina, informing her on what was happening. Though it would be far too late for her to do anything once the letter got into her hands.

Erika was also there, and like her usual self, she's all jealous on the attention Sherry was receiving. I had to calm her down by letting her sit on my lap.

"Is Sherry leaving?" She suddenly asked me with a curious expression, turning herself around.

"Yes, she is," I replied with a wry smile.

"For long?" she asked again.

"Yes, for long."

"Then, I can have Big Bro all for myself!" She giggled, before wrapping her little arms around my neck.

Oh boy, don't tell me she would be one of those hyper-possessive girlfriends that would get jealous at the slightest drop of a hat in the future!

Myrilla was also there of course, sipping a cup of tea as she munched on the bread Mother had cooked. Her gaze was fixed at Sherry all the way through. Even I could tell that she was made uncomfortable by it. She remained silent all the way through, seemingly satisfied just by examining her closely like that.

And then, the time came for her and Myrilla to leave.


There wasn't a carriage outside waiting for them, as there would be for Marina. They were of course heading to the same direction as she would go—in fact, they would have to pass through Mira before they could go to the port town for their ship. But Myrilla had opted not to, saying how they would have to save money, as the ticket price of their ship would be quite expensive.

"And besides, I can move faster than any ordinary carriage could, if it's really necessary," she stated. "And I'm sure Sherry could too, if she's truly an Izurd."

That's right. Using that Wind spell of hers, she could definitely do that. And I already saw how fast Sherry could run.

They would spend their stamina doing so though.

"Hey, Sherry, say hi to Marina for me, alright? If you got the chance to stop by in her academy, that is. It's fine with you, isn't it, Miss Myrilla?" I asked the older woman, hoping to soften her cold heart with my charming smile. Father already told her all about Marina and how he had decided to give her an education in Mira's Academy of Magic.

"...I suppose it's fine," she answered. Yes, I did it! "We can take some quests there as well. We still won't have enough money to cross over to the Holy Continent as we are now, unfortunately. And no, Alan. I won't take your charity," she added. "It would be a good experience for this girl too." She patted Sherry's head. "Part of being an adventurer is to manage your funds after all."

"So, you two would be staying for a while in Mira?" I asked again.

"Perhaps," Myrilla replied. "It depends on the quest we got. It would be nice if we could get an S-rank quest that wouldn't take us too far off our route to Tulpio."

"Tulpio… that's the port town where you can cross over to the Holy Continent, right?"

"Correct. I see Alan hasn't been neglecting your geography studies. Unlike himself, who can barely even read a map," she let out a small smirk.

"H-hey! I'm not that bad anymore, you know!" Father protested.

"Actually, Miss Myrilla, I learned it from Mother. Father really doesn't seem to care about me learning anything that isn't swordfighting. Mother had to be the one to teach me math (not that I needed it), writing, and all that stuff he probably finds tedious," I shrugged.

"Hey, Hugo, don't say that!" Father turned to me. "I care much about your education, you know!"

"And by that, I mean how he could swing a sword around like you could," Mother chimed in with an obviously fake disappointed look.

My gaze returned back to Myrilla and, wait, did she just giggle? That's a giggle, isn't it? She covered her mouth with her hand and everything.

Seeing her like that, my heart skipped a beat.


That little giggle completely eliminated the gloomy, intimidating aura that she had been sending off all this time. For a split second, I saw the charm that lied beneath.

Mother was right. If she would act less gloomy, she could have completely won over Father's heart.

She's a long-lived demon. Eventually, she'll forget about him and move on to another man. And he'll be someone that can make her open up and relax.

And what a lucky man he is! He'll get to be with a beautiful woman like her! Her boobs might be small but I have a hunch she's the kind of woman who would squeal really cutely if you grab them! And her dark skin certainly only adds to her exotic charm…

My mind started to imagine a perverse sight of her laying down on the bed with a sexy pose. Her dress was pulled down, just so that you could almost see her naked breasts. With upturned eyes and a blush, she would say, "I already know what you're thinking. So just get it over with, you pervert…"

Suddenly, I felt a searing pain on my left arm, kicking me out of my fantasy immediately.

"You're drooling."

It was Erika. She was glaring after pinching me right on my skin.

This brat! She's not even two years old yet she's already this sharp?

"I doubt your big sister would be able to help us do our quests however. Wouldn't she be busy with her assignments?" Myrilla continued.

"Hmm, that's true... " I had to agree. "She said she would only do adventurer work if she got free time."

"Then we shan't bother her. Sherry, you can just go on your own and greet her if you want."

I sighed. She's just being shy, isn't she?

After a couple more minutes of Father and Mother saying their goodbyes to Sherry, with the latter all teary-eyed as she did it, before bombarding her with advice like "Don't stay up too late!" and "Make sure you eat three times a day!" before Myrilla stopped her, it was finally really the time for their departure.

I walked up to Sherry and gave her the biggest smile that I could muster. Placing my hand on her shoulder, I told her, "Take care, alright? I'll be waiting for your return every day, you know. Oh, and send letters. I want to know how the world out there is like."

"Unfortunately, she wouldn't be able to do that," Myrilla suddenly interrupted. "The further we got from here, the more expensive it would be to send even just a letter here. When we reached the Demon Continent, the cost would be astronomical. We couldn't afford to spend our money on such frivolous things. We Adventurers are never rich, even us S-rank ones."

My smile dropped. "W-wait, you mean—"

"There would be no contact between you two until she returned," Myrilla continued, completely unfazed. "Not to mention the fact that there certainly isn't any courier service in the Izurd village. It's a hidden place after all, far away from any civilization."

I looked back at Sherry. A clear display of distress was drawn on her face. Even so, I knew that she wouldn't back down on her decision, even after knowing of this setback.

"I see," Myrilla smirked, seeing Sherry's reaction. "You really have raised your children well, Alan, even one that is not your own." She turned towards Father.

"Now, it's time to say your goodbye, Sherry. And make sure it counts. You won't be seeing him for a long time after all."

This is it. What will it be, Sherry? A teary-eyed hug? Come on, hug me as hard as you can, though I probably won't be able to take—


Without hesitation, she wrapped her arms around my neck and gave me a kiss right on the lips.

And not just any light kiss, as she pressed herself even closer to me, deeply and greedily giving me a smooch.

If I wasn't so taken aback, I would hear the gasps of Mother and Erika.

We stayed there for what felt like an eternity, though it's probably only around ten seconds or so, before she released me. Naturally, her face was now as red as a tomato. Looking away bashfully, she mumbled, "T-that's to remember me, alright? D-don't go kissing any other girls while I'm gone!"

I froze in the spot, no doubt just as red-faced as she was. I was still too flustered to notice ce that Erika was now hugging my arm, giving a glare towards Sherry, while Mother was grinning ear-to-ear.


Myrilla didn't say anything, or even react in any shape or form. It was as if she already expected this to happen.

And with me being dazed from Sherry's passionate kiss, the two left at last.



Wonderful. The meddler is now out of the way.

And I didn't have to pull any strings in the process. They did it all on their own.

No reprieve shall be given to you, outworlder. For you have dared to defy me, just like your predecessor did.

When the clock strikes, when the fruit is ripe...

I shall plunge you into the deepest abyss of despair.



When I read Hugo's letter telling me how Sherry was leaving, I nearly choked on my tea.

Naturally, it was news I was not expecting in the slightest.

I always suspected that Sherry wasn't actually human, knowing how unnaturally strong she was. But to think that she would leave us in this manner…

Well, I wouldn't stop her. If it's what she wanted, then I would only wish the best for her.

I would miss her though. She's a lovely girl. I had enjoyed her company all these years.

I just hope that Hugo isn't too heartbroken from it. Ah, if only I could be there to comfort him...

Though knowing the route they would take, they would surely pass through this city. I wonder if they would make a visit here. Hmm, maybe I should tell the guards, just in case, so they wouldn't be kicked off the premises.

Now, how should I write my reply letter to Hugo? Of course, I would have to send some words of comfort to him, but other than that? I suppose I could tell how I was advancing in my lessons as usual.

Hmm, should I tell him about what I recently discovered about that hobbit boy? Hehe, he seemed to be all concerned about him after all.

When I told him how I had this one hobbit who was bothering me, he immediately went into an uproar, angrily saying that if he could be here with me, he would tell him to go take a hike and never get close to me again. Aaw, how sweet. And was that a hint of jealousy I sensed from him? As your big sister, I was really glad to hear that, Hugo.

But he really shouldn't worry that much. He would never endear himself to me. Especially after what I saw of him this last Sunday.


I was there, doing a quest to make and deliver a medicine. Even though I wasn't any good in alchemy, I still could manage to create such a basic drug.

The delivery's destination however took me to the red-light district of the capital, where you could find the usual business being done in such a place. Ignoring all the scantily clad women standing on the sides of the street, trying to attract any customers that would visit. I just happened to finish the potion at nighttime, so the place was absolutely bursting.

I wasn't a coward that would just decide to come in the morning though. I pressed on, wanting to finish my quest as fast as I could.

"Whooooaaaa, look what we have here! What a cute little girl you are! Here, come to Papa and I will—"

With a roll of my eyes, I grew a vine under his feet, tripping the drunk over to the hard stone street where we were walking on. Judging by the scream of pain coming from him, he probably had broken his nose from that.

This is why I despise drunks. Especially when they're perverts as well.


I soon arrived at my destination. "Heaven's Dreamer". What a gaudy name. But I suppose it matches the gaudy sign as well.

I entered without delay, to the front section of the building which acted as a tavern where patrons could get all drunk before they moved on the main course.

That was just my assumption though. It's not like I knew how this kind of adult thing really worked.

What greeted me was overwhelming loudness, as the place was absolutely crowded. There was not a single empty table in sight.

"Oi, Missy! One more round over here!" One bearded, gruff-looking man shouted. He was surrounded by three beautiful girls, all fawning over him. Judging by his stature, he was most likely a dwarf. Hmm, I certainly had seen a couple of dwarves before around the city, but they were certainly a rarity. The girls on the other hand were all elves. So he's an elf lover, huh?

I pulled my attention away. Why should I be paying any attention at the debauchery going on?

I looked at the far end of the room. Ah, I should go there. I saw the bartender, busy pouring drinks after drinks into what could be described as a full row of beer mugs in front of her.

Oh, a succubus?

There was no doubt about it. Her horns, her tail, and her wings… it was all there. And of course, her voluptuous bosom as well. I don't think you can be a succubus without a fully mature body like that.

I walked over to her and said, "Miss Kyleli?"

She nearly dropped the mug she was holding.

"W-what? Who? W-who are… a-a girl?"

"I have a delivery for you. You posted a quest asking for a medicine for a sprained ankle, correct?" I popped out the package from my dimensional storage with a wave of my wand. "Here it is. I would like you to sign this paper as well as a sign that I have delivered it to you." I popped out a sheet of brown paper as well.

"R-right… of course you wouldn't be visiting a place like this as a customer. And we don't offer young girls as companions as well."

As she opened the package and signed the paper, I looked around the room. As expected, all the patrons there were male. Most of the brothels here were naturally aimed at them, though I saw one or two that were female-oriented instead on my way here, with male workers tending to the female customers.

Not that I would ever be interested in such places. I would never get that desperate for companionship. I'd rather end my own life rather than degrade myself that way.

And then, I noticed him.

The hobbit boy that had been bothering me nearly every day, asking to be my friend over and over again.

He was in the far corner of the room sitting on a sofa, with four scantily clad girls all attending to him. Two squished his head between their boobs, while the other two were rubbing his chest.

He's here?!

I walked closer out of simple morbid curiosity, far enough for him not to notice me but close enough for me to hear what they were saying.

"What's the matter, Tom? You want to touch Big Sis' chest? You have been staring at them all this time, you know." One of the girls giggled, poking him on the cheek.

"Aww, no fair! My chest is bigger than yours! So he should be touching mine instead!" Another girl pouted, squeezing her two mounds with the sides of her arms.

"Oh dear, I see something rising up down here. I didn't know that you're such a naughty boy, Tom!"

"Getting turned on by your big sisters… that's real naughty indeed!"

"Ehehehehe! All of you are just so beautiful I can't help myself! I'm the luckiest boy in the world to have four beautiful big sisters like you all!"

With a lecherous grin on his face, he began to grope two of the four girls, each responding with lewd moans that were clearly faked.

"Mmm, you really are one naughty little brother, Tom!"

"And naughty boys need to be punished~"

The moment one of the girls went down on his crotch, I decided that I had enough and returned back to the bartender.

I knew it! His whole innocent act is just a lie! This is his real self, a pervert that makes prostitutes pretend to be his big sisters!

And to think that he calls me "Big Sis'" as well! Urrghh, who does he think he is?

'Hmm? What's the matter? That disgusted look on your face… Is this the first time you've been in a brothel, little girl?" The bartender giggled. I gave a little nod in return, impatiently waiting for her to return the proof of delivery. I just wanted to leave this place as soon as possible. "Please don't be too harsh on our customers. They're just lonely souls that come here to unwind and relax from the harshness of the real world."

"Hmph! All I see are perverts! Nothing more!" I retorted.

"Hehe, you're still young so you wouldn't understand. Maybe when you're older, and you realize you can't get any boyfriends to cuddle with and warm your bed in the night, then you'll see the value of our establishment. Though with how cute you are, I doubt that would happen."

She then handed over the paper back to me, signed with her signature.

"There! Thank you very much, by the way! One of our girls sprained her ankle and it made her unable to do her job properly! This way, she could get back in action in no time at all!"

As I left the building, her words echoed inside me.

The value of a brothel, huh? I doubt I would ever be able to see it.

I do know one thing though.

Hugo would never use such a service.

He would get a girlfriend, marries her, and then uses her for his comfort. And in return, he would give comfort to her as well.

And if I were ever to get married, I too would try to be my husband's comfort as best as I could.

That would still be a long time away though.