Fortissimo and Boom Rifle

"Holy Bolt!"

Here it is! It's coming right towards me!


With a firm swing of my sword, I parried the spell away to the skies.

"Congratulations, Hugo! You finally did it!" Nicole smiled, clasping her hands together.

I let out a sigh of relief. That's one more special technique down.

We were currently on route to Valmo, the capital of the Fenesia Kingdom. Just like how he had been traveling so far, we made time for training, even though it would slow the pace of our travels down. As a result, I managed to successfully master the basic form of Legato, while Fiora finally managed to learn how to parry my Boom Cannon. Well, barely anyway, still with both hands on her sword and a staggered pose afterwards. She was, of course, not satisfied.

It wasn't the only thing that we trained together though. She asked both me and Nicole to bombard her with spells from all directions. It was a test of her senses and endurance, as even one split up would lead to a dangerous blow. She didn't care though. Even if she suffered injuries from our training, Nicole was there to fix her up right away.

No fixing her ruined clothes though.

"Ha, took you long enough," Fiora exclaimed. She had been watching on the sidelines all this time. "Now, we can move on to the next special technique."

She held up her hand. It was holding what looked like a branch she just picked up from a tree nearby.

"Attack me with your sword, Hugo," she exclaimed, holding the branch in a horizontal blocking position.

I raised my eyebrows. She's going to block my sword with a thin piece of wood like that?

..Ah, nevermind. I think I know where this is going.

I walked up to her, drew my sword, and swung in a downward manner.

"Fortissimo!" She yelled.



I was still taken aback, even though I already saw it coming. The branch completely absorbed my blow, without a single scratch on its wooden surface.

"This is a pure defensive ability, hardening your equipment to absorb the blows of your opponent better," she explained with a smirk. "Not just limited to physical attacks either. A more difficult version of Fortissimo would allow you to block magic as well."

Yep, it's a defense-enhancing ability alright.

She then parried my sword to the side before throwing the branch to the ground.

"I wouldn't rely on it much however. You and I—we are both used to dodging attacks instead of receiving them. We are not like those full-armored knights who would benefit the most with this technique."

Yeah, I don't think I can stand wearing full plate armor all the time. It's probably really hot inside it. Not to mention heavy.

"However, we can still use Fortissimo to block an opponent's blow with our sword. Imagine a giant, swinging his gigantic club towards you. With Fortissimo, you can block the blow with a single hand without even flinching."

I can just imagine how cool one would look doing that.

"Of course, you can also use it with ordinary clothes. And even your own skin. But naturally, it would be less effective than steel armor. Or a durable skin of a demon. We've talked about the Demon Lords before, right? Some of them have the ability to coat themselves with aura to such an extent that they could walk through a rain of arrows and spells without even receiving a single scratch."

So I guess it's like when you're suddenly forced to fight a boss with extremely high defense values. Urgh, it's always a pain in the ass, fighting guys like that.

"To overcome that, you just have to surpass it with a stronger Staccato. Or, if you're a mage, a spell powerful enough to break through their defenses."

I suddenly remember how my Boom Cannon couldn't injure Vera's snake. A Demon Lord would be even more durable than that.

Yeah, I really need to figure out how to improve that spell. Its power, penetration ability, and even speed could still be improved. Fiora had said that her teacher considered her to be on par with an Expert-rank Galahad swordswoman. So there are even stronger swordsmen than her out there. And I would be stupid if I don't prepare for them.

Aaah, all I want is just to have fun and easy adventures with cute girls by my side.

And so, I started developing a new version of Boom Cannon. I wouldn't say it's necessarily stronger, but it would be faster with more piercing power to it. I need to miniaturize the mana image and flow though, and that is easier said than done. It requires me to have an even more precise Mana control after all.

But once I'm done, heh, I can't wait to show Fiora how I've surpassed her once again.



Aah, I'm curious.


Aaarghh, I really am curious!

After our training, we were currently back onboard our carriage, resuming our journey. We were all tired and tuckered out, understandably enough, and as a result, both Fiora and Nicole were sleeping on their seats. I too felt pretty sleepy, but not enough to fall asleep right away.

What was I curious about, you might ask? Well, it was the book Nicole's hands were currently holding. She had always been reading throughout our journey, and when I asked what she was reading, she would either answer that it was her religious text or she would evade the question, blushing as she put the book away.

Normally, I wouldn't care about other people's hobbies, but after sitting so close to her all this time, I really want to know what she's reading. It can't all be religious texts, can it?

And this is exactly the time to do it.

"Slowly and gently…"

I reached my hand forward, as she was sitting across me. I grabbed the book and pulled it as methodically as I could from her hands.

Urgh. Her grip is surprisingly strong.

Only after I increased my pull that the book was freed from her clutch.

With a grin on my face, I immediately opened the leather-bound book.

"Ahn, n-no, Sir Stanford! You can't be doing this! What if everyone finds out?"

"I don't care, Villene. I love you. And I want you and you only as my wife. Abandon your priestess duties and become the Duchess of Stanford."

...What in the world?

This is… this is a trashy romance novel!

It was indeed exactly that. Even the title was already provocative. "The Clumsy Priestess Is Punished By The Grand Duke." Skimming through the book, it was a story about the titular clumsy priestess slowly falling for a young bachelor Duke. Problem is, the Duke was openly forward his affections towards her. Too forward. He would grope her from behind, caress her butt, kiss her neck, and doing all sorts of perverted stuff to the inexperienced, virgin priestess. Of course, like any other heroine of a lurid romance book, she was only against it at the start, before realizing that she enjoyed being touched like him in that manner.

Tsk tsk tsk, to think that a supposed holy woman is reading a lewd book like this.

Though I guess no matter what world, the taste of some girls remained the same. They want rich, powerful, and domineering men to sweep them off their feet and treat them like princesses. Hah, you can even be a pervert as long as you meet that criteria.

Kinda disappointed that she likes those kinds of men to be honest. Or maybe this is just her kink. Knowing how level-headed she is, she won't be so stupid to not realize you can't really find a guy like him in real life, without attracting actual creeps and perverts.

Yeah, as you can guess, I never liked those handsome and rich womanizer types. Probably mostly out of jealousy, I admit, though I like to think it's because of my morals as well. Never agreed with the whole "conquering women" concept. Not that I would be able to pull it off anyways.

I put the book on her lap. Thankfully, she still remained in her slumber, sparing us from the awkwardness that might ensue if she realized that I knew she had been reading lascivious books.

Soon after, I fell asleep as well.


Finally. Took us long enough.

Valmo, the capital of the Ferensia Kingdom. There really wasn't anything particularly special about it, unfortunately. It was just another walled city, like the many others I had visited in my journey. I guess in a fantasy world where monsters roam about, it's common sense to only build cities inside tall walls. Not to mention how useful it would be in a state of war as well. Probably. If the opponent just doesn't blast through it with magic. I'm pretty sure I can already break through stone walls easily with Boom Cannon, though it depends on its thickness. At least the Magocracy had the sense to build Mira's walls out of obsidian. Combined with the magic runes inscribed on them, I have a hunch that even my Boom Cannon wouldn't leave a dent on it.

It was located right on the crossroad between the path to the north and the path to the southeast though, where the Order of Galahad was located.

It took us another month to get from the border to here, giving me ample time to decide whether or not I want to accompany Fiora to the south or to go onward to the north towards my destination, the Demon Continent.

Although, knowing the existence of an orb that can allow me to speak with Sherry, I'm considering making a beeline to the nearest World Dungeon instead and try my hands on getting the extremely rare item in it.

Urgh, rare drops. Never like hunting for those in my games.

"So, we're finally here at last. Our separation point," Fiora spoke with a smirk on her face. We were still sitting inside our carriage currently, as Helen drove us inside the city. "Well, you still haven't mastered Fortissimo fully, but it would have to do, I guess."

"You know, I've been thinking," I spoke up. "Since I haven't really finished my training with you, you still haven't held up the end of your bargain. So why don't I come along with you to the south as well?"

For a split second, I noticed Fiora's expression brightening up considerably. Heh, so she really is happy with me being around. She quickly returned back to her usual smug look however.

"Oh? That's a surprise. I thought you're really itching to meet up with that Sherry girl. Or don't tell me that you've fallen for me instead?"

"Hmph, I still got my new spell to show you as well. The new and improved Boom Cannon! You won't be able to block or parry it for sure!"

"So that's what you've been working on all those nights you stayed awake on your own. Very well. I'll show you that my sword skills have improved as well," she returned in full confidence.

And so I ended up sticking with her for just a while longer.


"Fortissimo!" I yelled.


Fiora's blade swung down towards my wooden branch. However, it was not cut into two. Instead, it perfectly received the sword's sharp edge, as if it was made out of steel as well.

"And there you have it. The third technique you've mastered," Fiora said with a grin. "But of course—"


The branch split into two.

"If I actually use Staccato, my blade will go through nonetheless."

I sat down on the grass, tired from the training we had been doing, stretching my hands upwards. I sighed in relief. As usual, I trained with her for a couple of hours everyday and she wouldn't go easy at me at the slightest.

"Nicole, patch him up. We'll depart soon after." She ordered the cleric.

Oh right, I wanted to show her that!

"Wait, Fiora, I still got something I want to show you." I held out my hand in a stopping motion.

'Hmm? And what might that be?"

"It's my new iteration of the Boom Cannon, of course." I smiled. "Just finished it last night and I thought I'd show it to you right away."

"Hoo… about time. Come then. Show me this fancy new magic of yours."

After Nicole healed me, I stood up, fresh as new. Fiora readied her stance while I drew my wand.

"I'll aim at your right shoulder. Try to block it if you can." I smirked, aiming my wand towards said direction.

"How brave of you, telling your enemy where you're going to hit," she replied. "Fine. It'll just make it easier for me to block it."

Taking a deep breath, I concentrated. Conjure the image of the mana circuit of the Boom Cannon, then compress it into a miniscule size, while making sure to maintain the integrity of the flow. Any leaks would severely compromise the spell. Shaping it this and that way, forming it in the exact shape without any additions or subtractions… There! The miniature cannon is finished! Now to increase the difference of air pressure between the inside and the outside, and steadily aiming it towards her right shoulder…

"Boom Rifle!"

A tiny air cannon the size of a finger, more accurate to be described as a bullet, fired from the tip of my wand.

And it connected, earning a yelp of pain from the imperial princess as a hole formed in her right shoulder, a chunk of flesh and blood being pushed out near instantaneously as the bullet flew ever onward behind her.

She looked in a mixture of horror and surprise. It was too fast. She couldn't react to it at all.


Nicole quickly rushed into her aid, closing the wound I just made.

"That's… what was that? I… I didn't even notice it until it landed." Her voice shook. "Ha… ahahahahahaha!" She suddenly burst into a laugh. "You really are one genius mage, Hugo! Once again, you surpassed me!"

I grinned. "See! Told ya!"

Boom Rifle. Sacrificing surface area of the impact. I turned my Wind Spell into a precise shot, increasing its speed and penetration power by a lot. It's like exchanging a cannon with a sniper rifle. I wouldn't be able to make holes in walls or squish people's heads with this spell, but I could penetrate their thick hide or armor. And if I just aim at their brain, well, this spell would be the perfect, one-hit-kill spell.

Its weakness however is quite obvious. The aiming. If the opponent moves a lot, and at a faraway enough distance, I will never be able to hit them. I am no marksman. Even gripping the wand to stabilize the firing line is already a difficult task for me. So this spell is designed more for large monsters or those who, in their overconfidence, stupidly think they can parry/block every single long range attack that comes at them.

Thank God it doesn't have the recoil that comes with an actual sniper rifle.

Naturally, Fiora quickly insisted that I fired the spell at her again. And again. And again. Until she would be able to keep up with the speed.

This girl's competitive spirit really is something else. Kinda reminds me of Sherry's actually.

As a result, our travel time that day decreased severely.


Severing Mountains. It was where our destination laid hidden. Tucked in the southeasternmost corner of the continent, away from the hustle and bustle of the world, it was the perfect place for aspiring swordsmen and women to train themselves.

Beyond the mountains were the small land ruled by the Order of Galahad. However, to get there, we need to cross what was known as the Great Chasm, a long stretch of nothingness between two tall cliffs. We had to cross it using what was known by the locals as the Bridge of Faith. Because it wasn't some solidly built stone bridge. Oh no. That would make too much sense. Instead, it's a giant rope bridge, swaying around in the most threatening manner as one suffered to cross it.

We reached the village at Windburgh at the foot of the mountains after 19 days of travel. And on the way, after I mastered Fortissimo, I moved on to the final technique Fiora would teach me.

"Chasse, or Graceful Steps if you use the literal meaning. It is a technique that allows sudden and sharp movements with inhuman speed. I leave this for the last as you already have your Wind Step, which is similar in nature," she explained.

I learned it anyways, knowing that if I can use it instead of Wind Step, it would allow me to cast a spell while still moving around fast.

She also explained the move that assassin used to "kick air" was an advanced form of it, named Chasse Pluma, or Feather Step. Or at the very least, something similar to it.

We arrived at the village when the sun was already going down, so we decided to stay there for the night.

"Hugo, you're sure you really want to go with us all the way?" Fiora spoke as we were having dinner. "We already got this far without any other assassins chasing after us. They probably don't expect us to go here to be honest."

"We cannot let our guard now, Miss." Helen interrupted. "We still haven't entered the territory of the Order itself. And even then, we would only be safe if we can reach their head dojo where Lady Solis resides."

The Galahad Sword Meister Esther Solis, and the current Head of the Galahad Order. She was called the Blind Sword Goddess, a straightforward title born out of her prowess in the sword and her lack of eyesight. A character straight from the fantasy books.

"Helen's right." I said with a grim expression. "The bridge we're going to cross tomorrow—that would be the perfect place to ambush somebody."

"I see," Fiora placed down the cup of tea she just took a sip from. "So you believe there would be assassins waiting for us there."

"There's a good chance for that to occur," I returned. "And I have a feeling it would be that beastkin assassin again. And the rest of his crew."

"Well, we should be fine," Fiora smirked. "You and I and even Nicole—we all have grown stronger these past two months. I believe we can take them on with confidence now."

I sighed. "Well, let's just hope so."

"Hugo, you've killed people before, right? So just aim your Boom Rifle right at their heads. If I still can't react to it, then they wouldn't be able to, not even that catboy."

"Yeah, that's the plan. Let's just hope I can aim the spell properly," I responded with a bitter smile.

I've wholly accepted the fact that I would have to kill other people to survive in this world. If they actually pose a threat, and if they really aren't any chances to talk them down, then I would take them down, hopefully with no hesitation.

If I go easy on enemies I can't afford to go easy against, I would just court death—to me and those that I care about.

With those thoughts in my mind, I retreated back to my room after dinner and immediately fell asleep on the soft bed. Just in case, we would take turns staying watch for the night, with my turn being the last. After all, if there would be assassins nearby, they might just decide to end us while we slept instead of waiting to ambush us up there on the mountains.

Nothing happened though. The night went by and dawn came without any incident.

It was time for us to head up to the mountains.