Hugo’s Oath


I was speechless.

To think that she had been through that much…

My suffering… it was nothing compared to hers…

If it was me, I would've lost it for sure...

"A-and then, what happened afterwards?"

"What happened?" She returned with a laugh, followed by a grim smile. "Once I secured his promise to send me to the Academy, I killed him. With my very own poison that I brewed myself. None of them knew I was an alchemist as well. And not only that, I framed that sour-faced maid for it. You should've seen her crying face as she begged to the authorities that she didn't do it. She tried to accuse me back, but as I was already a full-blown adopted daughter of that man, not to mention me being a young and innocent girl, nobody believed her."

Her grim smile widened, making it even creepier than before.

"They executed her publicly the next month, right before I left for the Academy. Her punishment? Being drawn and quartered. It's a shame I wasn't able to attend, to see her scream in pain in her last moments."

She let out a soft laugh.

"Was it evil? Yes. It was revenge. I hated her with all my might back then. Do you know what she would say to me over and over again? 'Devote your life, body, and soul to Lord Garza'. She never listened to my plight, how painful and scared I was when he defiled me. It wasn't just me too. There were others—young adventurers who were told to work with him. He imprisoned them in the dungeon and used them before disposing of their bodies. The Guild never sent an official investigation. Heh, they were no doubt under his control as well."

The carriage's wheels hit a bump on the road, pausing her speech for a bit as she recollected her thoughts, her somber expression returning.

"...Tell me, Milord. Was it wrong for me to kill him? As a mayor, he was a good ruler that cared for his subjects. He would mingle with them and listen to their complaints. And after his passing, with no heir as he couldn't produce offsprings, the town was given another ruler by Vehta. He was a weak and inept ruler, thus the town fell in prosperity as a result."


"Esteena said that a ruler deserved privileges that a subject deserved not. He could bed anyone he wished, as long as the town of Karkala ran smoothly under his charge. Just like how a subject paid taxes to her ruler, so they should not complain if said ruler forced her to his bed. She should be honored instead. So, tell me, Milord. Should I be honored that my virtue was taken by him?"

"No. No, you shouldn't."

The words came flying out of my mouth.

I couldn't help it. For her to even entertain the idea, somehow, it made me boil with rage.

"He's not a good person. Just because you're a good ruler doesn't mean you're a good person as well. If I were in your position, I would kill him as well."

A monster that r*pes children. I might be a citizen of this world now, but my modern Japanese sensibility could never let that slide.

"No, I wouldn't, actually." I added with a chuckle. "I am nowhere near as clever as you are. I would be a coward that just obeyed his will for my own safety. Hell, I might even delude myself, to accept that sickening philosophy that maid professed."

"T-that just means you are a good person, Milord! Better than I could ever be! Ever since that day, I turned wicked and evil, but you, who have a more righteous soul than mine, would not be broken by it!"

I broke into a laugh.

"How many times do I have to say this? I am not a good person at heart. I am a cowardly, perverted bastard, just like that Garza character is. I'm just better at keeping that perversion in check. Look, even now, I'm stealing glances at those milky white thighs of yours, barely covered by your robes."

The ex-necromancer turned crimson, fixing her robe so it would cover more of her flesh. I chuckled at the sight. That was surprisingly cute.

"And that is a sign that you're just a pure maiden at heart." I gave her a grin

"No! There's nothing pure about me! How can you say that?! I've offered my body to multiple men before!" She let out an exasperated sigh. "Here. Let me continue my story. So you can really see what a vile woman I have become."

Her melancholic stare returned as she resumed her story.

"After Garza's death, and me being accepted at the Academy, I moved to live there as a student. His estate might have paid for my tuition, but only for the first year. For the rest, I had to provide my own funds, as his relatives refused to facilitate my education further. Thankfully, I managed to prove myself worthy for a scholarship, thanks to my ability as an alchemist. That, and my talent in the dark arts. As for my living expenses, I provided it by working as an adventurer."

She paused for a bit, looking upwards at a slowly darkening horizon. The sun was setting behind us. Soon, we would have to set up camp.

"I lived like that for six years, trying to keep myself away from the eyes of the Magocracy as much as I could. I saw what they did to mages they believed to be especially talented, and since my talent was only in alchemy, they weren't that interested in me. Still, I received some bullying nonetheless, especially from that girl who was gravely jealous of me when I beat her in her alchemy lessons. Let's see… What was her name again? Merinda or something?"

Wait, Merinda? That's the name of—

"Hey, I've heard that name!" I spoke out, interrupting her. "She was the bully who tormented Marina when she attended the academy!"

"Marina?" She raised her eyebrows.

"My big sister. She used to attend the academy as well."

"...Ah, I think I know whom you're talking about. In my last years there, there was this one girl who got treated especially bad by her. To think that she's your big sister…" She laughed coldly. "I used to think she was an idiot, to be stubborn enough to flaunt her talent in the open like that. I was even glad she took Merinda's attention away from me. I never bothered to help her. Shows just how much of a selfish coward I was." She paused, staring at the distance before turning to face me. "You say you're a selfish coward. Then I am as well. Perhaps even worse, as I never helped her in the end, unlike you, Milord. So cheer up and stop being so hard on yourself."

I fell silent. I didn't know what to say.

"...Marina, she's a strong person, far stronger than I am. She went through those two years with a smile. As her little brother, I am proud to have her as my big sister."

"And yet, I betrayed her."

I then told her everything about the kidnapping incident, emphasizing my cowardice on running away instead of facing her and begging forgiveness for my failure.

When I finished, Felicia's fists were clenched, and she had a mixture of sadness and anger on her expression.

"Another family… destroyed by the Magocracy… I'll never forgive them… But you, Milord… you should forgive yourself. As one who used to be a big sister herself, I know she would have forgiven you."

"Yeah, she has," I replied with a shameful smile. "She came to my dreams, telling me to go to where she was and how she and Erika had forgiven me."

"Ah, a Dream Orb. That's not an easy thing to find," she commented with a smile. "I'm happy for you, Milord. You still have a family to return to."

Unlike her.

"...O-oh no!" Her voice suddenly went into panic. "By saving me, you have doomed your family too! The Church will be after them as well!"

I sighed. "I know that. Ilymhrra warned me as much. But, I couldn't just let them have you. Not after what they did with Leila. I did it not out of some clear-minded sense of heroism, but out of simple rage."

"T-then they should go to the Demon Continent as well, where the Church couldn't find them! But you don't have any Dream Orbs you could use to send the message, do you? Curses! Getting one is no easy matter too!"

"Relax." I gave her a comforting smile. "I used a fake name and background all this time. They wouldn't know who I really am or where my family is."

"A-ah, right… but still… eventually…"

"Eventually, I wish to confront them. Just like I will confront the Magocracy. I will become even stronger, strong enough to win against their best warriors. Then they would have no chance other than to leave me and my family alone."

"C-Confront them? A-and the Magocracy too?"

I nodded. "I've resolved myself. To free myself from my past, I need to go back there. I will train myself in the art of magic and sword, so I may triumph against their Grandmaster-level magicians in a fair and honest fight, no matter how long it may take. I will kick them off the peak of that mountain and make a proper grave for Father and Mother."

"And, after hearing what they did to you and your family, I'll pay a visit to Vehta and make him pay for his crimes. That's what you wanted, isn't it?" I sent her a smile. "...Ah, but you probably won't believe my words. For someone who was too cowardly to save a little girl from her death, it's impossible to imagine he would be brave enough to take an entire nation on his own, let alone two."

"T-that's not true! You're still young yet you're already this strong! Ten years, no, five years! Just five years more and you would already grow up to be a strong and brave man, I'm sure of it!"

I chuckled. "Heh, let's just hope so."

I looked at the terrain ahead of us. Still more grassy hills with no end in sight. I looked for some landmark we could have a shelter on, as we were rapidly approaching the night.

"I've heard Marina talk about you, you know, as the necromancer who slew Merinda and a bunch of her underlings. I believe the incident happened during her second year at the Academy."

"Which would be the sixth and final year of my time there," she followed. "I could've graduated peacefully, if not for them discovering that I had been practicing necromancy in my free time. Yes, I suppose I should tell you how I seduced my own teacher to give me access to the forbidden section of the library, allowing me to steal the necromancy book written by the Necromancer King himself. It was all too easy. The old pervert already had his eyes on the more attractive female students in his class. And since, by that time, I was sixteen, I already had these full hips and breasts you are seeing now. Using them, I charmed him and slept with him. I didn't even hesitate. I viewed my body as just another tool I could use to achieve my goals." She paused, a forced grin on her face. "And so I closed myself from my secret dream, to marry a good man and have a family, just like my parents wanted. No good man would want to touch a girl who readily sold her body, unless she's in a pleasure house." She chuckled.

...She's right. I can't imagine myself ever wanting to start a relationship with a woman like that. My old self would have called her names like a slut, a whore, or the classic 3D pig moniker.

And yet, seeing her like this, I don't even have any disgust towards her. There is only pity.

Heh, it's not like I am in any position to be sanctimonious, Mr. "let-a-little-girl-die-because-he's-too-afraid".

"I ran away, took care of my pursuers with a clever trap involving poisonous gas that they fell right for, and crossed the ocean. Once I landed on this continent, I gathered information, looking for a powerful figure I could seduce in exchange for his protection. I found Fiania, presented myself to that old creep, and once again, gave my body to him. No, not just that. My soul as well. Before I killed him and made him a zombie, I had to pretend to love him every single day, even in bed. No matter how much it wanted to make me puke, I could only bear it."

Suddenly, the carriage stopped. She turned herself to face me fully. To my surprise, there were tears pooling in the corner of her hazel eyes.

"If… ignoring the fact that you already have a girl you love, I ask you to make me your wife… Would you—would you accept me, Milord?!"

...A love confession. That was not what I expected in the slightest.

...No, in retrospect, I should've known she was smitten by me, just from the way she acted when I left her back at that mountain.

I don't know why. It's the same with Anne and Amelie. I don't really know what they saw on me. I might have saved them, but that's not a good enough reason for a girl to fall in love with a man, is it? Not to mention how I'm still young like this. I'm growing in height for sure and my voice is getting deeper by the way, but I'm still more of a kid than a man. And now, I have a woman who's a lot older than me be interested in me like this. Perhaps she's just a natural cougar, thanks from the trauma of losing her little brothers?

...No, it doesn't matter what her reason is. In any case involving love, honesty is the best policy.

And I know how I feel towards her.

"...Yes, perhaps I would. Like I've said, you're an attractive woman, and I would love to have you warming my bed. And I don't think you're a bad woman either. I believe you can achieve redemption, and I would be happy to accompany you in that journey."

A smile blossomed in her face. "M-Milord, then—"

"But, like you said before, I already have Sherry, and my obligation is to her, first and foremost. And she would not like me having another girl by my side."

"I-I'm fine with being the second wife! O-or the third wife! Just let me be with you!"

She took my hands and held it with her hands. Tears were now streaming down her cheeks.

I released my hands and looked away. "You shouldn't say that. You'll only regret it if you force yourself to be my wife. I can't imagine a woman that's happy with sharing their beloved with another. You can do better than a kid like me."

"No, I can't! There's no one else like you! You think there will be another out there who's willing to save a filthy necromancer like me?" She yelled back, waving her right hand to the side. I could now sense anger permeating her voice.

"... I understand. I'm too filthy for you, aren't I? No good man would want to marry a dirty whore like me. Not to mention how old I am compared to you. Men like younger women after all…"

"That's not true. There are many men out there who chase after older, more experienced women."

"Like you, Milord?"

...Oh great, I just stepped on a mine.

Gotta be honest.

I shook my head. "No, I prefer girls of my own age."

And just like that, I had mentally punched her in the face.

"I-I see… So it is my age… Aha...ahahaha…"

Uh oh, she starts to laugh all weird now.

"Look. You're still beautiful. You're in your twenties, right? You can't call yourself old at that age. With your large boobs and killer thighs, you can easily snag any men you want. Trust me." I gave her a smile.

"I know that!" She yelled back. "But who I want is you and you alone! Curse you and your faithfulness! You're attracted to me, right? Then use me as much as you want! Like this!"

And then, she did something completely unthinkable.

She stood up and yanked down her panties in one fell swoop, before lifting her dress upwards, revealing her womanhood right in front of my virgin eyes.

My jaw dropped and I sat there staring at her perfectly trimmed labia.

It lasted only for a few seconds, but it felt like an eternity, before she let her dress fall down, covering her flower once more.

"See? Look at your pants! They're bulging like that! You might look young but you're as much as a horndog like any of those men I have seduced!"

With a sigh, I shifted my legs, hiding my boner from her. "You know what? If you want to be my wife so badly, then you have to speak to Sherry and ask for her permission."

"D-does this mean that you're interested in me after all?" She clasped her hands together, her eyes sparkling.

"Yeah, yeah, I've said it before, haven't I? You're a good-looking woman I wouldn't mind bedding," I replied with a light blush, averting my gaze. "And the way you took care of Leila, and how you begged for her life and cried when she died, I found that admirable. And attractive as well, since I do have a certain fondness of the motherly type," I added with a light chuckle.

"Oh, thank you! Thank you so much, Milord! I promise, I'll reform myself and be the woman you wanted me to be!"

She leaped onto me, burying my face in her cleavage.

I could only sigh once again as I enjoyed the feelings of supple warmth and fullness and the nice feminine scent she emanated.

Sorry Sherry. Once again I've inadvertently made a girl fall for worthless old me. And this time, it seems I'll be taking her all the way with me to your place.

If you don't like her, then that's fine. I won't touch her. But I won't abandon her either. I just have a hunch that if I leave her on her own again, she'll get even crazier than before. That, or she would end up taking her own life.

She's lonely. Just like you used to be. And I wish to be her friend at the very least, to alleviate that loneliness, even if just a tiny bit. And I wish for you to be her friend as well. In exchange, I'll give you all the loving you want, so you would never grow jealous of her. That I swear.

...Oh, who am I kidding? After I told her what had transpired, she would grow to hate me for sure. Not just her, but Marina and Erika as well.

Once again, I've proven my cowardice. And this time, a little girl paid the price.

...I'm fine with that. That is the punishment I deserve. If you no longer want me in your life, then so be it. You'll never see me again.

With a grim smile, I imagined a future of me and Felicia living together on our own. It's not that bad, isn't it, to do it every night with a busty redhead?

I chuckled. I really am a worthless pervert.

I moved my right hand and began patting the back of her head.

Then I'll be the best damn pervert a man can be.