From Stormy to Steamy

The rest of the night went like a blur. The other passengers, wanting to celebrate our victory against the undine, filled the tavern in a flash. And, as the guests of honor, we were pretty much not allowed to leave.

"So I said to the troll, 'Get your fat arse off my cart before I chop yer head off!' Bwahahahaha!"

The dwarf was pretty much the stereotypical drunk dwarf you could find on any fantasy novel. He pretty much dragged us to his table, put five giant tankards on it (three for him and his friends, two for us), and recited all sorts of fancy tales that I felt had a lot more embellishment than truth. All the while drinking and laughing and belching, occasionally all three at the same time. His party members weren't any better. The human and the dark elf were openly having a drinking contest, and since they were a couple, it quickly led to them openly groping and kissing each other, right in front of our faces. Oi oi you're going to do that in front of a minor?

I exchanged yet another miserable glance with Felicia. She shared my desire to leave, that much was clear on her face, but as long as I stayed, she would stay as well.

"Lad! Drink up! What are ye' doing just sitting there? Drink up! Drink up!"

The dwarf, already at his third mug, took my barely-touched tankard and shoved it forward.

Suddenly, I was reminded of my old life. One day, I got roped into attending a drinking party by my co-workers. Back then, I was miserable. I barely drank anything and I just sat there awkwardly, stealing glances towards some of the more attractive female co-workers. God, I must look like a creep back then.

That's it. I'm not going to make the same mistake.

And so, I took the tankard and chugged all of its content in one move.


I ignored Felicia's warning. A real man can drink a lot, right? Then I'll show them just how much I can drink!

I finished with a burp. The moment I put the tankard now, the adventurer trio cheered and clapped, with the dwarf being the loudest.

"Well done, lad! That's what I want to see! No matter if yer a dwarf, a human, or a prissy elf, a real man downed all their drinks at once! Nothing of that sipping donkey arse!"

"M-Milord, a-are you alright?"

"I-I'm fine. Just… need to rest for a bit."

"Rest? What are ye' resting for? Ye think the cap' would be happy with that? Oi, sheepie! Give him some more ale, will ya?" Sheepie was the nickname the dwarf had chosen for the sheepfolk waitress.

"Yes! Yes! Coming right up!" She came over with springs in her steps, dressed in a white top and green skirt. My eyes inavertedly traveled to her bouncing peaks, and her bending over to put down my mug didn't help matters.

"Here you go, little hero!" She giggled. "Don't drink too much now! You don't want to get a tummy ache in the morning!"

"Bah, nonsense! This kid here isn't a kid anymore! He's a man! Only a man would be brave enough to do what he did!" The dwarf exclaimed.

"Hmm, I can see that, yes." The waitress put her index on her lips with a smirk. "The way he's staring at my chest—that's a man's look right there."

I spurted my drink. I glanced towards Felicia, and sure enough, she had a jealous pout on her face.

"Ha! Really! He's been staring, haven't he? How about me, boy? Like you see?" The dark elf grinned as she cupped her chest. Unfortunately for her, her size was B-cup at most (quite the difference from the typical busty dark elves you find in fantasy novels), so the effect was minimal.

"He ain't looking you thirsty woman!" The human laughed. "Your chest is too small for his taste!"

"Why you!" The dark elf pointed at her lover. "You say that yet every night you fondle them until I'm sore!"

From that point onward, they devolved into the usual couple argument. Well, drunken couple argument. I couldn't help but sigh. My old self would've criticized them for being shameless, but honestly, their argument was not the kind of hostile argument, say, a divorcing husband and wife might have. It was all in good fun.

"Don't worry about them, lad. They're always like that. Like cat and dog yet they bone each other every night. My poor ol' self can barely get any winks thanks onto them."

What the dwarf said was true. Soon, they returned back to groping each other. The human groped her chest and chewed on her ears while the dark elf openly grabbed his tent with both hands. "Her two-handed sword," she openly declared.

"Oh! That's right! We haven't told ye who we were, had we? Where are we manners? The name's Kurgikk, S-rank adventurer and blacksmith. The human there is Aren, and the dark elf is Manatee. We're the Horstgang Manifest."

The dwarf then went on to regale me the tale of how they met and why they decided on that name. Meanwhile, he made sure that I continued to drink. As I still resolved to actually be a good guest in this party that was supposed to be about me and Felicia, I did as he told.

It didn't take long until the alcohol started to take its effect.

"And that's how we decided on that name. Pretty great story, eh?" He laughed. "How about ye? What's yer party called? Ye two must be S-ranks as well, right?"

"O-our party?" I blinked. "Y-yes, our party.." I looked at Felicia. We hadn't actually decided on any names. In fact, we never even thought about it in the first place.

"We're the Worthless Wanderers." She smiled.

Worthless… Wanderers? That's… surprisingly fitting for who we are.

"What?! What sort of name is that?!" The dwarf burst into laugh as he pat me on the back. "Worthless Wanderers? Might as well name yourselves Stinkin' Travelers! Gahahahaha!" He chugged his ale down, wetting his white beard in the process. "So, where are you heading, Worthless Wanderers? We're going south to Marka. Heard they got a lot of good jobs there."

Marka? Urgh, my head's too dizzy to remember what that place is.

"I see." Felicia smirked. "Us, we will be going further south than that."

"Ha! You got some guts, lad, heading to the Great Wilderness."

Huh? South? Aren't we heading east first to gather information about Sherry's village? I glanced at Felicia's smirking face. Ah, I get it. She's lying. Trying to throw him off our trail, as a precaution.

"So, how about ye two go with us? We're heading down south too after all! The more the merrier!"

"Apologies, but Milord prefers us to be traveling on our own. He… prefers the privacy."

The dwarf paused, before bursting into a laugh once more, patting my back over and over.

"Ha! I get it! Ah youth! How did ye get such a pretty lady as your bedmate anyway? Yer, what, twelve, thirteen? I have slept with some whores before, sure, but never something permanent. Keep her safe and happy, alright? That's what a real man does."

A real man, huh? I… urgh… too… dizzy…

Before I realized it, my body had swayed widely to the side. Out of reflex, my hand responded, grabbing any object it could grab to prevent my fall.

Only for it to land right on Felicia's right breast.


She let out a light gasp. "M-Milord?"

And then, I fell.



"Milord!" I rushed forward off my seat, thankfully catching him before he hit the floor. "Milord! What's the matter? Are you alright?" I shook his body. No! Don't tell me that he's been poisoned! Who is it?! Who dares to hurt my precious Hugo?! Is it that shitty dwarf?! Or is it that whore of a waitress who dares flaunting her assets to him?!

"Take it easy, woman!" The dwarf laughed. "Look! He's just having a nice nap!"

"A nap?!" I looked back at him.

And he was right. Milord was there with a blissful grin on his red face—his chest gently going up and down at every breath he took.

"He can't handle the ale, that lad! Just three mugs and he already knocked himself out!"

"Then you should've not pushed him to drink that much!" I fired back.

"What are ye, his mother? A man should be allowed to drink as much as he wants!"

I sent him another glare before I walked off the table, carrying Hugo in my arms.

"Ooh, he's out, eh?" The dark elf grinned. "Then, we'll be off too. Back to our bunk, my love!" She slapped her lover's behind before dragging him on his arm.

I quickly followed, serenaded by an uproar of drunken cheers and laughs from the other patrons who noticed our leave.

"Oi, lass! You want help carrying him?" The dwarf shouted.

I ignored him, making my way out to the hallway on my own.

...This is why I despise alcohol. I don't understand why so many people like to intoxicate themselves with it.

...Though, I can't deny its usefulness in catching people off-guard. It makes them dumber. Makes them easier to seduce too.

...Seduce… I glanced down at Milord's sleeping form. Should I… seduce him?

… No. He would never forgive me if I did.

I made my way back to our cabin, stopping many times on the way as Milord's weight was too much for my weak muscles. Not that he was overweight or anything. In fact, it was the opposite. When he slept, I had the opportunity to examine his form. And underneath those loose clothing, he had quite the muscle on him already, no doubt built by the training he always kept up every day (he always started the day with some push-ups and sit-ups).

He always tried so hard, all for the sake of getting stronger, just so he could protect what's precious to him. All the while never forgiving himself for the many blunders he had made in his short life.

He was easily the most mature man I had ever shared a bed with.

When we arrived, I gently placed him on the bed.

"Urgh, Sis…"

Hmm? He's mumbling something. Wait, don't tell me he's having one of his nightmares?

"Sis, did I… do good?"

He is! And it's his sister again. He would mumble either about his family or about that Sherry girl (naturally, I prefer the former).

Quickly, I gave him my usual calming hug. I'm not going to let him suffer!

"Yes yes, you did good. In fact, you did amazing tonight, Milord. You did something I could never dream to do."

"Really? I'm not a loser?"

"Of course not."

"Was I cool then?"

"You are really cool. You are so cool you made me fall in love with you all over again."

I knew he was acting like a child here. But, it's my firm belief that a man is allowed to be childish in bed with his wife. Let her pamper him through the night, so he can be the admirable husband she loves in the day.

"Ehe… ehehehe! I'm so happy to hear that, Sis!"

I smiled bitterly as a pang of jealousy entered my wicked heart. He really loved his sister, and, in my rottenness, I desired to be loved similarly as well. I wanted him to depend on me more.

Ah, what a sad, lonely creature I am.

I released him from my hug, letting him use my lap as a pillow as I sat on the bed. I then gently brushed my fingers in his hair as I knew he liked me doing this whenever he needed some calming down while he slept.

"Sis! Your chest has gotten a lot bigger since we last met, hasn't it?"





His hands! They're—they're groping my breasts!

His eyes were still closed however. C-can this be… just like that shitty king…

My old, unpleasant memories resurfaced, how he would grope me in his sleep, even though he just had his way with me when he's awake.

M-Milord… is like that too?


"Ahhnn!" I moaned. To my shame, I could feel a damp spot appearing in my panties.

W-why?! When they did it, I was never this… turned on! I had to fake my moans and everything! Is this—is this the power of love? I-I'm not some young virgin maiden!

"Hmm hmm! They're really warm and supple now! Just like Mother's!" He mumbled, a lecherous grin forming on his face.

Y-you can't do this, Milord! W-what about Sherry? Don't you want to stay faithful to her?

"But how about the cherries? Do they grow bigger as well?"

The—the cherries? Aaahh!

Before I could even recover from his first assault, he already started the second, as he now used his thumb to play with my nipples, circling them around and pressing them with impunity. All the while squeezing and lifting and slapping them around.

A-aahhh, p-please… s-stop… o-or else I'll….

I pressed my legs together as my breath became laboured. In retrospect, I shouldn't be reacting like this. This was far from the first time someone had played with my boobs in this manner.

I glanced down and saw a tent erecting itself on his shorts. I blushed, trying to look away. They weren't that big, but my filthy eyes would no doubt stare at it anyways.

I-it's unfair, Milord! I knew I said you can use my body however you want! But to assault me like this when I'm not ready…

And then, to my relief, he stopped. He pulled back his hands before turning around. Now his stomach was the one touching my thighs.

I sighed. Just dodged a bullet there.

Still, my panties—I can't believe they're already this wet just from a little groping. I'm really—aaannn!

It wasn't over. Not in the slightest.

His—his tent! It's rubbing at my crotch!

H-his hips—they're gyrating back and forth and aahnnnn!

I-I take it back! His manhood—it's already big enough to make me go crazy like this!

Even if I wanted to throw him off my lap, I had no strength to do so. I could only sit there, panting rapidly like a dog in heat, as he teased my womanhood over and over again.

"A-aahh… s-stop… aahhhnn… o-or I'm going to… ahhnnnnn!"


I exploded. My juices soaked my panties significantly, before doing the same with the crotch of his shorts.

A-ah, it's twitching. It's going to—


As if responding to my blunder, his manhood fired its own liquid, significantly soaking his already wet crotch even further.

Quickly, as I regained my sanity, I moved him off my lap.

Oh dear…

As I feared, his shorts now had a large glossy wet patch on them, spreading from the crotch all the way to the sides. If she didn't know better, she would've thought he had an accident in his sleep.

And then, I could smell it—that certain smell I was all too familiar with.

This smell… it's the smell of his seed…

It wasn't the first time such a scent entered my nostrils. As I had insisted to wash all of his laundry, which he reluctantly agreed to, I had received his soaked briefs and shorts every time he had a wet dream. Nothing weird with that, of course. It's just a sign of a healthy teenager.

And, I might have just… taken a few sniffs here and there before washing them….

My face reddened further. Should I… pull them off him? Since it's fresh, maybe I can… get a taste?

N-no! You can't, Felicia! What would he think?!

Reluctantly, I climbed off the bed.

I should… clean up…

Stealing another glance at Milord's stained shorts, contrasted by the angelic face he had on (his perverted grin had disappeared once he did the deed), I exited the room, making my way to the latrines.

Urgh, I need a good cold bath from this.



When I opened my eyes, I was in a different place entirely.

Huh? This is… our cabin?

I sat up, only to be assaulted by a terrible headache.

Urgh, hangover. I really drunk too much last night.


Oh great, I did it again.

My eyes rested on the large wet patch on my shorts. Combined with the sensation of stickiness inside it, it didn't take a genius to figure out I had "released" when I was asleep yet again.

I sighed. This is why I usually masturbate instead. But, with Felicia around, it's hard to find a good time to do it. What if she walks in when I'm in the middle of finishing? That would be embarrassing.

I looked down off the bed. Sure enough, she was sleeping there, with only a makeshift blanket acting as cushion from the cold wooden floor.

Heh, guess she doesn't like this killer alcohol breath I'm having.

I climbed down the bed gently, not wanting to disturb her blissful sleep. Really, whenever I saw her like this (she looked just like a sleeping angel), I couldn't help but think how lucky I was that a beautiful woman like her became infatuated to a loser like me.

If only I didn't have Sherry as well.

Could I… really make both of them happy? As my two wives?

Sherry is the jealous type. She'll never be happy seeing another woman sharing a bed with me.

Aaargghh, I just don't know! How am I supposed to run a harem like those isekai protagonists? This is real life! I don't have the plot backing me up! I've been reading all those books with a harem but none of them gives any good advice to coax a girl like Sherry to agree to one! Every girl in them would agree from the get go!

...Enough. I still have a lot of time to think about it. For now, I should change out of this soggy pants and clean myself up.


When I returned, Felicia was already awake. She was sitting on the bed, facing towards the door so our eyes would meet each other the moment I entered the room.

"Milord, I want to talk."

Uhh… What is this tense atmosphere? Am I in trouble?

Her expression was one of full seriousness. It almost reminded me when Marina or Renee would give me a lecture.

"Your sister, Marina… Do you have feelings for her?"

"F-feelings? W-what are you talking about?"

"Feelings of the romantic kind. As in, you desire her as a woman, not as your big sister. Your lewd dream last night—it was about her, wasn't it?"

I gulped. I was sweating bullets at this point. W-what am I supposed to say to that?! It's true that I would have lewd dreams of Marina, b-but that's just my hormones talking! I-it's not like I want to bed her for real! I-I'm not some incest maniac or something!

"I-I don't remember what my wet dream last night actually," I nervously smiled, returning the most neutral answer I could conjure up. "I-I was drunk, remember?"

"It's fine, Milord. I want your honest answer," Felicia replied, unrelenting and merciless in her assault. "You've told me before how much you admired her. And now I suspect that admiration has a romantic element to it as well."

H-honest answer, huh? I took a deep breath in an attempt to calm myself. "Fine. I admit it. I have lewd dreams of her occasionally. And not just her. I had lewd dreams of any girls I found attractive through my journey. Even I got lewd dreams of my own mother once or twice. But that doesn't mean I want to bed any of them. That just means this beast down here—" I pointed to my crotch. "—thought of them as attractive. And it just so happened that I kept meeting attractive girls throughout my life. I-I'm not some weirdo who wants to bed his own sister, alright?" Oh, who am I kidding? I'm already a weirdo by even thinking my own flesh and blood as hot. I never had this problem in my old life, mind you. I guess it's because I kept my adult mind all throughout my childhood, I was unable to build that "ewness" you'd get naturally as you grow with your family members. For example, I wasn't disgusted at all when I overheard Alan and Renee doing it in their bed, even though I should, as their son.

Well, it doesn't help that both Renee and Marina are pretty in their own ways. Renee's amazing boobs need no explanation, while Marina—she teased me over and over with that pantyflashing of hers.

"... I see. So it's just your overactive hormones who's to blame," Felicia replied.

"T-that's right! I told you before, haven't I? I'm a giant pervert. The worst of the worst!"

She sighed, before reverting back to her usual smile. "You know, if she really is as amazing as you say, I… don't mind if you marry her as well."

"H-huh?" She was now playing with the end of her hair by her two fingers.

"It's… not that odd, actually, for a mage to partake in such things—strengthening the magic bloodline and all that. The problem is—it's a fifty/fifty chance whether it's going to go well or not. You'd either end up with a magic genius, whose talent will surpass their parents, or someone who can't cast any magic in the slightest. There's no inbetween. Thus, even for those power-hungry mages in the Magocracy, it's safer for them to marry their children against other children of different families."

"I… see. I,,, never knew." I knew back at Earth's medieval era, some nobles would practice incest. But that only led to horrible deformities, which led to the whole practice being frowned upon by society. But here, perhaps the rule for incest is different?

"But, I would rather only share you with one other woman than two." She smiled wryly. "Unless, you have other girls you fancy, Milord?"

Immediately Fiora came into my mind. Ah, that's right. I haven't told her about the royal brat.

"Well, uh—" I scratched my face. "I… might have another girl that would come after me in a few years."

Felicia's eyes narrowed, a frown forming on her lips. "Tell me about her, Milord."