Non-Canon Omake — In Which Hugo and Marina Pretend To Be A Couple

A/N: This scenario happens if Vera never did her shenanigans and Marina returned safely for that year's summer holiday.

This chapter only exists thanks to the support of my Legend-tier Patron, Precursor9311.


Summer came, and with it, Marina returned as well.

As usual, I begged her to train me in magic, and she complied. And so, today, we left the house to go to our usual training spot.

"Wonderful! You really have improved a lot from last summer, Hugo!"

Marina was now smiling, one hand on her staff and another on her waist. I just showed her how I could now cast my Advanced-level spells even faster than before.

"Hold the praise, Sis! I'm not finished yet!"

She raised her eyebrows. Heh, prepare to the impressed!

"I still have one more spell I'd like to show you!"

"One more spell?"

"My custom-made, Master-level spell, that is!"

Ha! Speechless, aren't you? Good! Stand back and let the maestro of wind, Hugo Greenwood, do his work!

I walked a few steps away from her and aimed my wand at the forest nearby. I would show her the strength of my Boom Cannon by pulverizing a couple of trees with one spell.

"Hugo, you really can use a Master-level spell now?"

"Yep! Stand back, Milady, and let the maestro of wind, Hugo Greenwood, do his work!"

She giggled at my display of bravado. Not the mocking kind, mind you, but the amused kind. She wasn't like my horrible little sister in the other world!

Concentrating, I pooled my mana to the tip of the wand, shaping it just right before letting it loose.

"Boom Cannon!"

With a thunderous noise, the air cannon jetted through the air, obliterating a good dozen trees in its path.

Quickly, I turned to face Marina again.

And yep, she was just as amazed as I thought she would be.

"T-that was amazing! I've never heard of a spell like that before!"

"Hehe, it's great, right? I name it, Boom Cannon. Not the most creative name, I'll admit, but it fits the bill to a T."

Suddenly, she walked up to me and put her hand on my head.

"You must have worked hard to make that spell." She smiled. "I think I should give you a reward."

"A reward, Sis?"

My mind unfortunately jumped to something of a sexual nature, thanks to her current position, bent over with her loose top failing to hide her breasts completely.

They got bigger again compared to last year...

"Yes, a reward. I'm thinking…" A smirk appeared on her face. "I should teach you how to be a good husband."

... I'm sorry?

Straightening herself, she retracted her staff into a wand and stored it in her pocket. "You see, Hugo." She folded her arms under her chest. "You're ten years old now. You should get your puberty soon. Your libido will rise and you'll see girls differently."

What?! Is she going to give me the talk?

"As your big sister, it falls to me to teach you how you should act around girls. You've been gentlemanly so far but who knows what could happen once those hormones hit?"

Oi oi! Are you saying I'm going to be a sexual predator once I'm older?

"And, I want you to be a good husband once you're older as well. And so, today, I'll teach you everything you know about treating a lady."

She ended her speech with a smug smile and a hand placed between her breasts.

Well, there's no escaping this, is there?


We were now sitting under the nearby tree. Not the ones inside the forest, no, but the one growing on the hill we were training at. It provided a nice shade from the sun so we decided to have our lunch there.

Renee had packed us sandwiches for the occasion, as well as apples for dessert. As usual, they were really delicious. The bread and meat just melted together in your mouth while the apples were freshly picked from the nearby orchard. Not nearby nearby though. We don't have any fancy orchards around here.

They must have cost a fortune. Thank God I was born to a decently well-off family.

Once we finished, it was time for Marina to begin her lesson.

"Alright, Hugo!" She clapped her hands together. "For the first lesson, I want you to think of me as your lover."

... Seriously? You know that's incest, right?

Fine. Guess I'll humor her.

"So, I guess we're on a date now?"

"Exactly!" She smiled. "Now, what would you say to me, as your girlfriend?"

"Umm, I don't know."

"You don't know? What kind of an answer is that? If I'm really your girlfriend, I'll be mad if my boyfriend doesn't say anything at all when we're dating!" She huffed.

Oh boy… now I'm starting to pity whoever will be her husband one day.

"You know, Sis." I looked her right in the eye. "Men don't like girls that are too needy. I know you want me to say 'I love you!' or 'you look really cute today!' but I don't think I'm the type that compliments girls just to be on their good side. If I were to have a girlfriend, and we're going on a date, I'll make sure she has fun with me. That's more important than just praising her."

"N-needy?! I-I'm not that type of girl in the slightest!"

Heh. Got her. I'm getting better and better at flustering her.

I stood up and placed my hand on her head.

"I'm joking, Sis! I'm joking! You are a perfectly nice girl! I'm sure there will be dozens of men all vying for you once you're older!"

"... That's cruel! You can't do that to your Big Sister!" She huffed, throwing her head to the side.

"Well, enough of that." I sat back down beside her. "If you want to pretend we're a couple, then we have to begin from the start. The confession. You confess to me your undying love and then we'll go from there."

"What?! The man is supposed to be the one making the first move!"

"Sure, but a girl confessing her love is always endearing to a man. Why don't you try it, Sis?"

She looked at me for a bit before glancing away once more. "F-fine. I'll try it."

Heh! You really are shy in the matters of love, Sis! How adorable!

Not that I'm any better of course.


We stood back up as a love confession needed to be performed while standing, under a tree, just like where we were now. It's the classic trope after all.

"Alright, Sis! You start!"


She averted her gaze, one hand resting on the other's arm. Her cheeks were positively red as she no doubt was thinking of the words she would say.

Wow, she's really taking this seriously, isn't she?

After a full minute of silence, she finally turned her head to face me and spoke.

"I… I want to—"


Really? Right now? What is this, some cliched dating sim?

All of nowhere, the wind picked up, lifting her dress and showing me she wore her black pair today.

Damn, they're as tight as always.

She didn't let out the classic "Kyaa!" though. She only pushed her dress down and looked away, blushing even harder.

"Stupid wind… And you, Hugo, aren't you supposed to look away?" She huffed. "A gentleman will do that, you know!"

Sorry, Sis, but your panties are so hot I can't keep my eyes off them — is what I would say if I were an idiot.

In this situation though, you have to respond like this instead.

I walked up to her and took her hands, giving her my smoothest smile in the process. I then knelt down, just like a knight would in front of his lord.

"Apologies, Milady. But you're just so beautiful I can't keep my eyes off you even if for a single moment. You're about to confess your undying love to me, right? Then I'll accept. I shall be your lover."

I finished by kissing her hand. There. How about it? I'm pretty good, aren't I? With my good looks, even as a kid, I can do a pretty good job pretending to be one of those lady-killer nobles.

My question was soon answered, by her withdrawing her hand and going even redder than before.

"You… you're too good at this!"

I chuckled, standing back up. "Come on Sis, you shouldn't be so flustered like that. I'm your little brother, you know!"

"Hmph, any girl would be flustered if a man does that to her." She huffed, crossing her arms under her chest.

"I'm not a man though. I'm still just a kid."

"Doesn't matter." She now put her hands on her waist. "To me, you're more of a man than half of the men I met back at the Academy."

...Oi oi, your brocon is really showing now, Sis!

"Are they really that bad?"

"Hmph, they're just a bunch of suck-ups—that's what they are. Remember when I was bullied in my first and second year? They never came to my help. And now, after their queen is gone, they flock to me instead. Just because I'm the most skilled mage there."

Wow, she sure is being spiteful.

Understandable though, after all that she had been through.

"And let's not talk about Thomas." She continued. "That hobbit is easily the most annoying of them all."

Oh yeah, the shitty hobbit. The one who actually challenged her to a fight so he can marry her.

What an imbecile. Take a hint and bugger off.

"Oh Hugo. If only you were there, you'd have come to my rescue for sure." She smiled.

Yeah, for sure. If only I were there, I would've never let my dear big sister be the subject to bullying. I've been there myself after all.

"Don't worry, Sis! I'll be going with you this year, remember?"

"You're right." She walked forward and held my hands. "I'll be looking forward to that."

Just you wait, you shitty hobbit. I'll stop you from harassing her. I'm not giving her to you!

"Well," She squeezed my hands. "Let's continue, shall we?"


The next step was marriage, or so she selfishly decided. And so she went on a long lecture about how marriage worked in this world.

First was the method. There were many methods, depending on where the marriage took place. Countries with heavy Church presence had different customs than the ones with none. The Church invoked the Saint's name in their ceremony and both the groom and bride had to wear these heavy religious robes in the procession. The Magocracy's custom, on the other hand, invoked the name of the Founder instead. And the procession involved a heavy dosage of magic.

As for here, we had quite the casual procession. You didn't even need to have a priest present. The local magistrate would suffice. And all you needed to do was to come to them, state your intention to be married, and bam, you're married. Though of course, for the wealthier folks, they would have a party afterwards.

Which one we used, you ask? Well, Marina didn't really care. She just wanted to do the oath part.

"So, that's about it." She smiled. "Can you remember the words?"

"Uhh, I think they're too long. Can't we shorten them?"

"Shorten them?" She sighed. "Oh fine. There isn't a priest around so I guess we'll have to make do with a simplified version."

She stood up, dusting the hem of her dress. Before she gave her explanation, we had sat back down. I quickly followed suit.

"So, Hugo. When you get married one day, you'll have to hold your bride's like this—" She took my hands. "—and look her right in the eyes without blinking. Recite your oath without stuttering as well. I don't want you humiliating yourself."

"Of course, Sis." I smiled back. "But you should teach this to Sherry instead. I can tell she will get all shy and stuttery when we do it."

"Sherry?" A frown appeared in her face. "Oh, right. You really want her to be your wife, don't you?"

Oi oi what's with that jealous look? You're my big sister, you know! You need to keep your brocon tendencies in check!

"Well, I guess there's no harm in that… She's a good girl, despite her temper… But you have to wear the pants in the relationship. Don't let her push you around."

"Yes yes, you're worrying too much, Sis. I know her weakness so I'll be fine.

"Weakness?" She raised her eyebrows.

"She's the shy type. So a sudden kiss or hug will disarm her completely."

"A-a kiss?"

"Hmm? Isn't it fine to kiss your wife whenever you want?"

"I… i-if it were me, I wouldn't want my husband to just kiss me out of nowhere. It has to be romantic after all."

"Really?" I grinned. "But random kisses can be romantic as well. It shows just how cute and irresistible your wife is that you can't stop kissing her."

"Hmph, you're just like Father." She pouted.

Oh right. Alan would sometimes kiss Renee whenever he thinks we aren't watching. Not only that, he'll even grope her chest and butt as well. I saw him doing it one day in the kitchen.

Well, with those massive mammaries and butt-hugging skirts, I won't blame him.

"Well, let's begin. I'll start."

Tightening her grip on my hands, she began her oath.

"I, Marina Greenwood, swear that I will be with him for the rest of my life. In sickness and health, through happiness and sadness, through poverty or wealth. I will stay by him always."

Wow, you really are serious about it.

Well, I guess I'll have to respond in kind.

"I, Hugo Greenwood, swear that I will be with her for the rest of my life. In sickness and health, through happiness and sadness, through poverty or wealth. I will stay by her always." And I should add a little bit more. "And, as her husband, I promise I will protect her and make her happy." There. How about that?

Marina's reaction was imminent. Her smile got bigger. Her blush too.

"You really have a way with words, aren't you, Hugo?" She giggled. "No wonder Sherry likes you so much. You're still ten years old and you're already this much of a womanizer. The good kind, of course, all because of my guidance."

Yes yes, keep flattering yourself. You don't know that I have a brain of 28 year old man in here. 38 with the added ten years.

Though the womanizer part… I'm not sure where I got that from. Maybe because I'm much more confident now? Girls like confident guys after all.

"Well, time for the finishing touch."

Before I could react, she stepped forward and kissed me in the lips.


It was just a little peck but her lips actually touched mine. There was no doubt about it! We definitely just kissed!

"There." Her face grew even redder. "Now we're officially husband and wife."

O-oi! Y-you can't just—

Aah, forget it! There's no helping this brocon sister!

And my face is reddening too! Goddamnit Hugo! She might be cute but she's your sister!

"So we're now moving to the husband and wife phase." Marina continued. "Let's see… why don't we start from when we wake up in the morning?"

"W-wake up?"

"Mmm, I think I want to be the one being waken up. Let's see how you would wake your wife. Oh, and don't worry. I won't ask you to undress or anything." She giggled. "Though I expect you to satisfy your wife every night. Just like Father. Don't be a lazy husband."

Oi oi I'm just a ten year old kid. Are you sure you should be talking about this kind of stuff with me?

She then laid down on the grass, gesturing for me to do the same beside her.

Welp, guess I have no choice.

I followed suit, feeling the ticklish sensation caused by the grass poking my body.

"Alright, Hugo. I'm going to close my eyes and you're going to wake me up, alright?"

I glanced at her direction and sure enough, she now had her eyes closed shut.

Hmm, I could just shake her, but that will probably not satisfy her brocon mind.

I sat up and inspected her closely. She really looks serene when she's "asleep". If she were born to a king and queen, she'd make a good princess for sure.

And then, my eyes landed on her chest.

I could squeeze those. If I have a wife, I'd want to wake her up with some boob groping for sure.

But she's my sister. I can't do that to her, can I? Not to mention she'd think of me as a pervert.

But then again, we are roleplaying as a husband and wife now. And I'd be lying if I say I don't want to fondle those lovely lumps. Knowing how big Renee's are, they can only grow even bigger from now on, so big you can't grab it fully with a single hand.

What? What about her poor back? Hah, big chests contain the dreams of all men! It is your destiny, Marina Greenwood, to have an F-cup chest!

And so, I striked.

"Aahnnn, H-Hugo, w-what are you doing?"

"Waking you up, silly." I put on my brightest grin.

"T-this is how you'll wake up your wife?"

"Of course! What's wrong with groping your wife's chest?"

"Hmph. You'll be all perverted to your future wife. That's no good, Hugo. You have to listen to her needs too."

"What? You don't like me giving a breast massage? Hmm? Hmm?" I squeezed and fondled her boobs more, earning another moan from her lips.

"Stop it! I-I'm your sister! Y-you can't be doing—aaahnnn!"

"Really?" I squeezed on those melons even harder. They fitted perfectly in my hands. "I thought I was supposed to be your husband."

But I did as she was told anyway, taking off my hands from her chest. It was just a tease after all, to teach this brocon older sister not to provoke me like that again. I was a boy on the cusp of puberty after all.

Though I had to say, her boobs were amazing. Both soft yet firm at the same time. She really was Renee's daughter.

She sat up, squeezing her thighs together with her hands covering her chest.

"I-I think… that's it for today. I see it now. You'll be just like Father when you're older." She frowned.

"Is that a bad thing?" I replied with a cocky smile.

"No… not at all…"

She stood up, dusting her dress in the process. Her face was still flushed and she now actively avoided my gaze.

"Let's go back."

Before I could answer, she already walked down the hill we were on.

Quickly, I chased after her.

"Umm, Sis? You're not mad, are you?"

"No, not at all. I'm just… surprised."

"Surprised? For what?"

"That you would be so bold, groping me like that. I suppose it's true. Boys really do grow up fast." She huffed.

Oh Sis.

You have no idea.



I can't believe it… He really just groped my chest like that…

And, to make it worse, my panties got wet from it… this is what I get for not doing it for a week…

He can never know… that his sister is a pervert who gets aroused by a ten year old's touch…

But still, I don't know why I am doing this with him. Pretending that we're husband and wife… we're not little kids anymore… even he is growing up fast…

I guess… I guess I am just… lonely. Seeing all those other girls in the Academy having their own lovers… I am jealous of them.

And, I can only imagine Hugo taking the role. And no one else.

I'm jealous of him too. He can get along well with anyone. Not like me. I am too proud and hardheaded for it. No wonder he can woo Sherry right away.

Should I ask Mother on how to get a lover? No, she'll tease me endlessly for it, I'm sure. Father, he'll be angry instead.

Hugo? No. Not a chance.

It seems I might just be destined to be alone, with only pillows and those toys keeping me company at night. I thought Mother wouldn't have them, knowing how often she does it with Father. But once she noticed how my underwear got dirty, she immediately lent me some of hers. Even taught me how to use them. She told me that it's normal to have that kind of urge, as she does as well. Something about her high libido that I surely have inherited from her. Does that mean Hugo and Erika will be like me as well when they grow up? I sure hope not.

I glanced at the former, walking by my side with his usual, adorable smile. I just can't imagine him playing with his thing.

But, if he ends up doing it, that means I don't have to hide myself doing it too.

I sighed. I really am a bad sister.

Still, this Fall, he'll be entering the Academy. That would be fun. We can do quests together on the weekends. Oh, and don't forget studying together as well. As his big sister, I'll teach him everything I know!

But for now, we should just enjoy this summer together.