Tama’s Confession


"I knew it! Those two can't be trusted after all!"

When the boy returned to his apartment, he told everything that had transpired to Tama.

Naturally, the catgirl, who didn't share his admiration towards Hugo and Felicia, told him immediately to stay away from them.

"B-but, they've been so nice to—"

"Yes yes, I know how much we've been helped by them, but think, Theo! If you're hanging out with dangerous people like them, you'll be dragged into their mess as well! And besides, if they can kill a person like that in cold blood, who knows what other despicable things they can do?"

"So you're saying you won't do the same to that alchemist?" His voice rose and shook. "Even now, I'm still furious at her for deceiving Tira! She worked day and night for my sake, to pay for the money she borrowed for my medicine! And it's all a lie!" Tears began to leak out of his eyes. "I... I… I'm a useless, worthless burden that's better of dead!"

"Theo! Get a hold of yourself!" She grabbed his collars. "It's not your fault you got tricked by that snake! I won't hear you say that ever again!" Without realizing it, tears began to fall from her cheeks as well. "You… you did your best! Always! Every single day! That's why I… I fell in love with you!"

...Ah, she said it.

She couldn't believe it, but the words—they just poured out of her mouth.

She released her collar and covered her mouth. Ooh, what did she just do? Her face was definitely heating up.

"I… p-please forget that last part!" She yelled.

Theo froze, his cheeks reddening as well. He now stared at the catgirl before him. Her tail was wildly swaying back and forth and she was actively avoiding his gaze. He had never seen her like this before. She was always so brash and confident after all.

He remembered Hugo, teasing him about them being a couple. Tira would do the same as well.

But, they were all wrong. There was only one girl he wanted to devote his entire life with.

"I-I'm sorry, Tama." He too averted his gaze. "I… already promised I would never abandon Tira for the rest of my life. I wanted to make her happy… so I can't… be with you.."

"...Aha… hahahaha! I knew it! You really are a Mama's boy! You want to marry your mother? Gross! I'm out of here! You're too gross for me to even look at!"

"W-wait, Tama, I don't—"


He was too late.

The catgirl had already slammed the entrance door behind her.

Leaving a trail of tears as she went back to her own room beside his.

Oohh, I totally messed up…

Master Hugo, if only you're here… I'm not good with girls at all…


"Theo! I'm home!"

Later in the evening, his mother finally returned.

She was wearing her maid uniform as always, as she had just finished her work in the mansion. This night, she didn't have a shift at the tavern so she could go home right away.

"Huh? Theo?"


To her surprise, he ran up to her and hugged her, crying in the process. He was taller than her so he actually had to lift her up in the process.

"E-eh? Did something happen?"

Releasing her, he told her everything that had happened.

When he finished, the small elf was smiling from ear to ear.

"O-oh that's wonderful news! You're not sick after all, Theo!" She clasped her hands together near her chest, her soft red eyes shimmering.

"Y-you're not angry?"

"Angry? For what?"

"I-I've wasted your money! Made you get into debt! You have to work day and night for nothing!"

"No, it's not for nothing." She shook her head with a smile, a drop of year falling down her right cheek. "If it's for you, I'll do anything. That's just how a mother is."

Theo froze.

W-why… why is she so good to me?

I'm just… I'm just a baby she picked up in the middle of the road. She gave everything to keep me safe. Her home, her people, and now, her money…

I-I don't… I don't deserve it… I don't deserve it at all!

"U-uuhhh… Uwaahhhh!"

He couldn't hold it back anymore.

He'd told her he would be more manly now that he's older, but he's still a crybaby after all.

"Shh, let it out. Cry as much as you want, alright?"

Tira's warm embrace… he would never trade it with anything else in this world.

They stayed like that for a bit, until his tears dried.

"All better now?" Tira smiled, releasing her embrace.

"T-thanks." Theo looked away, his face red with embarrassment.

"Mother, about Master Hugo…"

"You want to follow him, right? Then go. You like adventuring. And I know he'll keep you safe."

That… wasn't the answer he was expecting.

"But how about him being a dangerous person?! He just killed that alchemist! And he's wanted by the Church too! And there's no reason for me to go back to the dungeon, is there, now that we can pay our debt?!"

Tira didn't answer right away. Instead, she locked eyes with him, all while keeping her smile.

"Theo, what do you think? Do you think he is a bad person?"

"I… no! Not at all! He's been really nice to me!"

"Then how about his girlfriend? Is she a bad person to you?"

"Of course not! She's the one who worked on my medicine after all! She even gave me a replacement for it! She's an amazing alchemist! Just like how Master Hugo is an amazing mage and swordsman!"

"Then I don't see why you shouldn't be acquainted with them anymore."

"B-but Tama said—"

The elf covered her mouth and giggled "She's being the usual worrywart." Lowering her hand, she continued. "Theo, my dear son. Sometimes, we have to go against the flow to be a good person. That day, when I found you in your mother's embrace, I knew my people wouldn't accept me keeping you. And so, I left."


"I believe Sir Hugo saved Miss Felicia since he knew she was a good person, even if she was a necromancer. And he was right. Thanks to him, we now know the truth."

"B-but the murders…"

"I also believe he did it for a good reason. He did it to free the slaves, no? And he killed that alchemist to stop her from causing more harm to the ill. I admit, it's a demonic way of thinking, resorting to the blade immediately, but we're in the Demon Continent now. Strength is everything here."

Her smile was now tinged in sadness.

"You had asked before why we couldn't just run instead of paying our debt. Ignoring that it's a bad thing to do, we would be chased down for it. Killed or sold into slavery or worse. And we don't have the strength to resist."

Theo fell silent. He still remembered when one night, his mother returned with a slap mark on her face.

It was her employer, Mr. Bartholomeus.

He was the wealthiest merchant in the city, employing many lesser merchants and owning many shops all over the Demon Continent. He also had S-rank adventurers in his neck and call.

He was powerful. And they were not.

And so, when he got drunk one night and slapped Tira in anger after she accidentally spilled hot tea on him, he slapped her as hard as he could.

Tira could not say anything other than to apologize.

If not for her begging him not to do it, he would've gone to his mansion and slapped him back.

"And so, it would be beneficial for us to be friends with strong and kindhearted people like them." She finished her speech with her hand resting on his shoulder.

"Oh dear, I made it sound bad, didn't I?" She retracted her arm and covered her mouth for another giggle. "I'm sorry. It's just that… that's what Miss Myrilla told me back then."

"Myrilla?" Theo's brain lit up. That's right. She's the demon woman that's accompanying Sherry.

"The kind Nerthusian lady, yes. She didn't say it but I know she was worried about us. She's a kind, strong woman. Just like Miss Sherry. And Sir Hugo and Miss Felicia. So, I don't think it's that bad for you to be with them."

Theo fell silent. He was expecting her to share the same opinion as Tama.

"Mother, you never met Sir Hugo and Miss Felicia yourself. How can you—"

"You're right! I really should meet them! To thank them for everything they have done! Tomorrow morning, we're going together, alright?"


"Oh, have you told them about me yet? Me being your mother?"

"N-no. I still told them you're my sister… just like you told me to…"

To prevent odd questions and looks, Theo was forbidden to refer to Tira as his mother out in the open. She looked younger than him after all.

"I see. Then I would have to properly introduce myself after all." She giggled again.

Suddenly, Theo remembered Tama's confession and how he had upsetted her by his response.

"Umm… there's one more thing I need to talk to you about, Mother."


"It's about Tama. She…" He explained what had happened between them.

When he finished, Tira's smile had transformed into a frown. Folding her hands under her chest, she began to lecture him.

"Oh, Theo." She shook your head. "You don't understand girls at all, do you?"

"I-I'm sorry!" He lowered his head. "But I wasn't lying! I really want to make you happy for the rest of my life! Why did she think I wanted to marry you? You're my mother! You're not supposed to marry your mothers, right?"

"Of course not," she answered. "So you go to her room now and apologize, alright?" She raised her finger just like a mother would.

"B-but what should I say?"

"You don't have to say anything. Just hug her. Or better yet, kiss her instead."

A mischievous smile had now appeared on the elf's lips, followed by a wink.

"K-kiss her? Can I do that? That's only for couples, right?"

"Of course you can! You like her, right? You told me before that she's really cute and you really want her to always be on your side! You even admitted peeking up her skirt a couple of times, you naughty boy!"

"W-what?! But that's—"

"Shush! I don't want to hear excuses! You're a young adult now! You're almost as old as Sir Hugo and he already has a beautiful girlfriend of his own! And besides, the poor girl fell in love with you at first sight. You should tell her how you feel if you're going to be a man!"


"Now go out there and apologize!"

Before he could say anything else, the flustered boy was already being pushed to the front door by the elf.

He really had no choice, it seemed. After all, there's no way he's going to disobey his dear mother!


"Tama… Tama… I want to talk with you…"

He was now in front of her room, knocking on her door. Her mother, on the other hand, was standing on the corner of the hallway, out of sight, yet still watching him from the side.

"Tama, I—" The door creaked open. It wasn't locked at all. It seemed the girl, in her distress, had forgotten to lock it.

Glancing at his mother, she nodded.

He gulped. This would be the first time he ever entered a girl's room! Taking a deep breath to calm his beating hard, he entered the room.

"Tama, I'm coming in!"

He was greeted by the sight of a completely ordinary room, not that far different from his own. And yet, his nervousness didn't go away, especially since he was now gazing at a girl sleeping on her bed.

Tama… She's sleeping…

Redness crept to his cheeks as he noticed how her skirt had ridden up, revealing her black panties. Every time he got a peek, they were always black. He guesses she was simply fond of that color.

She was facing away from him, towards the wall. She was also hugging her pillow. Her tail was swaying back and forth and her ears were twitching as well.

His heart skipped a beat. This was why he couldn't blame his Sir Hugo for fondling her tail. He too wanted to do the same.

Shaking the thought out of his head, he shook her shoulders.

"Tama. Wake up. Tama."

The catgirl groaned. As she turned to face him, he quickly moved out of the way.

"U-urghhh…" Her eyelids fluttered open, revealing her emerald eyes.

His heart skipped a beat again. He never realized it until now but her eyes were really gorgeous.

"T-Theo?!" She lifted herself up to a sitting position in a flash. "W-w-w-what are you doing here?" She pointed her finger all while blushing profusely.

"I… I want to apologize."


"Y-yes… I… have… spoken…" T-this is bad! The words won't come out! She'll get angry again if I don't speak up!

Aahh, I have to do that after all!

"Theo? Kyaaahh!"

The boy leaped forward and gave her a tight, full hug.

"I-I'm sorry, Tama! I didn't mean to hurt you! And since I'm not good with words…"

The boy didn't hesitate. With a speed that didn't allow the catgirl to recover from her "hug shock", he pressed his lips into hers.

"Mmmm! Mmmmhhhhh!"

It was a hurried kiss as the boy didn't really know how long he was supposed to keep it up. Thus, he made it as short as he could.

It didn't matter though as the catgirl now laid limp in his arms.

She had fallen unconscious. The hug plus the kiss… it was too much for her.

And thus, from that day forward, the two had officially become a couple.

Just like Tira wanted.


The next morning, the trio left early in the morning, straight to the workshop Hugo and Felicia were staying in.

And yes, it was really awkward between Theo and Tama.

They were walking side by side but both were actively avoiding each other's gazes. And their faces were as red as they came.

As for Tira, she had to stop herself from giggling all the way. Oh, how happy she was to see her little Theo finally having a lover. And with a good girl like Tama too. As a mother, she wanted the best for him after all




The two yelped at the same time as their gaze brushed against each other.

"S-So, w-we're a couple now, right?" Tama was the first to start the conversation.

"Y-yeah. I guess we are."

"T-then hold my hand. I demand it."


Gingerly, with his heart racing, he grabbed her left hand with his right.

S-So soft… is this the hand of a girl?

"Listen. S-since you're my boyfriend now, you're not allowed to look at other girls alright? Exception being, I guess, your mother. I know you love her a lot. But you have to pay attention to me too. Or I-I'll get lonely."


Theo could only agree with her. He didn't want to get her upset again.

"Also, I want to—"

"Oi! You came after all!"

With a speed as fast as the wind itself, Tama separated her hand as far away as she could from Theo's. So fast that Theo didn't even notice.

Their conversation was interrupted by none other than his master Hugo, who was waving his hand from a distance before running to where they were. It seemed they had caught them just in time as they left the place.

Beside him was Miss Felicia, the redheaded alchemist he deeply respected. She was walking towards them as well, though not as fast.

Hmm? He couldn't find Miss Victoria though. Where did she go? Was she not coming?

"And here I thought you are smart enough to not hang around a bad person like me." His master grinned, patting his shoulder. He seemed genuinely happy that he was there. "Or are you here to tell me off? And I see your little sister is here as well!" He looked at Tira.

"Hmph, I only agree to this because Theo does." Tama huffed, folding her arms under her chest.

"Oh, thank you very much, Sir Hugo, for helping my little Theo!"

Tira, on the other hand, was bowing as deeply as she could.

She then quickly explained the situation, how she was Theo's adoptive mother and how she was willing to put her trust on him to keep his son safe.

When she was finished, Hugo couldn't help but take a step back or two, as he was quite overwhelmed by this sudden revelation.

"So, let me get this straight. You're not actually his sister but his mother instead?"


"And you're still willing to leave him with us even though you know what we did?"


Hugo scratched his head. Clearly he wasn't expecting this reaction.

"Well, if you say so. I'll keep him safe, alright?"

Without realizing it, his hand went to her head and began patting her.

Instead of taking offence, however, the young elf responded with a giggle.

"Oh, Sir Hugo! I might look like this but I'm almost 20! You shouldn't pat your elder like this!"

"O-oh, right…." He withdrew his hand. "Elves age slower than humans…'

She turned to face Theo and Tama. "Well, have fun you two! Take your time, alright? I'll be fine on my own as usual!" She waved her hand.

"Hey, kid, are you sure you're fine leaving her on her own?" Hugo asked with a concerned look. "We could be there for a month or more."

"Don't worry!" Theo smiled. "Mother knows how to fight! She's pretty good with a spear, you know!"

Hugo eyed the elf girl up and down before giving a shrug to the boy. "Well, if you say so."

"Then, let us depart, Milord." Felicia spoke.

"Wait, how about Miss Victoria? Is she not coming?" Theo asked.

Hugo paused before sighing. "It's a long story. I'll tell you on the way, alright?"

Tira watched as the four adventurers walked off to the distance, only averting her gaze once they disappeared on the corner.

"Well, time for me to return to work!" She squeezed her hands with excitement. "With that money, I can finally pay my debt to Mr. Bartholomeus!"



Wow, to think that she's actually his mother… I didn't see that coming at all!

Having a cute silver-haired loli elf as your mother… a busty blonde-haired beauty is good but that's on another level!

"Umm, Master Hugo, about Victoria…"

"Oh, right! Here! I'll sum it up for you!"

As they walked to the city gates, I explained what had transpired, from how Victoria was a half-fairy and how she was received by her family.

When I finished, the one who spoke first was, surprisingly, the tsundere catgirl herself.

"What an idiot. You shouldn't have brought her home."

"Well, it's what she wants." I shrugged. "As her bodyguard, it's not my place to refuse her."

"How about as a friend, huh? Is she not your friend?" She sent a raised eyebrow and a sharp glare in my direction.

"She might be Milord's friend, but that doesn't mean he's obligated to babysit her around." Felicia interrupted. "Our journey is harsh and long. If she doesn't have the resolve to defy her family's wishes to go with us, then she would just be a burden."

"Hmph, you two really are just a bunch of bad guys."

"Hey, don't say that to them!" Theo joined. "They—"

"—saved us. Yes yes, I get it. Still, don't you think it's strange for them to just leave her there? Knowing how badly she's been treated? If I were them, being the 'heroes of justice' that they are, I'd go back there and fetch her, no matter what her parents say."

"And what will that accomplish exactly?" Felicia responded. "You know nothing about our journey. We're going all the way south deep into the heart of the Demon Continent. You think that's a place to take a half-baked adventurer like she is? Milord doesn't need another burden in his mind if she ends up dying. Once, he accompanied three fledgling adventurers and they all died under his watch. It's not his fault logically speaking, of course, but his kind heart still blamed himself for it. You think I want him to fall into depression again?!"

The two had stopped on their tracks as Felicia loomed over the shorter girl, pointing her index finger at her chest.

...Whoa, Felicia. Why did you just tell my secret to them like that?

Still, I need to stop this. Because Theo certainly won't be able to.

"Alright you two, knock it off." I pushed them apart. "Felicia, you don't have to defend me so vigorously like that. I know my shortcomings." I then turned to face Tama. "Maybe it's a bad idea to leave Victoria there. Maybe it's not. I don't know. I'm not some oracle that can see the future. But that's what we have decided to do. And we're sticking with it."

"Hmph, suit yourselves. She's your friend. Not mine. But for a pair of powerful S-rank adventurers that had slaughtered many people before, you two sure are being gutless right now."

Chuckling, I replied, "Don't worry. After we came back from the dungeon, we'd check up on her."

She probably thinks just because we're strong, we can do anything.

That's not always true though. And in Victoria's case, strength won't solve the problem.

Maybe if I have a brainwashing spell though… nah, that would be immoral, no?

Brainwashing bad people. It's just like in those sci-fi books.