The Five Braves


When we arrived back at Arborea, it was right in the afternoon.

We separated right after the front gates, with me and Felicia going back to our workshop and Theo and Tama going back to their apartment. I also congratulated the kid, not for just the increase in his sword abilities these past two months, but also for the whole sex thing. Because he and his catgirl girlfriend would do it every single night afterwards.

I would've lodged a noise complaint, but I would be a bad mentor and friend if I did. What kind of a guy would complain about his guy friend having a lot of action in bed?

After taking them to take it easy, we left.

Only to immediately notice that something was off.

"Hold on, is it just me, or something's different about the town?"

"I'm surprised you haven't noticed it earlier, Milord. This thick, cloying atmosphere, the nervous looks on the guards' face, and the lack of people on the streets—something big must have happened in our absence—something big, I reckon. I suggest we make a visit to the Guild for information."

"Good idea. Taverns aren't open this time of the day."


"Hey, you guys! You're finally back!"

When we entered the building, we were immediately greeted by one of the receptionists. As we made our way to her, I noticed the number of adventurers there had decreased quite noticeably from the usual amount. So they must have left the city then?

"Two months inside that place! Did you clear it? It's your first time going into the second stratum right?"

She wasn't the snake lady that gave us trouble before. Instead, she was a perfectly normal human—a short haired brunette with an excited look on her face. Her chin was resting on her hands, and her decently-sized chest was pressed into the table.

"How do you know that?" I asked.

"Oh come on now!" She giggled. "You're our most exciting up-and-comers! Three powerful adventurers coming out of nowhere! We're keeping a close eye on you for sure!"

Oh right, that big-chested Guildmaster said something like that.

"So," Felicia spoke. "Something big happened while we were away, right? Mind telling us?"

"Ooh, sharp! I like that!" She giggled again. "Fine! Leave it to Brune here to fill you in!"

When she finished, I could only exchange concerned looks with Felicia.

This is bad. The humans are really going to war with the demons. I really don't want to be caught in the crossfire.

And Victoria's sister has returned? I wonder how Victoria is doing…

I think I should give her a visit.

"Oh, don't look glum!" Brune giggled some more. How is she this cheerful in a time like this? "Our Lord will take care of this! His daughter is a Grandmaster-level mage and he himself is a powerful mage as well. With them on the frontline with the other city-states, I'm sure we'll repel those demons in no time!"

A Grandmaster-level? Seriously? So she's the same level as Vera? No wonder her parents dote on her that much.

"What element?" I blurted out.

"Element?" She tilted her head. "Umm, I think it's wind. Yes!" She clapped her hands. "It's definitely wind!"

Wind? It's my element too!

Damn it, if only I can make her teach me.

"Oh, speaking of her, she's looking for adventurers to bolster her army. You guys, as S-ranks, would be perfect. If you're interested, I can register your names. You'll be summoned when the time comes, which should be around this month. So don't go anywhere and visit the Guild every day!"

"We'll have to pass." Felicia quickly answered. "We're not interested in becoming soldiers of war." Good job, Felicia!

"Really? That's a shame. The pay is really good, you know!"

"We prefer to explore more of the dungeon instead." I followed.

"Well, if you change your mind, then we'll be waiting!" She giggled again, for what could've only been the one hundredth time.


We then went to our workshop to both rest and have a meeting on what to do next. With the war looming on the horizon, I was starting to think it might be better to go south, deep into the Continent, crossing the border fully, and going beyond the region ruled by the Wisdom Demon King. It was only him who's going to war after all, not the rest of demonkind. Ever since the fall of the Demon God, the demons had pretty much sequestered themselves from each other. Just like us humans, really, with our many kingdoms.

We were now sitting inside the room upstairs, with me on the bed and Felicia on the chair across the room.

"Well," I sighed, smiling wryly. "What do you think? Should we move on from this city before the war starts for real?

"Up to you, Milord." She placed her staff behind her. "Our plan to gain the support of Victoria's family had failed and now a full-blown war could very well be a possibility."

"You think the war will get all the way here?" I asked.

"No. However, I'm worried that our local lord here will just decide that all adventurers are to be enlisted in the war. You see how there were a lot less adventurers in the Guild? They probably had made their way back to the Holy Continent, just so they could avoid being drafted into the war. Demon adventurers on the other hand would turn their tail back to the south. They wisely believed the humans would turn against them at any time now that war is imminent."

She got a point. You just have to see history back at Earth to see that happening.

"On the other hand," A small smirk appeared on her face. "This is a good opportunity to gain fame and to earn the goodwill of this city's lord. Prove yourself in combat and you'll be lauded as a hero before you know it."

"I know that." I sighed. "Well, Felicia. Do you like being a pawn to a guy like him?"

"No," she said flatly. "But it's an option nonetheless."

Heh, of course she doesn't. Not after everything she's been through.

"A risky one, I might add, seeing you'll be up against a Demon Lord. Any demon with that title can only be incredibly strong. It would be unwise to face him in battle unnecessarily."

"True enough…"

As the gears in my head turned, my sight caught notice of the all too familiar red peeking between Felicia's legs.

"Hey, do you intentionally sit like that or do you not notice you're showing your panties?"

"Oh, this?" She opened her legs even larger, showing her satin panties further. "Feel free to think as you wish, Milord." She winked.

"I don't want you flashing your underwear without knowing." I left the bed and walked towards her. "Though to be honest, I think you aren't the type to be clumsy like that. It's intentional, isn't it?" I smiled.

"...As expected." Her smirk grew. "You are sharp, Milord. Yes. I know perfectly well how to sit. Men just can't resist the allure of my long legs. And you, Milord, you can't resist the sight of my lovely underwear. So every time I sit, I'll make sure you get a glimpse. I trained for this, you know, as part of my practice to seduce men."

She was now smiling proudly, patting herself in the chest. Interesting. The Felicia that I rescued would have not acted like this in the slightest. Has she accepted that part of herself?

"Don't worry, Milord. I'll sit properly in the company of other men. I don't want you to get all jealous after all." She giggled. "But enough about my panties. Let's go back to the topic at hand. That Myrilla person, do you think she'll side with demons?"

...Oh right, we were discussing that.

"No." I shook my head. "I don't think so. She's the pragmatic type. She won't join in a war she has no reason to be in. She's been traveling solo as an adventurer for years and I doubt that would change."

...Hold it. But she did say she doesn't want humans and demons to mingle, thanks to Alan breaking her heart. If the demon king winning means the humans are leaving the Demon Continent, then maybe she's—

"Is something the matter, Milord?"

"N-no, nothing. I was just… thinking."

"You look troubled. If you think there's a chance she might join the other side, then it's all the more reason we shouldn't be joining the human side."

"...Y-you're right. Scratch that idea. For now, we should just continue up the dungeon. Get that Dream Orb to contact her."

"Very well. If that is your decision. But I suggest we hurry. And so, today, we should prepare to go back in right away."

She sat up and grabbed her staff. "You can stay here, Milord. Take a nap. I'll handle the shopping. You're still young after all." She smiled, before heading to the door.


Hey, I'm thirteen years old now. Two months had passed in that dungeon after all. I'm not a toddler who needs constant naps!

Just two more years until I'm considered an adult in this world. How exciting.


I spent the rest of the day napping. In fact, I was asleep all the way to the night, only waking up when Felicia returned. She had cooked me dinner. Or rather, lunch and dinner, as I had skipped the former.

We ate downstairs in the laboratory. The workshop didn't have a dedicated dining room so it'd have to do. And it helped that the utensils she used to cook were there as well (her alchemy cauldron was also a cooking pot for example).

After a delicious and filling roasted pork dish, we went back upstairs to sleep.

Only to be rudely interrupted by a loud knocking from downstairs.

Luckily, it was already early morning when it happened, so we didn't lose much sleep from it.

When we opened the door, Theo was standing behind it.

And he looked like he was about to cry at any second.

"M-Master Hugo! Tira! She's been… she's been kidnapped!"

My heart sank.

"H-here! I got this letter!"

I took the paper and opened it.

"Greetings, Worthless Wanderers. If you have received this letter, it means your dear friend, Tira, is now in our hands.

"Do not worry. As long as you do as this letter instructs, she will be safe. You have my word.

"Come to the south of the city. Seek an abandoned outpost. We shall settle matters there.

"Respectfully, your dear kidnapper."

"Please! Save her! Save her, please!"

Theo was now hugging me, crying in the process. I noticed Tama standing behind him and she looked… upset?

Ah, I get it. She wants him to rely on her more than me.

Patting the kid's head, I said to him, "Of course I'll help. As your master, it's my duty to help my apprentice any way I can!"

He released me and now stood in front of me with a big smile on his face. "T-thank you!"

"Now wipe those tears!" I firmly pat his shoulder. "You're embarrassing yourself in front of your girlfriend, you know!"


We didn't delay even for a single second. We made our way south straight away. We were already familiar with the outpost the letter spoke of, seeing how we had passed it once, when we killed the adamantoise turtle.

Theo insisted on coming along. I couldn't blame him in the slightest. As for Tama, well, she followed wherever he went. Like a cat.

"I think…" I muttered as we walked. "I think I might know the identity of this kidnapper."

"Truly, Milord?"

"Really? Who is it? Who's the bad guy that kidnapped Mother?"

I sighed. "Sorry, Felicia. I've hid this from you." I then told her about the amazonesses, and how I had humiliated them two months ago. "They might have kidnapped Tira to get back to me. Sorry. I should've killed them instead."

I had gone easy on them since I thought they were the honorable type that would never do something like this.

That, or just because they were two hot girls.

"Those two… I've heard their names before." Felicia replied. "They're members of the Ten Braves, are they not?"

"The Ten Braves?" I raised an eyebrow.

"You don't know, Master Hugo?" Theo followed. "They're the strongest adventuring party in Arborea! Ten S-rank adventurers! It's amazing!"

His excitement soon disappeared, however, once he realized what it meant.

"You really should've talked to me about this, Milord." Felicia huffed. "You know how these people work. You fight off one of them, the rest will come knocking for revenge."

"You're right." I smiled wryly. "I just don't want to make you worry, that's all."

"As your future wife, it's my job to worry about you. So never do this again, alright?"

"Y-yeah, point taken."

Damn. For a split second, I got a flashback to Marina scolding me there.


We soon arrived at the outpost, or rather, the ruins of one. Either monsters or the weather itself had destroyed the once proud settlement (or so I imagined). Now, the five buildings that remained had no roof whatsoever while the half-crumbling watchtowers fit perfectly with the ruined stone walls.

And in the middle of that, standing in broad daylight, were two men. One was a human, the other a lizardkin. The human was old, with sleepy eyes, wrinkled face and a long white beard. He had a monocle adorning his face. His posture looked like he had back problems. And yet, I couldn't help but feel wary of him, as if he was some great sage beneath all that. Maybe thanks to his staff.

The lizardkin on the other hand stood proudly, with an axe resting on his shoulder and a round shield tied to his other arm. He was beefy, and his clothes did little to hide it.

"Milord." Felicia whispered. "There are three others. They're hiding to the left and right around us."

"Got it." Of course, I had told her to scout the area with her shadow magic beforehand.

"Oi, you two are the kidnappers?" I yelled. "Tell your friends to come out. You're from the Ten Braves, are you not? So much for the strongest party." I put on my smuggest grin.

Yeah, I'm taunting them. If they're going to play dirty, then so will I.

"Hedora, Jedora, Twento — come out and greet our guests." The lizardman spoke.

Just as Felicia foretold, three others came out from the houses to our left and right. Two were familiar faces—the Amazoness sisters—and the other was a new one—a black-haired, black-feathered harpy woman.

"G-give back Tira!" Theo yelled.

"Yeah, that's right. You five want to fight me? Here I am. Don't involve some stranger in our fight."

"...Very well." The old man answered. "That kid and the catkin—they're not part of your party. They can go. The elf is in that building over there." He pointed to the ruins to his left.

"Go." I ordered the kid. "I'll be fine on my own."

With a concerned look, he nodded. He then made his way there, with Tama by his side. Never taking their hands of their weapons, of course.

After five minutes of waiting, the two came back out. And indeed, Tira was with them, with Theo helping her walk.

"Is she alright?" I yelled.

"She's fine!" Tama yelled back. "Just drowsy from her drug, that's all!"

"Good! Then take her away!"

"T-thank you!" It was the kid's turn to yell. "Be careful, alright!"

"Don't worry! These chumps won't know what hit 'em!"

Once they were out of sight, the lizardman spoke again.

"Chumps? You're awfully confident for someone who's awfully outnumbered."

"You guys don't have a chance to win against us." I replied, switching my grin into a more threatening one. "You have no idea who we are after all."

"Ooh, who you are?" The harpy giggled. "You're food for us! Even if you're stronger than these two idiots—" She gestured towards the Amazoness sisters. "—we three are easily stronger than them."

"Hey, take that back, you birdbrained woman!" The younger sister yelled.

"Why should I? It's the truth~"

"Enough!" The lizardman yelled. "Save your bickering for later." Turning his sight back at me, he then said, "Sorry kiddo, but for the sake of the Ten Braves' reputation, you have to go. You shouldn't have sent them walking through town without clothes when you defeated them."

"Really? Well, guess for you guys, death would be better then."


The first three who attacked were the sisters and the lizardman. We countered this via Felicia's shadow barrier.

"Gah! A shield of darkness? You're a shadow mage, not an alchemist?" The lizardman exclaimed.

"I'm both actually." She grinned.

It's true. Her shield had been augmented by a magic boost potion she just drank. That's why she could block three simultaneous blows from S-rank adventurers without flinching.

Of course, it wouldn't last forever. Which is why we had to finish this fast.

"Boom Rifle."

I aimed my wand and fired the wind bullet.

Right through the lizardman's chest.


He let out a pained groan as he fell backwards, covering the hole in his chest that I just made.

What an idiot. Are all S-rank adventurers really this simple-minded?

I wasn't finished, however. Before they could retreat, I drew my sword with my other hand and slashed at the older Amazoness. She dashed backwards, but not fast enough to dodge my mithril making a huge gash on her exposed stomach.

"Hedora!" The younger one screamed. "Why you!"

"You take care of the old man. I'll take care of her." I told Felicia.

"Of course."

I ran out from Felicia's barrier and chased after the younger Amazoness, using Graceful Step as much as I could. Too slow. Fiora is faster than her.

Surprised by my offense, her defense started off in a backfoot. She blocked my sword slashes using the bracelets she wore on both arms, countering with her kicks instead. However, since she was so easy to read, it was all for me to dodge every single blow.

"You brat! How?! How can you be this strong?!"

"I told you, didn't I?" I grinned. "You have no idea who you're dealing with."



With Milord taking care of that brutish girl, it's up to me to take care of this old coot.

Oh, would you look at that? He erected a holy barrier. A priest, then.

And the harpy… she's going to bring the injured inside the barrier to be healed.

Not on my watch.

I sent my shadow across, elongating it all the way to where the lizardman was. Just in time to deter her from picking him up.

Too bad. That means I'll just do this.

"Shadow Spike!"

Whatever life he retained was snuffed the moment my tendrils pierced all over his body.

One down, four to go.

But for now, it's time for me to reposition myself, for the harpy was now flying right to my position.

Shadow Merge really is a convenient spell.



An opening!

With a Staccato Thrust, I pushed my blade right through her stomach.

She coughed blood, right onto my hand.

How unpleasant.

However, to my surprise, she didn't give up. Grabbing the blade to make sure I didn't go anywhere, she grinned before sending a kick right into my abdomen.

I was greedy. I didn't expect this reaction in the slightest.

Using Fortissimo, I reduced the damage I took when I crashed onto the wall behind me. Still, it hurt. A lot. Some of my ribs must have cracked from it.

I summoned my water fairy as I needed healing. As for her, she fell down to the ground with a grin on her face, with my sword still lodged in her stomach.

What an idiot. I wouldn't have to kill her if she didn't do this stuff.

A warrior believes in strength above all else. And this is the price she pays for that.

"Master! W-what's going on?"

"No time to explain. Heal me."

"G-got it!"



"Where is she? Where is that damn bitch?"

"Calm down, Twento. She's using Shadow Merge. Look for the shadow she's going to appear from."

Hmph, I see it now. The old man is the brains of this whole group. If I can just take him out…

No. I can't get close. He's standing right in the middle of the outpost on open ground. My shadow will be too obvious.

"Protect me with your Whirlwind. I'm going to heal these sorry excuse of adventurers."

Damn. If I don't act fast…

I moved my shadows through the ruins, slipping through the rubbles unnoticed, closer and closer to where the old man was. I then manifested myself inside the nearest building to him, behind the wall so they wouldn't see me.

And then, I threw one of my ice bottles right over said wall, aiming for it to land on the old man and freeze him. Fire and poison gas wouldn't work if the harpy could just blow it all away with her wings.

"Gokura! Behind you!"


Too late. Even if he were to smack it away with his staff, I already shook the concoction before throwing it. All he would do was to make it explode.

Yep. With that loud explosion, he should be an icicle by now.

And now, back to hiding in the shadows.



I took the sword from the amazoness' corpse, telling my fairy to wash away the blood on it along with my hand.

Now for the rest of them.

I sheathed my sword. Looking back at where I left Felicia, I saw she was no longer there. And in the middle of the outpost, there was a large ice crystal there.

Ah, it seems her fight is going well. I think that's the old man inside that crystal.

Her alchemy skill really is amazing, being able to make something like that. Maybe an ice spell is better overall, but freezing potions can be used like a bomb. That's her fighting style, hit-and-run, striking from the shadows.

Now there's only the harpy woman. And she's going berserk searching for Felicia.

What an idiot.

I aimed my wand and fired a Homing Boom Cannon at her.

She didn't even see it coming.

And just like that, half of the Ten Braves were gone.


After burning the bodies, we rendezvoused with Theo and the others.

Theo, being Theo, jumped right on top of me, thanking me over and over. Tira followed suit, bowing as deeply as she could. Even Tama did the same.

It wasn't over though. Not in the long shot.

There were still five others. And knowing how they functioned, we had to take care of them too.

Such is life on the Demon Continent.

No, the entire world.



Another ruthless Hugo chapter. People seem to like him better this way.

I want to make him as likeable as any of the other popular isekai protagonists out there eventually. Like Rimuru or the spider girl. Even Tanya.