

"Marina Archimond! By the order of His Majesty, you shall present yourself to the capital at once!"

Well, she didn't expect this.

Instead of receiving a letter, she instead received a visit by the kingdom's griffon knights.

When her maid rushed into her room in a panic, telling her of their visitors, she knew her time had come.

Her slaughter of the slave merchants had not gone unnoticed. The king had sent his best men after her. Which meant he recognized her as a threat.

However, she was ready. Now that she was a Grandmaster-level mage, there was nothing she would be afraid of.

And she was about to go to the Capital herself anyway — to warn that perverted court mage on the plan the Magocracy possessed.

There were ten knights that morning. The whole squad in fact. They and their steed descended from the skies with a great shriek, scaring the populace out of their homes. Wanting to see what the commotion was all about, the citizens began gathering outside the mansion.

One knight landed in front of the mansion while the other nine hovered around the perimeter. Dismounting from his snow-white griffon, the rider revealed himself to be a man in his 60s, with a short beard that mimicked the color of his mount. His weapon of choice seemed to be the spear he slung behind his back.

His gaze was firm and fearless, even when the Verdant Witch made her appearance.

"You're the so-called witch, I presume?"

"Indeed. To whom do I owe this pleasure?"

"Hart Vertus. Master of the Sky Knights of Ferus. I am here to take you into custody for the crimes of wanton murder and thievery."

"I see. I assume you shall be giving me a ride?"

The old man raised his right arm, signalling another rider to descend from the skies. This time, the rider was a young woman, her dark hair tied into a ponytail. She wore the same crimson armor that the old man wore.

"You shall be riding with my colleague here. And leave your staff behind."

"I'm afraid I would have to refuse the latter. A mage's staff is her life. And I'm not going to surrender mine."

"Apologies, but you don't have a choice in the matter. You're too dangerous of a mage. Be glad that we don't make you wear steel on those pretty hands on yours."

Judging by his unrepentant expression, he was clearly not apologetic in the slightest.

"What is the meaning of this?! Has the Royal Knights forgotten all their mannerisms?!"

The voice came from the Earl who had just walked out of the front door. Never before had the man looked so furious.

"You dare treat my granddaughter like a common criminal?!"

"She has unjustly slaughtered foreign merchants our kingdom has trade with. Not to mention stealing their goods. In my eyes, she's nothing but a murderous thief."

The Earl walked forward, seemingly intending to punch the bearded knight on the face.

Only to be stopped by Marina.

"It's fine, Grandfather."

"Dear, you don't have to—"

"It's fine." She smiled. "I'll handle this."

Stepping closer to the knight, she said, "I'll go with you. But one of your men should bring my staff with them. Once my name is cleared, you can give it back."

The bearded man paused for a few moments, before answering, "Very well. Give your staff to me. You'll ride with her." He gestured at the female knight behind him.

"Wait, I have a right to accompany her. I was the one who gave the order." The Earl protested.

"No." The bearded knight said coldly. "His Majesty only wants her and her alone."

"That's… that is unacceptable! How would she defend herself? She doesn't know how to navigate the courts! If you don't know, I am still the Earl there! I was the one who gave the command! If the King wants to—"


The Earl froze.

The knight just threw his spear at him. Or rather, the ground in front of him, barely missing a foot. The hard ground cracked at the tip of the spear.

"This is an order directly from His Majesty! If you are to defy His will, no matter who you are, then we as his royal guards are authorized to punish you as we see fit."

He stretched his hand, calling upon the enchanted weapon to fly back to his grasp.

Only to find a vine wrapping itself around his neck.

"Do that again and I shall kill you and your subordinates."

It was Marina.

"Master Vertus!" The female knight yelled. "You bastard!"

"It's alright, Perth." He turned his head towards his apprentice. "Our order is to take her alive. Now," He looked back at Marina. "If you would release this…"

The vines receded, going back into the ground where they came from.

"I see your reputation is well-earned, witch."

"Enough with the small talk. We should depart immediately."

"One knight." The old man raised a finger. "I shall leave one knight here as a guard."

"A guard?"

"Yes. From you. You may keep your staff. But if you step out of line…"

"I won't. You have my word."

And so, Marina left for the capital that morning. The Earl said he would follow with a carriage right away, begging her to hold on until he arrived. Reinhard said his goodbyes, telling her to be careful. Even Emma and Rina bid her farewells, with the former telling her to watch her sharp tongue. And last but not least, her loyal maid Henrietta gave her one tearful hug, burrowing her face in her bosom.

As she flew, the people of the city, including the slaves she had freed, all prayed from her safe return.

As for Erika, unfortunately, she was still in her bed. When she woke up, her sister was already miles away from the city.

Thanks to that, ever since that day, Erika would strive to wake up earlier in the morning, just like her sister.



Outside the dungeon, Felicia and the others began gathering information while making sure to not make a scene, in case House Relfatia sent another assassin after them. She wasn't a fool. She knew whatever shaky alliance they might once have had disappeared completely, especially now that the war was over.

She quickly learned that the demons had won and that Marlene's forces had betrayed the Human Alliance. Thanks to that, she and her family were allowed to keep their power over the city.

She wouldn't chide her for this — she believed it was a silly thing to always play fair and honorable in war. War is an ugly game with even uglier players. If it meant protecting her citizens, then even betrayal was acceptable.

But, she doubted the girl had such intentions. From what she saw of her, she was too full of herself. She probably wanted to keep her power. Just like every other corrupt noble out there.

The quartet used the rented workshop as their safehouse as it was too dangerous for them to live separately. And whenever they went out, they had to go out in pairs. And by that, it usually meant Felicia would go with Tira and Theo would go with Tama. Tama already said that if anything happened, she could lift up Theo and run as fast as the wind back into the dungeon.

Oh, they had gotten a lot stronger in these past months, alright. If she had to guess, they were now around the realm of A-rank adventurers.

As for how the city itself changed… well… there were definitely a lot more demons around. But other than that, it remained the same.



"Haa… haa… haa…"

I fell down on my bottom, panting.

This is… this is hard!

I can barely conjure the spell! And when I do, it rapidly drains my mana like no other!

"Are you alright, Unchained One?"

Xaela was there, standing with a concerned look on her face. She had been instructing me as well as keeping the monsters away.

"Yeah, I just need to catch my breath, that's all." I gave her a smile. "Also, you can call me Hugo. That Unchained One thing is just uncomfortable."

"I see. Hugo it is. Just like you remembered my name, so shall I remember yours."

Hmm? Was that a small smile I saw on her face?

This girl really needs to lighten up more.

"So, Xaela, what was your Master like? You were assigned to be the Administrator of this place by her, right?"

"Yes. She was a very kind person, despite her… eccentricities. Since the day I and my sister were created by her, I had promised to serve her for as long as I lived."

"...Wait, created you?"

"Yes, the Ancients had the capability to create life. A lot of the races of your current age originated from their creations. Only humans like you were created by the Goddess."

Genetic engineering to create servants… Well, it's either that or robots. Not that it sounds any less dystopian, mind you…

"Enough chat for now. You should try again, Hugo Greenwood. Focus better and hold that image strongly in your mind. The Ancients didn't have chants to cast their magic. So neither should you."

I smiled wryly. "Yeah, you're right. My time here is limited after all."

Standing up, I began all over again.


Several days had passed since I began my training with Xaela. It was an unending cycle of me trying the spell, botching it up, and running out of mana in the process. Never before had my reserves been tested this much. She wasn't lying. TIme magic was extremely difficult. I would say even the most basic one, like the Haste I was trying to learn, was equal in difficulty with an elemental Grandmaster-level spell.

And speaking of that, apparently my fully-charged Super Boom Cannon spell was equal in power to a Grandmaster-level spell, if I remembered what Isolde said. I asked Xaela about it but she couldn't really give any confirmation. She didn't really know what a Grandmaster-level spell was supposed to be like. Back in her age, such classification did not exist.

Heh, I remember Ilmyhrra saying the same thing. They really came from the same age after all.

Well, the spell rank didn't matter. What mattered was whether the spell could defeat the enemy or not.

Still, eventually, it was time for me to try the spell on an actual fight.

And Xaela, in her absolute faith in me, summoned another Sonic Mantis as my opponent.

I took a deep breath. Last time, the creature clearly outsped me.

This time, it would be different.

As it dashed in, I activated the spell chantlessly.


Time slowed down. Or rather, my perspective became faster.

I drew my sword and charged into the monster, carefully maintaining my focus on the continuous spell as well. It was the first time I fought wielding a staff and not a wand, so it might take some time to get used to.

Its scythe met my blade, marking the beginning of our exchange. It with its two arms vs me with a staff on my right hand and a sword on the left.

This is…!

My speed! I'm actually faster than it now!

With both weapons, I blocked and parried each and every single one of its blows. A staff was a lot better in melee combat, since I could use it as a shield of sorts, as opposed to a wand. And then, using my advantage in speed, I slashed and stabbed at its hard carapace, gaining ground every second that passed.

And then, it made a critical mistake. For a microsecond, it left its right flank unguarded.

I slashed at its right arm at full strength, cutting it from its torso in one single, clean move.

The creature screeched, back dashing away. It now knew that I was the superior fighter.

Time to end this.

I charged my Boom Cannon and—

—lost my consciousness because I used too much of my mana.

When I woke up, I was back on Xaela's lap once again.

"Good work, Hugo Greenwood." She smiled, patting my hair. "To think you'll be able to use your first Time Magic in such a short amount of time…"

"Yeah. I still messed up though." I gave a wry smile. "Did you kill the creature?"

"Yes. You don't have to worry about it."

I sat up. As much as I was enjoying her lap, I still needed to do more training for the day.

"Oh, by the way, you patting my head and putting me on your lap — you shouldn't do that."

She tilted her head.

"You should only do that with your lover. If Felicia saw me like that, she would be furious."

"Lover? Ah, yes. My master said something to that effect. I should treat you as if you're my lover."

"Uhh, yeah, ignore that order, if you would." You don't know how cute you are! The temptation! It's too strong!

"I see. If Lady Felicia desires so, then I shall refrain from it. Apologies." She gave a short bow.

Um, actually, can I take that back? You can coddle me like that here. She won't know.

...Bad Hugo! What is this shitty mindset? You're not some playboy riajuu asshole who two times his girlfriend with another! You're a faithful man who just so happened to garner the attention of several girls for no good reason! Know your place!



"Aha.. ahahahahaha… ahahahahahahahahaha.. ehehehehehehehe... hehehehehehehe!"

This man… something is wrong with him…

Myrilla was now right on the outskirts of Arborea. The city walls and its towering obelisk were clearly visible on the horizon.

And yet, her path was blocked. By a man wearing a black priest robes, cackling and laughing to himself.

"Demon! Go away! Here to join your traitorous allies, aren't you?!"

His pupils were dilating rapidly, his mouth half-open like a rabid dog. Saliva was drooping down his left cheek.

She didn't need to scan his mind to know the poor man had lost his mind.

And yet, she did anyway.

A soldier of the Church… the vice commander of the Inquisitor?!

Myrilla was taken aback by this revelation. But still, she continued onward.

His force was routed completely and he was forced to…


She froze, a horrified look on her face.

She knew the depths of barbarity demonkind could go. But to think they would go that far…

He was forced to watch as his wife was tortured and violated by her captors. And then, once his mind was broken, he was spared death, just so he could suffer 'till the end of his days.

The man began to kick her scarab over and over. She had to calm the bug down before it retaliated.

I can't just abandon him here, can I?

No. Alan wouldn't like that.

She jumped down the scarab, grabbing the man's head with her left hand.

Hear me… Follow my voice…

Hypnosis. The ability of her race that she despised.

She could make other people obey her every command, controlling them as if they were puppets. It was done by breaking down the mental barrier of the person, making him or her incredibly vulnerable to outside suggestions

She wasn't sure if it could work on an insane person however.

You will go with me to that city over there. You will not make a scene and you will just stand there quietly behind me as I take care of things.

Lifting her hand from his head, she tested her control.

Raise your left arm.

He raised his left arm.

Raise your right arm.

He raised his right arm.

Hmm, it does work after all.

Very well. Follow me. I'll hand you over to the authorities and you'll be safe in their jail. Probably. At the very least, it's better than being on the outside like this. With how thin and bony you are, I'm surprised you can make it all the way here on your own without dying of thirst and starvation or mauled by monsters.

And so, the demoness resumed her journey, but now with a shambling, mind-controlled human walking on her side.

With the victory of the demons, there should be no problem in showing him to the authorities. The human guards wouldn't dare to touch her. And perhaps they would be compassionate to him.

There was nothing else she could do. Her purpose here was to find Hugo, and nothing else.


Arriving at the city proper, the demoness explained the circumstances to the guards standing on the gates. However, they didn't know what to do with him, suggesting she take him into the city guard headquarters on the southern side of the city. Or so they said to her.

Myrilla rolled her eyes. The real reason was that they simply couldn't be bothered to move out of their posts. That's what she read from their minds.

Also, she sensed some fear from them directed to her, but that was nothing new, especially from humans.

Entering the city, she headed to the military district. Located in the southern part of the city, it was where the city state's military might was concentrated. It was also where the headquarters were located.

But, before she could get there…

"Wait! You! You're Myrilla, aren't you?!"

She was stopped on the road by a redheaded woman.

She was dressed in a dark red robe and a loose white bustier dress that exposed a generous amount of cleavage and legs. Wielding a staff on her right hand, Myrilla expected her to be an adventurer like her.

"Yes, I am. And you are… Felicia. And you're here to… speak to me about Hugo Greenwood?"

Myrilla's eyes widened.

This woman! She knows him!

"Oh, thank the Founder! You really are her! Dark-skinned, having a twin antennae on your head, and a mind-reader. You match his description perfectly!" She smiled.

"He's… looking for me?"

"Yes! Come! We'll talk at my place! Oh, and your friend there can come—"

She froze. Her face turned as pale as a sheet.

Shadows burst out from under the man, wrapping and immobilizing him in an instant. He only responded with a laugh.

"Why is he here? You! Are you working with him?! Answer me!"

"...I see. You have the right to fear him, however. He is not the man that he once was. You have no reason to be concerned, necromancer."

Myrilla's expression had turned into a frown. A human necromancer. Why would Hugo be associated with one of them? Didn't he know that necromancy is widely vilified amongst humans?

She, however, had no particular opinion of them.

"Ahahahahaha! Demons! Another one! Oh Great Saint Milicis, I beseech you! Strike down those two heretics with your divine light!"

Glancing at the cackling man, Myrilla continued. "His mind is broken. As you should know, he's part of the forces that fought against the Demon Lord of Wisdom. He was captured in that fight and forced to endure torture. Now, release him. I shall calm him down."

Felicia, now looking at the battered priest herself, could not disagree with her statement.

She released him, dropping him unceremoniously to the ground. Myrilla then sent another order, telling the man to stand up. He quickly obeyed.

"Come." Felicia said, looking at the crowd that began to gather. "We shouldn't talk here."

Myrilla nodded.

She had read deeper into her mind.

And what she found was worrying, but not in the way she had expected.

This woman… is madly in love with Alan's son.



For the rest of that day, I was instructed by Xaela to rest and recuperate. Since time was short, she couldn't teach me how I should manage my mana in order to not run out in the middle of a fight like that. Then again, even if there was time, she couldn't. She had never learned about the matter, as all this time, she was connected to the World Dungeon, supplying her with an immense amount of mana reserve. It all fell to me to refine the knowledge on my own later.

In the meantime, I was given the instructions on how to cast the next Time Spell. If Haste aided me in physical combat, then Accelerate aided me in magic. It was a spell that allowed the quickening of spells, meaning, you could make any long spells to be cast instantaneously.

Naturally, this would be ideal for my Super Boom Cannon.

But once again, it was an extremely complex spell. And it required a lot of mana to use as well. With my current capability, I feared I could really only use it once. Not to mention that the spell was still not powerful enough. If I had to fight against opponents on Isolde's level, I would be screwed.

And so I was thinking of going the other route. I could learn to extend the range and increase the speed of my Asphyxia and Heartbreaker. If I could cast it far enough, no human opponents would be a match for me.

I asked Xaela for her advice.

"I see. That's a clever idea, Hugo Greenwood. Sometimes the best magic is a subtle one," Xaela replied. "As to how to do it, you simply have to train to extend the range you can extend your unaspected mana."

"I know that. Don't you have a training method I can use? My current one is just me making it up as I go along. I only learned it from having Ilymhyrra use her Dispel and Deconstruct."

She should know about my meeting with her, seeing how she could read people's past.

"I see. I shall search the information you need in the facility's database." She paused for a few seconds, staring off to the distance. "Ah, perhaps this could be of use."

She conjured her usual holographic screen. There, a heavy wall of text appeared, first in letters I didn't understand before switching to the Human Tongue.

I sat down, the screen following me as I did. It then compressed itself into a small screen about the size of a tablet. With my hand, I could drag it down and place it on my lap.

Let's just hope this isn't too complicated.