Victoria Starlight


It had been a month or so since Victoria first entered Titania's domain. At least in the real world. In her domain, time flew oddly. Sometimes she could stay there for days, other times she could only stay for minutes.

In the real world, she continued being the fiancee of the orc prince. The trick that prevented him from violating her continued to work excellently. With her help, she could make the dream fairy stay for much longer and she pretty much acted as her friend/guard/companion day and night.

Oh, yes, she was learning to tap into her fairy power. And the very first thing she learned was to weaken the anti-fey wards that surrounded the demon lord's castle.

It was still impossible for her to run away. But at the very least, she could spend her days inside feyland instead.

As for how she interacted with Titania, well…

She had completely forgotten.

She was sure they had a long conversation. But she couldn't remember any of it. The reason? Apparently it was the innate magic the fairy queen possessed. The moment you left her presence, you would forget everything you ever discussed with her. And to overcome it, she had to awaken more of her fey power first.

And she had done exactly that the past month. She now had fairy wings on her back that she could use to fly around freely. And she could change her outfit into more that of a knight and actually fight in it decently.

How, you might ask? Simple. She just had to play with the other fairies. Being in their presence as well as being inside the heart of the Forest — it naturally triggered her latent "feyness" to resurface back after being repressed for so long.

They taught them that it was okay to dream, that there was nothing wrong in fantasizing about being a knight. After all, a fairy's power came from her imagination. "Don't be like those full humans!" They told her. And so she didn't. Her chuuniness slowly returned, now imagining herself as a fairy knight of justice, something the fairies found very amusing indeed.

She didn't speak of her family's treatment of her to them however. She reserved that only for her mother. Or, at least she had a feeling she told her everything.

One day, however, she was called by one of her mother's fairy underlings. The Soothsayer, she was called — an old lady who looked more like the stereotypical wicked witch than a fey. With crooked nose, a hunchback, and black robes and hat, Victoria couldn't help but be unnerved a little every time she looked at her.

By the way, she was the one who called out to her inside that hut. It was her house and she merely used it to send her to where her mother was. After all, only she could conjure portals to her hidden palace.

"Hugo Greenwood. Are you familiar with a mortal with that name?"

Her heart skipped a beat. "S-Sir Hugo?"

"I see you are." She chuckled. "Then, I have a message I would like you to bring to him."



Marlie Cheddarwood, Marina's Guardian Fairy, was in a panic.

She didn't know what to do. Hugo Greenwood? Her mistress's little brother? How was she supposed to find him?

But she had to. Her mistress had begged her to find him and tell him everything she just told her. And, judging by what she heard, her mistress was in big trouble right now.

...No. She mustn't give up. She just had to ask the other fairies! There must be a way!

Mistress Marina, just you wait! I'm going to save you for sure!

And so Marlie traversed the fairy forest, asking every fey she could find about Hugo.

Unfortunately for her, she quickly found out that a lot of her kind were not that sympathetic to her.

"Aahh, human pet! Human pet! Go away! You stink of humans!"

Truth be told, only a minority of fey were willing to form summoning contracts with mages, let alone giving their true names. For a fey to do the latter, it meant denigrating oneself under the thumb of a mortal, which was a "very silly thing to do" according to the free feys. After all, doing so would mean that the fey would essentially be a slave to the mage, forever bound to perform their wishes, no matter what it might be.

Thus, it took her a long, long time until she found out about the Soothsayer, a fey with the ability to scry any mortal in the world. Unfortunately, she wasn't lucky enough to encounter either of Hugo's summons in the process. She was entirely on her own, inside the infinite land of the feys.

One day, however, defying all odds, she made it. After wandering for what felt like years, she finally found the hut where the Soothsayer lived.

She could barely contain her excitement. Her heart was beating loudly and her skin was slick with nervous sweat.

And then, she knocked on the door.

To her surprise, it immediately opened, revealing an old witch-like woman behind it.

"E-excuse me? A-are you… the Soothsayer?"

The woman grinned, displaying her absurdly sharp teeth. "Some call me that, yes."

"C-can you help me please? I need to find a human named Hugo Greenwood."

The old woman slipped out, gently closing the door behind her. The fairy took a few steps back, noticing the claws the old woman possessed on her hands.

"Ah. How curious." Her grin grew. "Another fairy had come to me to ask the same thing a while ago."

"R-really?" Marlie brightened. "Then, you can tell me where he is?"

"Of course." Her grin grew even bigger, reaching up to her ears. "However, you must give me something in return."

"G-give you something? I… I don't think I have anything you'd want."

"Oh, you do."

The old hag slurped, causing the fairy to stumble further backwards.

"Your flesh. I want it. It's been a long time since I ate a fairy in servitude to a human."

The fairy now knew what fey species the old woman belonged to.

She was a terrible creature they fairies called Daun. Terrible, awful fairy-eaters. They said that fairies who were eaten by them would never be reborn in the forest as they ate both their flesh and soul.

To think that one would be serving Her Lady Titania.

"I… I can't! I have a message I have to tell him! And my mistress—she—"

She halted her voice.

The old woman had closed her hideous mouth, putting one finger in front of her mouth.

"Tell me your message. And I shall make sure it is delivered. In exchange, allow me to devour you."

"N-no! I don't— I'm too young to die! A-and your teeth! They're going to hurt for sure!"

"Then leave." The hag's eyes narrowed. "But if you do, you'll never meet me again. I have nothing to offer to a human-bound fey who doesn't even want to sacrifice herself for her master."

Marlie froze.

She knew she wasn't lying. The moment she turned her back from her, she would never see her again.

She had heard it from the feys who showed her the way here. She was one of Titania's closest servants. She might not be an archfey but she might as well hold the same rank.

In short, she was far too powerful for her to go against.

"I…" She looked at her feet, her body shaking. "I understand. I'll… allow you to devour me. But!" She looked up, giving the hag a glare. "I want you to make a promise! Under Lady Titania's name!"

The hag chuckled. "Very well. Under Lady Titania's name, I would deliver your message to him."

They said that Titania would be able to hear anyone who spoke her name. And so swearing in her name like this was commonplace amongst the fey, just because of how fearful they were of her.

"Now." The hag continued with a hungry glint in her eyes. "Come in. Tell me your message there to the letter." She turned around and entered the hut.

Marlie, however, still remained in her spot.

If she entered, that would be it. She would cease to exist, and perhaps in a really excruciating manner too.

But, she had to do it. Her lady Marina, she had been so good to her. That was why she gave her her true name in the first place.

Lady Marina, w-what should I do? I-I don't want to die… She hugged herself tightly.

B-but, I have to—I have to help you. You, who are now trapped inside your own body—I can't even imagine how that feels…

I have to tell your brother about your state… and then have him help you…

If… if it means forfeiting my life in the process…

She began to shake. Chills covered her entire body.

I-is this… is this how mortality feels like?

Thanks to her bond with Marina, she had learned a lot about humans. And how they differed a lot from feys. For starters, they could actually die, and out of old age at that! They could grow and change and transform into a completely different person over time.

Just like her master did, after all the suffering she had to endure.

...No. I'll do it. I have to. For Master's sake.

Even if it means surrendering to this evil hag.

With a gulp in her throat, she took a few steps forward and entered as well.

No one saw her leave.



Victoria couldn't believe it.

All this time, she thought Hugo was dead, killed by that demon lord who had visited her house.

And now she learned that he was alive and well. And not only that, but her sister was in dire strait and that she required his help.

"T-then, the fairy—where is she?" She asked.

"In my stomach, of course." The Soothsayer grinned. "That is her payment for my services."

"That's—that's horrible!"

"I'm a Daun. I eat fairies." The hag shrugged. "Just like you eat your cows and chickens as a human." Her eyes narrowed and her lips formed a scowl.

"But that's… that's different!"

Unfortunately, Victoria wasn't smart enough to debate the hag in the matter. She did eat meat. She just did yesterday. A very delicious roasted beef.

"So, how about it? You'll be the new messenger. Come to him. He's inside the Minister of Summer's territory right now. And I believe he's in quite the trouble right now."

"T-trouble?" Her eyes opened wide with terror.

"Oh, yes, and a grave one at that, I fear. A mortal one. He might… ah, what's the term… die if you don't come to his rescue." The old woman giggled. "Better to go there yourself. I assume you already learned how to warp yourself around?"


She bolted out of the hut in an instant, not even bothering to answer her.

The moment she heard that word, she lost every self-doubt she normally had.

She had to go! As fast as she could!

And this time, with her newly unlocked fairy power, she can finally help him! Just like he had helped her all those months ago!

Wait for me, Sir Hugo! I'm coming!


"My name is Victoria Starlight! And I shall be your judge, o wicked fairy!"

She pointed her rapier towards the Archfey, her blonde hair blowing in the wind.

Of course, said wind was created by her own power, unconsciously, just for her to look like the dashing heroine she read in her books.

She was now in what could only be described as an unconventional knight outfit. She wore a silver armor as her top, glistening grandly under the sunlight. It didn't cover her skin fully, however. Her arms were mostly exposed with only her shoulders covered though she also wore steel gloves to compensate. And unlike her old armor, part of her breasts were not covered as well. She no longer wore a long skirt either, opting for a short green skirt with white trimming instead. And thanks to the wind she herself conjured, the fabric failed to cover her taut green panties, somewhat ruining the cool entrance she just did.

Seeing this, the archfey could only be in disbelief.

"I'm sorry? Who are you again?"

"My name is Victoria Starlight! And I shall be your judge, o wicked fairy!" Victoria repeated herself.

The Archfey groaned. She was yet another not-so-bright fairy that she had to handle.

Still, it was strange. The Soothsayer didn't say that he had another fairy like her when she visited her.

...Wait. She had seen this girl before. She was that elf knight the human was travelling with! She was actually a fairy the whole time?

Damn that Soothsayer! She didn't say anything about that!

"Another fairy of Hugo Greenwood." A smirk formed on her lips. "Another fool who thought she could stand against one of the Eldest."

Her eyes glowed. She was now peering into her soul to determine her true name.

That can't be!

I… I can't read her true name!

No, I was mistaken from the start! She was only half a fairy! Her other half is human!

And this isn't even her real body! It's merely a projection!

A half fey. It was the very first time she had seen one in the flesh.

"As the daughter of Titania, I free you two from her order! Kiri Dewdrop! Aria Earthroot! Go forth and save Sir Hugo!"

Normally, one could not eavesdrop on a True Name just like she did (without realizing it no less). But, thanks to her authority granted to her as a daughter of Titania, she could hear the names clearly instead of just listening to a garbled, incomprehensible noise.

She didn't know about True Names either, of course. She simply called them because she thought those were their normal names (which feys would not possess).

Hearing this, the two feys exchanged a quick look, before leaping forward, attacking the Archfey as she was distracted.


"This is for Master Hugo!"

Kiri formed a blade made out of boiling hot water and stabbed it at the woman's back. Aria, on the other hand, formed a giant fist of earth on her right hand before slamming it at the woman's head.

The two attacks connected, earning a gasp of surprise from the untouchable archfey, before sending her flying to the side, swatting her as if she were a mere fly.

"We-we did it!" Kiri exclaimed, her eyes shining brightly with excitement. "W-we won against an Archfey!"

Aria nodded, glancing at her friend with her characteristic stoic look. "Let's go. To Master's side."

With the archfey incapacitated (they knew she couldn't be dead just from that), the two quickly slipped out of the pocket dimension, transferring themselves into the other pocket dimension where Hugo was. They simply closed their eyes before dissolving into mist and mud respectively.

"Go, little ones!" Victoria yelled with a magnanimous smile. "I shall take care of this villain in your stead!"

The two were so worried about Hugo they didn't realize she was the girl Hugo introduced to them some months back.

Right after they departed, the wounded archfey disappeared from her original spot.

Only to reappear right in front of Victoria, looking absolutely livid for what she just did.

"You… I don't know who you are but you'll pay for what you did."

"It's you who's going to pay for your villainy!" Victoria replied gallantly, pointing her rapier once more at her. "How dare you torment Sir Hugo like that?!"

She had just arrived and all she knew was that the archfey was laughing at the state her Sir Hugo was in and that she was preventing his fairies from helping him. And yet it was enough for her simple mind to brand the woman as an unredeemable villain.

"Oh no, you're mistaken." A smirk appeared on the archfey's face. "It wasn't me who cut off his arm after all."

Victoria's eyes widened. "You… cut off his arm?"

Her body shook. Her heart raced, cold sweat and goosebumps covering her whole body.

"You… YOU'LL PAY!"

She lunged forward, intending to stab the archfey in her abdomen. Even though she saw how Kiri's blade wound had disappeared completely, she was too furious to realize her attack wouldn't do anything.

Not that the archfey would let her do so.

She snapped her fingers, instantly turning her rapier into a stick of leek.

Only for the leek to pierce through her skin anyways.

W-what?! Her power… it surpasses… mine?

She disappeared once more, dissolving into a hurricane of flowers before manifesting back a distance away from her.

She was now panting, holding her stomach with her right hand. Instead of anger, or the usual smugness, her expression was that of fear.

This… she's… she's sapping my power… my authority… h-how… she's not even a full fairy… but how can she—

"You… you are really… her daughter?"

"Hey! What did you do to my sword?!" Victoria yelled, swinging her newfound leek around.

"Titania… curse you… so you really did—"

"Aah, forget it! I'll just summon another one!"

She threw the leek away before lifting her right hand upwards, aiming her palm to the skies.

"O Holy Sword, come to me once again!"

A gust of wind circled the half fairy (exposing her panties yet again). A bolt of lightning fired from the sky (purely for dramatic effect), forming a brand new rapier in her right hand.

"Now, I shall perform my ultimate attack!"

She dashed forward, flying sharply upwards, opening her wings as wide as she could. A bright rainbow light came out from said wings, giving Victoria a majestic look that would befit a warrior fairy queen (if not for the pantyshot she was giving anyway).

The archfey was still frozen by the sight. There was no mistake. That light was Titania's light.

"Phantasm… Break!"

With an agile twirl, Victoria dived down towards the archfey, the pointy end of her rapier guiding her trajectory.

Only to find herself crashing into a barrier, sending her flying away to the nearest flower hills.

Her landing was rough to say the least. Still inexperienced with her wings, she couldn't stop her flight mid-air. And so, she landed on top of a bed of sunflowers, rolling for a bit before finally stopping for good.

"Aaw, that hurts!"

Quickly, the girl stood up. She only suffered minor scratches from what just occurred — a feat that once again she did unconsciously. She believed herself to be a legendary fairy knight that would not be hurt by such a meager thing, and so she did.

The archfey, on the other hand, looked more aghast than ever, even though she just blocked her attack.

T-that was… that was close…

I… Should I even attack her? Do I wish to anger that terrifying woman by attacking her spawn?

...But my tree… I need more mortal sorrow… just one is not enough… I have to go there and stop those two from healing him… Only then will everything fall apart…

This story… must not have a happy ending! Especially not from a deus ex machina like her!