Orluk The Chief


The Legendary Archmage Mira… do we really have to fight her?

Maybe we shouldn't. Maybe I should persuade Milord not to pick a fight with her. Not even him can win against her. She, who they say can reshape mountains and shore lines with a single spell…

I want revenge too for their crimes… but if they have her on their side…

Such thoughts plagued my mind as we traveled west the next day. And judging by Milord's expression, he had the same thought as well.

Only that blockhead wasn't bothered in the slightest.

"So what? We just have to get stronger than her. That's all."

Tch, she doesn't know the stories. If she thinks her blockhead strength will be enough to triumph over her, she's delusional.

So why did that skeleton think we can triumph over her just by me learning some necromancy spells? It's not her necromancy that's the scary part! It's everything else!

I shook my head. Really, I should stop my mind from wandering like that.

I have to focus on this tome. See what I can learn from it.

If Milord is willing to let me delve back into that dark world for the sake of power, then so be it. I shall do as he commands.

It was already nighttime when we dismounted from our scarabs. Today, we agreed we would rest under Milord's earthen huts instead of tents, as the wind seemed to be picking up, marking a possible start for a stormy night.

While Sherry left to relieve herself (she wouldn't admit it but I saw her crossed legs), I seized my chance. I jumped on top of him as he laid down on the mattress, pressing my breasts into his firm, hard chest.

"Milord, I want to give my report. I have skimmed through the book he gave me, and yes, it does indeed contain all sorts of necromantic spells."

His gaze was pretty much locked at my chest. As expected. Oh, he's so cute when he's pretending to not be the pervert that he is!

"You want me to tell you about them? Just in case there's any one of them you don't like…" I traced my index finger all over his chest. What delightful muscles.

"Sure." He smiled, one hand going to my cheek, another going to my breasts. Ah, there it is. His beautiful smile. How can he smile like that while groping my chest?

Ah, I still remember a year ago, when he would breathe heavily like a pig and make a lustful face when fondling my breasts. I guess he got used to it.

"Well, there's the—"

"Starting without me, you two?"

I looked back and rolled my eyes. Great. She's already here.

Shamelessly, she walked up to us before plopping that butt of hers right on top of Milord's face.


"Hey, what are you doing?!" I sat up and gave her a glare. "He can't breathe!"

And get your thighs off my sight!

"What? He loves this." She huffed, crossing her arms. "The pervert keeps groping my butt every chance he gets."

This girl… She really is getting bolder every day!

Though don't think I don't see that blush on your cheeks!


Milord pushed her off his face, sending her face stumbling into my cleavage.

"Haa… haa… haa.. haa…"

Milord was panting as his lungs demanded air. He really couldn't breathe down there, could he?

Miss Bad Temper then turned around, giving Milord a glare and a blush. "You don't like it?"

"I do." He smiled, patting her on the head. "Your butt really is the best, Sherry. But I really can't breathe if you put the buttcheeks on my nostrils. You're supposed to put the crotch there."

Hmph, I'm starting to wonder if Milord has a thing for high-strung, yet shy girls.

"So, Hugo…" She finally decided to stop sitting on my lap as she scooted over to his side, hugging his left arm. "I'm thinking… Can I borrow your Dream Crystal?"

"Hmm, what for?" He asked.

"My grandmother… she needs to know about the Demon God."

Interesting. I guess she can still remember the Demon God. Or rather, the chance of a new Demon God appearing. But just not the Goddess herself.

We really should make another visit to Xaela before we leave the continent.

"...You're right. We should tell her."

Hugo's smile turned bitter as he reached behind him towards his staff. Opening his Dimensional Storage, he took out the crystal and handed it over to her.

"You should tell her. Oh, and also, say to ger that we're getting along as a couple," he added, his smile's luster returning. "Don't want her to worry after all."

He's definitely worried. Miss Bad Temper will no doubt be sad if anything happens to her grandmother.

Really, it's not fair. There's the problem with his sister and now there's this Demon God.

"And so, I get first turn with him." I smirked, grabbing his right arm, pushing it into my cleavage.

She huffed and sent me a glare, but she said nothing. She just released her grip on Milord's arm before sleeping on her section of the mattress.

"Well, Darling." I whispered to his ear. "Do you want to do it first or do you still want to hear about that boring necromancy tome?"

Judging by the bulge in his pants, the answer was obvious.

Our trip to the west continued on, with scarcely anything holding us back.

Well, that wasn't exactly true. Darling started to have nightmares about Marina again. At this point, I was pretty sure that Goddess was sending them to him as his torture for daring to defy Her will.

Well, too bad. He's getting used to it. And a healthy dose of hugs from me and Sherry certainly helped. He would never be disheartened by mere mirages and illusions, which could be lies for all we knew.

I also had been studying the book that Demon Lord gave me. I ignored all the spells and rituals that related to corpses, and only focused myself on learning the others. For example, a spell for astral projection. Normally, the only astral projection you could do is when you explore the Great Fairy Forest in search of a familiar. But you only do that with the "invitation" of the fey themselves, who wanted to become a familiar to a mage, acting as an "anchor" to the traveling soul. But, with this spell, you don't need that anchor. You can theoretically travel anywhere in the world. Sure, you couldn't touch or do anything there, nor you could speak—unless the other side also has a necromancer canny to the art of speaking with wandering souls, that is. But this allows you to spy on anyone without them realizing it. And yes, it means exactly what you think it means.

I can check on Marina. And Erika too, relieving Milord of his burden.

But, this damn spell—it's too hard! I can't get it to stabilize at all!

That's why I have been hiding its existence from Milord! I don't want to disappoint him!

"Felicia, are you alright? You've been mumbling to yourself, you know."

Milord's voice snapped me out of my reverie. And I nearly fell backward, off my scarab. Which would be disastrous.

"R-right!" I quickly gave him a smile. "I'm alright!"

"She's probably daydreaming again. For a smart alchemist, you sure can be an airhead sometimes, Felicia." Sherry giggled.

"Oh shut up!" I shot her a glare. "I was just thinking, that's all!"

"Now now girls." Tira interrupted, smiling as she did. "Don't you start fighting. Look. In the distance."

I switched my gaze to the front.

And sure enough, through the dry plains, I could see what looked like tents, barely visible from where we were.

Oh. It's them. Those tribal ogres.

Still, it's too far east. Maybe it's not them?

"We'll check it out." Milord declared. "Since we're saving Victoria, we need as much info on Balthazar as we can get."

That's right… we need to rescue that idiot first…

It can't be helped. Milord is too good of a person to leave her in the arms of some filthy orc. Especially after she helped him.

I just need to be ready for the coming confrontation. As a dark mage and an alchemist.


"Chief Orluk! Chief Orluk! Lord Hugo! He and his entourage just entered our village!"

When the ogre heard those words, he jumped out of his bed, freeing himself from the dark-skinned arms that were hugging him.

"What did you say?!" He said to his man, who was now kneeling in front of him. "Lord Hugo has returned?! Prepare a feast immediately! And tell the men and women to give them a welcome fit for kings!"

"Right away, Chief!" The ogre subordinate stood up and ran outside, unbothered in the slightest by the fact that his chief was stark naked. After all, he had just been sleeping with his new wife. It was only to be expected, nay, required, for an ogre of his caliber to copulate with her day and night.


The woman in his bed let out a yawn as she stretched her arms up, showing off her ample breasts and hairless armpits to him.

"Is something the matter, Orluk?"

"Lord Hugo! He's now here, in this village!"

Her eyes widened.

"L-Lord Hugo? Here?!"

She jumped off the bed too, quickly snatching the black panties from under her feet, pulling them to her privates.

"Yes, Fia! To think we'll get to see him again this early! Ooh, we owe so much to him! We and the entire clan!"

The couple's smiles continued as they dressed themselves. They had thought they wouldn't see him until… well… ever! They imagined Hugo would stay with the Izurds, becoming a good husband to his sweetheart, never venturing to the outside world again. They didn't know about Marina or Erika after all.

When they finished dressing themselves, they immediately exited their tent, making their way to the middle of the nomadic village where their people had surrounded Hugo and co. as if they were a celebrity (which, they might as well be).


Oh wow, what is this? Why are we being treated like this?

"Probably because you slaughtered the orcs, their sworn enemy." Myrilla commented dryly, sending a gaze in my direction. "It's only natural they will be worshiping you like this. You're pretty much their hero."

Arriving at the encampment, we quickly found out that we were a lot more popular than we had imagined. The moment they saw us, they shouted to the others, saying stuff like "Lord Hugo is here! Lord Hugo is here!"

We had dismounted our scarabs at the edge of the tent village—they were too big to enter the village without knocking over the tents—and now we were on foot, not an ideal way to travel when you were being followed by a crowd like this.

Now where is Orluk?

Oh, there he is!

I saw the ogre running from a distance. Behind him was a sexy, scantily-clad dark elf, running with him.

…Wait, what?

When he arrived, he immediately knelt in front of me. Not that I noticed, as I was too busy staring at the dark elf behind her.

Whoa, who in the world is this bombshell?!

Her breasts bounced up and down like a vertical pendulum. And her outfit… hoo boy, it looked more like a bikini than proper clothing.

When she arrived, she too knelt down in front of me. And the other ogres too, numbering to two hundred people or so.

Hmm, is it just me or there's a lot less of them now? And where's that sho**kon ogress? You'd think she'd jump for the chance to see me again. Though probably not, considering I've grown up significantly since our last meeting. I can pretty much call myself a young adult now even though I haven't hit 15 yet.

"Lord Hugo!" Orluk spoke, an expression of pure joy coloring his face. "Welcome back! Let me first speak to my joy that you are safe and sound!" He glanced at Sherry. "And I see you've accomplished your goal!"

"That I did." I smiled back at him. I was, naturally, quite proud that I managed to snag her as my wife/girlfriend.

"Then, let me thank you deeply! For saving our people from the orcs! No, you didn't do just that! You conquered the orcs for us!"

Eh? Conquered? I didn't do anything like that…

"You crushed their main force and killed their false Demon Lord, allowing us to invade their lands! Now the orcs have been exiled! And our territory has increased two-fold! Our tribe, no, the entire ogre tribes, have never been this prosperous!"

Whoa whoa whoa whoa, did he just say "invade"? It wasn't my intention to cripple the orcs that much that they got conquered….

But maybe that's for the best. Orcs like to rape women after all. Even in a real fantasy world, they're still the NTR beasts they are.

Uh, not that I'm being prejudiced against orcs or anything…

"Well, good for you!" I scratched the side of my head.

Glancing back at the dark elf, I decided to ask the question.

"So, uh, who is she?" I pointed at her.

"What?!" The dark elf's eyes widened in disbelief. "I'm Fia! The little girl you saved! How can you forget, Lord Hugo?!"

Her eyes moistened, suddenly making her a lot cuter than sexier.

And then, it hit me.

She really was her. Only, like ten years older.

"Let me explain." Myrilla interrupted, shaking her head. "Elves—normal elves and dark elves alike—don't grow the way humans do, bit by bit every year. Instead, they have two phases, the childhood phase and the adult phase. And they metamorphosize into the adult phase from childhood phase in just several days, accompanied by a massive growth spurt. Think the metamorphosis of a butterfly."

"Huh…" I looked at her and then back to Fia. "I never knew that…" I should already have read that Introduction to Demon Races book. I guess I just forgot.

Still, to think the cute loli has become this hot, sexy chick in not even a year… Unbelievable…


Sherry elbowed me on my stomach. Oops, guess I was staring too much.

Orluk stood up. "Let us continue your conversation inside. And please, at least stay for the night. We wish to hold a feast in your honor. You're officially an honorary ogre now, Lord Hugo, at least among all of us tribal ogres."

Nomadic ogres, huh? Yeah, I guess the Altra folks won't care about me expanding these guys' territory.

I nodded. I certainly could use a rest after sitting on that giant beetle all day.

The bonfire burned bright, its flames reaching up to the moon on the bright night sky. The smell of roasted beef filled the air, or, something close to that. The barbecue of choice that night was not cows, since that didn't really exist in the Demon Continent. Instead, they hunted down the Steel Bisons that were in the area, using its scales for their weapons and armors, while using the soft meat underneath for food. By the way, Steel Bisons were considered A-rank monsters, so they were proficient warriors indeed.

Female ogres were dancing, showing off their well-toned body to us as a sign of gratitude. They weren't doing a belly dance or something lewd like that though. They were instead performing what the ogres called "Hakhtur", which, in demon tongue, meant "performative fight". So they were now wielding all kinds of weapons, from cutlasses to chakrams, showing off a mock fight like a performer would back at Earth.

Though of course, all done by skimpily dressed ladies.

"Hugooooo, you're staring again!" Sherry yelled, squeezing my cheek with her finger.

"It can't be helped, can it?" Tira giggled. "Sir Hugo is a big pervert after all."

"Milord, if you like, I can dance for you in private…" Felicia followed, fluttering her eyelashes in my direction.

I sighed, taking a spoonful of rice from my bowl and swallowing it in one gulp.

We were now sitting on the "dignified guest" carpet, which hovered magically a few feet above the ground. Everyone was here, along with Orluk and Fia, the latter sitting on the former's lap. Yeah, turns out they've become a couple. Fia made the first move, assaulting him in his bed one night. Wasn't my word, but his. Apparently dark elves would suffer from high libido the moment they have someone they like. And since she liked him, she ended up raping him in his sleep.

Okay, it's not "rape" rape since he quickly turned around and fucked her back, but she did initiate without his permission.

Aah, getting raped by a sexy onee-san… it's my secret fetish to be honest. Felicia's too good of a girl to do that… even though she could… and wanted too… Well, that just proves she's a good person. And a good wife, who's not with me just for sex.

Still, a cute loli calling you onii-chan, then transforming into an older girl that doms you in bed… certainly a concept that won't be out of place in a hentai doujin. Hm.

My glance moved to Tira, who was sitting to my far right, her legs hanging down from the carpet. She was cheerfully biting into a ponat fruit, a sweet red-colored fruit that looked like giant cherries. A specialty of this region of the Demon Continent. The ogres didn't cultivate it though. They simply gathered them from the roaming treants they grew from.

Oh my, her underwear must be visible from below if she sits like that. What did she wear again today? Green stripes?

…One day, she'll grow into an adult overnight too. I'll miss her loli look, but I totally would welcome a big-breasted motherly elf as part of our entourage, especially since she's technically my servant.

Meanwhile, behind her sat Tama and Theo, sitting with their legs crossed. Knowing that catgirl, she's intentionally doing that to flash her black panties to him. And she's now feeding him, to his embarrassment. What a lucky guy.

I could ask Felicia or Sherry to do the same, but I'd think I would be just as embarrassed as he was. So let's refrain from any intimate displays in a crowd like this.

The dance ended, with an ogress knocked out cold on the ground. Fake, of course. Her cutlass had just flown away after the heroine parried it.

"My clan! My family!" Orluk yelled, raising his fist to the sky. "Tonight, we celebrate the arrival of our great benefactor, Lord Hugo Greenwood! As such, feel free to enjoy yourselves to the fullest!"

The crowd cheered, raising their ale mugs to the air before drinking them.

Oh, I suppose I forgot to tell you that Orluk has his own clan now. Thanks to me, the ogres would need new clan chiefs to rule over the territory once belonging to the orcs. And he was chosen to do so by his father.

And since the requirement to be chief is to be married, he married Fia without a second thought.

I took a sip on my own ale. Urgh, so strong. I don't get why people like alcoholic beverages, really.

The night went on, with more dances, drinking, and eating. Sherry quickly find herself on my lap as she had fallen asleep. After eating a whole bison by herself, I can't blame her.

As for Felicia, she was still half-awake, leaning heavily to me as she drank the last drops of her ale. At least, until she burped, followed by collapsing on top of me, hugging me from behind.

"So… how's it going? You and them two?"

I looked to my right. Orluk and Tia had scooted over. They were now sitting right beside me, grinning like Cheshire cats.

"It's going well," I replied with a smile, feeling a bit lightheaded from the quarter of a mug of ale I had drunk. "They're getting along."

"And in bed?" Fia interrupted. "Do you pleasure them properly? Thrust your sword deep into their womb?"

…Where did that innocent little girl go…

"Of course! Who do you think I am? I'll never let my wives be unsatisfied in bed! Not after all the things I had to do to get them!"

Fia giggled. "Good! That's how a man should be! My father… he didn't do his manly duties properly. That's why Mother ended up like that…" She averted her gaze, a pained expression intruding in her face.

"Let me explain." Orluk interrupted. "After you crushed the orcs, we invaded their lands. And there, we met her mother again, grieving for her dead orc husband. And she… Well, she told me everything. She cursed me for killing him before going on a rant on her past with Fia's father."

"I still hate her." Fia followed, her smile being replaced with a frown. "But now I understand why she ended up that way. My father… he never gave her the attention she needed… too busy with his work…"

That's odd. Don't dark elf males possess the same high libido as the females?

Maybe he's a mutant. Myrilla said that sometimes, a monster can be born mutated, different in some way from their kind. Stronger… or weaker…

"Aaww, how cute!" Tia smiled, pinching Sherry's cheek. "No wonder you fell for her, Lord Hugo!"

"Heh, you can say that again."

I brushed the few strands of hair covering her face. Little did I know that I had the goofiest, widest grin on my face then.

"And of course, Lady Felicia isn't half-bad either." She switched her gaze to the red-headed woman currently slouched on my back. "Those breasts… you must have fun squeezing them all night, don't you? Just like Orluk here with mine!" She groped her own chest, causing me to gulp. That volume… Definitely rivals Felicia's…

"Hmph, you're the ones who want me to squeeze them. Let me give you a demonstration, Lord Hugo."

With a swiftness defying the human eye, Orluk grabbed both of her breasts from behind, squeezing them firmly with his large, firm hands.


"See?" He grinned. "She makes these funny noises whenever I grope hers. Quite cute actually."

"Ooh, Orluk! You're just…Aahnnn!"

The two stopped paying attention to me, busy in their own little world.

Seeing this display of public affection, I couldn't help but feel a little annoyed. You know your subjects are watching, right?

"Ha! I win!"

I switched my gaze to the cheering happening down below. Kiri and Aria had joined the crowd and they were in the middle of a drinking competition. And judging by the pile of unconscious men on their feet, it was clear who the winner was.

"You red people can't beat me, the mighty Kiri!" She declared, raising her mug up to the sky.

I sighed. I'm lucky that she's already binded to me. She can say her name all she wants—no other person can control her except for me.

Not that "Kiri" is actually her real real name. You can only speak the words in Fey Tongue and that will happen on its own the moment the Fey is ready to make a contract with you.

How does the Fey Language sound you may ask? I dunno. I don't even remember when I said it. The only reason I know this is because of Marina's lessons.

Aria, on the other hand, continued to drink. And drink. And drink. With no sign of getting drunk or stopping.

Hmm, I don't think a fey like her can get drunk. Ever. Heh, they have lost before they even started.

Though I have to wonder. Where does all that liquid go if the feyfolk don't pee? I guess it just gets converted into her mana or something.

After our little conversation, I decided to retire to my tent. I carried both Sherry and Felicia with magic, telling Tira to watch out for the others. Myrilla had disappeared (Miss Antisocial is being Miss Antisocial as usual) while drunk Theo was busy playing with Tama's tail, to the chagrin of the catgirl.

And when we got there, well, let's just say I didn't wait for them to wake up before I had my way with them. The ale, and those two couples being so lovey dovey—they both made me awfully horny. And if Tia is allowed to do it, so was I.

It was my first time doing it that way. And I had to say, it's far better having their moans accompanying my every thrust.

There was one thing I forgot, however. Something really crucial.

They hadn't taken their contraceptive potions for the night, a fact that I only knew once they woke up, right after I came inside each of them.

Oh well. I was too drunk to care.