Lady Xing sat inside a grand carriage that was being pulled by four handsome looking horses. Li Fei Long's head guard, Lou Sheng, led this entourage while Li Fei Long rode his favorite horse right in front of the grand carriage, between his guards. Li Fei Long's grand entourage rode elegantly past the main street of Luoyang, mainly to give a good image of Li Fei Long in front of the Luoyang people.

The two head eunuchs were riding on their own horses, each on the side of the grand carriage. Every time Lady Xing curiously peeped out of the carriage, Ming He or Qian Chang Xin cleared their throat as a sign of their disapproval. The commoners who were lining along the main street should not get to see her face.

Before they took off, Ru Qing and Ru Ming prepared her to get ready for the one day and one night journey back to the capital city. Both briefed her on stuffs that she had to take note of.

Only the four Qīn Wáng and The Grand Chancellor owned this kind of grand carriage. All feature the same high quality wood. Each Qīn Wáng and The Grand Chancellor were allowed to make some changes but will need permission from The Emperor.

Lady Xing was enjoying her trip inside the comfortable grand carriage. The four horses pulling her ride were galloping in the same rhythm and at a steady speed. Since the two high profile eunuchs kept making sure that nobody noticed her appearance, Lady Xing could only rest her head and lean lazily on her seat that was covered with soft velvet fabric. She was thinking how boring this journey would be without her two yahuan beside her. Ru Qing and Ru Ming were sitting inside the two horses carriage behind her carriage.

The bustle of the people began to subside after they left the city of Luoyang. The entourage sped up and after some time Lady Xing began to doze off. She was almost falling asleep when their entourage began to reduce speed and eventually stopped in the middle of the way.

She heard the sound of an approaching horse. A moment later Ming He whispered to the side of the grand carriage.

"Wang ye, please…."

The curtain lifted and Li Fei Long entered the carriage as Lady Xing tried to sit up straight.

With a grin on his face, Li Fei Long sat next to her and pressed his hand on her hips so she could not fix her posture. He too sat comfortably next to her. After giving a couple of intimate taps on her hips, Li Fei Long shouted confidently towards Ming He and Qian Chang Xin who was waiting for his cue from outside the grand carriage. The entourage back to the capital city continued.


No matter how magnificent the grand carriage was, after a long journey, Lady Xing awoke from her sleep with a slight body sore. The moment she opened her eyes, she saw Li Fei Long sitting elegantly next to her, looking polished and fresh just like yesterday.

"Ming He and Qian Chang Xin must have arrived at Duan Wang Fu to prepare for our arrival. Ben wang has assigned them to prepare living quarters for you." Said Li Fei Long without giving her a glance.

The noise of the crowd outside the carriage diverted Lady Xing's attention. Their entourage must have entered Chang'an. She heard some buzz about who was inside the grand carriage. Her curiosity drove her to open the curtain and look outside.

The moment she lifted up the curtain, her eyes met with an old lady who opened an eatery stall at the side of the street. The old woman gasped and pointed at lady Xing who was passing by her stall at that moment.

"I think I just saw one of Duan Qin Wang's shi qie." She exclaimed to her buyers.

Lady Xing clearly heard that. She quickly dropped the curtain and regretted her action.

The reaction from the people in the capital were way different from Luoyang. Back at Luoyang the most people did was admire how grand the entourage looked, especially cheering towards the imperial family. Here at the capital they might frequently witness the entourage of important people going in or out the capital. The people of Chang'an liked to discuss any possible rumours about the royal families.

Intentionally clearing his throat, Li Fei Long could not maintain his calmness. For two days, Li Fei Long kept teasing Lady Xing. The girl beside him has been amazed by all things she saw but not once willing to let go of her stance towards him. Curious like a child, that was exactly how Li Fei Long described her every time he found her stunned by any possible things.

A simple ornament would leave her in awe. The bright sky captivated her eyes. Even just ordinary wood structure mesmerized her. Every single thing except him.

"Ben wang needs to consider having you blindfolded". Clearly sounding irritated, Li Fei Long then realized his own words had double meanings.

The image of him putting on the blindfold on the girl next to him made him smirk. He saw Lady Xing probably had the same imagination as him because her cheek blushed while her eyes avoided his. His desire for her was again ignited.

Li Fei Long reached out for her arms, pulled her close so she could feel his breath. Lady Xing reacted swiftly and tried to hold her stance with both her hands on his chest.

She remembered clearly how hard his muscles was. She remembered every inch of his body the moment her palms touched that solid figure. Lady Xing decided that being too close to this man was a bad idea. She needed to make a good plan to be free from Li Fei Long.

"Wang ye must remember to find qiè's family."

Keep reminding him was the last resort she could think of. The grin on Li Fei Long's face widened as the grip on her arms got tighter. Their faces were so close to each other. So close that Lady Xing was sure in the next second they might end up kissing. Without realizing it she had closed her eyes and waited.

He chuckles instead and thoroughly enjoys teasing her. When she opened her eyes and met Li Fei Long's deep soulful eyes, she knew he was toying with her reaction. The man looks very pleased.

Their grand carriage stopped at Lou Sheng's firm command. Their entourage must have arrived but Li Fei Long did not have any intention to let her go.

"Ben wang will come and see you later tonight." He whispered.

Judging by the look of his eyes, she knew for sure what Li Fei Long planned to do with her tonight. He pinched her chin with the promising look which made Lady Xing feel little butterfly flutters in her stomach.

Before she could remind him of her temporary status in the fu, they heard Ming He and Qian Chang Xin greeted them from outside of the grand carriage. As soon as his fingers left her chin, Ming He lifted up the curtain and Li Fei Long stepped out of the carriage.

Acted like a perfect gentleman, Li Fei Long stood next to the carriage. He reached out to Lady Xing's hand and helped her out.

"This way, my lady." Qian Chang Xin bowed half way then gestured to the palanquin where two servants were already waiting for her.

Ru Qing and Ru Ming helped lead her way as she got fixated with the beauty of the massive mansion. Their entourage has entered the front yard of the mansion. There were house guards who looked fierce and there were guards who took care of the horses and the grand carriage. The other servants moved efficiently to handle other things. Lady Xing cannot stop admiring the ancient beauty in front of her eyes, they were fascinating to her.

Li Fei Long noticed the way Lady Xing touched the palanquin. Her fingers trace the carving on the palanquin. The way she was captivated made Li Fei Long feel somewhat proud of himself. Li Fei Long did not move until Lady Xing sat down on the palanquin and the servants lifted it up and took her to nei yuan.

"Nu cai has informed Xiao Gan Zi gonggong about the arrival of our fu's special guest. Xiao Gan Zi gonggong has prepared cui you yuan as Lady Xing's temporary residence." Ming He informed Li Fei Long right after the palanquin got out of sight.

Cui you yuan was located far behind from the main resident in a secluded area. The yard was the smallest among others. Although Li Fei Long believed his head house steward, Xiao Gan Zi, would not deviate from his duties, Li Fei Long wanted Lady Xing to be housed as close to him as possible.

"Inform Xiao Gan Zi to move her to zheng yuan. After ben wang enters the palace to report to Fu huang and meet Mu fei. Ben wang will visit Lady Xing to have dinner together." Li Fei Long said.

Ming He was intrigued with Li Fei Long's orders. To let the lady guest stay inside zheng yuan while Duan Qin Wang currently did not has a "legitimate" wife. This would give Li Fei Long a bad reputation. Knowing that his lord has the intention to win the heart of the daughter of The Grand Chancellor, Ming He resolved the situation quickly with his common sense.

"Do I need to prepare the potion for tonight, wang ye?" Asked Ming He respectfully.

Li Fei Long laughed and Ming He lifted his head.

"No need." Li Fei Long waved his hand happily to dismiss Ming He and made his way to his favorite horse that was already waiting for him. Ming He gave another bow before Li Fei Long rode his horse out from the mansion with Lou Sheng and few of the guards rode their horse behind him.


Both Jing Gui Fei and Shu Gui Fei joined the imperial family at the same time. Having similar backgrounds, they both came from equally strong families. Jing Gui Fei and Shu Gui Fei also gave birth to their sons at about the same time. Therefore, Duan Qin Wang and Rui Qin Wang had been close frenemy since they were born.

While both imperial consorts have always been in rivalry, The Emperor has never been biased towards either one of them, who held the second highest rank inside hòu gong. Whatever Jing Gui Fei received, Shu Gui Fei will also get it.

Zhong Jing Palace was on the west side, while Zhao Xiang Palace, where Shu Gui Fei resided, was on the east side. These two palaces has a completely different decoration style even though both palaces has the same standard. Each styled based on their master characters.

The Emperor gave Jing Gui Fei the name of Noble Consort due to the way she carries herself. She was very well known for her expertise in art-painting. Her speech style was very calm with a slightly intimidating stare.

Meanwhile Shu Gui Fei was better known for her various skills. Indeed Shu Gui Fei was not as beautiful as Jing Gui Fei, but her talent in singing and dancing was better when compared to Jing Gui Fei. Shu Gui Fei's character was more cheerful and lively which makes her suitable to be the in-charge for hou gong's entertainments and banquets.

The taijian outside Zhong Jing Palace made an announcement of Duan Qin Wang's arrival. The palace maids and taijian serving inside the main room silently kneel and bow their heads lower towards the door. The moment Li Fei Long stepped inside, Jing Gui Fei's smile bloomed like flowers in spring.

The only son that she was proud of appeared so handsome in her eyes. Li Fei Long got his mother's hawk-eyed observing skill. His well-built body came from his family's genes. Li Fei Long was famous for being the most strict and serious character among the qin wangs.

Li Fei Long gave Jing Gui Fei a respectful bow then sat himself on the nearest chair next to Jing Gui Fei. One of the personal servants served him a warm special tea and after Li Fei Long took a sip, Jing Gui Fei could not wait any longer to ask her beloved son.

"Why do you seem spirited? Was Fu huang pleased with your report on Luoyang?"

The question made Li Fei Long recall the case that sent him to Luoyang. It was not a serious case. On the contrary, the intention behind his assignment was huge in Li Fei Long's opinion. At least, his heart remained calm after he found out Rui Qin Wang also had his own state duties by the time The Emperor summoned the Minister of Personnel, Minister of Rite and the Head of Department of State Affairs.

Deep down he knew the reason behind his high spirit today was because of who was waiting for him in his fu.

"The matter in Luoyang was only a small issue", Li Fei Long answered in a humble manner. He paused briefly before he mentioned the name that had been in his head this couple of days. "Erchen met one capable man while erchen was in Luoyang. Have Mufei heard anything about the Duke of Jiang and his family? Perhaps, the daughter of Duke?"

He placed his cup back on the side table calmly, Li Fei Long touched his thumb ring as Jing Gui Fei frowned.

"The Deputy Head who was responsible for the secondary palace, Shen Du Palace. A very capable man. He even received a marriage degree from The Late Emperor. The Duchess of Jiang's older brother is the Ministry of Justice, Feng Luo Cheng. Why are you interested in this particular person?"

This was the first time Li Fei Long showed an interest in someone and openly mentioned it to Jing Gui Fei . When they were supposed to be on guard until the marriage degree would be announced, Jing Gui Fei had to remind Li Fei Long not to have any misstep.

It was his habit to touch his thumb ring. He remained calm as he noticed Jing Gui Fei sounded uneasy. Inside this reception hall were only Jing Gui Fei 's trusted people. However, mentioning his new interest in another woman would never be appropriate.

"Erchen has met the Duke of Jiang and he seems very much a humble person." Li Fei Long continued, like it was not a serious matter.

Jing Gui Fei sighed deeply. "After you mentioned his name, ben gong remembered that the Duke of Jiang was a very loyal character. The Duchess's maiden family background is also a very strong line. Their first son is currently leading a troop as one of the great generals while their daughter might be one of the candidates that is suitable for Qin Wang in The Emperor's eyes."

"Have mufei heard whether Duke Jiang's daughter has any foe?" Li Fei Long added.

The mother and son conversation turned awkward. Jing Gui Fei was displeased with her son's interest in another woman and did not want to continue the conversation.

"The best candidate for you is still Han Yao Ying", Jing Gui Fei snapped.

Li Fei Long lowered his gaze and answered respectfully, "Erchen understand".

Before the conversation turned sour, Jing Gui Fei calmly orders her personal servants to serve lunch. She urged Li Fei Long to join her for lunch. After Li Fei Long agreed, Jing Gui Fei started asking mundane questions about everyday life, and then their mother-son conversation returned back to normal again.

Just after her personal mama sent Li Fei Long out, that trusted mama returned back to Jing Gui Fei 's side bringing Zhong Jing Palace's head gonggong.

Jing Gui Fei stood up and held her personal mama's hand. Looking down at her trusted gonggong, she issued her order sharply. "Find out about the Duke of Jiang and why Duan Qin Wang showed interest in him."

Jing Gui Fei turned her body and walked away to the inner chamber without having a second look at the gonggong. She was troubled after seeing Li Fei Long looked very high spirited despite the marriage degree not yet brought out by The Emperor.

Her personal mama helped her to sit in front of her painting table. It was Jing Gui Fei's favorite thing to do after she had a meal. Instead of lazing around, Jing Gui Fei usually spent her time admiring painting or even doing painting. This time her mind was wandering restlessly.

"Ben gong is certain Duan Qin Wang had encountered something in Luoyang." Jing Gui Fei said fretfully.


Duan Qin Wang had encountered someone, and that person was looking for a way to escape when Li Fei Long spent his day inside the palace.

Before the palanquin stopped at the assigned yard, Ming He intercepted their small group. Lady Xing heard him order the taijian to head another way. The palanquin turned around and finally stopped in front of the main building of Duan Wang Fu. The moment she stepped out from the palanquin, she saw an even more impressive main quarter, Lady Xing could sense why they brought her here.

Judging from the phrase Li Fei Long mentioned before, Lady Xing assumed that this passionate Duan Qin Wang might have planned to "eat" her once again tonight as apparently he changed his mind and housed her inside his main living quarters.

Lady Xing stood in silence and looked around her. With all the taijian, yahuan and many guards around this massive mansion, how could she ever escape?!

A small girl who seemed to be just around four years old ran into the courtyard followed by one servant behind her. Her sweet face has this similarity with the way Li Fei Long smiles. Lady Xing's eyes widened with her thought. How many kids the lustful Qin Wang have?

"Gege, we need to get back." The servant held her small master's wrist but Lady Xing noticed that young yahuan stole a glance at her before she lowered her head. As if she could read that yahuan's mind saying "ah another one…".

She wondered how many concubines Li Fei Long kept inside this mansion. She became more determined to run away from him as soon as possible.

Ming He was faster than anybody else. He was already standing in front of the yahuan. Clearly looked very stern, he gave that young yahuan some scolding. Acting like a doll, Lady Xing let herself be led in by Ru Qing and Ru Ming.

They entered the back side of the building. Some taijian prepared her bath, some yahuan brought in some new clothes, accessories and makeup while Ru Qing and Ru Ming helped her remove her clothes.

"How many kids does Wang Ye has?" After a long silence and of course after being left alone with Ru Qing and Ru Ming, Lady Xing then dared to ask that question. "How many wives?" She added and turned her head to look at Ru Qing, who looked wary with her questions.

"Answering Lady Xing, Wang Ye does not has any official wife yet. In the fu, wang ye only has one ce fei and two yiniang. The one Lady Xing just saw was duolun gege by Yu Wan ce fei. The only child of wang ye."

Ru Qing and Ru Ming stopped helping her as she was already naked. The copper tub next to them was steaming with hot water. Lady Xing stood and walked in to enjoy her bath. She missed her bathtub from her "previous" life but this copper tub will do the job to sooth her aching muscles after a long journey. The two yahuan thought she would not ask anymore questions as they approached her again and helped her with her bath.

"Help me to escape from this place.", Lady Xing whispered to them softly. Even though there were only her and these two young yahuan, Lady Xing was still wary that someone outside might hear her.

The two yahuan hastily dropped to their knees. Ru Ming dropped the copper bowl she was holding and it made a loud noise spinning on the floor. The two started to kongtow full of fear.

"Please, my Lady! I beg for your mercy on us." Ru Ming cried while Ru Qing said similar things next to her.

Lady Xing was surprised with their reaction. "Quiet! I am just asking for your help!"

Ru Qing clasped her hands in front of her chest while crying. "But if we help you, we will definitely be beheaded. Please, my Lady, please stop thinking that way. Wang ye really dotes on you. Don't you see how wang ye specifically put you inside his living quarters?!"

"He just wanted me to serve him in bed." Lady Xing snapped impatiently at her.

She sat upright inside the tub, ignoring the splash of water she caused. "Why don't you two follow me too?" This time she asked desperately.

Looking at the two young women in front of her, she thought she would have a bigger chance to survive in the outside world in this era. Her binding feet made her lose balance. Her current body age was as young as eighteen years old. With nothing but clothes on, to run away also need an excellent plan.

Ru Qing and Ru Ming exchanged looks for a second then they both continued to kongtow as if their life were on edge.

Rolled her eyes and went back to lean on the tub, Lady Xing gave up her idea of escaping. She has to change her tactic in order to have a good conversation with them, since in this era social classification was shackled with many rules.

"Help me with my bath. We are all tired after the long trip from Luoyang to here. I will not misuse both of you for now." Her cynical nature returned as she gave out a long sigh.

She missed her days where she was a carefree girl with her cynical jokes. She missed her friends and she missed her family even more. With her head tilted to the side, she slowly dozed off.

Later, Ru Qing and Ru Ming woke her up and helped her out of the tub. They dressed her with a loose and delicate robe then let her lay down on the big ancient bed. The canopy was bigger than the bed she slept in the previous mansion.

"You two have some rest", she murmured with eyes half opened. Before she could see the two yahuan bowed down respectfully, Lady Xing had fallen asleep peacefully.


Facing the servant who served all the dishes on the table in front of her, Lady Xing was apprehensive of the dishes and tea. Were these laced with the lush potion? She wondered.

The tea was the most amazing kind of tea that she ever knew in her life. The food smelled tempting and nothing seemed suspicious.

The owner of the residence stepped in right after the front servant announced his arrival. Duan Qin Wang was still wearing his formal robe after a long day at the palace. There was no hint of tiredness on his face. He was obviously in a very good mood.

Lady Xing stood up quickly to welcome him along with the others inside the room. She had her head bowed and she heard his footsteps getting closer to her. Her eyes saw the tip of Li Fei Long's boot then she felt a strong grip on her arm. Lady Xing looked up and found Li Fei Long just a step away from her.

"Rest well?" Asked Li Fei Long earnestly.

Lady Xing nodded slowly. Her body just followed his strong grip, making her sit back on top of the chair. Li Fei Long sat himself next to her but his hand now covered one of her hands. The other hand reached out to his tea cup that was just placed there by Qian Chang Xin. He took a sip of it but still his other hand never left Lady Xing's hand.

"Ben wang does not know what kind of food you like. This head house steward is responsible for the choice of menus for tonight." Li Fei Long glanced at Xiao Gan Zi gonggong who was standing at his post next to Ming He and Qian Chang Xin.

The eunuch had been appointed specially by Jing Gui Fei to take care of all matters inside Duan Wang Fu. Even though he was much older than Li Fei Long's personal eunuch, Xiao Gan Zi gonggong was as wise and as agile as the two personal eunuchs.

"Even though qie does not remember anything about what qie likes or dislikes, the dishes look delicious. Qie thanked wang ye and Xiao Gan Zi gonggong for all this hassle." Truly feeling grateful, Lady Xing was confused to see the reaction from what she just said. Xiao Gan Zi hurried and bowed down deeply while Li Fei Long still stared at her.

"Please, my Lady, do not thank me. Nu cai is just a lowly person. Nu cai just here to serve wang ye."

Hearing that plea, Lady Xing let out a long sigh. The grip on her hand felt stronger and made her return his stare. The boundary between master and their servants was too strict until Lady Xing felt annoyed. For all her life she used to say thank you to anyone who had done good to her, regardless of their social status, it was her common sense. Right now, everything has changed. As Duan Qin Wang's special guest, her social status apparently was way above all.

"Ben wang grands you a pouch of silver on behalf of Lady Xing. Now, let's enjoy our dinner." Finally Li Fei Long let her hand go. He lifted up his chopstick with a happy face while Xiao Gan Zi gave his gratitude to him.

"Here…. try this and let me know whether you like it or not", Li Fei Long put some steam fish dish on top of Lady Xing's rice bowl. He eagerly waited for her to lift her own chopstick.

Knowing for sure she would like this kind of meal, Lady Xing tried to stay calm as Li Fei Long was still waiting and staring at her. The taste of the dish was as good as when she ate at a five star restaurant. The fish meat was so thick and chewy. The aroma was mouthwatering and the broth was much lighter than any fancy restaurant has.

She nodded in agreement. "Qie likes it…"

"Try the other dishes. They were also my favorite". Excited with the sumptuous spread of food, Li Fei Long stopped looking at her and began to move his chopstick for himself.

So it turned out that all of these dishes were Li Fei Long's favorite. That old eunuch was a sly fox. He appeared to regale Lady Xing but in reality all along he just butt licked none other than Li Fei Long. In fact, all of the servants sucked up this handsome Qīn Wáng, she observed.

She was not here to butt lick this qin wang. She would never be his play thing. Slowly putting down her bowl, Lady Xing turned her head and said "Wang ye promise qie to stay in this fu as your guest until wang ye find out from which household qie came from. Qie hopes wang ye still hold that promise."

The ambience immediately turned stifling with her request. The servants bowed even deeper the moment Li Fei Long put down his chopstick. His face turned steely and made Lady Xing feel a little panicky.

She knew what she did. But she could not retreat as this what she was supposed to do if she does not want to be his sex slave.

The moment of silence was killing her. Li Fei Long avoided her eyes. That man took the handkerchief and wiped his lips. Everyone in the room held their breath. Lady Xing was watching him with her heart pounding.

Would he throw his tantrum on her? Or would he give command for the guards to kill her? Her thoughts run wild to every possible outcome.

Li Fei Long threw his golden handkerchief to the floor. In a second he stood up and walked away to the door.

"Lead Lady Xing to cui you yuan. Ben wang will visit ce fei tonight."

It was worse than Lady Xing could have imagined. Li Fei Long just walked out without a second look at her. Ru Qing and Ru Ming were already next to her side and held her hands. As she walked and followed her two yahuan, her eyes looked back at the dining table. The dishes were still warm and were merely touched by her and Li Fei Long.

"My Lady, you have angered wang ye." Ru Qing whispered as they walked timidly exiting the main building.

"I know. I wish I could rewind what just happened and say what I have said after we finish our dinner. Clearly, I am not smart enough." She said grudgingly.


For almost a week Lady Xing resided in cui you yuan. She got Ru Qing and Ru Ming on her side. Simple food was sent by the kitchen staff daily but not as grand as she had when she was with Li Fei Long. But what can she expect? Technically she was living in someone else's residence for free.

Cui you yuan was like a small cottage behind one big courtyard. The yard had bamboo plants on the backside which was a little spooky, but so far Lady Xing enjoyed her time away from too many prying eyes.

According to Ru Qing, her existence actually brought a stir in the fu. Yu Wan ce fei and the two yiniang had been curious about her status in Li Fei Long's heart. Since Lady Xing angered Li Fei Long greatly and Li Fei Long never once set foot in cui you yuan, the three women did not dare to confront Lady Xing directly.

Lady Xing could not be even more grateful. If she still has to deal with not only one but three jealous women, she could not imagine how she would handle it. This whole week was enough for her to learn much more about Duan Wang Fu. She learned where the closest gate was so far. Even though Duan Wang Fu has plentiful of capable guards who kept rotating shifts to guard the fu. Lady Xing needs to act fast before others will decide how her life would end.

There was no guarantee whether Li Fei Long really did look for her family or not. Lady Xing figured that Li Fei Long must have set a time limit for her to reside in the fu without doing anything with him. Tangled in bed with Li Fei Long once in her life was enough even though she wanted to choke Ming He and Qian Chang Xin because of that.

Their lustful night was extraordinary but Lady Xing did not want to admit it. If she follows lust and greed, her moment with Li Fei Long would only be temporary. Until Li Fei Long lost interest in her and her fate would not be far from the three women in the fu.

She could end up living her life like birds inside Li Fei Long's golden cage. Filled with hate and jealousy towards one another and waiting in sorrow as Li Fei Long finds another woman to warm his bed.

Lady Xing has decided to take the challenge. She did not know if she died on that operating table and was reborn in this body or all of this was just a dream and maybe on the next day she would wake up back in her own body. So, why not just roam around this ancient era?!

Whatever happens in the future, she should not worry too much about it since she has experienced living in between life and death. So, what if she has to die for a second time?! She might wake up in a different era or form. But for now, she got the chance to see how the world looked like in this era and enjoy her time as carefree as she could. Few years ago she had to pay to enter an ancient China themed park, now she was living in one!

The copper mirror on her dressing table showed her reflection which was not much different from her original face. She was just more cubby than her original self. Might be around the same height but much younger. Her finger ran along her jaw. Her thoughts made her stare into the mirror for a long time until Ru Qing and Ru Ming approached her.

Their clothing was already changed to the clothing uniform for the lowest kitchen servant. On Ru Ming's hand was a set of the same clothing. Both were waiting for Lady Xing to change her clothes with the one that Ru Ming brought.

"Tomorrow is the fifth day of the fifth month. It is the Dragon Boat Festival. Every year, the palace will hold a banquet to celebrate the festival. Nu heard from Xiao Gan Zi gonggong that Duan Qin Wang had been busy these past couple of days and would be even more so tomorrow." Ru Qing informed Lady Xing while helping her take off her robe.

"That's good. We will have at least two days before he notices that we have run away from the fu. And that's only if he remembers about my existence here. If he has already completely forgotten about me, then we will be free like a bird". Her movement got even faster after she felt more excited.

"Nu also heard that the whole city of Chang'an is celebrating right now. People on the street are celebrating the festival by eating rice dumplings. There was also dragon boat racing on the river canal. My Lady has to wear this perfume pouch that nu has made to ward off evil spirits. It is a tradition to wear this perfume pouch during the festival." Ru Ming quickly sewed it up on the inner line of her top.

The excitement of going out and finally seeing the outside world of the mansion filled Lady Xing's heart. Whatever her two yahuan were doing, as long as they finally agreed to run away with her, Lady Xing was already happy beyond words.

"Remember to stop calling me My Lady", she warned both of them, who strangely were willingly listening to her plan tonight. Both nodded at her and led her out from cui you yuan after she left a piece of note on her dressing table.

A simple note she wrote for Li Fei Long to express her gratitude. That was all. She took a glance at the paper before they walked away. Strangely, there was a hint of sadness in her heart.

Three of them hurried past the complicated walkway too easily. Lady Xing can only depend on Ru Qing and Ru Ming's knowledge about the mansion passage. The side gate was challenging. The guards were guarding their post in full alert. Ru Qing showed one of the guards something that looks like a carved plate to the guard and a paper with a stamp on it. Yesterday, Ru Qing showed Lady Xing what it was.

With one of the buyao that Li Fei Long gave Lady Xing, Ru Qing successfully bribed Xiao Gan Zi's subordinate to get that fake permission paper along with the fake plate. The guard just read it and easily let the three of them slip out.

If Lady Xing can jump happily, she would do it. But it was not that simple. A small open carriage attached to an old horse has been waiting in front of the side gate. Some empty crates were inside. Lady Xing has to praise the details that have been prepared by Ru Qing and Ru Ming. The guards had to watch them get into the carriage to prove that the permission letter they showed him was indeed real.

Skillfully holding the horse leash and controlling the horse speed, Ru Ming smiled awkwardly to Lady Xing after she got a big praise from Lady Xing. They rode the carriage towards the gate that linked to the outer side of imperial city, towards the bustling sound on the main street of Chang'an.

Lady Xing was mesmerized by the beauty of the night view of the ancient city. Chang'an was the biggest city in the world in this era. The dynasty has brought prosperity to the empire. Women walked more freely in the city.

"Let's go there." Lady Xing pointed to a pagoda that seemed not very far from the main street the moment they passed the imperial city gate.

"But… My Lady, I thought you prefer to see dragon boats racing at the canal. The canal is on the right side. The pagoda is called Small Wild Goose Pagoda. There would be nothing there since it is already late at night." Ru Ming still held the leash and was directing the horse towards the west side of the city.

"I told you to stop addressing me as your lady. Now we are free. I am sure we still can catch up with the dragon boat race. The pagoda looks quite tall. I want to see the panorama of the city. Turn the way to the pagoda. We have plenty of time to catch up with the boat race." Lady Xing asked dearly. She was too excited and happy to be outside and did not notice how Ru Ming exchanged looks with Ru Qing.

Ru Ming followed her request obediently. Once again, Lady Xing praised her shrewdness in controlling the horse. Their small carriage headed towards the pagoda, passing the main street that was full with crowds, vendors and many other things.

Apparently, no one has an interest in spending their night enjoying the city view from a high level. When their carriage reached the pagoda, the area was quiet and dark. Ru Qing helped Lady Xing jump down from the carriage. Ru Ming waited on the carriage and let the two leave her behind.

"Do you think we could climb the stairs to the top? Do you think the pagoda is open to the public?" Lady Xing asked Ru Qing who held her hands as they walked carefully to the pagoda.

They moved slowly because Lady Xing cannot walk as fast as Ru Qing. Her feet hurt if she stood too long and furthermore it was too easy for her to lose her balance.

"I am not quite sure, my Lady." Ru Qing answered.

"Ru Qing, I have told you to stop addressing me like that." Lady Xing said sternly as she got too tired repeating herself over and over again to these two yahuan.

"Who is there?!"

They heard someone shout towards them. They were close to the pagoda's door and because the lantern was not bright enough, they did not notice the door had opened.

A man with an imperial robe similar to what Li Fei Long usually wears was standing in front of the door. After blinking a few times Lady Xing caught some moving behind him. The man was clearly blocking their view from someone who was behind him.

Noticing that the man might has close connection to Li Fei Long and might be having a secret scandal of his own, Lady Xing and Ru Qing bowed their heads.

"We are just servants who want to climb the stairs to see the city view from the top of the pagoda. We do not have any ill intentions." Lady Xing tried to speak calmly. The tip of the boot appeared before her eyes. The man has come closer to inspect them.

"Lift your head up." He ordered arrogantly.

The moment their eyes met, that man looked down once again and Lady Xing followed where his eyes stopped. That was her feet. Her binding feet betrayed her.

The man chuckled until Lady Xing lifted up her eyes to meet with his gaze.

"The servants from Duan Wang Fu." He insinuated openly. The gasp behind him made Lady Xing turn her eyes to the side.

A young woman who did not look older than her, appeared in surprise. The woman was looking very lavish with her dressing and her hair accessories. Her make up made her face look even more pale. She was a beautiful noble lady.

"Then we should not be secretive. I do not mind the servant from Duan Wang Fu to recognize who we are." The man said it proudly but the girl widened her eyes like she just met ghosts.

"I believe wang ye would take care of this small matter", said the girl elegantly. She turned her head to the side and called out to her yahuan who stepped out from her hiding spot.

Lady Xing noticed her gestures before she left with her personal servant. She knew what that sentence meant. That noble lady wanted this man to kill her and Ru Qing for discovering their secret rendezvous.

That arrogant noble lady walked carefully around the pagoda. She and her yahuan disappeared after making a turn behind the pagoda. They might be hiding their carriage there. Lady Xing did not want to think about that woman. Her priority was the man in front of her. Quickly she bent her knees as she pulled Ru Qing's hand to make her do the same.

But the man moved too fast beyond her imagination. He grabbed her jaw violently and pulled her face up facing him to take a second look.

"Who are you?" He asked coldly. He moved his gaze to Ru Qing for a split second then back again at Lady Xing. "She is a servant. But, who are you?"

Lady Xing struggled to let her face free from his tough grip.

"I am nobody." She answered between her teeth. "I am just a servant who ran away and made a foolish decision to enjoy the night from the top of this pagoda".

They stayed in that position for a few seconds. The man was thinking of what she said, while Lady Xing was fighting with her fear. When the grip started to loosen up, Lady Xing shook her head free from his hand.

The man grabbed her wrist and pulled her up then held her as she stumbled from losing her balance.

"Did you run away from Duan Wang Fu?" The man asked her without letting her go. This man was not as tall as Li Fei Long but he has similar face features like him. She guessed this man was one of Li Fei Long's brothers. He did not look younger either.

"I am a free woman now". Lady Xing answered carefully. These two brothers may or may not be on good terms and spilling the beans would not be good for her. Lady Xing regretted her playful decision to visit this pagoda. She should have listened to Ru Qing and Ru Ming.

"After what you saw, you are not a free woman." Once again he chuckled with sarcasm.

"What did I see? I did not see anything." Lady Xing thought frantically to get herself out of this sticky situation. "Be merciful, your grace. Me and my sister are just a lowly person not worth your time. We did not see or hear anything at all. By letting us go and disappear outside the city, your grace would gain good karma for your lifetime".

Even though she thought her persuasion was weak, that was all she could do. Sweet talk might work and the rest was in the man's hand. To let them go or to end their life. Ah… so easy to lose your head when you do not have any power and status in this life.

"You want to see the view from the top?" The man smiled, ignoring her plea.

Confused with the question, Lady Xing frowned. Slowly, he let go of her waist. They stood an arm length from each other. This man has different traits from his brother, Lady Xing concluded.

Seeing she did not give him any answer, the man added, "Your fate will be decided after we come down from the top."

He glanced at Ru Qing and luckily Ru Qing had a quick response. The yahuan held Lady Xing's hand just like before they met this man and his secret companion. The man waited until Ru Qing led Lady Xing entered the pagoda before he himself followed them closely.

The stairs were narrow and steepy and could only fit one person at one time. Looking back as she tried to climb the first stair, Lady Xing regretted once again being here. The man laughed and stunned her for a moment. The way he laughed sounds very much like Li Fei Long. But when she turned her head, the person there was not Li Fei Long. For the first time she wished he was Li Fei Long.

The letter she left behind, did he found it? Was he furious and would look for her or would he just throw it away and turn his back and head to his concubine's bed chamber?

"I have changed my mind", Lady Xing gulped down her saliva.

If this man wanted to kill her, this was the perfect moment. No witness inside the dark pagoda. Their bodies would be left here for days until God knows when someone will find them. Lady Xing held Ru Qing's hand tightly. She hoped Ru Ming was safe outside but she felt deep guilt for Ru Qing who stood beside her with full loyalty.

"Do you fear me?" The man came closer.

Lady Xing wanted to take a step back but she could not move her feet. Lady Xing pulled Ru Qing behind her and shielded her from the man. With her chin up, she stared at the man with all her courage in confrontation.


Both Lady Xing and the man were startled. Li Fei Long looked furious as he stood at the entrance of the pagoda. She thought, his anger was directed at her, or was it directed at the man next to her?

Li Fei Long came closer looking solemn and intimidating. At least that's how Lady Xing would describe him at the moment.

"They both have escaped from Duan Wang Fu. Let my people take them back to the fu to receive their punishment." Li Fei Long sounded very much rigid.

Ming He and Qian Chang Xin appeared from behind him. They both gave their respect to the man next to Lady Xing and made Lady Xing know his identity.

"Greetings to Rui Qin Wang", both bowed and greeted him in harmony.

Li Qing Feng ignored the greeting and turned to face Lady Xing once more. With a friendly smile, he said to her: "Now you know who I am".

Li Fei Long squinted as he watched his brother being friendly to Lady Xing. He did not like it.

Ming He and Qian Chang Xin moved fast. One held Ru Qing, while the other one held Lady Xing's wrist. They both escorted Ru Qing and Lady Xing out of the pagoda.

"Dà ge, these two servants do not worth your time to come all the way from the fu, just to catch them personally and bring them back. This is not your usual style". Clearly he knew there was something amiss with one of the women, Li Qing Feng purposely satirized the situation.

Li Qing Feng approached his older brother who was standing by the door. Once he was next to him, Li Fei Long turned around then both of them walked out slowly. Looking in the same direction where Ming He and Qian Chang Xin were escorting the two girls towards the old carriage that was already waiting not far from the pagoda entrance.

"Erdi knows me so well. The servants are not worth my time. Maybe I came all the way here actually just to see what erdi was doing all alone here?" Li Fei Long replied calmly. His eyes were still fixed to the group of his people. He moved his eyes from them after he was sure that Lady Xing already sat in the carriage.

Li Qing Feng laughed. "I just think the view from the top would be exquisite."

They both turned their body and faced each other. One with his stern face while the other with a big smile.

"Who would know the woman from Duan Wang Fu also has the same thought as I do?!" Li Qing Feng added. "Must be fated."

"See you at the banquet, dà ge. Let Erdi see your way out." Li Qing Feng gave him a slight bow then he spread his arm like he was opening the way for his older brother. He was sure the young lady with the binding foot was not his older brother's servant. Knowing this alone was enough to make his day brighter. Li Qing Feng could not wait to see how his brother would react at the banquet.

Li Fei Long walked away without saying anything. Satisfied with his luck for today, and pretty sure his luck would be even greater the next day, Li Qing Feng sneered behind his brother's back.

"The view from the top is always exquisite," Li Qing Feng whispered scornfully.


Ru Ming and Ru Qing kneeled in fear for their life on the ground at the side spot of cui you yuan. Li Fei Long stood still in front of the front door, looking like he did not has the intention to even walk his way in.

Trying to hold back her tears, Lady Xing forced herself to keep her chin up. "It was not their fault. It was not their idea. Ru Qing and Ru Ming just followed my order. Please do not punish them".

Ming He and Qian Chang Xin were waiting behind Li Fei Long. No other taijian waited behind them. The guards were also sent away. The trio in front of the entrance of cui you yuan kept their silence until Lady Xing started to feel desperate.

"I will think about the punishment and decide after the banquet tomorrow". Li Fei Long's face was as cold as how he sounded.

Lady Xing felt the chill in her heart. Li Fei Long turned around and walked away from cui you yuan. For Lady Xing, this was very cruel. She would be up all night thinking how Li Fei Long would punish her and the two poor yahuan.

She was still pensive in the same position until Li Fei Long and his two personal eunuchs disappeared from her view. Slowly turning her body, she saw Ru Qing and Ru Ming were wiping their tears with their own sleeves. Suddenly, Lady Xing remembered what she left on the dressing table. She did not realize how quick her two servants stopped their tears. Her mind was only on the note she left behind just a few hours ago. Her heart sank by the time she saw her note on the dressing table was gone.

At the same time, Li Fei Long walked back to his main living quarters followed by Ming He and Qian Chang Xin closely.

"Serve a nice set dinner at cui you yuan tomorrow along with the lust potion. After attending the palace banquet, ben wang will come and visit cui you yuan. Lady Xing's punishment would be to bear ben wang's child and forever be inside the fu."

Ming He and Qian Chang Xin looked at each other with surprise while keeping their steps in sync behind their lord. Their lord has decided to let Lady Xing, whose her real family was still uncertain, to bear the precious descendant of the royal blood. They remembered right after the birth of duolun gege, who was conceived unplanned, Li Fei Long once said that his next child would be from his official wife.

Both went back to stare at the back of Li Fe Long's boots with their mind twirling on should they remind their lord or stay quiet and keep their mouth shut?


For a famous poet, the Dragon Boat Festival was the day that he decided to jump down into the river as he learned that his homeland had been conquered. But for the former founding emperor, it was the day to celebrate the official winning of the new dynasty, Xi dynasty.

Every year The Emperor would extend invitations to all his ministers and his great generals. Ever since The Emperor was satisfied with Shu Gui Fei's intervention on handling the imperial banquet for the first time, since then Shu Gui Fei had been responsible for almost all formal banquets.

A large number of nobles and the members of the government filled up the open air behind the Hanyuan hall of the palace. Food and wine flowed continuously. The entertainment was lavish. All ambassadors of each supporting countries and states gathered to convey their good wishes.

A few years ago, on this same occasion, The Emperor announced an imperial edict for Gulun gongzhu's marriage arrangement. Since all the important people had gathered in the same place, many expected to witness the next announcement of the marriage arrangement for Duan Qin Wang and Rui Qin Wang.

The Emperor sat on the highest chair at the banquet. The night was perfect for a celebrative mood. The temperature at the beginning of the summer was just nice for the celebration. On his right side was the Empress Dowager while on his left side was the mother of the empire. Jing Gui Fei and Shu Gui Fei shared their table with Qu Huáng Fēi, the birth mother of the third son, Ning Qin Wang and Yan Huáng Fēi, the birth mother of the fourth son, Chen Qin Wang. Those imperial women who have status lower than them were not allowed to attend the banquet.

Li Fei Long's table was next to the noble and imperial consort's table. He shared table with his three other brothers and Gulun gongzhu with her beloved Fùmǎ. The couple was married for almost three years but still childless. No one dared to accuse either Gulun gongzhu or Fuma of being infertile if they wish to live a long and healthy life.

Baixiyong were performers who entertained the court with acrobatics, singing, dancing, magic and feats of strength. After finishing their performances, they all kneeled down towards The Emperor, who gave them his pardon to leave the stage. The silence hit the banquet after The Emperor cleared his throat. All who were present simultaneously stopped all their movement. All eyes centered on the most majestic person in the banquet.

"At this grand celebration, Zhen is pleased to see this empire getting stronger and prosperous. Seeing the four Qīn Wáng who have entered their adulthood yet unaccompanied by their wives. Zhen has decided that this is the time to announce Duan Qin Wang and Rui Qin Wang marriage's arrangements." The mighty Emperor opened his speech and created excitement among the guests of the banquet.

Li Fei Long waited calmly for the imperial edict to be read out officially by The Emperor's personal eunuch, Du Yun gonggong. What was strange in his eyes was that Li Qing Feng acted elated throughout the night.

They have been expecting this imperial edict. Li Fei Long has a bigger chance to win the cold war between them by marrying Han Yao Ying. However, the confident look on Li Qing Feng's face has shaken Li Fei Long's confidence.

Du Yun gonggong stepped forward with a substantial wooden box with sliding cover on which the letters "Imperial Edict" are engraved and painted in vermillion, the color used by The Emperor in writing. Inside the box was a smaller box on a rectangular base that was used to hold the edict. The lid of the box was fastened with two bone pins. When all eyes were focused on Du Yun gonggong, Li Fei Long focused on the profile of his brother.

"The imperial edict..." Du Yun gonggong's announcement was high-pitched and loud. "By the mandate of the Heaven, The Emperor hereby issues edict, Duan Qin Wang, to hold the marriage ceremony to Jiang Xi Yu gong gege, the lady of Duke of Jiang, by The Night of Sevens Festival on the seventh day of the seventh month. Rui Qin Wang, to hold the marriage ceremony to Han Yao Ying gong gege, the lady of The Grand Chancellor Han Xiu Wen, by the end of the Lantern Festival in the next following year. End of the edict."

Li Qing Feng already came forward when Li Fei Long snapped his chopstick into pieces. Ming He rushed to his side to cover it up but the rest who sat at the same table with him had already noticed it.

With a stoic face, Li Fei Long also came forward and stood side by side with Li Qing Feng. They both gave their respect and grateful words towards The Emperor.

Han Xiu Wen and Duke of Jiang followed their action after the two princes stood aside. Happily received the gratitude, once again The Emperor spoke out.

"Duan Qin Wang and Rui Qin Wang's age was only several months apart. To hold the wedding banquet within the same year is not that auspicious. After great calculation from the Minister of Rites, it is best to hold Rui Qin Wang's wedding, who is younger, after the new year celebration."

The Emperor's wise words sounded distant and superficial to Li Feng Long. His mind was already burning in anger. Li Qing Feng bowed for the second time along with his future father in law to The Emperor to express their luck and gratefulness toward The Emperor's edict.

Li Fei Long looked to his right to find Jing Gui Fei with a sullen face. While Shu Gui Fei, who was an arm's length away from Jing Gui Fei, was overjoyed.

"Jiang Yong He greets Duan Qin Wang."

On his side, the Duke of Jiang gave Li Fei Long a respectful bow. No matter how great his anger was, Li Fei Long was not an ignorant character. This was not the fault of the person in front of him. This unexpected decree was all his fault who had been delirious looking for the real family of Lady Xing. His action might had been revealed by Li Qing Feng's side and led The Emperor to change the decree.

"No need for such formalities. In two months time, Duke Jiang will be my father in law.", Li Fei Long said calmly. His eyes inspected the worry lines on Duke Jiang's forehead. He even saw a trace of sweat on his forehead.

Duke of Jiang was not a bad choice. To be honest, his family background was an excellent choice. Their track record was clean and their relatives have always remained low key.

Li Qing Feng looked very much satisfied and proud. Han Xiu Wen accompanied him to face Li Fei Long and Duke of Jiang to exchange congratulations. One merry, while the other one crestfallen. Seeing the awkward smile from Han Xiu Wen and the worrisome smile on Jiang Yong He's face, Li Fei Long knew he had to salvage the situation.

The mandate was official and could not be retracted. This person next to him will be part of his fu. The Duke of Jiang might have thought that either Li Fei Long or Li Qing Feng would ill-treat his daughter. No matter whose fu the daughter will be married off, being married to a Qīn Wáng could end up being a blessing or misfortune. It was normal for a man to feel worried about his daughter's life after being sent off to another family.

Li Fei Long would never do that. He lost his great agenda, but he was not stupid to gain nothing. He just need bigger scheme by using what he has to get what he wants.

"By tomorrow, Duan Wang Fu will start to send out wedding gifts. Whatever the requirements Duke of Jiang needs for the wedding, please feel free to convey to the fu." Li Fei Long gave him the biggest smile he could master. In his mind, he was deliberating on how he could let go of all his anger.


The atmosphere inside cui you yuan was different from the other nights. Xiao Gan Zi gonggong was waiting with a few taijian behind him. Lady Xing was nicely dressed after she finished her favorite long warm bath, when Xiao Gan Zi gonggong entered the yard and personally oversaw the kitchen servants serving dinner on the table.

All the dishes was tempting. Xiao Gan Zi gonggong stood by the side like a statue without a word. Lady Xing dare not touch the food. She felt like a prisoner waiting for her execution. This might be her last meal before whatever punishment Li Fei Long has prepared for her.

From afar, Lady Xing heard some commotion. The front servant informed the arrival of Duan Qin Wang and there he was.

He walked briskly with a fearful demeanor and Lady Xing knew she was doomed. She stood up from her chair while the others inside the room bowed deeply to the ground. Lady Xing did not even have time to do the same thing.

"Where is the potion?" Li Fei Long shouted viciously as he walked in. He stopped right in front of her and stared down at Lady Xing, making her tremble with fear.

What potion he was talking about?

Lady Xing turned her head to the direction where Xiao Gan Zi gonggong just stayed still. One of the taijian behind him moved forward with a silver basin on his trembling hand.

Lady Xing gasped in shock after she noticed the smell coming out from the tea pot. Before she could even rise to speak up for herself, Li Fei Long snatched the porcelain pot. His other hand grabbed Lady Xing's wrist so she could not back off from him.

"This is your punishment." He growled angrily at her then he gulped down every drop from the porcelain pot.

Smashing the pot to the ground, Li Fei Long grabbed Lady Xing's shoulder and forced his lips onto hers.

With her body squeezed hard in Li Fei Long arms, he forced her to kiss and fed her the potion until she drank all the lust potion from his mouth. She felt the burning sensation reached her throat, then her chest, and the rest was like history repeating itself.

The difference was that this time Li Fei Long also has the same burning sensation like her. His face turned reddish. His eyes widened scarily. He let her go after he was sure she already had the same sensation as him.

"You evil!" She hissed at him angrily.

In front of all the servants in the room, Li Fei Long pointed at her. "All because of you! The little thorn in my life!"

"What did I do?!" She screamed at him in disbelief.

Xiao Gan Zi brought all his subordinates out of the room. Ru Qing and Ru Ming also slipped out of the room by the silent command of Ming He, leaving the two staring at each other furiously.

"The original plan was to make you conceive my heir and to let you stay here in the fu.", shouted Li Fei Long.

He started to take off his outer robe and threw it on the ground. Then he continued with his clothing one by one while Lady Xing watched him with mixed feelings. She was angry and scared.

"Because of the stupid effort that I made to look for your family, someone has informed The Emperor and The Emperor has switched my supposed to be wang fei to become Li Qing Feng's. This is all your fault! And now I have to marry the daughter of the Duke of Jiang instead of Han Yao Ying.", he grinned his teeth.

Tonight Li Fei Long has turned into a monster. He was completely aroused and stood completely naked in front of her. Her eyes cannot help but catch his well-endowed tool, like a powerful snake staring at her. Lady Xing stepped back, fighting with her inner desires as the potion began to affect her. She turned and ran.

Li Fei Long swiftly caught the end of her clothes. His hand pulled forcefully until Lady Xing's clothes were torn. He moved way too fast for her to escape, like a leopard pouncing on its prey. Lady Xing tried to turn around to run to the bedchamber but Li Fei Long caught the back of her collar. He pulled it as hard as before and the sound of the torn fabric was clearly heard.

The potion worked fast as it spread quickly through her blood streams. She was starting to feel the same moistness between her legs. But her pride was still there. Li Fei Long hugged her from behind. She can feel his strong chest muscle as he easily lifted her back to face the table. With one swop of his arm, Li Fei Long shoved all the plates on the table to the floor.

The shattering glass sounded very thrilling to Li Fei Long and Lady Xing.

He pressed Lady Xing's body face down against the table. His hands sent strange tingling sensations to Lady Xing as it rubbed against her bosom through her half torn clothes. He bent down on top of her. His cheeks was against her cheek as he whispered to her, "I have changed my mind on your punishment. I will not let you conceive my heir. Tonight you will have to serve me well and by tomorrow I will set you free from Duan Wang Fu."

Li Fei Long ignored her reaction to his statement. He straightened his back and he growled like a beast as he pressed her upper body onto the table top with his hand. His other hand caresses her silky smooth delicate back up and down, each time nearer to her forbidden valley as he bent forward and licked her neck, breathing hot breath next to her ear like a fury dragon inspecting its prey.

His fingers finally contacted Lady Xing's forbidden zone and she gasped in surprise and to her shamefulness, a keen anticipation.

"No… please no…." Lady Xing's pleading sounded like an invitation to Li Fei Long instead. Her plea was for him to stop? Or was it directed at her own submission to him? He grinned as he looked at his glistening fingers.

"Looks like you are ready to welcome Ben Wang.", he showed Lady Xing his fingers.

"No… it is because of your potion!"

"Even without the potion, you would submit to me nonetheless." Li Fei Long tore off the remaining clothes off Lady Xing and he felt his lust burning as he watched the exquisite naked body in front of him, helplessly restricted on the table by his powerful hand.

"Let me go… please…" Lady Xing was fast descending into a dark pit of wanton desires that was raging inside her, she found her lust slowly overpowering her mind.

She felt his raging tool at her delicate entrance, grazing her lovely folds of heated valley, teasing her. She cannot help but panting lightly, closing her eyes tight to shut out the sensation. Fight it! Fight it!

"Feel it? Just say yes…and Ben Wang will give you what you need…"



Lady Xing felt his hand targeted her pinky nipples that are shamefully erected, the flick of his fingers on them sent electric bolts of pleasure that seemed to merge at her lower belly, developing into a fire that made her moan through her clenched teeth. She was attacked at all her sensitive spots, her ears, her boobs and her now slick and wet valley.

Lady Xing felt his raging member probe into her slightly and she gasped, thinking the inevitable was going to happen.

"Ahhh…" She sighed but it was short lived. It retreated just as quickly as it entered.

"I will use you tonight." Li Fei Long sounds heartless and brutal.

"No…" Her defiance sounded weak. The tears fell as her heart felt hurt but at the same time she wanted Li Fei Long so bad.

"You know what? I really do not care. Teasing you is killing me too!" Li Fei Long drove his hard member home hard. Lady Xing felt like she was in the middle of a perfect storm. Wave and wave of pleasure hit her hard, breaking down her limited last bits of mental barrier to submit to him.

Li Fei Long withdrew and turned her around so quickly that Lady Xing did not have time to react. Next thing she knew he was back inside her. Li Fei Long held her legs high up and hugged both her legs with one arm. He wanted to see her grimacing face as he ravaged her.

"Can you feel Ben Wang's anger? You like it?"

"…" Lady Xing's bite her lips and avoided his lusty eyes. Her hands were holding on to the edge of the table as it rock and creek with Li Fei Long's powerful thrust.

"I will make you see yes to me", he scooped her up with his arms while his member was still inside her. He turned with Lady Xing clinging to him like a koala bear as he marched towards his big bed at the inner chamber.

Lady Xing responded by biting his shoulder. However she could not keep biting him as every step he took his tool was also stabbing into her, hitting her deep inside like a hammer hitting her deepest needs and making her moan softly.

Finally, they reached the bed and Li Fei Long lay her down. Making her last effort to escape from him, Lady Xing turned around on all fours and began to crawl forward away from him. Li Fei Long's eyes widened with burning lust. The view was just stunning! He swiftly pulled her back and held her down with her hips up.

Lady Xing's wrong move landed her into another merciless round of explosive invasion of her soaking valley. Li Fei Long has the perfect leverage standing by the side of the bed, holding her hips tight as he plummet her like the storming rain hitting the trees non-stop. She lost it finally and screamed in delight.

"Yes… yes…" Lady Xing started to moan. Hearing that Li Fei Long laughed triumphantly and doubled up his pace.

Her body could not lie as it welcomed Li Fei Hong's ravishing assault. For the whole night, two bodies entangled in passionate non-stop love making.