Ever since Lou Che came back, he has not even once slept in the same bed with Li Xi Shi. With the new look that she has, her patience to wait for Lou Che to make a move on her gradually evaporated. Right after supper, Lou Che would quickly return to his own quarter. But that night Li Xi Shi wanted to make sure Lou Che would not return to his own chamber early. She requested some list of main dishes that were commonly known that could raise man's heat.

Her heart beated fast as Lou Che arrived her quarter even before the supper was served. She was too nervous to carry out the plan to get Lou Che aroused and worried if she could get caught beforehand.

Li Xi Shi glanced at Dai Mao mama then quickly smiled at her husband. As Lou Che was getting his seat at the center table where they usually have meals, Li Xi Shi quickly sat beside him and touched his hand.

"Husband, the meal is not ready yet but you have already arrived. Is there any bad news from the palace as I can see your face is gloomy today?" Li Xi Shi started to open conversation with him.

Lou Che's face was indeed gloomy. His forehead creased and he ignored her smile. Lou Che let Li Xi Shi caress him while he let himself grumble. Quietly on the side of the hall, Dai Mao mama was giving instruction to some taijian to serve the food on the table and Lou Che completely did not notice what Dai Mao mama was doing behind him, in between the plating.

"This early morning, the Ministry of War and Defense reported that there is a military conflict as a result of our interventions in the rivalry between the Western and Eastern Turks in order to weaken both sides." Lou Che recounted the info he got from the assembly he attend at the palace.

"There would be a war?" Li Xi Shi asked in surprise.

Never knew and understood anything related to politics and war, after listening to Lou Che, Li Xi Shi imagined a critical situation would happen soon. Then she felt a little bit relieved when she knew The Emperor would never ask Lou Che to join political affairs or even join military wars. Her husband only knew how to make money and knew nothing about self defense.

Her question met Lou Che's nodded head.

"Husband, Fuhuang would never ask you to join the war. You would never be sent to the front line, then why do you frown like this?" Li Xi Shi tried to lift up his mood.

Her index finger touched his forehead and she laughed as Lou Che frowned deeper. This time Lou Che pulled himself off from Li Xi Shi. Seeing her husband try to made a distance between the two of them, Li Xi Shi regretted her action. She was not supposed to laugh at his problems. Li Xi Shi blamed herself for being a self centered wife who failed to not listen to her husband until he finished his story.

"This morning The Emperor granted me a post under the Ministry of Revenue. From today onwards, I will serve below Wang Lei to boost the Empire's prosperity, to help Wang Lei arrange finances to fund the war." Lou Che muttered in annoyance.

His facial expression made Li Xi Shi feel exasperated. The urge to get a son just as cute as Lou Che returned to her mind. She wanted a spoiled son just like Lou Che.

Laughed with a sense of proud of her husband's capability, Li Xi Shi tried to approach Lou Che. This time she tried to put her hand on his thigh. Dai Mao mama purposely put a cup of wine and the marble pot next to Li Xi Shi's other hand. A slight touch on Li Xi Shi's hand was meant as a signal to make Lou Che drink the wine.

"Husband, why are you grumbling after getting full trust from Fuhuang? I am proud of you." Quickly, she poured the pot and gave the cup filled with wine into Lou Che's hand.

"Because of this new responsibility, I have to cut down on some business trips that I originally planned for this year." After revealing his true matter, Lou Che gulped down the wine and gave the empty back to Li Xi Shi. "This wine tasted awful."

After that he gazed at the servants around them. Randomly he pointed at one of them and commanded, "Change the wine in this pot to the wine that was given by Nanzhao Kingdom's envoys."

Instead of reacting right away, the servant hesitantly looked at Li Xi Shi's face for permission as all the servants there knew Li Xi Shi had a special plan for the night. Lou Che noticed the obvious signal exchange and he turned his head to browse the table.

Li Xi Shi's heart beat increased tremendously. She got caught and she was scared Lou Che would be furious at her. She prayed the medicine would affect Lou Che before his anger controlled him.

By then Lou Che pulled the pot and opened the lid. She held her breath as Lou Che brought the pot under his nose. Immediately after that, Lou Che threw the pot to the ground until it scattered everywhere.

Li Xi Shi and some of the servants squealed in fear. The splash of the wine made the edge of Li Xi Shi's dress wet and most of the precious liquid mixed with wine already pooled on the floor.

"Fuma, this is purely Nubi's fault." Dai Mao mama kneeled on the ground and kowtow in desperation. "Nubi planned all of this without Gongzhu's permission. Please do not be impassioned towards Gongzhu and punish me. Please do not let this lowly servant ruin the mood between Fuma and Gongzhu."

Lou Che jumped up from his seat. His face turned reddish as he held in his anger. Without Li Xi Shi could even realize herself, her eyes were already filled with tears.

Between her soft cries, Li Xi Shi said, "Husband, I miss you. As a wife, I miss the warmth you once gave me at the beginning of our marriage. It has been almost four years we have been together, please just stay with me even only for this night."

Before Lou Che could answer that plea, Dai Mao mama once again kowtow and supported the plea. "Nubi was there the day of Gongzhu's birth. Nubi was also in charge of raising and looking after Gongzhu. Please, Fuma consummate Gongzhu's plea."

The other servants followed Dai Mao and kneeled behind Dai Mao. The tears flowed even greater from Li Xi Shi's eyes. Everyone inside her chamber cared and loved her more than she could ask for but the only person she wanted the most, did not love her the way she wanted him to be.

Apparently Lou Che did not know what to do. He just stood there and looked very confused. Everyone was crying and technically forced him to consummate his marriage with Li Xi Shi.

His body reacted strangely too. He guessed the effect of the love potion was starting to make him aroused. Lou Che looked deeply at Li Xi Shi's teary eyes. That moment he was starting to cry too. All the things he held inside his heart bursted out uncontrollably.

"I cannot…. I cannot…." He cried. He shook his head and made Li Xi Shi wail.

His body part got hardened. Before he lost his control, he stormed out from Li Xi Shi's quarter. Tried to ignore the terrible sound behind him and he ran as fast as he could towards his own quarter. The moment he reached his chamber, he shouted loudly while his hands opened the door.

"Do not disturb me!"

His personal taijian and other servants that followed him abruptly stopped and made a distance from his main quarter. They all stood there and looked into each other. After that Lou Che closed his door and locked it. He leaned on the closed door as the heat was crawling inside him. His tool was as hard as wood. His mind was filled with Ah Ke as he tried to relieve his passionate breath.

"Gongzi, what happened?"

Ah Ke came out from the inner chamber. His soft voice made Lou Che open his eyes and found him terribly alluring.

Ah Ke wore only pants and looked concerned about Lou Che. "Why are you panting and crying at the same time?"

His fingers wiped tears on Lou Che's cheek. The other hand stayed at Lou Che's chest. "Did you get into an argument with Gongzhu?"

Lou Che cannot control his libido any longer. His tears flew even more because he was thinking why he could not attract women. Everything in his life was perfect. He could get anything he wanted, he even got to be the only Fuma that was trusted by The Emperor and The Empress. Why cannot he fall in love with the right human?

He pulled Ah Ke and hugged him tight. He kissed Ah Ke's lips passionately. He tried to imagine that Ah Ke's lips were Li Xi Shi's but it just ruined his feeling.

Lou Che retreated to take a good look at Ah Ke. The young man that has been on his bed for some time. The thin lips of him and his thin body. Lou Che tore off the pants that he wore. Lou Che wanted him that much.

Without more words, Lou Che turned Ah Ke to turn his back against him. Lou Che pushed his hand on Ah Ke's shoulder so Ah Ke bended and gave his butt up in front of him. In a second, Lou Che already forced himself inside Ah Ke.


There was no time for Jiang Xi Yu to rest during the Spring Festival.

After returning from their winter retreat, both Jiang Xi Yu and Li Fei Long attended the New Year Banquet at the palace where Jing Gui Fei was nowhere to be seen. Jiang Xi Yu already prepared herself to meet Jing Gui Fei but Li Fei Long did not even suggest visiting his mother.

On the seventh day of the New Year when the festival was still very much lively, Jiang Xi Yu was still busy accepting the gifts from the royal families and families who served the Empire. Her duty seemed very much easy but in reality it was far more hard than she imagined.

Inside Falun Hall, Duan Wang Fei was very much occupied. Being surrounded with the gifted packages and list of people she needed to return the favor, Jiang Xi Yu cannot stop complaining.

With the help of Ding mama and Xiao Gan Zi gonggong, who have the most experience, Jiang Xi Yu learned what was the proper gift to return to each royal family member and the government's people. The most important part was to not offend each of them with their gifts.

"In the future, giving money is already enough. Nobody gets offended, everyone is happy." Jiang Xi Yu rambled on while putting down the official seal of Duan Wang Fu on the one of the paper letters which will be attached on the gift they prepared to give to a Marquis's household.

Ding mama started to explain the meaning behind the strict rule to not offended people. "Manners are like the shadows of virtues, if in the future, people start to forget about manners, then…"

"Then Ding mama can come and discipline all of those people." Jiang Xi Yu cut Ding mama's comment in her cheeky way.

Jiang Xi Yu laughed at her own jokes and her closest people followed her. The mood inside Falun Hall was just nice. Xiao Gan Zi purposely opened all doors intentionally so Duan Wang Fei could still be able to see the flower blooms at the yard.

"Everyday I find my wife laughing happily. This occasion of sorting the gifts makes me want to make everyday feel like New Year, just to make my wang fei laugh like this every single day." Li Fei Long came and joined them with his two trusted taijian behinds.

He stood next to the table that was set up in the center and filled with papers and hongbao. His eyes scanned every item around the hall before returning to face Jiang Xi Yu.

"Do not get me wrong." Jiang Xi Yu shook her index fingers. "I am happy because I get so much help from them."

She pointed to each person around her. From Ding mama, Xiao Gan Zi gonggong, Ru Qing, and Ru Ming, all of them lowered their heads as they smiled.

"This exchange gift norm is too difficult as I am not supposed to offend anyone with my gifts. Without them, I know nothing." Jiang Xi Yu sighed as her hand shook.

Li Fei Long's smile got wider when he sat down beside Jiang Xi Yu. In harmony their servants all retreated in silence. They all stepped back and lowered their heads in courtesy.

"If you feel tired, take rest first or let Ding mama do the rest." Li Fei Long took over the list of gifts that was written neatly.

"I wanted to remember what I gave to each person and what I received from each of these people. But there were too many names, too many families, too many titles and posts. I think I will give up and get something to eat so my brain can process all of this." Jiang Xi Yu rolled her eyes while seeing the list that Li Fei Long's held.

Her complaint made Li Fei Long chuckle.

"You heard wang fei." Without turning his head, with a stern voice, Li Fei Long gave his command to people on their back. "Prepare the midday meals in the garden. Ben wang and wang fei will have the midday meal while admiring the blooming flower garden."

All behind them accepted the task and went their way in just a split of second. Jiang Xi Yu made sure no one was there before she used that moment alone with Li Fei Long to come up with her intention.

Li Fei Long looked very content these days. Therefore Jiang Xi Yu felt this was the correct moment to bring up the matter about Jing Gui Fei.

"This rare jewelry set was sent out from Zhong Jing Hall." Jiang Xi Yu lifted a set of headpiece and bracelet from a wooden tray that was about arm's length from her. She took a glance to check Li Fei Long's reaction and found nothing.

His smile was gone but his face was flat.

"I sent out some gifts for Mufei to return her virtue but I left behind something important. A gift that I found when we were getting away at Luoyang." Jiang Xi Yu carefully continued while admiring the set of jewelry on her hands. She paused to give Li Fei Long a chance to rebut but he was still in silence so she continued calmly.

"I am thinking of taking a visit to Zhong Jing Hall and also greet Mufei with a new year greeting." Jiang Xi Yu said casually.

She turned and faced Li Fei Long who still kept his mouth shut. Jiang Xi Yu knew Li Fei Long angered was still there, but she also knew, afterall, Jing Gui Fei was his birth mother. The son also missed his mother. If Jiang Xi Yu burns her anger and creates the same grudge between her and Jing Gui Fei, not only will it cost the relationship between the mother and son but also their relationship.

"You have such a great heart to accept what Mufei has done to you." Li Fei Long's eyes got fixed on the set of jewelry on Jiang Xi Yu's hand.

Jiang Xi Yu shook her head and she put the jewelry back on the tray. "I do not have the greatest heart. I still have the anger inside me. I still question why it has to happen to me when I never have any bad intentions toward Mufei. I am still grieving for the unborn fetus. On top of that I am scared. I am scared of possibilities that could happen in the future for me."

"I would not let anyone hurt you…" Li Fei Long turned his eyes and looked deeply on hers.

Quickly putting her hand on his cheek, Jiang Xi Yu stopped Li Fei Long.

"But I know for sure… " She whispered close in front of his face. "If I return the grudge, if I put hate inside you and use you against mufei, it would become an endless misery for us. The real meaning of why I woke up in this era would be worthless. All of us would just live our life full of tension, anger, hate."

They lost their sight in each other's eyes. Jiang Xi Yu continued, "I fell into a world that I do not recognize. I am planning to live the most out of it. I do not plan to have a miserable life, full of worries and fears."

Li Fei Long took her hand off his cheek. He squeezed her hand then put it on his chest. He let Jiang Xi Yu feel his heart beat. After they were trapped in a pause, Li Fei Long finally opened his voice.

"Take Ding mama with you. I heard Mufei does not feel well, bring some old age herbs that Master Gao left behind."

Jiang Xi Yu smiled and nodded her head. She was going to ask why Li Fei Long still did not want to join her, but after much more thought she chose to seal her mouth. Li Fei Long must have his own reason.


Zhong Jing Hall was not like the last time Jiang Xi Yu was there. Even though the servants put up the red banner and new year accessories, the ambience inside the Zhong Jing Hall very much deserted.

After He Lu gonggong welcomed her and led her inside, Jiang Xi Yu got taken back by Jing Gui Fei's condition. She was pale and got a lot skinnier than before. Even though Jing Gui Fei wore a new dress with vibrant color and thick lip coloring, that effort cannot hide her sickness.

"Mufei, erxi come to wish you great happiness, prosperity, and a thousand years of life." With the help of Ding mama, Jiang Xi Yu gave a full formal bow to Jing Gui Fei.

"Come and sit down." The cold voice of Jing Gui Fei shook Jiang Xi Yu's grip on Ding mama's hand.

At that moment, Jiang Xi Yu realized she was still scared of Jing Gui Fei. Like surrendering herself into a hungry Tiger, Jiang Xi Yu tried her best to look calm.

She sat on the second seat next to Jing Gui Fei. By the time she was going to accept the tea cup the servant offered her, her eyes caught Jing Gui Fei's trembling hand holding her own tea cup.

"Bengong did not mix the tea with potion. Ease yourself with this calming tea." Jing Gui Fei sarcastically responded to Jiang Xi Yu.

By then Jiang Xi Yu realized that she halted her motion. She did not realize the servant beside her was awkwardly waiting for her to have a taste of the tea. Jiang Xi Yu smiled at the servant and then gulped down the tea.

"Please excuse erxi's manner. Erxi got caught by Mufei's health condition." Jiang Xi Yu gave the tea back on the side table. She quickly turned into Ding mama, who looked full of worries on Jing Gui Fei's state, and took over the box from Ding mama's hand.

"Wang ye has prepared these herbs to be given to Mufei. Wang ye has been concerned about Mufei's health and these might nourish Mufei's health." Jiang Xi Yu purposely opened the wooden box in front of Jing Gui Fei to see.

Jing Gui Fei only glanced at it and gave a nod. No smile or anything. It was like a hidden hint that He Lu gonggong stepped up to receive the box from Jiang Xi Yu's hand. Jiang Xi Yu thought He Lu gonggong would bring it closer to Jing Gui Fei to see but he just returned to the back of the hall without showing it to Jing Gui Fei.

"If it is true that wang ye has been concerned about his birth mother, why did wang ye not pay respect by himself?" Jing Gui Fei cleared her throat then let the servant fill her tea cup.

Not even once did she gaze at Jiang Xi Yu. With her poor health, Jing Gui Fei managed her pride as high as she could. Her attitude put Jiang Xi Yu into a wiser mind.

Why would she be worried and scared over this hopeless arrogant Royal Consort?!

"Wang ye is in a difficult position at this moment." After she took a deep breath, Jiang Xi Yu felt like she had the strength to talk it through with Jing Gui Fei. "After his anger and sorrow passed, he surely missed the only woman who would do anything for him."

By then Jing Gui Fei turned her head and glared at her. "Did you tell him to not come?"

"Erxi never persuaded wang ye to come or to not come to Zhong Jing Hall." Jiang Xi Yu answered right away. This time she used her serious tone.

Whether Jing Gui Fei would believe her or not, she did not care. Jiang Xi Yu obviously pitied her and Jing Gui Fei turned her head away to avoid seeing it.

"What has happened, has already happened." Jing Gui Fei's voice became softer than before. Jiang Xi Yu caught a crystal-like drop under Jing Gui Fei's eye. "Because of what bengong did, wang ye's stance in the eyes of Huáng shang might have shifted. Bengong made Huang shang suspicious of us."

"Because what mufei did, it caused wang ye and I to lose our baby." Jiang Xi Yu added as she felt Jing Gui Fei did not feel guilty over killing the life of the unborn child. She wanted Jing Gui Fei to know what she felt. Because of that she emphasized it once again.

"I lost my baby because of you."

Jiang Xi Yu almost choked up after she said it in Jing Gui Fei's face. "The baby that I never knew I ever had before. I am here, sitting elegantly right in front of the person who killed my baby. I thought I grieved enough. I thought I had forgiven you. But now I realize I will never forgive you."

"Impudent!" Jing Gui Fei called her. Jing Gui Fei was astonished as Jiang Xi Yu no longer kept her manners.

Jiang Xi Yu continued in a calm and cold tone. "I never even dreamed of being where I am currently sitting. But the reality is... I am stuck here. Appearing in the middle of this life just as all of you suddenly became involved in my new life. Instead of knocking each other down, it would be better for us to favor each other."

"Do you think I do not know the feeling of losing someone?" Jing Gui Fei got back at Jiang Xi Yu.

But Jiang Xi Yu did not plan to let Jing Gui Fei ruin her moment. Hastily, she answered back at her.

"I do not care whether you have lost someone you care about before this. But surely I know you are losing your own son now. This is the result of your reckless actions and I feel there is no need to repay you for what you did to me." Jiang Xi Yu replied in full confidence.

Jing Gui Fei's eyeballs widened. Her mouth was opened to say something but it was closed again as she knew what Jiang Xi Yu said was right. Jing Gui Fei's people were in total shock as the gasp they made was clearly caught by Jiang Xi Yu's ears.

Maintaining her chin high enough, Jiang Xi Yu glanced at Ding mama. "Mufei seems to be falling sick because of erxi. Since Mufei bestowed Ding mama to Duan Wang Fu, no one treats Mufei better than Ding mama. Maybe erxi should let Ding mama return to Zhong Jing Hall to take care of Jing Gui Fei."

Ding mama stepped forward and kneeled in front of Jing Gui Fei.

"Jing Gui Fei, nubi have been serving you even before you joined the harem. But ever since Duan Wang Fei gave me a pardon for my crime, and even received nu back into the fu, nubi had pledged nu's life to serve Duan Wang Fei wholeheartedly. For the sake of Duan Qin Wang, nubi is begging Jing Gui Fei to take care of your health and bond a harmonious relationship with Duan Wang Fei to support Duan Qin Wang."

Jiang Xi Yu gave the opportunity for Ding mama to get to be back beside Jing Gui Fei, but it turned out Ding mama had her small compassion as a moral duty.

Jing Gui Fei returned her gaze on Jiang Xi Yu. After Jiang Xi Yu let out all of her grudge inside her heart, both her hands were shaking real bad. Jing Gui Fei noticed that too and she lent her hand to capture Jiang Xi Yu's hand.

"If only time could be turned back…" Jing Gui Fei said it with tears flowing down her cheeks. "I did send the Imperial taiyi to commit the crime to get rid of you. But he never informed me that you are carrying a child."

Suddenly, Jing Gui Fei made a confession. Her honest words made Jiang Xi Yu stunned. Jia mama, and He Lu gonggong, who stayed with them inside the chamber, followed Ding mama action. Both kneeled on the ground and gave Jiang Xi Yu kowtow.

"Wang fei, nucai believes the imperial taiyi was working with other allies. If Jing Gui Fei knew that wang fei was carrying a child at that time, Jing Gui Fei would not have plotted that crime against wang fei." He Lu gonggong pleaded on behalf of Jing Gui Fei.

"Wang fei, Jing Gui Fei's health is declining because of the guilty feeling she has inside." Jia mama added.

Jiang Xi Yu caught that between Jing Gui Fei's eyes. The guilt she finally showed. The arrogance of her was gone and Jiang Xi Yu got the apology she never knew she wanted.

Now both of them were just two mothers who just lost their child. Jiang Xi Yu could not bring the fetus to life, but she has the chance to bring back Li Fei Long to Jing Gui Fei. Jiang Xi Yu locked her gaze to Jing Gui Fei.

"The next time erxi visits Zhong Jing Hall, erxi is sure wang ye will come along. The Lantern Festival is right in the corner. By that time mufei needs to be healthy enough to attend the festival with us." Jiang Xi Yu gave her promise to Jing Gui Fei.

Then she took a deep breath to calm herself. Her hand returned the warm squeeze of Jing Gui Fei's hand. "Erxi will not disturb Mufei's time to rest and recuperate. Mufei, erxi ask permission to return to the fu."

Jiang Xi Yu stood up as Jing Gui Fei let go of her hands. With a gentle wave, Jing Gui Fei pardoned Ding mama. "Serve Duan Wang Fei as you have been serving me."

"Sure, Niangniang." Ding mama bowed before she straightened her back up.

After nodding her head, Jing Gui Fei swifted her eyes back on Jiang Xi Yu's. "If visiting is not possible, sending small birds is sufficient."

Jiang Xi Yu nodded as she understood what Jing Gui Fei meant.


On the day of the Lantern Festival, The Grand Chancellor's mansion was the most festive place out of all the places in the capital city. That day was the official day Han Yao Ying gong gege became Ruì Wáng Fei.

Han Yao Ying was waiting for Li Qing Feng to arrive and picked her up with the wedding carriage. Most of the commoners already gathered on the side of the main road, waiting to watch the second prince of the Empire pass by with his beautiful wedding carriage.

The Grand Chancellor and The Grand Princess have their own duty. While The Grand Chancellor stood by the front door to welcome all their guests, he was also waiting to welcome Li Qing Feng. On the other hand, The Grand Princess entertained the ladies guests that had already arrived.

Not even one guest noticed there was a woman who was anxious to join the wedding banquet. Because no one even knew that Pan Xi Yin even existed.

Pan Xi Yin has all dolled up for the occasion. The wedding banquet was all she was waiting for as she desperately wanted the world to understand who she was and her importance status in Grand Chancellor's fu.

She kept checking her face in the mirror. The last touch she made was plugging a big rock hair ornament into her already heavy hairdo. Then she rose to her feet in confidence to announce herself in front of all the guests outside. She believed that the timing was perfect to ruin The Grand Princess's face and after that she planned to awe the second prince by her appearance.

"Bai Xia, lead my way out to introduce myself to the all important people out there." Pan Xi Yin said in glory.

Strangely, Bai Xia looked at her with fear. Beside her were two other pozi, each of them holding a white long fabric in their hands. Both pozi looked very scary. They both slowly approached Pan Xi Yin as if they would soon attack her.

"Open the door and lead me out." Pan Xi Yin frowned in confusion at the three. Bai Xia shocked her head as the other two pozi were still approaching her in their flat expression.

Naturally sensing something was suspicious, Pan Xi Yin stepped back.

"What are you planning to do? Was it The Grand Princess's scheme to keep me inside? Do you realize what you are going to do to me? Once The Grand Chancellor knows both of you are doing this to me, there would be no mercy for you!" She threatened both of them.

Her voice rose gradually as the two pozi approached her and each of them caught her hands. Her strength fought back as one of the pozi tried to lock her hand. She moved lightly to avoid the cubby hands. She tried to run away from both pozi and hit the wooden pillar accidentally.

"The Grand Chancellor and The Grand Princess gave instructions to lock you inside the room and to keep you quiet throughout the banquet." Bai Xia explained in her soft voice. That lowly servant was afraid to help the pozi.

Pan Xi Yi growled angrily at Bai Xia. The servant that she trusted just stood by the closed door and did not help her at all. She kept running away from the pozi as she screamed at Bai Xia.

"Open the door and let me report to laoye what the ruckus you have made." She screamed out of her lungs.

Finally one of the pozi caught her slender hand and tried to pull her. To fight back, Pan Xi Yin used the method she learned from the street. She pulled one of the bu yao on her hairdo. She stabbed the pozi's hand until the blood spurted out.

"You bitch!" The other pozi tried to grabed her but Pan Xi Yin was faster. Out of anger Pan Xi Yin ran into Bai Xia. With the bu yao still in her hand, she tried to attack Bai Xia.

Bai Xia tried to dodge the attack but somehow the sharp tip of the bu yao scratched along her face. The pain made her stumble her feet as both hands withstanded Pan Xi Yin responsively.

Before Pan Xi Yin could scream out of her lungs again to get attention from the outside, one pozi managed to cover her mouth with a long white cloth. The other pozi managed to tie her hands behind her body.

With a breathless breath, Pan Xi Yin attempted to make a loud scream one more time but she was not able to do so. Anger possessed her. The cloth between her teeth was smelly and too tight. The pozi took turns punching her back and it was so painful. In her eyes she saw Bai Xia. Sitting on the floor with half face covered with blood, crying.

She was this close to spread her wings and become the woman she wanted to be. Her sight moved to the closed door. Her ears caught the noise from the outside. The sound of firecrackers detonating, the sound of wedding music, and the sound of the crowds greeted the prince.

A hard hit on her head made Pan Xi Yin collapse. All she saw was a blackout.