After Ashina Helu was captured, The Western Turk's troops lost their direction. The incident was unexpected and surprising for them and burned their anger to launch a war. The sub leader below Ashina Helu attacked Gaochang more viciously but without a clear direction. Their target was torn between trying to save Ashina Helu or defeating the power of the Xi Empire in the northwest.

Based on Li Fei Long's predictions, The Western Turks would split their troops. He insisted on dividing their group, Li Fei Long with General Jiang to hold on Gaochang, Great General Kong and Strategist Commander Bai in Karasahr, and Li Jin Qiu with Commander Lin in Kucha.

King Kan Bo Zhou and King Zhang fought along with Li Fei Long. King Ma fought along with General Kong and Commander Bai in Karasahr while King Qu fought along Li Jin Qiu and Commander Lin.

They all won the war easily. Ashina Helu stayed untouchable inside their dungeon while Xi empire's troops stayed alert after they hit back at The Western Turk's troops. Li Fei Long did not want to celebrate his first win too early. He learned from the Great General and stayed calm to wait to make sure that their win was absolute.

Now that summer has passed, the situation in the northwest started to get stable. They all were still staying on their post to build a security structure that was tighter than ever before. The trade route was open and in an instant life ran like normal.

King Kan Bo Zhou brought Li Fei Long to the Grape Valley which has totally different scenery from the Flaming Mountain. Located northeast from Gaochang, it was pleasantly cool in this green Grape Valley. This paradise was covered with layer upon layer of grapes.

Along with them, King Kan Bo Zhou brought also his wife, his first born son, and his favorite daughter. This was the first time Li Fei Long met the first lady of Gaochang and Princess Duva. The first lady of Gaochang was a princess from the previous dynasty who was married to the King for political purposes. The mother daughter duo appeared with half faces covered with yashmak, only showing the beauty of their eyes. Li Fei Long returned their greeting politely and let them lead him to the seating spot that was prepared for them right under the apricot trees.

"This place is like paradise." Li Fei Long complimented King Kan as he sat down in the space provided.

"Gaochang cannot be compared with the capital city but it has its own beauty." King Kan laughed happily. They were admiring the beauty of blooming apricot trees.

"I only know Gaochang is famous for the varieties of their grapes. This invitation educated me to know more about Gaochang." Li Fei Long lifted his chin to admire the beauty of the sun light barge in between the tree's leaves. The color of the leaves and the ripe apricots on every tree around them.

His mind flew away to Jiang Xi Yu. If she was here with him, he was sure she would be busy chattering while admiring the view. He wondered what she was doing at that time. Was she thinking about him the same way he did?

Li Fei Long smiled just imagining Jiang Xi Yu. He did not know he would miss someone that dearly. The Emperor must have known what had happened in the Northwest. Their status and condition was always monitored closely by The Emperor but still there has been no call back to the palace from The Emperor.

Like seizing the moment to open conversation with Li Fei Long, Princess Duva ordered her servants who were lining up with silver trays on their hands to come closer.

"Wangye, here we have about thirteen varieties of grapes such as Manaizi, Wuhebai and so on. These varieties of grapes were cultivated therefore every year the raisins production increased. Every single grape is crystal and juicy. Some are as green as emerald, some as red as agate, some as small as pearls while others are like olives. Among all these grapes, Wuhebai is reputed as a bright pearl. It is tasty and a treasure of Gaochang." Princess Duva halted his thinking of Jiang Xi Yu.

Her sweet voice made Li Fei Long turns his sight and found her already handed him a silver tray with a plate of Wuhebai grapes.

He picked up one and muttered. "A bright pearl."

"Wangye, please try it with this." Prince Kan Yi Cheng handed him a cup of wine. "After a bite of Wuhebai grapes, take a sip down of this wine."

Li Fei Long followed the advice while the four pairs of eyes watched him over with their excitement. The pearl-grape was not too sweet. The sweetness was just right combined with a sip of the special wine. The bitterness in the wine hit the sweetness of the pearl-grape in a full sensation. Li Fei Long was amazed by the combination taste. His expression made King Kan satisfied and laughed with pride.

"It is a flawless combination. A pearl and wine." Li Fei Long took another Wuhebai grape from the plate and savored it with the wine once again.

"Renjia asks permission to show wangye our traditional harvest dance to complete the ambience." Princess Duva bowed with one of her hands crossed her chest. Li Fei Long glanced at King Kan who smiled widely at him.

A simple nod from him was a cue for Princess Duva to start taking her position. A group of musicians brought up some instruments and the Princess started to dance along to the music. The rhythm was cheerful but yet sounded romantic at the same time. When the princess started to show off some of her foot dance technique, her yashmak fell to the ground, showing her charming beautiful face to Li Fei Long.

Li Fei Long grinned as Princess Duva seemed confident with her beauty. She did not look startled or become awkward by the accident. Instead, she moved her body more elegantly than before and constantly showed her confidence by keeping her eyes on Li Fei Long all the time.


In the middle of the night, General Jiang took a walk around the campsite before returning to his own yurt. A regular activity that he did to give himself a calmer state of mind while also allowing him to learn more about his subordinates. A habit he did not realize he did which made him get closer to his troops.

After finishing one round, he decided to get back to his yurt to rest. Before he reached his yurt, one soldier with war clothes with Gaochang's symbol approached him.

"General, Duan Qin Wang sent me over to report directly to you. There is an emergency situation that just happened."

General Jiang examined the local soldier who served as a prison warden. He looked away to his surroundings to be sure that no one was standing close to them to hear their conversation next.

"What emergency situation do you need to report to me?" General Jiang asked in a stern voice.

"A high profile hostage has stolen a horse and escaped from the dungeon, General." The soldier crossed one of his hands in front of his chest and slightly bowed to cover his face. "Duan Qin Wang with his trusted subordinates are chasing up the prisoner who we believe has taken the north east direction to escape. Before he left, Duan Qin Wang ordered me to inform General Jiang to follow and give them a hand."

Listening to the report, General Jiang understood the situation. He pointed at the nearby spot where his horse was tied.

"Untie and prepare my horse." He gave him the order and walked inside his yurt in a second. By the time he came out from his yurt, he brought along with him his archery equipment.

The soldier made sure the saddle on his horse was ready for him. In ease, General Jiang jumped on his horse and calmly gave his order to the soldier.

"Return to your post and wait for the next command."

After that General Jiang led his horse to the same direction the soldier told him. The night was cold and misty. The north east side was even more dark with a fertile valley that was in the season of harvest. His horse was galloping fast through the valley. A perfect way to hide for someone who has escaped prison.

Night fogs obscured the line of sight. General Jiang prepared his archery and steady his position to be ready. An ordinary person would be an easy target for him but this special hostage was different. Combined with the current situation, the runaway hostage could hide close to him.

General Jiang did not find any trace of Duan Qin Wang and his people. Along the path he took, he found no horse or footprints. He could have taken a wrong path therefore he rode his horse slower deeper into the valley.

When he reached the deepest side of the valley, he heard the steps of a horse right opposite him. The misty night blurred his vision. He knew there was someone right in his direction. General Jiang took out one arrow, aimed straight to his front. After a strong wind blew, he waited for a while before he launched his arrow.

The arrow darted through the mists and the leaves. It ended with the sound of it stuck on a hard surface. His opponent already moved with his horse. General Jiang grinned and kicked his horse.

A sound of an arrow darted into the mists approaching him, General Jiang dodged it skillfully. Both him and his opponent fight each other while riding their horses. Separated by a row of trees and the vision limited by the mist, they controlled their horses at the same speed heading in the same direction.

With skill, General Jiang took an aim with his arrow. Once again his opponent dodged him easily and returned the aim towards him quite fast. General Jiang dodged the fast attack by bending his back and gripped his thigh strongly to his saddle.

Knowing that the gap between them was getting closer as the trees started to narrow down. General Jiang gripped his sword from the side of his horse. At that moment, they passed the deepest alley. The moon shined brightly and against the fog. He pulled his sword and quickly plunged through the leaves, cut some tree branches, and the tip of his sword almost hit his opponent's chest.

Both men looked at each other. General Jiang pulled his hand as he was shocked to see who his opponent was. But it was too late.


Spending the whole summer at the Imperial Summer Palace made Jiang Xi Yu learn more about some people and also made Jiang Xi Yu get used to adapting the way she interacted with The Emperor.

During the summers spent there, several times The Emperor had banquets together. Each time, The Emperor seemed to be in a great mood so Jiang Xi Yu and others enjoyed the summer retreat gratefully.

The only thing that harmed Jiang Xi Yu's mood was that she tried as much as possible to avoid Li Qing Feng and Han Yao Ying. One was because of what happened in the valley. The other one was because Jiang Xi Yu cannot stand Han Yao Ying's arrogant attitude.

It was easy to avoid Li Qing Feng. Usually men and women have different social events. Several hunting events were attended only by the princes and close relatives of The Emperor. Meanwhile, many women attended other events like viewing flower blooming, showing off the embroidery results, and tea testing events. And in every such event, Jiang Xi Yu had to witness how The Empress Dowager or Shu Gui Fei always highly praised Han Yao Ying's talent in every aspect.

Before leaving The Imperial Summer Palace, The Emperor was throwing a feast. And, of course, Han Yao Ying was one of the performers while Shu Gui Fei was the one in charge of the feast.

That night Han Yao Ying played a song called Melody of Longevity of The Emperor with her Pipa. Jiang Xi Yu covered her boring state by taking a sip of her tea but somehow it was noticed by The Empress Dowager. The old woman made Jiang Xi Yu curse silently when she marked Jiang Xi Yu as soon as they applauded Han Yao Ying.

"Throughout this summer retreat, Rui Wang Fei has entertained us all with all her talents. Until Aijia just realized that Aijia was not paying attention to Duan Wang Fei." The Empress Dowager made all attention focused on Jiang Xi Yu.

Jiang Xi Yu almost spit out her tea.

The Empress Dowager continued her words calmly. "Is Duan Wang Fei not in prime condition? Aijia heard a lot of things have happened to Duan Wang Fei. It is a great fortune for Duan Wang Fei to have managed to pass all of that. When Aijia heard that Li Xi Shi and Duan Wang Fei almost had an accident recently, my heart felt heavy. Both are weak and childless, both must take care of yourself. If you are both healthy, both of you can comfort me like Rui Wang Fei."

The smile that never left The Emperor's face that night all of sudden disappeared after The Empress Dowager mentioned about the accident when Jiang Xi Yu and Li Xi Shi nearly ran over by horses. Han Yao Ying withdrew herself to the side as Jiang Xi Yu came up and carefully bowed to The Emperor, The Empress, and The Empress Dowager. Li Xi Shi came up in a hurry and followed her move right next to her.

"Erxi begs forgiveness from Taihou." Jiang Xi Yu said loudly. "The body is weak but the heart is too excited. The moment erxi received the invitation to join this summer retreat, erxi already felt excited. The beauty of this place is breathtaking."

"Your words are true. The beauty of The Imperial Summer Palace is indeed magnificent." The Empress Dowager cut Jiang Xi Yu's explanation quite fast. "Very much magnificent until Duan Wang Fei forgot Duan Qin Wang is fighting on the front lines."

The second hit made Jiang Xi Yu bit her lips. She still has her head bowed down very low. The Empress Dowager clearly hated her very much. After all, Han Yao Ying was still her granddaughter. She might have a grudge over her for causing Han Yao Ying to be married to Li Qing Feng instead of Li Fei Long.

"I believe mei mei is missing her husband dearly." Li Xi Shi helped out to ease the air. "Every time we admire the view, mei mei always expressed her desire to enjoy the beauty of this place together with didi. I believe this retreat can make it easier for us to gain more energy. I feel much more refreshed. Even Jing Gui Fei looks much brighter. Because of what Taihou said, I just realized that we thought less about how to entertain Taihou. I beg for forgiveness, Taihou."

Li Xi Shi kowtowed deeply next to Jiang Xi Yu. The favorite daughter of The Emperor and The Empress made The Empress Dowager uncomfortable.

"Huang shang, look carefully, there are many changes on Xi Shi." As The Empress smiled, she gave The Emperor a moment to examine the changes on Li Xi Shi.

The Emperor mumbled. Li Xi Shi nudged Jiang Xi Yu to lift up her face and Jiang Xi Yu did. She witnessed how The Empress Dowager's face was displeased. The Emperor nodded his head and touched his beard.

"Fuhuang, mei mei have a lot of knowledge about the many uses of natural ingredients for skin health. Her facial skin is always bright and radiant. The skin on her hands is soft. I really adore her appearance and knowledge of the blend of natural ingredients." Li Xi Shi gave praise and succeeded in making Jiang Xi Yu embarrassed.

"Huang shang, this young girl is very interested in natural beauty. She likes to experiment with all kinds of natural ingredients. She has no other talents other than dwell on the process of making facial treatments and makeup essentials for women." Jing Gui Fei added.

Even though Jing Gui Fei might have sounded like she regretted the talent that her daughter in law had, her facial expression said the complete opposite. Jing Gui Fei looked proud of Jiang Xi Yu.

"Unique talent. Does Duan Wang Fei also have an interest in health science?" The Emperor put curiosity on Jiang Xi Yu for the first time since the day she entered Imperial Families.

Jiang Xi Yu bowed lower. "Erxi is only interested in the use of natural ingredients for skin health and anything related with women's needs."

In fact, this was not even a talent. Jiang Xi Yu only remembered the ingredients included in many beauty products in the modern times. She liked to pay more attention to her appearance.

"No wonder Jing Gui Fei looks radiant from day to day. If allowed, chenqie is interested in trying some of its products." Shu Gui Fei entered into the circle of conversation. Like she did not want to lose a chance, Shu Gui Fei changed the focus on someone who has been her target.

Shu Gui Fei turned to her side where Jing Gui Fei was sitting down and shared the same table with her.

"Huang shang, since Jing Gui Fei got sick, we have not seen Jing Gui Fei's painting in a while. We all should see the results of Jing Gui Fei's master skill on painting while we are here. The scenery here is very beautiful, it would be such a waste if Jing Gui Fei did not capture its beauty and bring it back to the palace." Shu Gui Fei suggested.

Then The Emperor turned to the side and asked Jing Gui Fei with full concern. "How is Jing Gui Fei's current condition? Have The Imperial Taiyi checked on Jing Gui Fei regularly?"

"Chenqie is fortunate with Huang Shang's concern and Duan Wang Fei's attention on Chenqie's health to this day." Jing Gui Fei smiled brightly at The Emperor. "Chenqie feels a lot better each day. Tomorrow chenqie will start the painting and will finish after we go back into the Palace and present it for The Empress Dowager."

"Great!" The Emperor shouted with satisfaction.

Jiang Xi Yu received a second nudge from Li Xi Shi to return to her seat. Her eyes accidentally collided with Li Qing Feng's gaze but she tried to act normal.

The Emperor's trusted eunuch, Du Yun gonggong, came closer to The Emperor's ear. The Emperor lifted up his arms holding his cup but his expression changed after a word from Du Yun gonggong. Everyone in the hall tried not to look curious. They pretended to talk to each other but their eyes moved very fast to check what information that Du Yun gonggong had reported to The Emperor.

Jiang Xi Yu was the most indifferent of the others. She was back on her seat. Relieved that her matters were over. But, once again The Emperor took a look at her.

"Zhen will make sure Duan Qin Wang returns safely."

The sentence was too sudden.

Seeing The Emperor's gaze upon her, Jiang Xi Yu felt instantly paralyzed.


General Kong Li Jun arrived back at Gaochang after receiving the news about an accident that happened between Duan Qin Wang and General Jiang.

The moment he arrived at Gaochang, he purposely did not want to enter Khan's castle to greet King Kan Bo Zhou, instead he enjoyed his time inside his yurt with his trusted subordinate to report the outcome of the unpleasant incident.

"It happened according to the plan." His subordinate lowered his head while The General was sitting down on his seat and taking off one by one his armor suit. The subordinate of his continued to give his report.

"Just like we all predicted, the King of Qu secretly tried to set Ashina Helu free. In the midst of the chaos, I myself reported to Duan Qin Wang and General Jiang about the Ashina Helu who ran away from the dungeon. In pursuit of the escaped prisoner, Duan Qin Wang and General Jiang went out in the direction that I pointed out. They went separately and into the trap where The King of Qu's army awaited."

"Did he die?" The Great General Kong asked him nonchalantly.

He was already completely naked when he asked that question. Neither of them were awkward by this.

The subordinate shook his head. "By the time their people reached them, apparently both were already in very bad condition. According to Duan Qin Wang's close people, right now Duan Qin Wang and General Jiang are in critical condition. King Kan Bo Zhou has prepared his top physicians, trying their best to save Duan Qin Wang and General Jiang's life. But it seems the effort is useless. I heard they would not make it until tomorrow morning."

"Have you sent a confidential report to The Grand Chancellor's fu?" The Great General did not seem happy nor sad hearing this report.

His subordinate nodded firmly.

"We will catch King of Qu and his allies by tomorrow. Let's have a rest tonight before we deal with the real convict." The Great General Kong pointed to his subordinate to come closer to him.

The Great General Kong stood up from his seat to reach his precious chest next to his seat. Just like it was a usual thing to do, the subordinate followed his action with stripping himself calmly. In the perfect timing a Jusi woman who had blue eyes and light red coloured hair entered the yurt. She has already become General Kong's favorite woman these days.

On the day General Kong felt accomplished, he also wanted the Jusi woman to experience new things. He chose the dress he wanted to wear while the woman smiled silently after she noticed that the handsome young subordinate of the General was naked and horny in front of her.

"The Emperor must have received the report of this by now." The General was putting on the dress on him while witnessing the Jusi woman kneeling in front of the subordinate's hard tool. She touched the erected part but the subordinate stepped back to avoid her.

The General laughed at that scene before him.

"Take your seat." He pointed to his seat and the woman followed his instruction with a disappointed face. The General positioned himself kneeling in front of her as she sat down and opened her leg wide. She already knew The General loved to taste her private part as the opening act.

"I just killed two birds with one stone. Duan Qin Wang and General Jiang will not survive and his family will be gone soon. On the other hand, I will catch King of Qu, the traitor of the empire. The Emperor will reward me once more then my task is done." He said to the two people around him proudly.

Then The Great General lowered his head to get a taste of the Jusi woman's private part. The loud moan made him even more horny. He lifted up his butt and let the woman witness what happened next.

The erected subordinate looked very much excited. He positioned himself without any words behind The Great General. His muscled hands held The Great General's waist and he forced himself with full power into The General's back side.

The woman was surprised. Spontaneously, her hand pulled The Great General's hair. The powerful man on the border was full of surprise. Their lewd activity was getting hotter as the trio moaned wildly.

When the three of them were on the highest moment of their sex making, few people deliberately forced enter the yurt to surprise them. These people were none other than Duan Qin Wang, General Jiang, and Han Hong Yuan.

Duan Qin Wang was perfectly uninjured, smiling at the three people connected to each other, especially to The Great General who was wearing a woman's dress.

General Jiang could not hide his shockness. His eyes widened open and his jaw literally dropped down. The Great General who won so many battles and someone he put his deepest respect for was wearing a woman's dress and in a surprising position.

"Apologize for disturbing this special celebration, Great General Kong." Li Fei Long greeted him calmly. General Kong kneeled on the ground and was seen still with his mouth moist. He was shocked.

The young subordinate retreated himself but he could not run away as Li Fei Long and his fellas were blocking the way.

"You must be in a hurry to come here to follow the latest conditions regarding the matter of my life or death situation. Full of regret, ben wang has to inform you that ben wang is pretty much safe and sound." Duan Qin Wang touched his wounded chest but did not seem in a worrying situation.

"I knew the task my mother gave you, General. Unfortunately I have chosen to support a different party. I informed Duan Qin Wang and General Jiang about The Grand Chancellor and The Grand Princess's idea to get rid of the Duan Qin Wang and Jiang family line. Since then, we all have been waiting for what plan you have prepared." Confidently, approaching The General, Han Hong Yuan bent his knees to get a closer look on The General's face.

The General acted fast by pushing him down to the ground. He pulled his sword that was fixed nearby but General Jiang and Duan Qin Wang reacted right away. General Jiang pulled out a dagger and was fast enough to push it right next to General Kong's neck. Meanwhile, Duan Qin Wang threw a dagger and killed General Jiang's subordinate. He showed another dagger and warned General Kong.

"The next throw could be on your chest, General. My original plan was to gain your support, not to make you die ungraceful in this situation." Li Fei Long threatened him.

"My sword was for my neck. I am The Great General of the north border. The strongest and the fiercest General to protect the Empire. My name is ruined if anyone knows what The Great General is wearing." The General replied harshly.

He was one of the heroes of the empire. His sons followed his lead and served the empire in the military section. Once the words about him wearing a women's dress, it would put disgrace to his glorious name. It was either to kill himself before it was too late or to kill the three men who found out about his shameful secret.

"No one will know if The General declares your loyalty to me." Duan Qin Wang smirked.

The second dagger in his hand flew in a blink of an eye and killed the Jusi woman. General Jiang stayed alert with his dagger still next to General Kong's neck, while Han Hong Yuan watched the beautiful woman drop dead to the ground.

"He is loyal to The Grand Princess, Duan Qin Wang. Why do you want him alive?" Han Hong Yuan tried to stand up on his feet.

"The Great General Kong stood along with The Grand Princess, The Late Crown Prince and The Emperor to fight for this Empire. Ben wang believes The Great General Kong's loyalty is for The Empire. Regarding the past decision to plot my death, ben wang presumes it was because The Great General did not know ben wang very well to understand my power and ability." Duan Qin Wang explained the reason behind his strategies.

Duan Qin Wang stepped closer. He reached out to take over the sword from The Great General's hand. He pointed the tip of the sword right in front of The Great General's nose. General Jiang withdrew himself from General Kong slowly and stood alert next to Duan Qin Wang.

"Great General Kong Li Jun, Ben wang asks for the last time. Will you declare your loyalty to me and join me for the greater Empire in the future?" Li Fei Long sounded very much firm and stern.

Duan Qin Wang's face was serious and focussed on the stern face below him. The Great General looked deep in his eyes. There was no more embarrassment or surprise. The environment turned into a tense atmosphere.

The Great General was not afraid of death. That fact was known by everyone inside the room. The Great General chose to support The Grand Princess because he thought The Emperor was not capable. Duan Qin Wang can read it clearly from him.

With the tip of the sword pointing at him, The Great General studied what character Duan Qin Wang has. Was he more than anyone to be the most powerful person on The Empire?

"Benjiangjun, Kong Li Jun…" The Great General Kong formed both his hand and kowtow to Duan Qin Wang. "declares my life, my loyalty to Xi Empire and fully gives support to Duan Qin Wang and Duan Wang Fu. Please, grant this General punishment for the culpability..."

Before The Great General Kong finished his plea for his mistake, Duan Qin Wang lifted up his sword and quickly slashed until General Kong's right hand fell off. Blood splashed on them as General Kong squealed in pain and rolled onto the ground.

"Ben wang granted you this punishment. The Great General Kong has saved the life of Duan Qin Wang to the point of having to sacrifice one of his precious hands. When we all return to the capital city, Duan Qin Wang will beg for great reward and retirement from The Emperor. The wedding between The Great General Kong's eldest daughter with The Grand Chancellor and The Grand Princess's eldest son must be carried out immediately."

Duan Qin Wang watched The Great General Kong cry in pain and sorrow as he lost his right hand. As his tears were poured down, The Great General admitted inside his heart that this decision still has a long way to go. Duan Qin Wang was indeed beyond his thought he would be.