You dare to take it to another step?

After catching her breathe Linda shook her head in disbelief.

Zenith smirked.

"OK. Now can you say? Should I continue eating by feeding you each and every time so I won't complain your cooking."

"No, let's fetch the breakfast in the restaurant on our way to work.",Linda said as she did not like his idea.


Zenith dropped Linda in her studio and headed towards his office. Time ticked and it was time for them to return home. Zenith parked his car in front of her studio and walked inside.

He reached where she was working and saw her lying on the table with her eyes closed. She was sound asleep.

He walked towards her and scooped her in his arms after saving her work in the laptop and closing it.

With an hoarse voice she questioned him after putting her hands around his neck,"You have came to pick me,Zenith?"

"Mmm, I am here don't worry, go back to your sleep.", Zenith said and walked out of her studio.

He placed her in the passenger seat and secured her with seat belt and kissed her forehead.

Reaching home he placed her in their bed and covered her with the blanket.

He walked downstairs after washing himself up and looked at the time. It was just seven in the evening. He prepared their dinner and placed it on the tray and headed up.

He placed the tray on the night stand and shook her in the act of walking her up. But she was really lazy to wake up.

"Lin, wake up and eat your dinner and then continue sleeping.",Zenith said.

"Please not today. Let's eat together another day. I feel sleepy.",Linda said with her eyes closed.

"If you don't wake up, I will use some other methods to wake you up.",Zenith said this and counted till ten and then he bent down and started kiss her ravishly.

"Mm mm...,Zen...ith...,",Linda groaned with a little pain in between their kisses.

Linda was wide awake after the brief time in their passionate kiss.

"Good for you. You woke up or else I planned for taking it to another step.",Zenith said with a mischievous grin on his face.

Linda blushed but maintained with an angry voice and lifted her eyebrow,"You dare to take it to another step?"

"Of course not. Only when my wife permits.",Zenith said and lifted his hands in surrender.

When he caught her off guarded he again kissed her lips and continued tasting her lips.