You have fulfilled your promise

A smile crept on Linda's face. She was really overjoyed by what Zenith said about his love for Leila.

"So you loved her because you married her at your age of six.",Linda asked in an assurance in her tone.

"It wasn't that I loved her it was just that I promised her to be her husband in future but I can't."

"So do you regret it?",She was a bit disappointed and it was evident in her voice.

"You fool, it was just a game we played while we were young. I don't regret it. I only love you and it was my boon to get you as my wife.", Zenith meant each and every word he said.

Tears welled up in Linda's eyes. She was extremely happy to hear this from him.

"Let's go to bed. We will talk other things later.",with this Zenith hugged her and lied flat in the bed.

Linda was facing his bare chest, used his hand as her pillow and then suddenly lifted her head and said,"Actually, I really have to say you which is far more important."

Zenith lifted his eyebrow as he was curious to know what was more important and then he lifted her up to his head level and they both shared a pillow and then said in an ordered tone,"Say it."

She smiled and looked into his eyes and said,"Actually you have fulfilled your promise that you gave when you married when you was six."

"What?",Zenith asked as he did not get what she was up to.

"Yes, the promise you did to you bride when you was six.", Linda spoke with a suspense in her tone.

"So you say me that----",before he could say anything realization hit him and hugged her tight and said, "You were the girl whom I married when I was six."

"Yes, honey. It was me whom you married. If you don't believe me I can show you the ring you gave me. It will be somewhere in my parents home.",Linda said with a smile in her face.

"Somewhere?",Zenith was a little irritated when he heard somewhere.

"Yes, I literally forgot about that ring. But when you said me your story I remembered everything. It was just that I have married many in my childhood whereas you married only me. But I remembered those words which I said to you as it was really my first time to held someone's hands."

"But how was that your sister's words were extremely the same like the once you said while you were young.",Zenith was confused by this part, he accepted that it can also be Linda as he was also just assuming as he didn't know the girl's name who played as his bride.

"It was because that was my speech. I was supposed to be the host but I got a throat infection at the last minute which switched the position of the host and caused so many confusions."

Zenith was clear now and felt reviled as he married the one whom he promised when he was young.